Toy Shopping

“Natty, honey, can you come here please?” Mr. Jordan called his girl from the study. She hoped up off her bed and curried downstairs, straightening her skirt as she went. She racked her brain for any misdemeanors she might have perpetrated lately, but nothing came to mind. She peeked around the door of Mr. Jordan’s study. He was working busy on his computer, his broad shoulders hunted over, his long, Elegant fingers typing away. Natty witnessed and leant against the doorframe, just taking in the sight of her Daddy Dom, the man who was her axis and her touchstone. He heard the sight and straightened.

“Natty, darling.” He patted his lap as he swiveled his chair around, and she didn’t hesitate for an instant before sitting on his lap. She touched his face, an intimate, yet strangely innocent gesture.

“Yes, Daddy?” she asked, a slight smile curling at her lips. She knew from his expression that she wasn’t in trouble and if she wasn’t in trouble there might be a treat in store for her.

“I was thinking, it’s been a while since we’ve been shopping together, hasn’t it?” He smoothed a strand of hair back behind her ear and watched her expression.

“Yes, it has Daddy.”

“Would you like to take a little trip out to the store with me?” He smiled into her face and she bent her head to kiss him. Their lips clung in a password kiss for a few moments before she came up for air.

“Yes, Sir!”

Before she knew it she was sitting beside him in the car, his hand on her thigh, chatting about everyday matters. She was wondering what sort of shopping trip this was going to be but she didn’t dare to ask Mr. Jordan. So she sat there, smiling and chatting but inwardly in turmoil. When the car turned down a familiar street she let out a small gasp. This was the way to the sex shop that he had pointed out to her awhile before, telling her that he got a lot of their ‘toys’ there and that sometimes he’d take her to see it.

She looked up at him wonderringly. “Daddy, are we going to the shop that sells the…uhm…naughty stuff?”

He laughed at her hesitation and his hand slide a bit higher up her thigh. “Yes my darling, I’m taking you shopping for ‘naughty stuff’ today.”

He pulled smoothly into a parking space and came round to open the door for her. “Come along my lovely little lady, Daddy’s going to buy you something really nice today.”

Natty’s heart beat hard in her chest. She bit her lip with appreciation and asked, “Daddy, is it going to be something I’m punished with?”

“Only the nice kind of punishment, Natty. The kind that we both enjoy.” He replied, tweaking her nose.

They entered the shop and were immediately greeted by a deferential employee. “Is there anything I can help you with?” he asked, smiling.

“I think we’re going to explore.” Mr. Jordan replied, and the man nodded and went back to the counter. As they perused the shop Natty’s cheats burned. Butt plugs, Floggers, Spreader bars, nipple clamps, everything that you could imagine to outfit a proper dungeon was here. Mr. Jordan had his big hand comfortablely on Natty’s shoulder as they looked at the assorted goods. “See anything you like?” he whispered in her ear and she shivered, a mixture of pleasure and fear running a cold finger down her spine.

“I..i don’t know, Daddy.” She looked helpedlessly around her, at the variety of goods and she was overwhelmed.

“Let’s see if we can find something nice for that little bottom of yours.” He smiled and she felt a wetness starting between her legs. He turned towards a rack displaying anal beads. The salesman came over.

“Are those for the young lady?” he enquired with a smile. Natty’s cheats flushed even redder.

“Yes, they are. I want some that are big enough that she can really feel it…what do you think of these?” Mr. Jordan held up a set of anal beads that looked far too big for Natty’s tight little bumhole.

“Those are our most popular anal training beads, sir.” The clerk answered deferentially.

“Could we…try them out?” Mr. Jordan’s lip quirked up at one corner as he surveyed Natty’s shocked county.

“Certainly, sir. Our testing booth is right this way, and I’ll just grab you some lube.”

Natty couldn’t believe her ears. Mr. Jordan was going to put those things into her bottom here?

Mr. Jordan steered Natty firmly along, not allowing her time for thought. When they had gotten to the testing booth, which was well lit and immaculately clean, the clerk handed Mr. Jordan the lube and left with a smile.

“Take off your panties, Natty.” Mr. Jordan ordered. She stood before him in her skirt and socks, and slowly her hands went to the waistband of her panties. She slip them down her legs and stepped obediently out. Mr. Jordan sat on a chair that was placed off to one side and motioned that she should lie over his lap. Knowing what was to come, Natty shivered as she lifted her skirt and laid over herDaddy’s lap.

