Total Female Control Ch. 02

[Author’s note: Hector is married to Lotte, with whom he has signed a slave contract to become her 24/7 submissive. Lotte has previously outsourced her husband’s training to her best friend Bea, who has demonstrated a hidden aptitude for dominance that belies her softer, happy-go-lucky nature.

Hector thought a slave life was what he wanted. Lotte’s definition of a Female-Led Relationship is more developed. Bea’s dividend is still fresh on her mind. When you give up control, where can it lead?

This story contains themes of female domination, male slavery and degradation.]


Hector was roused by toes poking his cheek. He blinked groggily, rolling over onto his back and regretting it instantly as his weight compressed his cuffed wrists. He gave out a little yelp, finding himself staring up his wife’s leg at her bare body. She tapped his face lightly with the ball of her foot, smiling down at him. It wasn’t a friendly smile, he noticed.

“Did you sleep well?”

Hector opened his mouth but then closed it again, recalling just in time that Lotte had forbidden him to speak last night. In any case, the question was rhetorical, simply for her amusement. She grinned.

“Oh, now that was impressive. You remembered your orders. Okay, roll onto your front.”

Hector rolled obediently onto his front, winning again. This time the pain came from his manhood, his morning erection sealed tightly into the little plastic casing being forced painfully into his crotch.

“Yeah, whichever way you turn, you’re fucked. Underlines the reality.”

She knelt down and began to tug at his restraints.

“Your body belongs to me. Now, I’m going to give you back the privilege of speaking. Let’s have a respectful tone, otherwise you could be spending the day on mute. I have no idea how you’d pull that off at work. Get up.”

Hector found that he could move his arms again, though his shoulders were painfully stiff fromhaving his hands locked behind his back all night. He’d been reduced to lying on his side on the carpet with his knees tucked up, unable to get comfortable on either his front or back due to the cock cage and the cuffs around his wrists. Hector decided that it was better not to ask his wife about her intentions; her mood was still dangerously quixotic, he was clearly still on thin ice.

Lotte pulled him close, and his eyes alted on her soft lips. Her naked body teased him, close enough for him to wrap his arms around her, skin to skin. He kept his arms by his sides.

“You’re on the ball this morning. That looks a lot like proper respect.”

Lotte closed the distance between them, brushing the tips of her nipples against his chest. Hector didn’t dare move. A sly smile crept across his wife’s pretty face.

“You’re burning to pop in that little cage. I love seeing you like this. It’s a goal we have to go to work, Heck. I’d love to keep you like this all day. I bet Icould have you reduced to a slobbering heap by lunchtime.”

Hector closed his eyes.

“Is it that hard?” Lotte chuckled, “Oh, poor boy. You have no idea. I’m only getting started. You want to cum?”

Hector nodded, not trusting himself to speak, or to even open his eyes. The tantalising vision of her looking at him with that knowing smile on her face was more than he could bear.

“I have a little bit of sad news for you in that case. I was thinking all this through, as I was lying in the big, soft warm bed this morning listening to you snoring on the floor. I think we won’t do orgasms for you from this point on. Okay?”

Hector gritted his teeth. A startling, sering pain on his chest made him jolt, his eyes snapping open. Lotte twisted his nipple harder, looking up at him with a questioning expression on her face. He wanted to swat her hand away, ashamed at the way his cunning wife had taken control and was making him suffer. She was expecting it to hurt, twisting harder, pushing him. Lotte wanted him to resist, but Hector’s anger transferred into appreciation at how he would be punished. Somehow she’d planted a trip-switch in his mind, the urge to rebel turning into the expectation of reprisal.

Hector nodded reluctantly and Lotte released his nipple, leaving it to throb painfully.

“Good boy,” Lotte replied.

She patted him on the chest, smiling sweetly now, having extracted his obedience.

“You’re going to learn that pleasure me is all you need. Pleasing me is far more important than asking for orgasms. You’ll still get to clean the pipes out from time to time, keep everything in working order. How often and in what way depends a lot on your performance. I’m firm, but I’m fair. This is going to be such fun, I’m so pleased with Bea’s work over the weekend.”

She patted him on the chest again, a light, dismissive tap. Lotte had clearly turned the page on the conversation from last night. Or had she?

“I think thatse training sessions might become a fixture. They help the both of you. Two birds with one stone.”

