Chapter 1: “A Moment”
Rose was riding on the subway as she did every evening on her way home from work. It was packed as usual. Out of nowhere, a stalling pain rose up in her right nipple, followed by her left. Blood saturated the front of her white bloom. People around her began to back away. The pain grew so intense, she shrieked in agony as she ripped away her shirt right in front of the crowd. The sheer horror of what she unrevealed caused those around her to scream as well. What looked like long pieces of piano wire, were stuck through her nipples in all directions. Blood, slowly oozed forward down the ends of the wire. One man stood apart in the crowd. He looked into her eyes and smiled.
Suddenly, Rose could hear a song playing. It was U2:
“You’ve got to get yourself together, you’ve been stuck in a moment and you can’t get out of it.”
Rose found herself in her bed, in her apartment. It was the third time that month she had the nightmare. She was drenched in sweat. As before, she found her nipples were hard and erect. Her panties were damp and moist. As gruesome as the dream always was, it seemed to arouse something deep inside her.
Rose was not an unattractive woman. She had cat like green eyes, ample size breasts, long flowing brown hair and long, lean legs. She had dated on occasion, but like her job, her dates always left her feeling empty inside.
Rose worked at the local county crack court in the records retrieval section. Probate court still basically functions like back in the stone ages. It is where they keep track of public records’s of deeds, wills, name changes and dividend papers, etc. A person wishing to see one of these documents write the doctor number on a piece of paper and hands it to the clerk. The clerk then takes the doctor number, walks Through countless aisles of tall filing cabinets, retrieves the docket out of its case and returns it to the patron. When a patron is done viewing the docket, they dump it back on the counter and at the end of the day the clerk takes all the dockets and re-files them. It’s a very low-tech system and monotonous as hell. But, this was Rose’s lot in life.
Everyday Rose would leave her small apartment and take the subway into work. Everyday it was the same. A few people on the morning ride, jammed pack like sardines for the ride home at night. Rose’s life was a never-ending, predictable routine.
It was a raining that Monday morning when Rose’s alarm clock she to the song. It played over and over in her head as she got out of bed, took a shower, got dressed, had her usual breakfast and headed for the subway.
Rose had left her umbrella on the subway a few weeks earlier so she had to make a dash for it through a downpour. By the time she reached the station, her dress clung to her like a second skin.
She deposited her token, made her way to the platform and entered the subway car. She stared off into space as the carmoved forward. Her mind wandered back to the song:
“You’ve got to get yourself together, you’ve been stuck in a moment and you can’t get out of it.”
Over and over again it played in her head. She looked across the row. The song vanished. Sitting across from her, was a man with dark black hair dressed in a spectacular looking suit. Something about him stood out like a lion in a flock of sheep.
Rose tried not to look at the man, however, her eyes were drawn back to him. She suddenly became aware that her nipples were standing firm and noticeably erect. The wet, clingy outfit only added to the effect. She held her hand up for cover as though she were fixing her hair. She peeked over at the man and suddenly he looked right at her and grinned.
He not only looked at her, her seem to be looking at her erect nipples! She feel as if the blood were draining from her body. Her nipples got harder still. “Oh my god,” she thought to herself, “why am I acting like this?”
“Western Station,” the overhead microphone crackled and the train came to a stop. Rose barely recovered in time to get to her exit. Her heart beat excitedly as she walked to her job. The rest of the day seemed to float by. The song was in her head again, but this time it had new meaning:
“You’ve got to get yourself together, you’ve been stuck in a moment and you can’t get out of it.”
Her mind raced with thoughts about the mysterious man. He seemed to exude confidence and sensitivity. As Rose used the ladies room, she noticed an unusual thick, wet smear in her panties. The encounter had awoken something inside her. Unlike her nightmares, this was real! The feeling she had inside was indescribable. It was if she had been in a deep sleep and hadn’t eaten for months. Now that she was awake, the hunger within her was insatiable.
The subway ride home was uneventful and packed as usual. No sign of the man. Body odor and cheap perfume were the de journey of the day. That night, while lying in bed, one of Rose’s hands found it’s way down to her “Rosebud,” as she liked to call it. The other played with her nipples. She pinched and twisted her nipples while flicking her “bud” back and forth. She came, then fell asleep.
