Elena laid awake until way past midnight, listening to Tom through the baby monitor. Tom was also awake, moaning in both pain and ecstasy as the heat sensor deep inside Elena’s damp underwear sparked electric shocks into his nipples.
Tom keep calling out her name, often accompanied by words of love. That made Ellie glow and tingle. She would reach beneath the covers to touch herself, stimulating her young naïve body into wild sexual fans. The sensor tracked every change in her aroused body, sending remote instruction to Tom’s nipple clamps and ordering them to sizzle.
Behind her innocent eyes, there was a tussle between her teasing lust and her love for Tom. She didn’t like to hear him in pain and would take goal, calming her body to relieve his growing cries. It was the perfect balanced reaction, linking their bodies in a wonderfully intimate feedback loop, even though he was locked in her basement and she was naked in bed two floors above.
Elena slept well and women with a smile on her lips as she felt the sensor still pinned between her legs by the clinging fabric of her lingerie. Her dreams had been wilder than she remembered, but she wouldn’t know what her body had inflicted on Tom until she checked the data. Her first instinct was to run down to the basement to check the results, but even Ellie knew that skipping downstairs and parading almost naked in front of Tom was cruel. Instead, she showed and dressed in blue jeans and grey woven top, before skipping down to the basement to parade in front of her prisoner.
“Tommy!” Elena cried as she saw him panting in his cage.
Tom’s face was red as if he had been slapped, and the words, ‘Car key for chatity key’ were scratched across his face in red lipstick. His mouth was taped shut with duct tape and when Ellie eased it off, she found her sister’s underwear jammed inside Tom’s mouth.
“She took the chatity key, El!” Tom moaned, his mouth dry and sore from accommodationting Kate’s panties.
“Stupid Kate!” Ellie hissed, throwing a piece of paper across the room in an Ellie-style rage, “Just ‘cos I told her she couldn’t have my car today!”
“What about my cock?” Tom repeated.
Elena was about to storm up to her sister’s room when Kate conveniently appeared at the basement door. Her black top revealed that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her semi-translucent pale blue shorts proudly showed only naked flesh beneath.
“Seen my pants, El?” Kate smiled.
“This is my research, Kathrine!” Ellie screamed.
Elena hated her sister’s blatant sexuality and stepped back against the cage as her sister’s rolling hips advanced. She wanted to attack her younger sister, but she knew that she would lose. Last time, she had ended up pinned between her sister’s thighs and she desperately didn’t want that to happen in front of Tom.
“Panties?” Kate asked again.
Ellie had always been intimidated by her sister’s confidence and meekly picked up the black lingerie, holding it by fingertips as she returned them to her sister.
“Oh yes, that’s where I left them,” Kate teased.
“How could you forget!” Elena retorted with her usual naivety.
“Well Tom didn’t say anything,” Kate giggled.
Elena was about to point out that poor Tom had been gagged with her smelly pants before realising that Kate was playing with her.
Tom surprised, watching helplessly as the sister’s squabbled. As always, Kate was teasing Ellie and she was now unbuttoning her blatantly sexual shorts and sliding them seriously down her tanned thighs. Ellie reacted, which only encouraged Kate to ham up the show as she stepped into her black underwear, now soaked with every last drop of Tom’s saliva, and then theatrically eased back into the short blue shorts.
Kate walked towards the cage and looked down at Tom, “They’re damp!” she scolded.
“You put them in his mouth and tapped him shut!” Elena exclaimed.
“Mmm… I mustlook after my panties more carefully.”
Tom looked on feeling sorry for Ellie. She was so beautiful and kind, but so easily meant by her more worldly sister. Tom wanted to defend Ellie, but both women spun around to stare at him as he opened his mouth.
“What have I told up about talking?” Kate’s voice was ultra-confident, and her hands were already unbuttoning her shorts.
Elena unexpectedly laughed out loud, and then quickly muffled her giggles with her hands. Kate could be so funny and the look of shock in Tom’s eyes was to die for. She followed Kate as she walked slowly around the cage and then untied her ponytail so that her long blonde hair hung free like her sister’s, “What were you saying Tommy?” Ellie giggled.
The sisters shared a look.
“Do you want me to leave my pants,” Kate smiled, “In case he tries to talk again?”
Elena grinned back with a squeeze of her sister’s hand, “I have my own,” she whispered mischievously.
