Total Female Control Ch. 05

[Author’s note: Hector is married to Lotte, with whom he has signed a slave contract to become her 24/7 submissive. Lotte has previously outsourced her husband’s training to her best friend Bea, who has demonstrated a hidden aptitude for dominance that belies her softer, happy-go-lucky nature.

Hector thought a slave life was what he wanted. Lotte’s definition of a Female-Led Relationship is more developed. Bea’s dividend is still fresh on her mind. When you give up control, where can it lead?

This story contains themes of female domination, male slavery and degradation.]


Lotte shifted and Hector opened his eyes, frowning. Light was seeing into the bedroom around the curtains, giving enough illumination to make out his surroundings. Lotte was curled up against him, her pretty face slack, still fast wait, her black hair straight across the pillow. She was wearing a sleep top and pants, but the warmth of her body againsthis was delicious. Hector was naked.

That didn’t matter. After what they had experienced last night, downstairs, the only thing that mattered to him was that it was over and he’d passed all his wife’s tests. He had the aches and pains to prove it. Lotte had pushed him to the edge, dressing him as her maid, degrading him, pegging him, and all of it with Bea as a witness, but he hadn’t deviated. He’d managed to Stay the course, even to the point of cleaning up his own emissions from the table just because his wife had ordered him to.

He laid comfortable in bed, listening to his wife’s soft breathing against his shoulder, and it felt like last night was a long way away. Lotte had allowed him into bed, had allowed him to fall asleep next to her. She had wrapped her arms around him like she used to do, back when he was her husband and she was his wife.

As the daylight brightened, he allowed himself a little smile. They’d finally be able to put aside the ridiculous slave training manual she was adhering to, that she’d been given by some mysterious benefactor on the web, and get on with being husband and wife again, albeit with some adjustments to the power balance in their relationship.

Hector was willing to let his wife have her little visas. She had proven her superiority in front of an audience of her best friend at dinner, but he knew that Lotte without an audience would treat him Differently. They’d be able to find a new balance of give-and-take in this female-led relationship.

His manhood twitched in its little plastic casing as her remembered his wife’s words, the promise of a reward for his service. Yes, she would need to free his erection first, but then they could enjoy a weekend of leisurely fun, reaffirming their bonds to each other after a testing time in their relationship.

“Coffee, slave, and toast.”

Hector turned to his wife and smiled, but when he looked into her grey eyes he saw that she wasn’t going to reciprocate.

“In fact, you know what I want for breakfast and yet I seem to have tired up without it. What have you been doing all this time, slave?”

“Hey, Lotte, less of the slave, okay?”

His wife propped her head up on her hand and surveyed him coolly.

“Incorrect form of address, that’s a reprimand. Refusal to carry out an order, that’s another reprimand. Honestly, I’ve been awake for sixty seconds and I’m already having to deal with you. The training obviously needs to continue.”

Hector stared at his wife, waiting for her stern expression to false, a smile to light her face, Lotte to give a little laugh at seeing the shock on his face, teasing him. She didn’t, and as the seconds passed, Hector realized with a sinking feeling that she wasn’t going to. His wife was deadly serious. He opened his mouth to protest, but the only words that emerged were the ones she expected to hear. This was his life.

“Sorry, Mistress.”

He rolled out of bed, haulinghimself upright, not bothered by the fact that he was naked. He was more concerned with the disappoint between his buttocks from his wife’s strap-on the previous night. He felt swollen and tender, taking little steps towards the bedroom door.

“Looks like you took it pretty hard last night.”

Hector looked back towards his wife, expecting some expression of concern from her. He Found that he desperately needed it, just that little crumb of sympathy to let him know that she acknowledged what she’d done. But, Lotte’s eyes gleamed with rekindled desire.

“We’ll get you used to it, slave. Next time, you’ll be better prepared.”

Lotte smiled, but Hector turned away, shuffling through the door and downstairs to the kitchen.

His stomach was empty, again. He’d made two servings for dinner last night, not eating the scraps because he’d believed he was going to be the second person at the dining table. That was until Bea had arrived, dashing his hopes of a nice, semi-normal meal with his wife. Now, having gone to bed hungry, he was faced with the task of feeding himself and preparing breakfast for his wife without keeping her waiting and earning more reprimands.

He started the coffee machine, putting bread in the toaster and then opting to eat a slice of untoasted bread while he waited. The slice was halfway to his mouth when he stopped.