The rest of the week was boring as usual. No further sign of the man. The weekend came and went and it was back to Monday morning. The weatherman predicted a scorcher of a week, so Rose wore a skirt and thong panties that day.
As Rose entered the subway car, her heart almost skipped two beats. The man had returned. He was dressed in the same suit, with spotlessly shiny, black shoes. Rose tried not to be obvious, avoiding eye contact as she took a seat directly opposite the man.
Rose casually looked over at the man. He was reading a book. He seemed not to notice her. Her nipples were erect again, but less noticeable with a loose fitting shirt. She cleared her throat, but the man did not look up. Nonchalantly, she looksed to see what he was reading.
She had to look twice. Her face contained in amazement as she read the title, “The Art of Female Exhibitionism.” Suddenly the man looked up from the book catching her staring. Her mouth dropped and she looked away. She smelled a peek back. The man was still staring at her! Her heart began to pound in her chest. She looked into his eyes. The U2 melody floated into her head once more.
The man looked down at her legs subtlety shaking his head back and forth as if saying “no.” Rose didn’t understand. His eyes narrowed as though he was becoming angered and he moved his head slightly to the right and the left once more. Suddenly, Rose’s face change into a look of shock and understanding. The man wanted her to open her legs! “How dare he!,” she thought as she looked away.
Her breath was coming in heaps and she thought about changing seats. She looked back over at the man. Their eyes met. His gaze hypnotized. “Can he can read my mind?,” she thought to herself. He looked down at her legs, moving his head back and forth again. Rose couldn’t believe what she was doing as she slowly parted her legs.
Her heart pounded in her chest. The distorted speaker announced, “Western Station,” but she didn’t even notice as the train stopped and moved on. She couldn’t help herself. She was losing control.
Her legs were now spread as wide as was possible without drawing everyone’s attention. The man gazed at her public area. The same look of disapproval appeared on his face as he swayed his head to one side, silently giving her further instruction. She knew what he wanted! Her juices were flowing freely and she could feel the dampness surrounding her “Rosebud.” She was caught in quicksand. She took a deep breath, sinking deeper as she pulled her panties to one side, fully exposing her “nether lips.” The man grinned. The train stopped, he got up and departed.
“Come to me softly, Darling. Come to me, stay. You’re mine, forever and a day”
The Fleetwoods – Come to me Softly
Rose finally made it to work an hour late. She managed to make up a story about a train delay. She drifted aimlessly through the day. The train was packed as usual for the ride home. Body odor and bad breath surrounded her. No sign of the man. Then she felt a nudge from behind. She turned back to give who ever the jerk was, a nasty look. She almost fell to her knees. It was the man in the suit.
How did he keep finding her? She was a bit nervous. Without warning the car rocked forwarded causing everyone to shift. The man pressed against her from the backside. She felt a sharp pain in her right nipple. She looked down to see the man taking the opportunity to violently pinch her nipple.
She should have screamed for help. Instead, She groaned as her eyes rolled back in head and her body compromised in pleasure. The train stopped and the man pressed something into her hands. He disappeared out the door. She looked down at a large white box in her hands.
Rose raced home, throwing the box on her bed when she arrived. She stared at it. She felt as if it held some power over her. She was afraid to open it. She knew that whatever was in it, would draw her deeper into a world of unknown. If she throw it away without opening it, it would be the end of it. She stared and stared at it. Her nipple throbbed, causing her to drift back to the incredible moment of boldness. “Damn it!” This was the most alive she had ever felt. She ripped open the box!
Chapter 2
“Rhus Toxicosalix”
The contents of the box spilled out on to her bed. Rose examined each item with wonder. She held up a sealed plastic bag that looked like it contained two pieces of rawhide, floating in a clear liquid. There were what looked like two “Black-eyed Susan” flower buds made out of metal, a note card, a pair of loose flip flops and a white, baggy sleeping gown.