Hector wanted to ask what she meant by that, but his mind was suddenly occupied with what Lotte was now doing to him. She unlocked his collar first, peeling it from around his neck. She went down onto her knees again and unbuckled his wrist and ankle cuffs, then she seized the plastic cock cage.

“What’s worse, do you think, Heck? Your beautiful naked wife kneeing in front of you, with you all locked up tight in that little cage?”

Lotte worked quickly with the unlocking tool, prising the two halves of the plastic casing open. She pulled it away from his crotch, making him wince as the inch-long steel bolt was pulled out of his urethra.

“Or me kneeing here, my lips an inch away from your erection?”

As if obeying her words, his manhood sprang to life, swelling eagerly until his glistening tip was dancing in the air in front of his wife’s face. She looked up athim, smiling seductively and parted her lips. He felt the warmth of her breath, swelling until he was painfully proved in front of her.

“Either way, I can make sure you’re in age.”

Lotte withdraw, getting to her feet.

“I’m not sure which is crueller, taking away your erection or just forbidding you to touch it. Let’s get you into the shower. We don’t want you to be late for Your first day as Bea’s flunkey. She’s going to expect your full support as your superior. I’m sure you’ll be very obedient.”

To his dismay, his naked wife wrapped her fingers around his aching erection and used it to pull him after her into the shower. She held him tight as she turned on the water, passing him the body wash.

“Clean me.”

Hector stared at her, forlorn. His manhood was rock hard, he was in the shower with his naked wife, her hand was gripping his cock tightly, she was expecting him to later every inch of her soft skin, and he was absolutely convinced that he wouldn’t be allowed any release. When she let go of his manhood, it was almost a relief.

He ran his hands over his wife’s body, tracing over her curves, slicking her skin with the soap bubbles. His erection showed no sign of subsiding. After he’d rinsed her off, she directed him to soap himself up, standing outside the stream of water, coating himself until he was later from his neck to his toes.

“Here. Start with your chest.”

Lotte handed him her shaker. He found himself gawping mutely at her.

“We’ll get rid of all that manly chest hair first, then I want you completely smooth everywhere. Come on, we don’t have all day.”

Lotte angled her body back into the stream of water, making a show of smoothing her skin with her hands. She gave him a curt nod.

Hector began to remove his body hair. Lotte had shaken him once before, removing his pubic hair for the look of it, but she hadn’t made it a rule, letting it grow back again on a whim. This was all new, the idea that his entire body should be shaken.

Diligently, he stripped his chest, then his arms and his legs. Lotte watched him with barely-concealed delight from her place under the warm running water, he fingers toying with her clip in a brazen display of sexuality that was completely out of character for the woman he’d married. Lotte was blowsoming in all sorts of new ways.

At last, he was left with the space between his legs. He’d shaken as close as he could without daring to touch himself. His wife’s mood had lifted as she watched his display of humility, and Hector had no intention of jeopardising such good progress. Maybe he was going to receive the sexy slave treatment he’d been looking forward to after all.

“Let me.”

Lotte took the shaker from him and wrapped her fingers around his erection, holding him firmly in place. He felt himself pulse, and she gave his shake a playful slap in reprimand.

“Calm down and stay still. You don’t want me toslip.”

Hector remained perfectly still, his arms by his side, letting his wife shake him. He studied her face, seeing how she concentrated on her task, her browser furrowing, her soft lips pursued together. All the while, the shaken stroked between his legs and her fingers manipulated his genitals, pulling him this way and that to get all the straight hairs.

Hector felt a familiar tightness gathering behind his balls. Somehow that made the feeling more intense, building him up to climax with each pulse. His wife’s delicate touch caressed him, her bare body shining with the water trickling over her skin. The feeling deep within him turned into a surging wave and he met his wife’s gaze.

Her blue eyes were boring into his, and he realized what she was doing. A cold smile spread across her face, even as his cock began to swell and twitch. He grunted, gritting his teeth. Her eyes were asking him a question.

Hector pulled back, out of her reach, his manhood dancing in the air, teetering on the edge of climax. He’d been so close.

“Good boy,” Lotte purred, “That’s right. You can’t cum, no matter what I do to you. Tell you what, I’ll let you talk. Anything you want to get off your chest?”

