As always, thank you to those giving me comments. It really is helpful. Also, I am looking for editors to help both catch mistakes I miss and to give me some suggestions on how to improve both my descriptions and plots.
“I’m really sorry for your loss Matt. If there is anything you need. Anything at all, we’re both here for you.” An old woman said, patting me on the Shoulder before her and her husband walked out of the church.
I just wanted to tell everyone to fuck off and leave me alone, but I knew these people mean well. I clenched my fists in my pockets as I spotted another couple approaching me. I let out a sight of relief as my girlfriend appeared between us and casually guided the pair past me and out of the door. She gave me a soft and understanding smile as she escorted the couple outside. I gave her a small nod in thanks but the break was short lived as yet another old woman came to offer her confidences.
My parents had passed away three weeksAgain in a car crash down a country lane near our family home. It was a shock to me and the entire village that was near to our farm. Being so remote, everyone knows everyone around here. This means that the entire church had been packed for their funeral. A pleasant thought at first but once the ceremony had ended, I started to wish it had been empty. These people had known me as a kid, and barely seen me once in the last twenty years since I had moved to the city for work.
Eventually the last few people bid farewell and Annie and I were free to head back to my parents’ farmhouse. It’s a beautiful, yet simple, stone house. Plants cover half of the stonework making it colorful during the summer, and the smoke that billions out of the chimneys make it homely in the winter months. I would have missed living here if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s half an hour into the village and five hours to any large towns. I work in the nearest city and it was an eight-hour drive.
The dayAfter the funeral my parents’ solicitor came around to go through the will and my parents’s assets. We’d spoken multiple times the past few weeks in the lead up to the funeral so there aren’t any big surprises. I’d known my parents were well off given that they owned the large farm they spent their lives running. Yet we had led a simple life; running a farm hadn’t allowed much time for extravagant holidays and my parents had crashed in the car that was almost as old as I was. And before you say it, no, that wasn’t the cause of the crash. The drink driver going double the speed limit was the cause of their, and his, deaths. Not a steel workhorse of a car that didn’t have powered steering.
Working in the banking sector, I am aware of the tax implications around paying off the tax on the property as I don’t want to lose the farm. Having already looked into how much cash I could quickly get my hands on, the solicitor showing me a breakdown of my parent’s finances really make me wonderer why they’d always said no when I had always dreamed of going skiing as a kid.
Over the next few weeks my girlfriend and I spent our time chilling on the farm. My parents had long since stopped running the farm in a hands-on manner so we are able to just relax and worry about the paperwork later. Life here is so different, I had almost forgotten what it’s like to sleep through without the noise of sirens or drunk people waking you in the night. The sex is also far more fun. We are far from vanilla even in the city, Annie and I both love to fuck next to or even against the window of our flat. Looking out at the city and making up stories about who is looking back at us gets both of us panting. Out here though, we are able to have sex in our garden, in the woods, even once in the stables. The last was a tad too smelly and unhygienic to be repeated.
My dad had loved looking after the farm machines, and had taught me how to fix engines and weld broken trailers. Since I’d left, my dad had only added to his worksshop. After catching me playing around with my dad’s kit, Annie had jokingly suggested I make us some new toys to add to our already large collection. Two days later, she is strapped into a wooden and metal cross in the living room, her magic wand tied to her leg vibrating gently against her pussy.
“Please.” She begged as I walk into the living room.
I’d left Her here almost two hours ago having promised today would be fun. Promptly after getting her all tied up though, I had headed over to the farm office about a mile down a track to discuss the farm’s running with the team my parents employee. Although I hadn’t let her know, I did keep a live feed from a hidden camera to my phone so I could keep an eye on her. It also means that for the entire walk back, I’d put my headphones in and just listened to her moans and bratty threats.
“Please what?” I ask, relaxing on the sofa with a glass of water and ice.
Annie is a beautiful woman. As an actress and dancer working in the theatre industry, she has muscle definition and is wonderfully flexible. As I watch her, I can see her muscles flexing against her bindings. Her skin glistens from the sheen of sweat now covering her body. She can only get her toes on the ground if she really stretches her feet, leaving most of her weight in the leather cuffs strapped to her wrists and ankles. They’re proper cuffs though that we’d bought in the city, so whilst she is far from comfortable, she isn’t going to hurt herself.
