Torrid Lady Victoria Ch. 06

Kent, England 1921


“Jones! You rotten bastard! You have betrayed me! I strictly forbade you to have intimate relationships with my niece!”

Cynthia Trescott was on her back and the stable hand was between her open legs and fucking the shit out of the nineteen year old virgin. His butt rose up and down on as his cock drive balls deep in the moaning strawberry blonde. Lady Victoria Ponsonby Smythe was entertaining the sister of her sons wife for the second time as she taught the aspiring young woman how to ride. In the first flush of womanhood as she neared the age of twenty, Cynthia had implored her aunt to also teach her of matters of the flesh. In a bizarre twist her Ladyship had deigned to inspire confidence in the virginal girl by demonstrating basic sexual technique by having sex with her servant Norman Jones right in front of her.

“Oh, lord! I think I’m going to cum! Push harder Mister Jones!”

Victoria had heard muted noises coming from the small bedroom of her chambermaid and had flung the door open to find Cynthia understanding naked beneath the bobbing bum of Jones. Wide eyed the blonde horsewoman glowered in rage as her young niece thrashed about with her slim legs up in the air. Jones looked over his shoulder and pulled his shiny erection from the moist pussy of Cynthia, found his trousers and took off pronto.

“I shall tan his sorry hide in time. As for YOU young lady you are in big trouble.”

“But Auntie!”

“Did he force you? Tell me he did.”

“No, I…I wanted him. I just had to have sex!”

Cynthia sat up on the bed, tits heaving and a tell tale red smear under her bottom on the sheet. Victoria stood there fuming in her white cotton dressage bloom, tight jodhpurs and black leather riding boots with silver cavalry spurs. A broad studied belt bit into her tiny wait which had the effect of having her top heavy bus stick out even more. The dignified woman of some forty years demonstrated her wealth in her attire and demeanor as she huffed and puffed.

“I’ll have you remember you are a guest in this house and must abide by my rules. I promised your uncle Jeremy that you would remain chaste under my roof and now you have shamed me beyond repair. This is most unfortunate and there must be penance. You know my methods.”

“I do.” Came the sulky reply.

The young woman covered herself with her robe and the pair of them went to a room on the top floor of the Manor house and entered a small, dimly lit antechamber. Cynthia experienced a feeling of dread mixed with a shiver of a thrill. Having been on the end of a vigorous spanking on her first visit to her aunt she had received pain as well as a bittersweet stimulus. Was she a masochist, she pondered as she shed her robe?

“Such a lovely body. To be so reckless in your choice of admirer is frightfully disappointing.”

Victoria’s blue eyes feasted on the five foot and a bit teenager. Naturally gorgeous with a sweet face, shoulder length fair hair and a trim figure. Soft, tiny tits with sharp points and a dreamy bubble butt, she was the envy of most women and an object of lust for most men. Her angelic blue eyes blinked as she got accustomed to the light and the low lamps emphasized her creamy complexion. Sadly, her bashful and unassuming nature had prevented her from any sexual behaviour. Until now that is. x

“Stay still girl and let me finish.” Said Victoria to the bare assed woman on her beended knees.

Cynthia stifled a sob as the light ropes cut into the softness of her newly broken in pussy. Tied to the ropes that bound her wrists and elbows behind her by one connecting length around her miniscule waist, whenever she made the merest move her cunt was nudged.

“Auntie! Why are you so cruel to me?”

Victoria contemplated her latest work with arms folded.

“I take this matter very seriously, and, truth be told it’s just my true nature. I rather enjoy administrator pleasureThrough pain. Consider this.”

Cynthia concentrated on trying not to move lest the ropes squeezed her. Then she screamed as her Ladyship took the short riding crop to her small breasts, striving each in turn with a precision that came from previous experience. Every crack on her tender nipples caused her diminutive body to jerk, which made her binds concrete into her soft flesh.


Tap! Tap! Tap!

More strikes on her tits and more uncontrollable struggle making the thin ropes against her pussy slit press unnervingly on her cliporis! Victoria ceased her ministers as Cynthia turned onto her left side desperately acknowledging the excite fire in her loins. She rolled on the floor as that odd mix of pain, in her breasts and pussy, transmitted into sublime victorys of the utmost gratification. Her nipples were raw and throbbed, and her cunt was plump and wet.

“My word. You ARE wet my dear.”