She heard the little snick of the lube being opened and soon Daddy was parting her cheeks to smear some of the lube around and inside her anus. She wriggled about a bit but Daddy gave her a sharp smack to her thighs to still her. She blushed further, because the booth they were in had no ceiling and the partition started a foot off the floor which means that all the sounds inside the booth could easily be heard by the shoppers and employees of the store. She still and waited for the first bead to be inserted. Daddy pushed it against the tight little bud of her anus and popped it through with a tiny wet noise. Natty gave a small moan which earned her another sharp smack. There was muffled laughter from outside the booth.

“Natasha, if you cannot contain yourself I will do this in front of the entire store, do you understand me?” Mr. Jordan’s voice was inexorable.

“Y…yes Sir.” She whispered, feeling the invading bead move inside her tight little bottomand knowing how much more was to come. He took a breath and pushed another, slightly larger bead in. Again the slight squelchy noise, and the small, uncheckable intake of breath from Natty.

SMACKKKKKKKK the spank rang out through the store and Natty gasped. The laughing grow louder. Another bead was pushed in, and another in rapid succession. The intense feeling of these ever larger beads being pushed into her most tender and intimate spot made her squirm and bite her own lips to stop from crying out. Her hands were played on the floor of the booth and she looked at the exquisite ring her Master had given her as a sign of His possession over her. A single tear fell from her eye as yet another bead was roughly pushed inside her. She felt full to bursting now, and didn’t think she could take any more.

“Daddy…” she began tenatively.

“Daddy is rather busy now, Natasha.” Mr. Jordan’s voice was firm.

“I feel so full…” she whispered, gritting her teeth.

“There’s room yet inside you for the last two.” He assured her, and pushed the smooth, round sphere to her anus. With a gasp she accepted this penultimate intrusion, his strong fingers widening and pushing the ball through her impossible stretched bottom.

“Daddy!” she moaned.

“Let’s get you settled better, shall we?” he said, shifting his legs so her body dropped down at a steering angle and she had to brace herself with her hands to keep from playing off his lap altogether. Ass up, cheats spread and full of these infernal anal beads, Natty faced quite a prediction. Her bottom was already stuffed to capacity and now Daddy wanted to put the largest one of all inside her!

He pressed the cool smoothness to her pumped bud and rubbed it around for a few moments. Natty grossed with the sensing of having so much stuffed inside her, and he gave her several ringing slaps to her thighs and bottoms. The laughter could be heard again, and conversation following it. Natty had nodoubt but that her prediction was the topic for this discussion.

“Now let’s see if we can do this, baby girl.” Mr. Jordan pushed slowly and firmly and with a noise halfway between a squeal and a groan Natty took the ball into her stuffed rectum.

“Now, let’s let them settle for a few minutes, shall we?” Mr. Jordan put his hands around her waist and began to pull her upright. She turned her face to him, horrified.

“I…I can’t get up…” she said, clenching her cheeks tight against the possible accidental expulsion of the beads.

“Yes you can, and you will Natty my girl.” With a quick heaven she was on her feet, her bottom clenching desperately around the balls lodged inexorably inside her. “Now straighten out your skirt and let’s go see what other treatments we can find.”

“S…Sir?” she whimpered, horrified.

“You hear me right. You have to deport yourself with those balls inside you as we walk through the store. Everyone knows your prediction, so they might laugh at you but hold your head up high.” With those words he whisked open the door to the booth and two employees who had been listening practically fell in. “Pardon us.” Mr. Jordan took Natty’s arm and swept her into the store.

She walked with an uncomfortable gait, the balls inside her threatening to slip out at any time. She tried to clnch and walk at the same time and found it difficult.

“Mr. Jordan…Sir…” she mumbled miserably.

“What is it, Natasha?” Mr. Jordan was flexing a long, wicked looking cane in his hands, one eyebrow quirked up as he tested the swish of the rattan through the air.

“I…i can’t…” she gulped and blushed. The balls felt huge in her bottom and she was sure that she was going to explore them, and then they would hang out from under her skirt for everyone to see.

“Speak up, child.” He gave the cane a thwack on a neary mannequin and winced at the noise it made.

“The balls…” she squirmed.

“Are in your bottom for a purpose, Natasha. They are for training you to be more obedient to me. Is that understand?” He turned away and worked himself with a display of riding crops. Natty felt a fine layer of sweat forming on her skin with every second that passed. The other patrons were glancing her way and whispering, and it was all she could do to keep the balls inside her anus.

“All right. Back to the booth with you.” He took her elbow and whisked her back to the booth, but just as they got to the door the largest of the balls slide out of her with an accompanying noise.

