Toy Store 02: New Business Venture

I’ve not had any comments on mistakes and hope that that’s a good thing. If you’ve just given up, please don’t. 🙂 As always, constructive comments are always appreciated and if you would like to help edit my work, please reach out.


The day after Annie and I had experimented with the first to devices I had made, Annie had hurt me with a blowjob and decided that the farm was our new home. We had gone downstairs giggling like teenagers, my cum still dripping from her snatch. She had decided her new job would be researching new toy ideas for me to make. Spending her days looking at sex toys had her pounding me at almost every opportunity.

In the city, we had both been very dominant and had fun fighting for control in the bedroom. The addition of these bondage devices had her like putty in my hand. She would happily suck my cock or take it up the ass if it means she could test out the latest corrections to the cage or even get a toy out of the toy box I had locked after finding her passed out on our bed having got sidetracked from research. The dildo in her ass and vibrator still on and buried in her pussy making it rather obvious what had happened.

She had also noticed the price of the different toys I was replicating. Somewhere worth thousands yet I could make a couple a day. After a few weeks, we agreed to turn a dilapidated barn on the far side of the farm into a new workshop. Within weeks, we went from three employees to eight as we struggled to keep up with orders. Word quickly spread that our products weren’t just good quality, but also thought through. We didn’t advertise that we had tested every single product to the nth degree, but the comments often alluded to it.

I had felt my relationship with Annie shifting more and more as time went on. The lively, smart and sometimes bratty woman has become obedient, docile and solely motivated by sex. On my birthday, she had surprised me with a threesome. Apparently, she had meta local waitress, Ella in a club in one of the “nearby” towns and hit it off. The woman still lived with her parents, and fed up that the only men she met, she’d known since childhood. Without the confidence to leave, she’d essentially become as celibate as a nun.

Although a larger woman than those I have been with before, her head-sized tits had been great fun to play with. From celibacy to fucking with Two nymphs running a sex toy store, the poor woman didn’t really have a chance. Her initial nervousness around being nude in front of two almost strangers was washed away with her first orgasm. By her third she was barely able to make full sentences, and after the fifth she we had to put her to bed as it felt like any more would be taking advantage despite her exhausted pleasures for more.

Ella had knocked on our door a few weeks later, bright red and teary eyed. She hadn’t been able to forget about that night and wanted to become our pet. Before I could formulate a reply, Annie was hugging her and giggling, welcome her into my harem. Finally noticing my serious look, Annie just turned at me and pressed on the woman’s shoulders. Still in the doorway of our front door, the woman sank to her knees, fished out my cock and started playing with it.

Annie soon had her trapped between our bodies as she leaned over her and kissed me. Soon hard, Annie started fucking me with our new slave’s mouth. Any thoughts of telling Annie off or turning away this woman were forgotten as I emptied my balls down my new slut’s throat.

“Welcome to your new home.” I smile down at her, stroking her blonde hair.

“Really?” Ella asked, looking up at me a string of drool still connecting her mouth to my cock.

“Really. Now clean it.” Annie agrees with me, before returning her attention to my cock.

She obediently licked and sucked my cock clean before gently putting it away and zipping up my trousers.

“I left my parents a note saying I was leaving. Driving into the unknown to start a new life.” The woman told us as we went inside and Annie put on the kettle whilst we sat at the dining table. “It’s not a lie, but I think it should mean no one will come looking for me here.”

“Being with us doesn’t mean you can’t go back and visit your family.” I point out.

“I’m fed up of them treating me like a disappointing failure. And my step dad Just leers at me like I’m just a sex object.” She tells us, her tears returning.

I ignore the fact she did just blow my cock willingly and focus on learning more about her. We hadn’t exactly chatted much on my birthday. I had expected her arrival to cause Annie to return to her more dominant ways. Instead, Ella’s desperation to please me had rubbed off on Annie. Both of them started We agree that they would do chores and help with the company in return for points. Every product on our website would be thoroughly tested by each of them. Points havea cash and a reward conversion, meaning they can each earn the use of toys or purchase new ones.