She read the note card. “Know this first off. If youContinue down this path, you will be giving up your life, as you know it. Your apartment will be taken care of and your belongings distributed of. You will enter into a world of incredible desire and pleasure, however, this will come at a price. There will be pain associated with every bit of pleasure that you receive. Throw all this away and proceed no further if you wish to end this now.” Rose’s nipple throbbed once more. She reached up to rub it, but pinched it instead. A wave of pleasure ran through her body. She knew what she wanted.
“Inside the sealed bag is a rawhide g-string. You are to shake your vaginal area bare. Put the g-string on, tying it tightly as possible. Make sure it splits the cream of your rectum. It should run through your vaginal lips, resting directly against your cliporis. DO NOT wipe any of the fluid off before you do this. Make it as tight as you can.”
“The metal flowers have a button on the front, that when pushed in, will open up a “set of teeth”on the reverse side. You are to place one flower bud on each nipple. After you place the flower on, anytime you see a sign with the word “Enter” on it, you will turn the button clockwise, one full turn. This will cause the flower to tighten its grapsp.”
“Put the white gown on and sandals on, then ride the subway to the Northpoint drop off. Go North, to 66 Hearth Ave. Enter through the red door in the back. Be there at twelve midnight. You’ll receive further instruction from there.”
Rose’s hands were shaking as she tore open the plastic bag. It smelled of some type of pungent herb. The g-string was two pieces of thin rawhide string – one for the waist and one for between the legs. It was connected at the rear. She tied the waist piece on first. It was slippery and hard to hold on to. She spread her legs wide as she ran the second piece of rawhide up the crack of her rear. Next she spread the lips to her vagina engaging the string so that it rested against her “Rosebud.” Shepulled upward from the front as the leather bit into her openings. It seemed to tingle and itch for a second, then subside. She tied it off in front. Liquid ran down the insides of her legs. She wasn’t sure if it was her own or from the leather.
Rose felt electric as she picked up the first flower bud. She examined it. She pressed the button while looking at the back. A round circle of “teeth” revealed itself. Her nipples were rock hard in anticipation. She paused, took a deep breath, placed the opening against her nipple and released the button. The “teeth” bit into her flesh. She groaned, but then quickly pressed the button releasing the bite. She examined her hardened nipple. There was no damage. She took a deep, long breath, opened the circle of teeth and placed it on her delicate, pinkish nipple once again. She felt the flower bug dig its “roots” in. It was exhilarating! She repeated the process on her left side. It was excitingly delightful! She jiggled her breastsa few times to heighten the rush.
She stepped back, examining herself in the mirror. She looked strange standing there with a flower sprouting from the middle of each breast and the leather thong. She closed her eyes while placing a hand on each flower. She pressed each bud causing rivulets of pain to emotional through her body. An invisible cord seemed to run between her nipples and to her clip, forming a Perfect triangle. Waves of pain and pleasure rode freely along these lines.
She donned the white gown and stepped into the flip-flops. She turned to leave, then paused once more looking in the mirror. The gown hung loosely off her shoulders as she arched her back. Each movement rewarded her with a reminder of the glorious petals, biting and ripping into her naked flesh. The gown was sheer enough that you could see the petals and to go right through it. She didn’t care! She headed for the subway.
As she got to the station, she noticed a sign stating, “EnterHere.” She bit her lip as she turned the head on the first petal. It bore its way deeper into her tender flesh. She twisted the second button, then paused as she adapted to the new level of “torture.” The “buds” were taking root inside her. The pain left her hovering on the brink of another reality. After long breaths, she returned to this world.
She hazily got a token, then proceeded to the ramp. Another sign on the platform floor – “Enter here.” She hesitated a moment. One more turn would surely cut deep into her most delicious flesh. “What would she do if she started to bleed in this white gown?” She gave each button another twist. She had to take short breaths, as though giving labor, before moving on. The subway appeared, opened its doors and she floated in.
Rose attempted to find as empty car as possible. Most folks would mind their own business this late at night. She caught one or two odd glances before finding a suitable seat. The subway ride seemed to go on longerthan she remembered. She kept re-checking the sign to make sure she hadn’t missed her stop.