“Please, Matt. Turn the vibrator up. Or better yet, get me down off this infernal cross and fuck me.” She tries to sound demanding, but her gasps and moans that interrupt her words give away her desperation.
I watch a little line of liquid running down her thigh, wandering if it’s sweat or something sweeter. Her pink face almost matches her areolas and little nipples that point at me from on top of her small but perky breasts. I stand and walk up toher. The extra couple of inches her bindings give her means we are now practically eye level with one another.
“Water?” I offer her, pressing the glass against her bright, lipstick covered lip.
She takes a sip, but doesn’t thank me.
“What do you say to someone who’s done something nice for you?” I ask her, casually fishing out an ice cube as I stare her down.
“I’d says thank you. What do you say to someone who’s left you strung up like a drying piece of meat?” She refuges, doing her best to lift herself up so she is a few inches taller than me.
“Oh, because you’re so dry right now?” I chuckle, pressing the ice against one of her nipples causing her next counter to come out as a gasp.
“Ohhhh, fuck.” She shudders.
I make a slow spiral with the ice, eventually running it just under her breast before moving to the other breast and doing the same pattern in reverse. There is barely any ice left between my fingers so I pop it in her open mouth and scoop out another piece.
“Please.” She begs again.
Ignoring her request, I run the ice from her lower lip downwards. Her body flexes and shakes, especially as I descend her stomach.
“Please, please…” She pants as I approach her pussy, her words becoming more like moans than words with each repetition.
I move to the side that doesn’t have her still buzzing vibe, her legs shaking as I cool her already damp thigh.
“Use your words slut. You know there is only one word that will get you what you want.” I tell Annie as she continues to mumble inaudibly.
I rise and push the remanence of the second ice cube into her mouth.
“Please fuck me… Sir.”
I love her wide green eyes when she gets to this point. We are both quite dominant, loud personalities, so surrendering is never something either of us do easily. Rather than cause arguments between us, it had started a competition. Even when willingly tied up, we will both remain annoying, demanding andstubborn until we admit defeat. To do so, I must call her “Mistress” or she must call me “Sir”. Once one of us has surrendered, we are free use and semi obedient for the rest of the day/night.
“Good girl.” I smile, patting the inside of her thigh.
“Uh.” Annie grunts as I shift my hand so I’m gently slapping her very wet pussy.
She tries to clnch her legs together as I continue tormenting her pink pussy.
“Ah. That stings.” She gasps, her body shaking. “Ohhhh…”
Her complaints cease as I press my hand against her, just grinding it over her wet folders. The vibrator feels funny against the back of my hand, making it vibrate and coating the back of my hand with her juices.
“Aww. Plee… Aw fu…” Annies’s whole body flexes forward off of the frame before slamming back as I alternate between slapping and teasing her pussy.
Only once she is a drooling, quivering, incomprehensible mess do I slide three fingers into her.
“Ohhhhh…” She sights as I press into her, her pussy clenching down on me.
With my thumb on her clip, my pinkie joining my other fingers in side her. From her exercise and regular use of ben wa balls, she crushes my fingers each time she tenses. More than used to it, I start fuck her with her hand. I keep my wrist against the wand, making my hand vibrate as I rid my girlfriend of her brain. I press my other hand gently against her chest between her breasts. Not pinning her in place, but just feeling her body shake and her lungs struggle in their attempts to draw in air. I smile at my girlfriend as she loses the ability to close her mouth.
I’m grateful there isn’t anyone anywhere near our house, otherwise they would think someone is being murdered. The other benefit we’ve been taking advantage of is our lack of neighbors. As her wide eyes plead with mine, I start to struggle. My cock is getting painfully hard in my trousers. As her drool hits my hand on her chest, I can’t help but be impressed that she’s still conscious. I’m the giver not the receiver in all this, yet the sounds, feeling and smells are making it hard for me to think straight.
“FUUUUUUUU…” Annie suddenly screams.
Her voice is so loud I flinch back for a split second before redoubiling my effort between her legs. As her orgasm takes control of her body, I slide my other hand up to her neck, wrapping my fingers around and squeezing it, knowing she loves the helplessness. Her eyes have rolled up as all four limbs pull inwards as though she is trying to curl into a ball. I don’t know if she has squirted or pissed herself, but my trousers and arm are soon drenched and I am standing in a punchle.