Nervous that they might grow to compete against each other and start disliking one another, I let them play together with our entire toy box for an hour every Sunday. It’s almost always the highlight of my week, watching the pair go down on one another, giggling, and fucking without a care in the world. Both of them have lost any sense of embarrassment and they fist one another only to stick their glistening fingers up their own or the other’s noses.

Not only have their bodies get used to taking all the toys, but they also are able to compare the benefits and issues of each new product, providing better feedback. As it’s my job to ensure each product is up to our standard, I make sure to regularly assess the checking processes myself. Stepping into to give my testers feedback or a helping hand whenever and however I deem necessary.

Soon I was employing electronics enginers and coders as my company steadily grow. We discovered Ella has a thing for latex and soon she was spending most of her rewards on spending a day completely clad in latex. Through one purchase, I met a woman called Clare who makes handmade latex and leather outfits. Her work was typical beautiful yet she was struggling to make a living as she would take almost a month per item. I brought her on board and soon two of her friends joined as well making different fetish outfits. With my workshop’s facilities, they could all make better products quicker.

Clare came over for lunch one day to chat about work and as she was nervous about the size of the company and if her and her friends would lose autonomy when it came to what their products were like. I confirmed that they wouldn’t and our conversation shifted to how we each got into this line of work. She had been a professional dominatrix for a few years but after meeting her now ex-husband, she had decided to become monogamous.

She had already moved into the countryside and set up her little solo business before they had divided and she decided against moving back to the city. She had a couple of online subs through the last few years but still wished to find a full-time sub. Much to my horror, Ella chose this point in the conversation to enter the room dressed in one of Clare’s outfits. The happy and quickly embarrassed woman looked stunning. The inbuilt corset not only clinked her waist, but thrust up her ample tits. The pink between her legs give away the inbuilt condom sleepe buried in her pussy, and from helping push it into her this morning, I know there is a similar one in her ass.

“Goodness me, don’t you just look gorgeous!” Clare gasped as she sees the shiny slut enter.

“Ella, what are you doing?” I asked her, having told her and Annie I was having a visitor for lunch.

“Oh my. Sorry Sir.” Ella mumbled, quickly fleeing from the room.

“Matt, she doesn’t have to go. It’s always nice to see my work in use.”

“Ella!” I shouted over the pattern of her bare feet running up the stairs. “You’re right, your work is always lovely to see.”

Clare laughed at my comment as Ella came back into the room, face down and hands dropping by her sides.

“That’s no way to show off a work of art. Head up, sway that ass and show off that beautiful outfit for Its maker.” I scold Ella, watching her face light up and then go even more critic as she realized I wasn’t calling her a work of art.

As someone who loves spanking and managements to get off on not getting off, the only form of punishment I’ve found to work on Ella is humiliation. Even this is tough though, too much and she cries, and too little and she doesn’t even spot it as being a punishment.

“May I?” Clare asked me, still admiring Ella as she pretends that she’s on a cat walk going back and forth across the kitchen.

“Sure.” I smiled, also admiring my beautiful sub.

“Come heregirl.” Clare ordered firmly.

Ella tiptoes over to us, her face still red but an excited smile now plastered on her lips.

“Thank you for making this beautiful outfit, Mam.” Ella grinned as she put her arms behind her back and thrusts her hips and chest out.

“You’re welcome, it looks lovely on you.” Clare said, her fingers running over the seams of the corset.

I watched as the woman admired her own work, wondering what was going through her mind. If she was at all interested in the soft flesh beneath it.

“How well trained is she? I noticed she doesn’t walk correctly.” Clare asked, turning to me after patting Ella’s hip.

“She is obedient. I don’t focus much on specific training. For me it’s about having fun and pleasure. I have no interest in spending an hour getting them to stand or walk in a certain way if I could spend that time using them in more enjoyable ways.” I stated.

Despite working with this woman and others on sex toys and outfits, itseemed wrong discussing them actually being used or other intimate information about our lives.

“Them, you have multiple untrained pets?” Clare asked, eyebrow raised.

“Two subs. Yes.” I admitted, mentally hitting myself for letting that slip.

“What if you let me spend an hour or two training either one of them. I’d do it for free?” Her excitement at the possibility was more than evident.

“And what would you want in return?” I asked, nervous of her plans.