Victoria unbuttoned her jodhpurs and ripped them off hastily and dropped onto her haunches beside the panting Cynthia and frantically frigged her own damp pussy. Her index finger in her right glove squirmed inside her syrup like depths and lewd squishy noises filled the room.

“Heavens! How very nice. Now for your peach of a bottom.”

Victoria stood up, naked from the waist down and released the wear young thing from her ropes. Too Weak to resist Cynthia was doubled over, hunted on her knees and her backside raised. Humiliated yet exhilarated Cynthia clenched her buttocks and bit her lower lip. Her Ladyship touched her own pussy and lightly strummed her clip as she gazed upon the shapely cheeses, that simpled ass cleavage and exclusively cunt that peeped out from closed thighs.

“Ready?” She said as she croouched low.

With a thumbing heart Lady Victoria smacked the buttocks in turn with the palm of her glove, making sure to avoid the middle of each chef. The sharp blows resounded in the dark antechamber as soft flesh yielded to leather. Not too hard but enough to burn all the same.

“Naughty girl! What are you?”

Smack after smack followed merciless smack as the girl’s bottom glowed fiercely.

“Ye…es! I’m naughty, Auntie. Oh, so…so very naughty.” A macabre dance unfolded as each strike forced the slim blonde to jerk forward at the waist and yelp under her breath. In Another strange sequence Victoria frigged her pussy with her left hand as she spanked Cynthia with her right. Cynthia held her balance on her left hand as she stroked her aching clip with her right. The heat rose from the girl’s pretty posterior as a rosy glow resulted from the never ending spank. Then Victoria stopped hitting, held her hand between Cynthia’s cheats with her right forefinger pressed Against the downy covered muff, and pushed. In a matter of seconds both women had an intense climax and they gradually flopped onto the floor together in blessed relief.

“Thank you, Auntie.” Said Cynthia who nursedthrobbing tits and cunt with both hands.

“Most welcome, my dear. Now, for Mister Jones.”


Norman Jones had fucked up. Fucked up badly and feared the worst. In a moment of madness he had been seduced by the young and attractive Cynthia and he had borrowed the bed of the chambermaid to make love to her. Caught red handed by her Ladyship he had fled, only to be returned by two of her servants When he had been tracked down in the neary village. It had been some time since Norman Jones of Whitstable had answered the advertisement posted in the local newspaper by Lady Victoria.

‘Are you competent with horses?’ Ran the advertisement.

Jones had read that she required a male groom, no older than thirty with an excellent physique and stamina. Must obey the strictest command with no question. He had been Successful and had soon discovered that her Ladyship harbored some unorthodox methods in reparation. The tall, willowy blonde was quite beautiful for her age and incredibly rich, thanks to her marriage to Member of Parliament Lord Henry, a man nearly twice her age. After he settled in it hadn’t taken the sadistic woman long to wild the crop.

“Well, Jones. We HAVE was getting into both lately, haven’t we? Are you testing my patience perhaps? You never did appreciate how lucky you were in my employee. Well now is too late.”

Victoria stood with her head held high, a vision of supreme arrogance, totally naked except for her thigh high riding boots and a black chocolate around her sensitive neck. She toyed with a coiled bullwhip in her black satin glove that was drawn to her elbow. Her bared 34F breasts hung firm and rounded with just a hint of middle aged sag. Although blessed with large boobs her figure was in perfect proportion to her five feet and eight inches. Flat stomach, broad shoulders and long thighs indicated her horse riding fitness. Beside her, equally nude stand Cynthia, head bowed and legs tightly shut.

“You know how many like youhave come and gone? I demand obedience in every aspect from my servants, one hundred per cent. And I certainly do not give second chances. Men! Live their entire lives through their crotch. Just can’t keep it buttoned can you?”

She pointed to his hanging cock between his toned legs with pure disdain. The beefy man had been stripped naked and secured to a metal framework in the dread antechamber. He had been made to face the wall in a spread eagle position with his arms above his head, wrists cuffed to the horizontal bar. His ankles were similarly restrained to a foot bar, and in such a way that he was rising up on his toes.

“Your day is done, Jones. It only remains for me to administrator a sound beating, and Miss Cynthia here will assist.”

“Mercy, my Lady. I crave mercy!” His voice broke as he pleased for clemency.

“Enough blubbing! Do you see this?”