Elena was distracted by the real-time results flashing up on her laptop. The argument with her sister had created a different correlation between Tom’s heartrate and arousal level and her mind was whirring to understand this new phenomenon.
“I’m sorry if I messed up your research, El, I just really need the car.”
“Car…” Kate replied, her big brown eyes glued to the screen.
Elena reached for her handbag and hunted Through its contents for a large bunch of keys from which she freed her car key. In return, Kate fished Tom’s chatity key out of the back pocket of her shorts.
Elena seemed surprised as Kate offered her the small padlock key, “Oh, I don’t need that today.”
“What?” Tom cried.
Both sisters spun around and stared accusingly with their hands on their hips . The family resemblance was strong, the defiant eyes and flick of hair over their shoulders.
“Yours or mine, El?” Kate pursued menacingly.
“Both if he says another word.”
Elena sat downon the cage deliberately slowly, her jeans less than an inch from Tom’s face and totally blocking his field of vision, “I want you to count every stich in these jeans… miss one and you start again, understanding?”
Ellie felt proud. She could see that her sister was impressed, and they shared a knowing smile as Kate, the car key and the chatity key bounced back up the stairs.
“Ellie?” Tom whispered, nervously addressing the fidgety denim butt that was perched above him.
“I’ve been in here all night,” Tom begged.
Elena tried to fart, she strained but nothing came out.
“Please darling!”
Elena moved her laptop, opened her legs and looked down, “That fits…”
“Your mental and physical arousal has been getting higher all night and is now at crazy levels you poor thing. Hence the term of endearment,” Elena explained, “The more I detach you from the real world, the more you fixate on your captor. What would anotherre eight hours do?”
Tom was starting to panic, fighting against the bars, his heart rate spiking, “No, Ellie. Please!”
But the deceptively innocent woman on the other side of the bars knew how to control him. She picked up the silky white underwear that had spent the last twenty-fours on her aroused body and that were now soaked in her scent. Tom’s heartbeat was racing as she laid it across his nose and mouth and pushed down to seal in her scent. His breathing instantly slowed, leaving him whimpering into the fabric.
“Can I own you for the day?”
Tom didn’t reply, intent only on sucking in air until the silk moulded to his face like a mask.
Elena knelt down, leaned on the cage and studied her subject through a mess of blonde hair. She had heard about such experiences and how they could impose permanent changes to a captive’s thinking.
“This reaction to my scent may be permanent,” she whispered in delight, “Just being close to my scent may eventually trap you in a semi-hypntic state.”
Tom didn’t understand what Ellie was saying, although he knew he was trapped in her eyes. He certainly felt different, as if he had reached a high from which his mind couldn’t leave.
“Tomorrow’s drug,” she breathed, turning back to her computer and tapping her butt, “Your life may depend on receiving it,” she whispered to herself.
Tom felt a pang of disappointment when Elena unlocked his cage later that morning. It felt odd to be free. Elena helped him to his feet and wrapped a towel around his naked body. The show helped a little, but he still couldn’t think of anything but his cute studio friend.
“You okay?” she asked.
“You look nice.”
Elena was keeping mental notes as Tom took her hand and insisted that he buy her lunch. However, as they ate, Tom’s over-devotion started to fade. A friend joined them and by the end of lunch had arranged to spend the afternoon playing football with friends.
“Can Ihave you tonight?” Ellie whispered meekly as he left, “For my study? Please?”
“Sure, El,” he replied, kissing her cheek as he left.
The basement felt lonely that afternoon and Elena almost shrieked with excitement, her fists clinched, as Tom returned only two hours later.
He stepped closer to kiss her cheek, “Wow, I love the smell of your hair, El.”
Elena bit down on her lower lip. That was out of character for him and a sign that maybe he was becoming permanently ensnared. She turned to her laptop.
“Low levels of arousal this afternoon,” she announced with her back to him.
“You still monitoring me?” Tom seemed amused as he tapped his metal cock, “Has your sister returned the key?”
Elena shook her head, creating waves of blonde locks.
“Would you tell me if she had?”
Elena shook her head again, this time with a shy smile.
Tom loved Ellie’s teasing and he stepped in to kiss her on the lips. She giggled and staggered backAgainst the empty cage. Tom stepped closer, pinning her against the cage and kissed her again. This time she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.