“They are yours. I won’t even touch them without your permission.” She stated. “I need to get back to work now anyway. Have a think about it and get back to me.”

That night I had spoken to both my subs and Annie was instantly excited. Ella had admitted to being slightly Too intimidated by the firm woman. The first time Annie had gone, she had spent an hour with the woman and returned happy, horny and eager to show off her new walk and poses. It was definitely a lovely sight to watch, especially whenElla joined in and I had two stunning sluts obeying my every command.

Annie started having lessons once a week with Clare. After asking me permission after one session, we agreed that she could use her hands and tongue to please the woman in payment. Her own pussy and ass remained strictly for my entertainment though. Occasionally I would walk in on Annie teaching Ella something new and after a month the pair started doing yoga each morning. Watching their nude bodies move into different, exposing positions was a wonderful way to eat breakfast. Even better was the sex that followed, making use of their warm, flexible bodies.

A few weeks ago, I was working out in my workshop on an upgrade of the one bar prison. I’m quite excited about this new toy, not only can this one slowly rotate, but the feet lock into the base at an angle to ensure they calves are activated and their ass pops. It is also designed to have one or two poles and has a Bluetooth positioning link to a pair of cuffs and a collar so the trapped damsel will be punished should they change pose. Whilst in the workshop, I got a text from an old colleague in the city inviting me to his party.

Not only is this guy a successful banker, but he also comes from money. Each year his party gets more extravagant. Paid dancers, open bars, fireworks. Last year had been on a superyacht. This year it’s in the highest rooftop locke in the city. Not only does he invite friends, colleagues and the big names of the city, half the invites are to models, actresses and other beautiful women. This makes his parties famous not only for the activities on the night, but for the relationships that start and end at them.

Annie and I had only been to the city once since we had gone to the countryside for my parent’s funeral. That had only been for a weekend to clear out our flat and to have a farewell drink with a couple of close friends. With my old flat now rented out, we decided to book a room in the experimentnsive hotel that took up the first ten floors of the building. Far more extravagant than we were used to even before we moved to a few days before we moved to a few days before the party and just enjoyed the spa and pool facilities.

Annie had planned to reach out to some old friends but we ended up barely leaving the building once. It felt weird being a couple again. I hadn’t even really noticed the switch in that side of our relationship but we don’t really act as a couple at all now. I’m a hot sleeper so have taken to sleeping on my own. Annie and Ella either sleep together, in a form of bondage in my room, or in the dog bed at the foot of my bed.

“Do I look good?” Annie asked me, somehow managing to be geneuine while looking like an absolute bombshell.

“I guess pinning you to the bed and having my way with you would ruin your make up and make us even later than we already are?” Are reply, mentally stripping her of the lost red dress.

The droopy fabric threatens to expose either breast if she were to turn too quick or even a slight breeze catches the fabric. As it is, the inner third of each perfect breast is on show.

“Wait until later and I’ll use the base of your cock to wipe off my lippy.”

Satisfied with her effect on me, she leads the way out of the room. Whilst the dress is long, almost down to her black heels, the two slits on either side expose each leg as she walks. It’s more mesmerising than if she was just in a short dress as each step has you wondering how much leg will be exposed. Once we get upstairs and are outside, a perfectly timed gust of wind will reveal her lack of panties to anyone looking.

As we stand, waiting for the elevator, I slide a hand into her dress and fondle an ass cheese as we watch the numbers above the lift door approach ours.

“You going to behave?” She asks me as the lift dings.

“No, you?” I smile, looking at the lift doors as they slide open.

Sadly noone is in it to catch me, Annie lets out her breathe I hadn’t noticed her holding as she walks into the lift.

“I know it isn’t your birthday, but I thought it would be rude not to give you something for coming out with me tonight. I smile at her as I pull out a little box from my pocket.

“Ohh, you really didn’t have to. But thank you Matt.” She smiles, giving me a peck on the cheek before taking the box and opening it. “It’s beautiful.”

It’s almost impossible to tell it isn’t a normal necklace whilst it’s in the box. I carefully lift it from the box and she spins so I can put it on her. She holds her hair out of the way as I clip it in place.

