Tough Training

Please note that this is chapter 7 of Running Down the Rabbit Hole. I recommend you start at the beginning with Three Girls Screwing Around.

It was a bit of a hurried department the next morning, as we both overslept and then neither of us really wanted to get out of bed.

‘How about we meet at the gym at four?’ Amy called from the shower as I was hurriedly getting dressed.

‘Great! See you later.’ I picked up my stuff and half ran down the stairs.

‘You’re late,’ were the next words Amy said to me as I entered the gym. I looked at my watch — it read five past four.

‘Sorry, Amy.’ I wasn’t really very sorry — if you arrange to meet at four, five past is hardly late, especially given that I had to get changed first.

‘You’ll certainly be sorry later. This is part of your training. Right after this, we’re going back to my place and I’ll be teaching your bum a lesson.’

‘Yeah, very funny, Amy.’

‘I don’t think you’ll be laughing later. Iwon’t accept slacking off in any way shape or form, and I’m going to make sure you get the message.’

It was only then that I thought she really means it.

‘Right, we’re going to start with the treadmill — on you get.’

I did as I was told, and Amy went ahead and set the speed — she went for quite a fast jog.

Saying, ‘I’ll tell you when you can stop,’ Amy started running on the treadmill next to mine.

I didn’t say anything, or even look at her. Is this what she’d mean by ‘punishing me’? I’d never been spanked in my life. I didn’t think being slapped on the bum with someone else’s hand would really hurt that much, but it was the bloody principle of the thing. How could I, an adult woman, let someone else do that to me? It would be utterly humiliating.

‘You’re doing nicely there, Hannah.’ Having worked up a bit of a sweat, Amy had got off her treadmill and come to stand next to mine.

‘How much longer do you want me to keep going?’

‘Don’t worry about that Hannah — you’re only just getting going. Like I said, I’m going to get your time down, so the sooner we start in earnest, the better.’

She then wandered away behind me — probably to sit down on one of the benches, but I didn’t dare look round in case I lost my footing.

It wasn’t long before I could feel my legs getting tired, but I decided just to grit my teeth and keep going. I also decided I was going to take my punishment and see how it worked out. I had visions of Amy taking me to the edge of the gym, putting me over her knee and giving my bum a few hard whacks, while everyone else got on with their business, as though that was the most normal thing. Of course that wasn’t how it was really going to happen, but it would still be a bit of an adventure.

‘How’s it going?’ I was so deep in thought I almost jumped when I saw Amy right next to me.

‘I’m getting pretty knackered actually.’

‘That’s how it should be. Don’t you dare stop before Isays you can or you’ll be getting a lot more than a few hard slapses.’

And with that, she disappeared again.

I decided to battle through. The sweat was really starting to drip down my face now and my T-shirt was getting soaked. I caught sight of Amy on a cross trainer — she was working quite hard, but no way was she putting in the kind of effort I was. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep the pace up for.

Amy got off the cross trainer, and I thought she was coming back to talk to me again, but she just headed off to the back of the gym — no doubt for another bloody rest! She emerged a few minutes later, drink bottle in hand.

‘You must be getting thirsty.’

‘Too right I am.’ I reached out my hand, but Amy pulled the bottle away.

‘No chance. You’ve done four thousand eight hundred metres. You can stop and get a drink at six thousand.’

‘You’ve got to be kidding me!’

Amy just walked off out of sight again.

I guess this really willmake me more competitive, I thought to myself. There’s no way I’d still be running if it was up to me. My legs were starting to feel weak, and I really wasn’t sure I might not end up collapse and sliding off the treadmill. I was getting out of breath and my shorts were starting to feel sticky.

I made it to five thousand metres, but I didn’t think I had much chance of getting all the way. Still, I keep going. Five thousand one hundred, two hundred, three hundred. I was still alive, and still on my feet — just. The thing with the bloody treadmill was there was no chance to slow down even for a second — I had to keep going at the same monotonous pace no matter what.