She swatted his cock again, and he looked down. He was smooth and bare all over: Lotte had already finished shaving him, she’d been toying with him Instead. Hector shook his head and Lotte just shrugged.

“Turn around, let’s do the back.”

Hector frowned.

“Oh, yeah,” Lotte laughed, “You never see it. You’ve no idea. Back up and bend over, I’ll do it. It’s quicker.”

Lotte turned him around and bent him over, struggling the cleft between his buttocks with a finger, tapping his pumpered rear entrance and sending shivers through him.

“You looked so cute in the butt plug. Did Bea mention that it’s the beginner size? I’m going to make you able to take bigger. I want to get you to the point that you can accommodate a cock. Now, grab your ankles and spread your legs.”

Hector blanked at her words, but he wrapped his hands around his ankles, feeling extremely vulnerable to his wife’s mergers. He had to say something though, he couldn’t let the comment pass, regardless of whether it was going to sour the mood.

“What do you mean by a cock, Mistress?” he asked, keeping his tone level and respectful.

The shamer skimmed between his buttocks. For a moment, it seemed as if his wife had decided to ignore his question.

“Oh, it’s in the contract. I know you crossed out the gay thing, but I’m going to peg you. I think it’s going to help you get a long way along the path to where I want you. There’s no better antidote to the male ego than taking your wife’s strap on up your rear. I’m going to train you so that eventually I can fuck you hard, like a bitch.”

Again, the words sounded foreign, as if someone else was speaking them with his wife’s voice. Lotte had never spoken to him like this before. She’d neverrevealed a desire to have anal intercourse with him, violating his rear entrance for her own delights. More and more, he began to wonder what had happened to the woman he’d married. Had Lotte was changed by the games, discovering new fetishes that she wanted to try, or had she always been like this and hidden it from him?

Hector shuddered. If it was the latter, then his wife had been playing a long game, introducing elements gradually throughout their marriage, taking tenative steps with him when all along she was reining back the desire to take huge strides. She was taking those strides now, empowered by the contract between them, leaving Hector to feel like a rabbit in the headlights.

“One last bit. Hold still.”

He felt her fingers against his sphincter and realized what she was about to do. Hector tried to relax himself, but she was already pushing. Her finger was slick with soap, the tip penetrating him unexpectedly. He clenched around the intrusion, sending a stab of pain through his rear. He hissed.

Lotte was going to train his body to be able to take a dildo back there, not just a finger tip. He imagined himself on his hands and knees on the bed with his backside up in the air. Lotte would apply lube, taking her time. She would prepare him with her fingers first, to stretch him and warm him up. Then he would feel the tip of her strap-on and he would remain perfectly still While his wife fucked him in the rear. The shame would be unbearable. His traitorous cock pulsed in response, painfully hard at the thought of the humiliation.

“Bit tender back there? My fault,” Lotte remarked. “I left the plug in you too long. I should really have removed it earlier last night, but I was too mad.”

Her tone was offhand, casually discussing his predicament. He felt water against his backside, then soap, as Lotte worked the later around his sphincter. She knew just what to do, even though they’d never done this before. That was a significantant piece of information.

The finger pulled out a little way and then pushed back in, slipping further. She worked steadily, until he was slicked enough by the soap to take in a knuckle, then another knuckle and then finally her entire finger. He felt it wiggle deep inside him, completely penetrated. She stroked gently and he felt a deep pressure building in his core.

“Ah. Just there.”

Hector’s sphincter pulsed around his wife’s finger, giving her all the information she needed, his body betraying him as he was forced to remain in position, clutching his ankles. His wife stroked inside, building the inexorable feeling of fullness and urgency until he was forced to admit defeat.

“Please, I can’t… I’m going to…”

The teasing finger slide out of him, leaving him feeling strangely hollow after being filled so Intimately.

“Oh wow.”

The emptiness was replaced as her finger slide deep inside him again, burying itself completely in a single stroke this time. Lotte began to finger fuck him, laughing softly to herself.

“I never thought a week ago that I’d be doing this to you, Heck,” she chuckled, “And look at you being such a good boy about it, grabbing your ankles and letting me play with you. I can’t wait to peg you. It’s going to be so… uh, oh fuck it.”

Hector was confused, still coming to terms with the finger sliding in and out of his rear. He wasn’t prepared to feel his wife press her crotch up against his hip.