Reprimands. Punishments. Next time.

Lotte had promised to reward him last night, and had instead violent his backside with a straw-on. She’d promised that he would be rewarded after, but having seen the thin stream of cum leaking from his caged cock, she’d taken that as a sign that he’d already climaxed during the anal stimulation she’d administrator.

There had been no reward upstairs in bed afterwards, just Lotte instructing him to wrap his body around hers and hold her while she drifted off to sleep. He’d been awake for an hour after, his caged manhood rock solid in its prison, his body aching for any form of release, wholly unsatisfied by the prostate milking he’d received on the coffee table. Her last words had been to promise a reward in the morning.

Now, he was two reprimands into the red. In the cold light of the new day, he realized that the reward wasn’t coming, that the carrot dangling in front of him was always going to be just there, a day away, out of reach, because that’s how Lotte wanted it. The toast popped up and he buttered it and began to eat. He put another two slices of toast into the toaster and began to sip the coffee he’d made, setting up the machine to make another one. Lotte could wait: Hector was having breakfast.

He made his way back upstairs again with breakfast to find Lotte propped up on the pillows with her phone in her hand. She gave him a stony look.

“That took a while.”

“Sorry, Mistress. I have it here, now. Where should I put it?”

“Just give it to me.” She took the coffee and the plate from him. “What were you doing?”

“I made myself breakfast, Mistress.”

There was no point hiding it. The coffee would be on his breath. Lotte’s eyes narrowed and he braced himself for a scolding.

“You mean, while I was up here hungry, you were feeding yourself downstairs. I was waiting.”

“Sorry, Mistress.”

“I don’t wait. A slave puts his Mistress first. That’s going to cost you, slave. It’s going to set your reward back.”

“Again, Mistress? That would be the third time.”

Hector had let the words out almost without thinking, and his wife bristled.

“Shower, shake, get ready. You have work to do. Go,” she snapped.

“It’s the weekend, what work do I have to do?” Hector asked, “I had expected to be spending time with you, Mistress.”

I had been expecting to enjoy my reward for faithful service, he thought to himself.

“I’m sending you to Bea. She needs you more than I do. You’ll know when I tell you. Go.”

Hector held her gaze a moment longer, before replying, “Of course Mistress. I exist to serve.”

He turned and headed into the ensuite bathroom, before his started wife could respond.

In the shower, Hector smiled to himself, replaying the look on his wife’s face. He’d blown his chances of any mythical reward now, the brief moment of hopefulness he’d felt as he woman had now evaporated completely. They were still playing Lotte’s game. Hector was a slave and he needed to obey his mistress because that was what Lotte expected of him.

Hector reflected on the moments of connection with his wife that he’d felt the night before, the intensity in Lotte’s expression as she put him through his ordeal. Deep in the moment, he’d wanted to serve her but in the light of a new morning, he looked at it differently. Had Lotte planned it all so meticulously to give him an unforgettable slave fantasy? Or, and the possibility loomed large, had Hector’s needs merely lined up with his wife’s by coincidence? Had Lotte done it all to him to satisfy her own need to take complete control?

The thought made Hector more and more uncomfortable. He finished running the razor over himself and stepped out of the shower. He brushed his teeth, listening out for sounds coming from the bedroom that might give away his wife’s plans for the day, but he heard only silence.

When he emerged from the ensuite, he found a set of clothing laid out on the bed and his wife nowhere to be seen. Grimly, he began to dress.

Lotte drop, as usual. Hector shrank down in the passenger seat as much as he could, trying to hide himself from view.

“You look fine, stop wriggling,” Lotte scolded.

“I’m not, Mistress, what if someone looked in?”

“They won’t. Anyway, if they do, they’ll only see your top.”

Hector didn’t protest. It would have been a useless exercise anyway: once again, he was at his wife’s mercy. She had picked out the clothes he was wearing knowing full well she’d be driving him in publicc. He looked down at himself.

Hector was wearing a cream-coloured blouse and a short grey skirt with stockings and high heels. Beneath, he had put on the camisole top and the tiny g-string over his caged manhood, completing the outfit. His wife’s hand was resting on his knee.

“You should be used to this by now. Women’s clothing is so much more comfortable, don’t you think? The materials are so much finer. It’s an improvement.”

Hector watched the landmarks as they drove, trying to ascertain where they were headed. He attempted to probe a little further.