“Oh god, sorry,” she stuttered.
“You’re falling under my spell,” Tom replied smoothy.
Ellie quickly guided Tom back inside the military grade steel cage, ‘How little you know’, she smiled to herself as she leaned on the cage, her weight easing the heavy steel lid down on top of him.
“No foreplay?” he exclaimed, taken aback by how quickly the blonde had taken his freedom and connected him back up to the various monitors.
“I’ve given you a blanket to lie on,” Elena breathed, “And a little more freedom…”
She pointed to his neck, where she had removed the interior bar that usually pinned his throat in place. It Felt like a little victory to Tom and he explored his newfound freedom of being able to lift his head by a couple of inches and even the freedom to push his mouth up between two of the narrow-centred cage bars.
Elena had already kicked off her leather boots and was wriggling out of her jeans. Once the jeans were finally free, Elena rolled them up and propped them under Tom’s head.
“Oh, I see,” Tom smiled, “Selfless as always.”
Ellie picked up her laptop and sunk down on to the cage so that her left buttock was touching Tom’s lips.
“Want me to kiss you?” he asked
“Probably a good idea as I’m the girl with the key”
“Is this part of the research?”
Elena was so single-minded that after a while she barely noticed that Tom was kissing her. Tom knew better than to interrupt her while she worked ,and so kept kissing her bottom and tights in the hope that she might react and Even reward him with her smile.
But Ellie was now singing, her shoulders slumped down over the laptop perched on her bare thighs. The results from Tom’s night of incarceration had been incredible. They showed correlations that she had never expected and that she had never even read about. This could make her name.
However, the results changed when she released him for lunch and his afternoon with friends had effectively freed him from her spell. She felt cross, as much with him as anything, and closed her tighs to hide him from view.
Suddenly, she noticed she was smiling and only then noticed that Tom’s lips were touching her vagina. She pulled her laptop aside and opened her legs. His touch was so wonderful that Ellie opened her lithe wider with her flushed muscles straining as she pulsed her body into his lips.
Everything else stopped as she turned her body to let him work his tongue deeper inside her. She climaxed strongly and jumped up, bouncing around the basement to diffuse her over-excitement.
“Let me out so we can make love,” Tom blurted.
Ellie knew what to do. She peeled off her wet underwear and placed it over Tom’s head, “We will make love, but not yet…”
“When?” Tom asked, transfixed with her naked body that was sitting above him, rolling from one chef to the other.
“I want to own you for the next week or maybe two,” Elena continued, “‘Cos I have to keep you in this sub-space state.”
Everything looked white and blurry through Ellie’s panties that suck to his face, and Tom found that he had to open his mouth and push out his tongue to break their seal.
“You can spend your breaks chained to that column over there.”
“Can I kiss you?” Tom gasped.
“That will be a scientific need,” she whispered.
“Will I be allowed an erection?”
Ellie smiled. She could have measured arousal in many ways and hadn’t realized how pre-occupied Tom would be at having his penis locked in a little cage. Surely, he only needed an erection if he was making love with a woman and that wasn’t going to happen while she was experimenting on him. Yet Tom seemed as concerned by the little steel device she had squeezed on his penis as he did about the huge and scarily secure cage where she now kept him imprisoned day after day. Maybe she shouldn’t have been so blasé about letting Kate keep the key.
It was now late in the evening and Elena still continued her experiments. She was delighted by her progress and changes in Tom’s reactions. She was even more delighted by changes in her own confidence. Gone was the girl who had have too timing to kiss her crush and now here was a woman, naked other than for a grey top, drawing moans of arousal each time she sat on Tom’s cage.
She had deliberately not given him any food or drink and he pleased for some water as she peeled her used underwear form his face.
“Food and sex have always been high on man’s list of needs,” Elena announced, stripped off her top and bra, “I Wonder what happens if they mix?”
She sat on the cage and poured some water on to her bare breasts, rubbing the liquid into her skin until drops started to run down her cleavage,across her taut stomach and down between her tanned legs. A single drop ran down her naked shavled crotch and plunged into Tom’s waiting mouth.
Tom’s body was tense and fighting to breakout of the inescapable cage. His straining tongue could just tongue Ellie’s vagina, pleasing a woman who was once again obsessed with her laptop.
“Like a caveman closing in on a kill,” she murmured, “Your body Knows it is close to reward and is pushing for the kill.”