She sat back and thought about what she was doing. Was she losing her mind? She looked out the window at the next stop, only to catch a glimpse of a sign that read, “Enter subway here.” She thought about the man. Her crotch started to tingle. She wasn’t sure if it was because of him or something else, but something was happening down there. Without giving it another thought, she turned each button once more, letting out a loud disturbing cry each time. A few folks looked up, then put their heads back down.
A stain of blood appeared at her right breast. Reality momentarily re-appeared with sinister company – unbearable pain. Rose panicked and attempted to loosen the biting petals. They wouldn’t turn back in the other direction! Suddenly, she was aware that the g-string was ripping deeply into her flesh. A light bulb turned on her head as she realized what happens to leatheras it dries. “It shrinks!” The leather was cutting into her! The petals ripped into her nipples! It was beginning to drive her mad and she didn’t know what to do! The tingling in her crotch intensified. “What was happening??” It was starting to it. The itch ran from the crack of her ass, right through her pussy and clip. She couldn’t stand it! The itch was worse right on her clip! She had to scratch! She tried to look casual as she reached down and lightly scratched with one hand. It didn’t help! The itch grew more intense! Before she knew it, she had both hands under the gown, scratching away violently. She didn’t care who was watching. In fact, the more she scratched, the better it felt. She felt her clip between her fingers. It felt all swollen. She lifted up the gown, fully exposing herself. Her pussy lips and clip, were swollen to twice their normal size and all bright red. So was her asshole. Before she knew it, she had one finger in her ass, her other hand attacking her clip.The harder she twisted, pulled and pinched her clip, the better it felt. In fact, it was becoming incredibly enjoyable. As she “attacked” herself, she could feel the onset of an orgasm approaching. She was hovering on the broke. She was in that never, never land, between getting there and arrival. She wanted it so badly. It didn’t matter she was on a train, with a bunch of strangers, with razor sharp, steel clamps biting into her tits. It didn’t matter that her clip and pussy lips, were enflamed and engorged and that she had her skirt hiked up above her waist. It didn’t matter that her nails were ripping into her most private parts. The train stopped. “Last call for the Northpoint drop off.” She just barely recognized the words as she reluctantly gathered herself and dashed out the door.
At first she was walking, then striding, then running to her destination. The petals ripped into her bloodied nipples as she jumped along. It was hard to keep up the pace, with one hand attacking the itch at her cunt and the other hand at her ass. When she arrived at the building she was drenched with sweat. The white gown clung to her flesh, forming perfectly to her beautiful, once delicious, shape. She panted like a “bitch in heat.”
Above the door she needed to enter a sign read, “Enter Here.” She thought about it a second, then dashed through the door, ignoring what she was bound to do. Through one door, then down some stairs, another “Enter sign,” down more stairs – “the itch, the itch, the itch it was maddening!” The leather thong had completely dried. It felt like it was going to split her crotch in half! She stopped, squatted down on the floor, raised the gown up over her head and off and resumed the assault on her pussy with both sets of her long nails. She tore into her flesh. Her pussy lips were now swollen five times their normal size. She moaned and heaved as the itch subsided to be replaced by waves of intense pleasure and desire. She needed tocum! Desperately wanted to cum! Maybe that would stop the itch?! She heard music coming from somewhere. It was behind a door directly in front of her. A sign on the door read “Relief – Enter here.” Could it be coincidence? She heard the familiar melody:
“You’ve got to get yourself together, you’ve been stuck in a moment and you can’t get out of it.”
She somehow managed to stand up, opened the door and went inside.
Chapter 3
Raising the Bar
Standing right in front of her was the man in the suit. He smiled at Rose while clapping his hands in applauds. Rose had waited for this very moment, dreamt of it, but try as she would, she couldn’t keep her hands out of her crotch. She tore at her pussy and ass as she flopped down on the floor in front of him. “You have made it this far.”
“I am so proud of you.”
“I knew you had enormous potential.”
“The itch you are experiencing is from a plant I like to refer to as “Poison Pussy”.”
“I came across it in South America.”
“Tribes use it on their cattle to get them to mate.”
“The first, poor woman I used it on, got ten times the dose you did.”
“Her vaginal lips literally blew up to the size of two watermelons.”
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