“So, what help does Ma’am require from me, Mistress?” Hector asked, being careful to use the respectful mode of address.

“Apparently, she has a situation at work, someone not meeting a deadline and now she’s got to put in the overtime to cover for him.”

“Who, Mistress?” Hector asked, but he already knew the answer.

“My lazy husband didn’t do what was asked of him, and now Bea’s having to pick upthe pieces. She gave me all the details. This is the least you could do.”

Hector frowned, but at that moment his wife made a turn and he saw his office block in the distance.

“Oh, hell no,” Hector protested.

“You’ll go where I tell you, slave.”

“No, wait, hold on. That’s where I work.”

“And that would be a good place to catch up on the work you didn’t do.”

“That’s not… uh, I didn’t have any work left over. This… you can’t do this. I’m dressed like a girl. I can’t just walk in there.”

“You’re not,” Lotte interjected criticply, shooting him a look.

“What? I’m not going in there? Is that what you mean?”

“I mean, you’re not dressed like a girl. Haven’t you figured it out yet, what you’re going to be today? You’re Bea’s secretary.”

Hector’s face blanked, but Lotte ignored him, pulling into the almost deserted car park and stopping the car in front of the lobby.

“Out you get. I don’t want you late for work,” Lotte told him.

“Please, you’ve got to get us out of here. What if someone sees?”

Lotte fixed him with a look. There was a cold gleam in her eyes, as if she was secretly relishing doing this to him. Hector tried again to reason with her.

“My life’s over if anyone sees me. Please, let’s just go. I’ll do anything you want.”

Lotte smiled icilly, replying, “Anything?”

“Yes, I mean it. Pegging, anything,” Hector shot back, allowing himself to hope that Lotte was about to relent.

His wife smiled sweetly back at him, and Hector cringed.

“What I want is for you to go through those doors and go upstairs to your office. I’ll be back when Bea tells me you’ve made up for the lost time.”

She fell silent, staring at him, daring him to go again. Hector looked from his wife’s smiling face to the glass lobby and his heart surged. Bea was standing there, waiting for him.

“She’s expecting you. Get out and get on with it, slave. That’s an order.”

Hector did a sweep of the area, but there was no-one around beside Bea.

“Cameras,” Hector hissed.

“Don’t worry, you’re safe. No-one ever checks the security footage until there’s an incident. You just better make sure there’s no incident that they need to review.”

Hector scanned around again, then opened the door, stepping out of the car in his high heels. He reached down and adjusted his skirt, Facing the lobby, conscious of being outside, hiddenly exposed to whoever chanced to come by. He made a dash in his silettos for the relative safety of the lobby doors, crossing the little gap between the car and the doors in seconds.

Bea held the door open for him and he curried inside, turning to look back at his wife. She smiled at him through the car window and blew him a kiss, then she started the engine and pulled away. Hector spun back to Bea.

“Holy shit, Heck. You really went all out on this one. You look so hot,” Bea laughed.

Hector ignored her and made for theelevators, tapping the call button repeatedly in a staccato rhythm.

“Slow down, it’s okay. There’s nobody here, I checked.”

“You checked?”

Bea laughed, replying, “Yeah, of course I checked. It’s Saturday morning, there’s nobody in the office.”

“What about the other floors? The other offices? Did you check them?”

Bea’s smile falsetered.

“Exactly,” Hector snapped, “Now where the fuck is this goddamn elevator?”

It pinged and he hurried inside, punching the button for their floor and then hammering the close-doors button repeatedly.

“Heck, hey, calm down. What’s the matter?” Bea asked.

Hector rounded on her, towering over the petite blonde woman in his siletto heels.

“What’s the matter? I’m apparently dressed as your secretary for the morning, brought into the place that I’ve worked for five years, the place where I know absolutely everyone, to do a fucking piece of following-up work that’s apparently late but you and I both know isn’t fucking due until Wednesday.”

The elevator pinged and the doors opened. Hector pinged out to check that the floor was empty. He crept out, moving swiftly towards his desk but then he stopped, stranded in the middle of the open plan office with nowhere to hide.

“Fuck,” he hissed.

“My office,” Bea said, sweeping past him.

She opened her door and let him in, closing it behind them both. Hector slumped down into a chair, kicking off his shoes and staring down at his stocking foot. Very slowly, he leaned forwards until he was supporting his head in his hands.