Ellie looked down between her legs where Tom’s tongue was making love to her vagina, “Guess that will cause dampness, but barely enough to survive…”
Two more drops cascaded down Elena body and into Tom’s mouth followed by more note taking and excess facial expressions as Ellie’s mind processed the results.
Ellie swigged some of the bottled water herself and then pushed her used white underwear in through the narrow neck of the water bottle. She placed the bottle in Tom’s mouth and held it in place between her thighs.
“It may taste different, but you don’t really get a choice.”
Tom’s pared lips sucked on the bottle, but with the water filtering through Ellie’s lingerie, it only saw slowly into his mouth. His sucked, almost trace like on the bottle, barely noticing that almost an hour had passed.
Ellie took the empty bottle and removed her lingerie before placing the bottle in the bin. Even ‘bag girl’ Ellie was tidy. She then threaded a heavy chain through the bars and wrapped it around Tom’s neck.
“You sure I can have you for a week?”
She snicked the padlock closed.
“I won’t be able to unlock this padlock until at least early next week.”
“You’ve already locked it,” Tom panted.
“Oh yeah.”
“Rhetorical question?”
Ellie nodded, “I slipped the key into mom’s handbag and she’s away for a week.”
Tom felt wonderfully lightheaded as Ellie unlocked the cage and helped him to his feet. The chain around his neck was heavy and veryhigh security. The other end was attached to a concrete column allowing him to reach half of the basement and the toilet at the back.
Ellie looked innocent and vulnerable, excited to be naked in front of her crush as he took her hand and hugged her against his naked body. There was no going back now, she would complete her research. With Tom trapped in sub-space, she could also indulge in a lifetime of fansies.
“On Your knees,” Ellie commanded, “Kiss me.”
Tom dropped down and tenderly kissed his way up her thigh.
“On the floor,” she cried as she followed him down on to the rug trapping him in a schoolgirl pin. Ellie soon climaxed and dropped down on to the rug to hug herself into his body.
Too excited to stay still, she climbed back on to his body and kissed his lips. In this state, her kiss should be enough to block his mind and she grabbed hold of the chatity cage and twisted. She knew that the force applied her slender wrist was enough to cause pain, Ellie had spent several hours playing with his pain tolerance yesterday, but this time he didn’t even notice. He couldn’t even escape her eye contact. She kissed him again as a reward.
“Kate’s home,” Ellie whispered, “Maybe I can wrestle your chatity key from my little sis.”
Her every present laptop relayed Tom’s spike in arousal.
“Careful, I know everything about you, Tommy.” Her gently spoken words were somehow menuing.
Ellie stretched to her feet and eased back into her jeans and top. She stood close to Tom, to ensure she had his attention, and then walked away. Tom, now on his knees, tried to follow her, only to be cruelly held back by the chain around his neck.
“Mmm… you might have separation anxiety,” Elena stated, brown rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of her nose and already half hidden by blonde curls, “As I now control your life.”
This was no longer just science. The longing look in Tom’s eyes was effecting her more than she wouldadmit. The crueller she was, the more this gorgeous man idolised her. Captivity, complete loss of control and cruelty had trapped him in a state of mind where she was his queen.
Ellie returned a few minutes later and knelt on Tom’s chest, her knees pressing hard against his bare chest. She then placed a foot on Tom’s throat and proudly kept guard above his prone body.
“Can we make love?” she whispered.
Ellie hurried squeezed out of her jeans and fumbled with the small padlock key, somehow pushing it into the hole three times before she had it the right way. But Tom was now free, and this was long overdue. Tom scooped her up and eased her down on to his waiting cock. Elena eyes widened in amazement as she felt him deep inside her for the first time.
For once, Elena wasn’t in control and she followed Tom’s loving embrace. They climaxed quickly and then Tom rolled her on to her back to make love again. Ellie was inexperienced, but yet sex with her was like nothingTom had ever felt.
After the third time, her aroused brown eyes looked up through a jumble of blonde hair, “Can I have you all summer…?”
Tom felt his erection push between her thighs.
“Free food… and me?”
“And a free chain,” Tom added.
“Well, its academic, ‘cos I’m the only one with the keys!” the exciting woman giggled, clmbering to her feet.
Tom grinned; he was as infatuated with Ellie as she was with him, “Am I still being monitored?” he asked.
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