“Haha, it’s a bit cold.” She giggles as she turns back to me. “There is still a two-ball thing in the box.”

I ignore her, sorting out the chains hanging down her chest. There are three layers of chains, a couple of red stones in the middle of each. Once their untangled, I focus on the remaining two chains that hang, unattached down her dress.

“Oh no.” Annie gasps as she looks in the lift’s mirror and spots what is in my hand.

“Oh yes.” I laugh as I gently attach the first of the two clips to her nipple.

I get a gasp from her as each one is clipped to its corresponding nub. Once both are done, I correct her dress so her breasts are covered once more.

“And the balls, are they…” Her voice dies, a rare occasion for her.

“Would you like to do the honours or shall I?” I ask her, beaming at her.

She takes the balls and hands me the box, looking somewhat less amused as I am. I pocket it and watch her, unable to stop smiling. Her frown brakes as she slides the metallic gold balls, conjoined by a red silican housing, inside herself. We can both hear how wet she is and her heavy breathing. With her hand still beneath her dress and her lips parted as she pushes the cold ben wa balls inside herself, the doors open.

“Welcome…” A man starts, holding a tray of drinks befor he spots Annie disappearing arm and his voice dies.

Annie’s hand quickly withdraws from her dress and she goes to hide it behind her back.

“Thank you.” I smile at him, catching Annie’s now wet hand and holding it as we walk into the party.

We each take a glass from the mute man’s tray as he looks at us, eyes wide.

“Was that really necessary?”

“Necessary, no. Better than I had expected, yes.” I smile, kissing her lips as she scowls at me.

“Matt, I think you might have scarred that poor man for life.” She says, looking over our shoulder at him.

“He’s a young man. He’ll relive that moment over and over, but it’ll only excite him.” I state, earning Annie’s scorn for a whole new reason.

We soon find people we know and start chatting. The bold, confident Annie doesn’t return as I thought it might. I don’t know if it’s the little gifts I gave her or that her old self is no longer there, but she remains clinging to my arm the entire evening. We both laugh and chat though, enjoying the opportunity to socialise with people we haven’t seen for around half a year. Annie steadily becomes quieter, as the party goes on. Having not spoken to so many people in one night for so long, I quickly grow exhausted and join Annie in mainly listening.

“I don’t think I’ve spoken to as many people as I’ve spoken to tonight in the last three months.” Annie laughs as we excite ourselves from a group and head to the bar.

“You miss it or…?” I ask her, generally curious.

“I miss a couple of my old friends, but not these big parties. All these people spend so much of their lives sat at a computer. They wake up, rush breakfast, sit in a car or stuffy train to a dull office, and when they get home, they’re too exhausted to do anything but zone out before the TV. I live more in the first two hours of the day than they do from Monday through to leaving work on a Friday.” Annie points out, wrapping her arm possessessively around meand pulling me against her.

“I’m quite tipsy.” I say, grabbing two glasses of water from the side and passing one to Annie

“Me too, want another?” Annie smiles back, necking her water and waving at the barman over.

We order our drinks and turn to watch the party, arm in arm. I must say I agree with her. The main highlight of the party for me so far was the elevator ride up. Catching up with my old colleagues has only made me more grateful that I have escaped it, even despite the reason I have left. From the outside, this life seems amazing. Fast cars, beautiful girlfriends, and great parties. But really, there isn’t much that’s actually fun about owning a fast car in a city. The beautiful women are only around for your money. And the great parties are full of smiling, dancing Drunkards who sneak off to the bathroom to feel alive. Returning either with a bloody nose or and STD.

“Matt!” A booming and very drunk voice shouts from about two meters away.

“Jeremy, hello. Thanks for the invite.” I do my best impression of someone who’s happy.

I step forward and shake his outstretched hand. As usual, he crushes my hand as we shake. I no longer work in the banking sector and hidden under my suit is some reasonable arm muscle. Just for the hell if it, I squeeze back. He stars me down as neither of us yield. I roll my fingers slightly, causing his joints to misalign and he quickly yields. Whilst no one has noticed our little game, the little frown pulling at his otherwise happy expression is all the satisfaction I need in confirming my victory.


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