Town and Country Ch. 03

One evening there was a break in the pattern; Francesca announced she was taking Anne to her parents’ farm for a while and would leave her in their care. She gave no reason and Anne dared not ask. But she was wearing her pink bloom, which means she was in a good mood.

The next morning, Francesca borrowed a car from a friend and bundled Anne into it. She drove out of the city into hills already showing signs of autumn, past forests just turning from green to yellow and crisis. Anne glowed with pleasure, sitting naked next to her owner as they traveled together through the countryside. Occasionally Francesca would pat her; each time she gave a little shiver.

By midday the temperature had warmed; Francesca paused at a secluded roadside rest for lunch. She led Anne into the woods to squat, standing at her side. _Just like our first date_, Anne remembered. It was so romantic, out here on her lean with Francesca above her.

And the young woman know where to take her for this, a little sandy hollow behind a maintenance shed.

Returning to the picnic area, Francesca tied Anne’s lean to a table before visiting the restroom for water. She unpacked her sandwich and placed a pair of bowls on the benchmark, and the two dinner each in their own way. Silently Anne thanked her owner for not making her eat off the dirty ground.

From there to the farm was not a great distance, and they reached it Early in the afternoon. The household consistent of Francesca’s father and mother Hector and Amelie, her younger sister Helene, and two hired men. Anne was nervous about her reception – would they approve? – but her concerns were unfounded. Her owner led her into the kitchen and introduced her to them with “This is Anne; Mr. Schuyler gave her to me last month”, and she curtseyed to each while Francesca held her leanh.

“Put it up so we can see it” said Amelie, and Anne was lifted onto the big oak table in the center of the room for inspection. She knelt on her hands and knees and opened her legs for them. Helene examined her breasts while the hired men ran their rough hands up her tights. She began to tremble and Amelie stroked her buttocks to quiet her. Francesca petted her head; Hector held her chin up and watched the changing expressions on her face as the others explored her like a cow for sale. One of them entered her; she moaned while he probed inside. “Deep enough for you?” asked Hector; the man laughed and nodded. He withdraw after a minute leaving her wet and gasping.

She was happy to hear they all liked her. The men lowered her to stand on the floor; she squirmed as Helene sized her up (“not bad – needs exercise”) before leading her to a stall in the barn between the milk cows Penelope and Lysistrata. A dish for her feed and a common trough of water for all the livestock were within reach. Helene laid down fresh straw before chaining her collar to the wall. She told Anne it was the home of a pig her sister raised from thetime of its weaning. Iphicenia won a blue ribbon at the local fair.

When the time came for slaughtering it Francesca will herself to do the job. Helene pointed out the pulley in the roofbeam; and leaning against a wall the offal tub they put beneath the animal.

She described how the two sisters hung the pig up by its hind feet. Sharpening the knife to a keen edge, Helene’s task. How Francesca kissed the animal first; afterwards, farmhands taking the carcass and the tub of “innards” away. She said her sister showed no emotion the whole time.

Anne wondered how much of the story applied to her; was this why Francesca brought her here? A cold chill came over her and she shuddered, but Helene had finished her story and said no more. After she left, Anne raised her eyes. In the back corner of her stall was a coil of rope with a large iron hook at the end.

Lonely and afraid, she gave way to self-pity and cried until she heard her owner approach. Francesca looked downin silent disapproval before taking her in the farmhouse for dinner. She ate from bowls on the floor as the family caught up on old times. Francesca left soon after; one of the men led Anne back to her stall and chained her up.

Later that night he returned. He stuffed his bandana in her mouth so her cries would not upset the animals and tipped her over a hay bale. He handled her roughly; Anne guessed he was More used to sheep, but she tried to satisfy him. He was slow but through and left her exhausted. It was cold in the barn and she struggled to bury herself in the straw; with her hands behind her this was difficult, but in time she managed.

He appeared the next evening with two friends, and Anne received him on her knees. She caressed him slowly with her tongue as he rose and hardened, and was pleased when at last he erupted in her. She provided the same service to one of his friends (she never learned their names); he was more excited, or in a hurry, and came quickly.

The third man used her from behind. This took her by surprise; she tensed and was unable to open the passage for him. He took a flat shovel and spanked her with it until she weakened and relaxed. Once he was inside, Anne was proud to show her skills and kept him in a mounting state of excitement for several minutes. He stood up unsteadily and said a few words to his companion that Anne did not catch.