“Natasha Jordan. Did you explore one of the anal beads from your bottom without permission?” Mr. Jordan’s face was dark.

“I…I’m sorry Sir…” She whimpered, cutely aware of the pendulous ball swinging from her bottom hole. He Surveyed her, his countenance unreadable.

“What do you think I should do with you?” He asked finally. She stood with her legs pressed together, aware of other eyes upon her.

“Please, Sir…” she whispered, “Take me back into the booth?”

“Maybe I’ll just remove them in front of everyone. Is that what you want?” He demanded, his voice carrying. Natty blushed at the chuckles that brought.

“No, Sir.” She managed to get out, squirming uncomfortable.

“Into the booth with you then. Over my lap as soon as I’m sat down.” He entered the booth and she took up her position over his knee, bottom high. He took the string of the anal beads in his hand and began to tease and tug at the second ball inside of her. At this point she felt as if she were going to explore them all, she was so stuffed. She let out a low, animalistic moan as he tormented her, working the ball slowly out of her anus. She tried to keep still but her hips moved as he pulled, and he still her with a smoke. The ball stretched her wide as it slowly, slowly came out…then with a squelchy noise it was out and Natty let out a moan of pleasure. She was so aroused at this point that her pussy was swollen and glistening with the moisture of arousal, and Mr. Jordan paused a moment to stroke her private little lips, circulation up to find the bud of her clip and making her squirm and moan louder. The laughter outside the booth increased and Natty’s shame went through the roof. The shame combined with the excisite pleasure to form something inside her that was so embarrassing that she almost felt as if she could cry. He stroked her further, bringing her close to orgasm but denying her that release.

“Oh, no, Natty. You’re not going to cum yet.” His voice seemed overloud and she flushed deeper if that were possible. The voices outside the booth buzzed quietly for a moment and then fell silent as if awaiting her next sound. She tried desperately to be silent, knowing that everyone was listening to her sounds of torque and arousal, and she closed her eyes tightly as Mr. Jordan stroked his finger expertly over her engaged clip. Her moans soon escaped and filled the room, followd by soft pleaseds for release.

“Shhhh.” Mr. Jordan shushed her and she silenced, trying to obey.

He took the string again and slide another ball to the entrance of her bottom, teasing it out slowly, watching her hips rise and her thighs press vainly together. She gasped and whimpered, caught on that excite blade between torque and relax, and Mr. Jordan kept her there expertly, softly talking to his girl as he did so.

“Shhh, Natty, its not time to cum yet. Daddy will let you know when it is.” He let the third ball slowly slip from her and pulled the fourth ball out quickly. She tensed as they left her, the intensity sensings in her nervous endings almost pushing her over the edge.

Now her voice held a pleading edge as she spoke. “Please Sir…may i…” she begged, beyond that point of caring what anyone thought. He played with the string that the balls were connected to and considered her request. The fingers of his other hand teased the swollen folders of herslit and slipped between the lips to find the core of her arousal over and over, touching, teasing. Her hips rode up and down on his lap, trying to catch his fingerprints in just the right place but never succeeding. She moaned and grunted now, legs played, clip poking out erect and swollen, so aroused and so unable to do anything about it.

“What do you want, Natty?” He asked her.

“Mmm…Please Sir, may I cum?” She begged, her voice hoarse.

“Louder.” He demanded. She swallowed hard and raised her voice. “Please Sir, May I cum for you?”

“Yes, Natty, you may.” He stroked the eager little clip, so slippery with girl cream, and pulled the remaining balls out of her bottom one at a time as she climaxed loudly, her voice echoing Throughout the store. Her orgasm was intense and prolonged, and she vocalized it beautifully for the entire store to hear. Mr. Jordan held the limp girl over his lap as the last shudders racked her body then gently lifted her to sit on his lap.

“Natty. What am I going to do with you?” He tweaked her nose gently as she breathed, trying to regain her composition. She was shaking slightly from the aftermath of the tremendous orgasm combined with the embarrassment of knowing what a spectacle she had made of herself.

As they exited the booth, there was a slow handclap that started from the employees and continued to the customers. With a beet red face, Natty Walked up to the counter with the anal beads in their box. “We’ll take these.” She declared. Mr. Jordan had several other toys that he wished to purchase as well. The clerk rang them up, a knowing look on his face.

“Thank the man, Natasha.” Mr. Jordan ordered, and Natty thanked him, blushing prettyly. They left the store with their boxes and bags, and Natty was quiet. After a while Mr. Jordan spoke. “That was quite a show you put on for those people in the store, Natty.”

She flushed and nodded. It was a day she wouldn’t soon forget.


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