“Ohhhh… my God.” Annie laughs, her body relaxing but her voice still shaking.
I carefully unclip her cuffs from the cross and hold her in my arms, kissing her on her lips, nose, forehead. Really anywhere I can whilst she catches her breath.
“Thank you, that was amazing.” She smiles up at me.
“You’re welcome.” I chuckle, brushing her sticky mousy brown hair out of her sweaty and saliva covered face. “Let’s get you showed.”
“What about him?” Annie asks, grabbing a hold of my cock currently making a tent in my trousers.
“Ohh.” I gasp at the sudden sensing. “You can’t even take your own bodyweight.”
“So? There are quite a few sex positions that don’t require the woman to stand. Most in fact.” Annie points out, starting to slowly jerk my cock through my trousers.
“You sure?”
“I’m wet, weak and helpless. Practically a sex doll. You really going to pass that up?” Annie raises an eyebrow at me.
I don’t both answering. My parents have had a horrible, garishly pink couch in the living room I have Always hated. What better way to need a replacement than by having messy sex on it until the only option is burn it. With that decided, I throw my girlfriend onto it. I smile at her squeal of surprise that turns into a giggle as she watches me strip. Once naked, I grab her legs and spin her so she’s on her back, ass hanging over the edge. I push her legs up towards her head with one hand.
“Give me your hands.” I order her.
She obeys and I clip her wrist cuffs together, trapping her legs up in the air. Helpless and exposed, I slide my cock into her slick hole. We both scar as I push into her. Along with my dark mind, I think my cock is the reason Annie dates me. Her description of it is, “long enough to reach everything, wide enough to fill me, but narrow enough to pound me”. Think that will forever be the nicest comparison I will ever get.
“You waiting for me to fall asleep or something?” Annie taunts me, looking up from between her legs and arms as I slowly fuck her.
I get a squeal from her as I slap her tigh. I also pick up my pace.
“Maybe we should invest in a sexdoll. Would be nice to have sex occasionally without hearing your sarcastic comments.”
“Or a second cock? I’d be quieter if Ihad a cock in my mouth.”
“Why not a second woman then?”
“Then you’d have two people pointing out your flaws. Trust me, a second man is the only solution.”
“So, you wouldn’t even shut up if I said I’d fuck the other woman if you spoke?”
“Probably not. You’d just be depriving yourself of my tight pussy. We both know that wouldn’t last long.”
“I’m sure I could find a woman willing to just sit on your face. Extra pair of tits and guarantee your silence.”
“That has some potential. I still think…” Her words get lost as I pull out and quickly flip her over, burying her face in the cushion as I drive back into her.
“Ahh, peace and quiet.” I cache evilly as I grab her hips and start fucking her properly.
“Fucking finally!” She shouts into the cushion as she starts slamming her ass back.
The cushion does muffle her grunts and cries slightly, but I can still hear them oscillate with my thrusts. As she is almost always noisy in the bedroom, we have had to be careful living in a flat. Out hear though, there are no such issues. I grab a handful of her hair and pull her up slightly to hear her cries of pleasure, loud and clear
“Yesss. Fucking. Break. Me. Matt. Flood. My. Womb. Oh, shit. Yes. Rub. Clit. Ah, ah, yes. Yes.” She gasps between thrusts.
My free hand alternates between grabbing her hips, teasing her clip and spanking her ass. I feel my orgasm starting to build as I continue thrusting into her.
“Fuck your sex doll. Yes. You feel so good. I’m just a toy. I’m going to come. Keep going. Yes. Break me.” Her words become raspy.
I reach around and grab her neck with one hand, shoulder with the other. Limiting her breathing and now able to slam into her harder, I fuck her for all I’m worth. Her words descend into grunts as her tight pussy clamps down on me. We know each other well enough that we’re both aware that the other is close to cumming. We also know how competitivewe both are and so whilst neither of us relent in our fucking, both of us resistant release for as long as possible.
“Shit. Fuuu…” I gasp, losing to her tight hole and flooding her womb.
“YEAAHHHH!” Screams Annie as if my orgasm has given her permission to go over the edge.
Happy in the knowledge she has long since been on birth control, I flood her womb over and over as our sweaty bodies continue to slap together.
“Oh, that feel good.” I sight as I burn myself and hold my cock deep inside of her still slightly vibrating body.