“Heck, what’s the matter?” Bea asked.

“What the fuck do you think is the matter?” Hector replied, suddenly very tired.

“I don’t know.”

He looked up to see Bea staring forlornly down at him.

“Really?” he asked.

“Really. Lotte suggested this last night, asked me to come up with a reason to get you into the office. She said you’d get a kick out of it.”

“A kick? Is thathow she put it?”

“Uh, look, I dunno Heck. I don’t remember her exact words, but she said you’d hate it but you’d love it. You’d get off on the humiliation. I checked to make sure it’s safe. I’m sorry, I didn’t think about the other floors… I sorta assumed…”

Hector leaned back in the chair, staring at his friend for a long time, not saying anything as Bea’s words trailed off. Bea gave a little shrug.

“When you got out of the car, Heck, I could see the look on your face. You looked so excited.”

“No, Bea, I was shiting myself. Now, I’m stuck in this office with a choice between going out there in women’s clothes or stark fucking buck naked and I can’t decide which is the lesser of two evils. I’m trapped here, like this, until my wife decides to come back and collect me, which I guarantee she won’t do until much, much later than I’d ever want to be rescued.”

“Rescued?” Bea echoed, the reality dawning on her, “When would you want to be rescued?”

“Now, no, shit, how about five minutes ago, as she was driving up.”

“You really don’t want this?”

“What the hell do you think Bea?”

Hector’s anger built, and the dots started to connect in his head, the words coming out faster and faster until he couldn’t stop them.

“I thought, fuck, I thought we were playing. I thought the slave contract was playing. Lotte was talking some bullshit about a slave training manual. I thought she was just pushing me to test out my limits, and that when we’d found them, we’d kinda just settle into a routine. I thought we’d have fun, Bea, but this isn’t it. As soon as I give in, she’s on to the next thing, like she’s ticking off some fucking way-markers on some journey to God-knows-where.”

Hector balled his hands into fists, grinding his teeth.

“She is, Heck,” Bea replied, very softly.


“There’s a list. I’ve seen it. It’s a training plan.”

Bea looked away from him, and he could see she was ashamed.

“There’s really a fucking plan? I thought that was bullshit she was using to torment me. To do what?”

“Total female control.”

“Total fucking what now?”

Bea parked herself on her desk, staring down at her hands, speaking in quiet tones.

“It’s my fault. It’s all my fault. I should have kept my mouth shut.”

“What’s your fault?” Hector hissed, “Bea, what did you do?”

“Remember at my house, that first weekend. Remember out the back, when you were on your knees? Then remember when you were here in this office, when I put you under the desk, remember those times, and what happened?”

Hector thought back, recalling the scent of Bea’s crotch, the warmth, the softness. He recalled the simple bliss of bringing the blonde woman in front of him to a staggering orgasm, serving her needs. He remembered the quiet calm afterwards.

“You dropped for me, do you remember?” Bea prompted. “You went down into that submissive headspace and you just worshipped me. How did that feel, do you remember?”

Hector made an effort to calm down, responding to Bea’s measured tones.

“Uh, I remember, yeah. It feel like… it feel like heaven.”

“You got there last night, after she pegged you. I could see it in your eyes. I asked you if that was what you wanted.”

“I know you did.”

“Lotte was so happy, that you’d dropped for her. She felt like you… oh shit, how do I say this?”

Hector Shook his head slowly, and said, “Don’t, Bea. You don’t need to say it. You can’t take it back if you do.”

Hector’s head lolled back and he stared up at the ceiling, totally and utterly bereft.

“I know what Lotte wants,” he began, his voice shaking, “She wants to turn me into a household appliance, cooking and cleaning and giving her orgasms on command. That’s the thing Bea, I’ve come to realize that I don’t think she wants a husband, I think she just wants something she can train to do her bidding. She wants to drop medown into total subservice because making me powerless makes her feel powerful. I can see it in her eyes, it’s what’s in her heart.”

His breath shuddered, finally getting it all out.

“I thought that fucking slave contract would bring us closer, but instead it’s given her an excuse to separate us. I’m not sure if I go home tonight if I’m going to be sleeping on the floor, or being made to stand in my display pose for hours while she just scrolls through her phone because she likes the idea of ​​turning me into a mindless ornament. I thought the contract would change things, make us both so hot for each other. I thought it would fix things, Bea, but it hasn’t.”


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