‘I’m impressed. But you are looking bloody hurt out, so I’ve come to give you some encouragement.’

‘Thanks a fucking lot, bitch!’ It was a struggle to get the words out, I was so exhausted.

‘Believe me, if you give up now, you won’t be sitting comfortably for a while.’

It took a moment beforethe meaning of Amy’s words clicked. What the fuck was she threatening to do to me?

‘You’ll be baring that bum for me anyway, due to your issue with timekeeping, but I was planning just to use my hand.’

There was plenty that Amy left unsad, but I didn’t doubt that she’d follow through. I also realized that I was refocusing on my running — maybe it was working. Mind you, while I didn’t actually want to experience any pain, somehow I found the idea of ​​letting Amy hurt me, let’s say, stimulating.

‘Just five hundred metres to go.’

I must have been so deep in thought that I’d not noticed I’d already gone past five thousand four hundred.

‘You’re going to fucking kill me, Amy,’ I just about managed to get out.

‘I’ll kill you a lot more if you stop now when you’re so close. Come on, you can do it — I know you can.’

I really wasn’t so sure, but I gritted my teeth and kept going.

Five thousands six hundred metres. Surely I could do it now. One foot after the other — just fucking keep at it, keep going, keep going. I was determined to make it.

‘Nearly there, Hannah — I’m proud of you.’ That marked five thousand seven hundred.

Just three sprints and I’d be done. I wished I could have speeded up to get it over with, but the machine set the pace.

I passed eight hundred. I was totally focused on running now, like I was in a bubble, almost oblivious to my surroundings. I think Amy was saying something but I wasn’t listening.

I was feeling good now — getting really proud of myself for running so far so fast. I was strong. I was powerful. My body was a machine that could take on anything.

Five thousands nine hundred. I couldn’t give up now, I couldn’t. I’d forgetten about Amy, now it was all about me. You can do it, Hannah! You really can. I watched the counter intently as it went up and up. Finally it reached six thousand. I pressed the stop button, and within a few paces the treadmill came to a halt.I held on to the handle and just stood there panting, not trusting my legs to hold me up by themselves.

‘Here you go, Hannah.’ Amy handed me a bottle of strawberry lemonade — my favourite. I wobbled over to a benchmark and sat down.

‘That was an impressive effort. Now do you see the advantage of having your own personal coach?’

‘You’re a fucking bitch, Amy.’ But I said it with a weak smile — that was all I could manage given how wound out I was. I would have liked to kiss her there and then, but I wasn’t quite ready to do that in public — not given that the first time I’d kissed a girl had only been last night.

Amy gave me a hug anyway. I could see when she let go that her T-shirt had picked up some of my sweat.

‘You’ll be pleased to Know that that’s the end of training for today. There’s just your punishment to look forward to.’

‘And what if I say no?’

‘Do you want to say no?’

How the fuck did Amy know me better than I know myself. Off course I didn’t want to say no.

‘On my bare bum, did you say?’

Hannah nodded.

‘How many?’

‘As it’s your first one, I think I need to get the message across, so let’s say twenty.’

‘Twenty? For five fucking minutes. Like I said, you’re a bitch.’

‘Yes — it’s fun being a bitch sometimes.’

I sat and drank slowly, gazing into space aimlessly. Amy seemed content to sit quietly beside me.

‘Right, time for a shower — I’m stinging.’ I took my time, and Amy was ready and waiting by the time I got myself dressed.

‘I’m wondering whether to give you your spanking before or after dinner. On the one hand I think you should get it as soon as possible, but on the other wouldn’t it be great to keep you waiting and let all that anticipation build.’

‘Have you ever spanked anyone before?’

‘No — so I guess the same goes for me. The longer I wait, the longer I get to look forward to it. I think that settles it — I’ll cook you dinner and thenwe’ll have it as dessert.’


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