“So good.” Annie sights, twisting to smile back at me.
After a minute, I pull out and collapse next to her on the sofa and catch my breath. I stroke her hair and face as she looks at me, still bound and panting.
“I’ll unclip you once you’re ready to clean my cock.” I smile down at her as she squirms beside me.
“I’ll clean you now Sir. But please can you turn off the vibe Matt, my pussy is sooooo sensitive.” Annie pleads.
I laugh having completely forgotten about the toy still strapped to her leg.
“Of course, my pet.” I reach between her legs and turn it off, getting a sight in response.
I can’t get the cuffs undone so I give her a little shove so she falls onto her side and I can see what I’m doing. I chuckle as I see the large dark patch beneath her, this cushion is going to stink of sex now. Once she’s free, she drops to her knees between my legs and starts cleaning my cock and balls gently with her hands and tongue. After cleaning my thoroughly, she crawls up my body, giving my body sloppy, farting kisses. Sitting in my lap, she pulls herself into me as I wrap my arms around her.
“What do you think about me quitting my job?” I ask her after we’ve been sat chilling for a few minutes.
“What?” She asks, sitting up and looking down at me in shock. “Why?”
“I have money, we could live here. I could spend my days making fun toys, and we can spend our evenings playing with them.”
“Seriously? And leave the city?”
“We don’t have to. But it is an option. I only really got into banking for the money. After spending the last two days having fun making the rig and some other contractions. And the fun we’ve been having on the farm. I don’t see why we would ever go back?”
“But our friends, our lives?”
“We can keep the flat and go up to the city every now and again. Anyway, it is only an idea. Have a think about it, and what you would do if we were to stay here.” I smile, kissing her nipple as I can’t reach her face.
We go back to hugging again, her sticky face nestling into the crook of my neck.
“Other contraptions?” She suddenly whispers in my ear.
“You said you made other contractions.”
“Maybe.” I chuckle.
She makes a farting noise in my ear.
“Hey. Behave.” I laugh, playfully slapping her ass.
“Or what? You going to cage me? Trap me in a one-bar prison?” She taunts me beforefarting in my ear again.
“That’s it.” I sigh, throwing her off me.
“Hey.” She whiles before laughing as I stand and pick her up, carrying her over one shoulder.
“Really, you’re going to clean me of my filter mind?” She laughs as I carry her into the wet room.
“You’re going to prepare your body for anal whilst I go mop your piss off the floor in the other room you degenerate whore.” I retort, setting her down.
“Just as long as you don’t forget that I’m your degenerate whore.” She continues to laugh.
I remove her cuffs and until the vibe from her leg.
“Clean your ass thoroughly, then I want you to give yourself a lube enema and plug it.”
Once I clean up the living room, I return to find her reapplying her making up. She puts her stuff down and turnes to face me as I enter. Before she can utter a word, I put her back over my shoulder I playfully spank her ass as I carry her back through the house. I put some slippers on and head out. Luckily it is a milk summer evening as we walked naked from the house.
“Where… Oww.” She cries as I interrupt her question with a hard slap to her ass.
I walk over to the workshop and carry her inside before putting her down.
“Oh. My. God.” She laughs, looking at the contraction on the floor.
It is the cage for my parent’s old sheep dog. Only I’ve made some modifications and secured the entire contraction onto four wheels. At one end of the cage, I have made a small hole for the arm of the mechanical machine to enter the cage. I’ve screwed to fixing mounts to the end of the arm, each one currently holding one of Annie’s dildos. Once turned on, the arm can thrust at varying speeds and depths.
The other end has a slightly more novel set up. I’ve drilled a hole through the shaft of one of Annie’s Realistic dildos from the base to about three inches from the tip. I then drilled a hole through the side of the dildo at this point so it connected to the central one. Now glued to the hole at the base is a pipe which runs up to a pressurised storage canister. Essentially, it can have water, or any other liquid stored in it and the piloton will keep the liquid under pressure.
The genius part is the little clip and spring that keeps the little pipe sealed shut unless the dildo is pushed against the edge of the cage. Only by pushing against the dildo will the liquid come out, and even then, only a few inches from the end of the dildo. To actually drink from the canister, one must take those three inches. My hope in time would be to gleam the two holes shut and make a new set an inch further away, steadily training Annie to take it the whole way.
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