“Stay perfectly still. I need to just scratch an itch.”

Lotte began to grind her pussy against his hip, her slide slipping easily over his soap-slickened skin.

“That feels so good. Don’t move. You don’t want me to slip over with my finger up There.”

Hector stared down at his feet, frozen in position, letting his wife violent him with her finger even as she ground against him for her own pleasure. She began to hum hard against him, rubbing herself to climax in no more than a coupleof dozen strokes, demonstrating how powerfully aroused subjecting her husband to his torque was making her. She shuddered and gasped, her finger plunging painfully deep into his anus as her body shook with her orgasm.

After a few moments, she stepped back and slide her finger out of him, turning into the flow of water and washing herself off.

“That was amazing, wasn’t it? Nothing quite so empowering for a wife than to use her husband as her personal scratching post. Oh, and nothing quite so emaculating as a husband just taking it as I fucked him up the backside. Are you enjoying female control yet?”

Hector didn’t reply, straightening up and feeling the soreness in his rear from the friction of her finger. Despite the humiliation of being used by his wife for her pleasure, his erection showed no signs of subsiding. Lotte noticed it too. She wrapped her naked body around his, bearing down on his shaft, forcing it between her legs at a painful angle, pressing down withher bodyweight until he had to bend his knees to relieve the pressure.

“You’re going to love it, once you get used to it. Total control, under my thumb.”

Lotte’s body felt excite, her skin so warm and soft. Her thigh muscles pulsed radically, squeezing his trapped cock. It was too much for Hector to bear, feeling his wife’s hips rocking back and forth, grinding her clip against the base of his shake. She was fucking him with her thighs, tormenting him. His arms remained repeatedly by his sides because she hadn’t allowed him to hold her. His knuckles were white.

Lotte pulled back abruptly, stepping out of the shower and wrapping herself in a towel. Hector started after her, agog, as his wife got on with her morning as if she hadn’t just used him to rub out an incredible orgasm.

“Rinse off, then I want that gone,” she said, pointing at his erection, “Use the cold water if you can’t get it under control any other way. No touching.”

She gave him a sweetsmile and went out into the bedroom, leaving Hector standing dumbly watching her go. His cock ached for contact, and it crossed his mind that a few good strokes would be all he needed. Lotte didn’t need to know.

Yet, he didn’t do it. Instead, he stepped into the stream of warm water to rinse the body wash off his skin. The foam sloughed away, leaving him looking down at his glaiming, bare body. He was completely hairless, and it felt like he was looking at someone else. He ran a hand over his chest and then his thigh, feeling the frictionless expansion of skin. He grazed the skin above his shake, thrilling to the close contact he now had, unbuffered by hair. His skin felt hypersensitive, making his erection quiver.

This was getting him nowhere. Reluctantly, he obeyed his wife and turned the tap to cold, bracing for the Shock of the icy stream between his legs. Hector’s erection withered under the onslaught, shrivelling up. He turned off the water and got out, towelling himselff dry.

“Come on, you need to get dressed or we’re going to be late for work.”

Hector emerged from the bathroom to find his wife already dressed in a knee-length skirt and a light blouse, running a brush through her long black hair. She indicated the bed with a nod and then turned to inspect herself in the mirror.

“Uh, what am I wearing?” Hector asked.

The bed had a pair of jeans, a shirt, and the crumbled up lingerie that his wife had discarded when she’d climbed into bed the previous night.

“Oh, yeah, quick, here.”

His wife advanced on him with the little plastic enclosure in her hand.

“Wait, Lotte, hold on. I’m going to work, I can’t wear that.”

“It’s either the cage or risk an erection. I think we want to avoid the latter.”

“Why would I get an erection at work?”

“Because you’re going to be wearing my used lingerie.”

Lotte tugged at the towel around his waist, striping him. She knelt between his legs, working quicklyto encase his cock and balls in the moulded clear plastic shell, bringing the two halves together and screwing them shut. He began to fill his cage immediately.

“Have to work fast, with you in your current state. Otherwise I’m wrestling the python.”

Lotte patted the hard plastic between his legs.

“Though, less of a python now. More of a wiener. But that’s just the way we like it, isn’t it darling? No big manly erections, just a tiny little wiener sausage.”


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