The hired man slapped her on her rear – she gave a little yip – and sent her to bed in the hay. The family noticed her pink bottom the following day and made jokes about it.

That night, Hector came by to use her from behind; again she was tense and difficult. He spoke to Helene the next morning, who took her to a shed near the barn. A farmhand was waiting for them and the two bent Anne over a table and spread her legs apart.

She could not see what went on above her, but she heard the man says it was oiled and ready. A moment later he inserted some sort of device inher rear and she heard a humming noise, low and soothing. She found later that it was used to ease a pregnant cow, but at the moment she only knew it was expanding inside her, stretching her.

The device continued to grow. Her mind was torn between the soft sounds and warmth of the thing in her, and fear. Could she hold it or would the strain render her?

She was glad Helene was here; it was good to have another woman present though she could not say why.

Soon she was aware of nothing but her ring of flesh, forced open beyond all experience. No man had ever been this large. She could not endure it; her eyes filled with tears and she began to grunt.

“Shut up” said Helene. Anne closed her mouth and moaned very quietly, hoping no one would hear.

They left her like that till midday when Helene came by and gave her water from a squeeze bottle. Anne was incapable of cooperative speech now but sucked gratefully on the bottle until Helene removed it.

Some time in the afternoon Anne surrendered unawares and her fears vanished; the device enlarged her, that is its purpose, this was her new condition.

A little before dark, Helene and the farmhand returned. He turned off the compressor and dialed the unit back down before removing it, and they pulled Anne back up on her feet. They held her until she could stand on her own and led her back to her stall.

She felt nothing but a great emptiness inside her now where the tool had been; but the sight of her feed bowl brought her back to the present and she gobbled up her dinner as soon as the pair left.

Later that night Hector returned with Helene and took her again. He told his daughter the treatment was successful, Anne was much improved. “Works every time,” he said laughing.

He rewarded Anne with a piece of fruit, and she was as happy as if she had won a prize. Later, lying in the hay she hoped they would do it again. Someone should tell the academic about this. The girls would love it; well, most of them once they got used to it.

Anne remained at the farm for a little over a week. The farm hands were solidus, changing her straw regularly. From time to time each of them took turns in her after she was put away for the night. She was contented; it did her good to keep in practice, and no one had used her since the party.

Francesca’s sister sometimes led her around the grounds, pointing out the corral, the hayloft, and the herb garden. She held the leash in a light and easy but authoritative grip. She also brushed against Anne quite often for one so young and agile. She was entitled to do much more than that, and Anne was strictly forbidden to take notice of such incidents. Anne made opportunities for her on narrow paths and plowed fields that Helene took advantage of. Anne wondered what This would lead to; a visit to the barn after the hired men were done with her and she was receptive? She tingled at the prospect.

Once she took Anne deep into a forest clearing and tied the end of the lean to a tree limb. Removing her shirt, she compared their breasts.

“Yours are larger than mine. I’m so jealous.”

Anne struggled to think of something positive to say. “Yours are beautiful, ma’am; just the right shape. And they’re higher.” That was true; like her sister, Helene was taller than Anne.

After contemplating Anne for a minute, Helene approached her and fondled her breasts. Anne pulled her shoulders back to present them attractively. Helene rubbed hers against Anne’s for a minute before putting her shirt back on and returning Anne to her stall in the barn. That night, she dreamed that Helene kissed her.

One rainy afternoon she sat in her stall feeling low and abandoned. She did not know when Francesca would return and her straw was wet. Helene in a wool shirt and blue jeans came by on her rounds. Like her sister she was a keen observer of Anne’s moods; she told Anne to lie on her back and knelt above her.She put a hand between Anne’s legs and began to work her over; with the other she alternate, now squeezing Anne’s nipples, now struggling her belly while Anne moaned and compromised beneath her in the hay.

When she was satisfied that Anne was cured of her melancholy, she withdraw and left without a word to attend to the other animals. Anne lay with vacant mind, as contented as the cows on either side of her.

Afterwards she reminded herself it was right to lie alone in a stall all day if her owner wanted it. Or hang by her feet like a pig; yes, that too. She needed these lessons. She crawled over and kissed the hook she would be suspended from.


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