Victoria gripped his head by his hair and swivelled it as she gripped the left thigh of a startled Cynthia andpointed her glove to the juicy crevice of the young woman’s loins.

“This was never meant for your frivolous entertainment. You have stolen that which is worth a handsome fortune from her intended. And now…”

The sadistic aristocratic woman hung her long leather bullwhip over the top bar by his head which filled the helpless man full of trepidation.

“Like it? I can assure you that I am nothing but practiced in its use. Let me demonstrate.”

Victoria flexed the whip and ran the ribbed tails through her glove. An exalted feeling came over her, surpassing all previous episodes as she inhaled deeply. She loved to use the whip as nature intended as without clothing she found she could swing her arm more accurately. She stole a glance at Cynthia who was hunted over and then cracked the whip. The flexible leather instrument slashed out and Jones throw his head back at the arrival of the whip on his bare skin. His ass juddered from the hard strike and he winced in pain.

“Good start,” she though as she leaned forward into her next stroke.

Back came her right arm again and made splendid direct contact with both his buttocks. Unable to cope with the pain his voice froze in his throat. Victoria witnessed with a wicked exhilarating sense of satisfaction.

“Are you paying attention, Cynthia? I’m doing this for you.”

The young blonde looked on agog as her Aunt gave the empire captive a stream of controlled and steady lashes that made her enormous tits bounce in a most lurid fashion. Jones finally screamed in agony, his mouth open, his eyes screwed shutt. Two prominent red lines marked out her hits as her Ladyship stood firmly behind him. His cries of pain were like music to her ears.

“Are you regretting your actions now, you pathetic fool?”

Jones whimpered as Victoria cleaned the plaits of leather tails of blood through her left glove. She took two paces to her right and stood with her black boots out wide, her delectable figure glistening in perspiration. Her golden that had darkened some as her excited pussy became decidedly moist. Then with no prior warning she cracked the whip down with a pitiless ferocity that made the tip echo in the air with the incredible speed.

“My Lady! Have ball!”

Annoyed at his impudence Victoria let loose on his back with a pent up fury.

“Your body is mine, wretch. I am in complete control. Hmm, I like your legs, yes, a new target.”

Her Ladyship began a fresh assault on his upper thigh region just south of the valley of his ass. A single loud crack filled their ears as she laid into his anguished legs. Jones felt a cool rush of air between his thighs and on his balls as she assumed his lower body. Victoria paused and studied the lattice work of criss cross lines on his back and buttocks, now red with the trickle of blood. Although his desperate predicament, or maybe because of it, his cock was fully erect in front of him. Aware of this astonishing reaction the busty blonde licked her lips and coiled the bullwhip between her upper thighs, running the entire instrument back and forth against her dripping cunt. His big price stood up proud with purple crown and thick veins. Cynthia was speechless, yet turned on at the macabre sight of the gyrations of her Aunt and rubbed herself as well, focusing on Jones and then Victoria.

“This woman is amoral!”

Jones was in a world of pain. The bullwhip had been a nightmare, more than he had even endured during the war. Sweat poured from his body and blood ran down the crack of his ass his cock still remained rock hard.

“Too rich! Here Cynthia.”

Victoria came behind the tiny blonde and hugged her delightful body tight, cupping those apple sized breasts in both gloves and rubbing the erect nipples. As she nuzzled the Creamy neck of the girl Victoria slammed her hips hard at her pert backside, dry humping her with a crazy lust. Victoria gasped as an orgasm surged through her, so intense, so perfect, so unlike those she achieved through intercourse.

“Oh, sweet!”

As she continued her banging her Ladyship worked her right glove into the dripping slit of her niece, running it up and down the soft folds until Cynthia screamed with pleasure. Already very wet she squirted with a severe spasm in her pussy as her Aunt bit her on the ear hard. Victoria replaced her composure and gave a shudder of delight at the adequate proceedings. She called out to the pair of servants who had collected Jones hours earlier.

“Get him out of my sight.” Said the radiant naked blonde.

“Yes, my Lady.”

“What will happen to him?” Wondered Cynthia.

“Who cares. I mispise his like. See one, seen them all.”

Her two servants led the beaten Jones out by the ears as Lady Victoria Ponsonby Smythe looked on with complete triumph.

“Come, my dear girl. Let us see about feeding the horses and then we can have a pleasant evening canter. Have I mentioned the charming, and unmarried son of Sir Hilary Oates? He is quite a catch as I understand it.”



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