Note- Dedicated to Mrs. 123z. Thanks for the ideas.
Kent, 1921
Jeremy Ponsonby Smythe had been delighted to hear that his mother had acquired to his wishes that she taught Cynthia how to ride. He was the son of Lord and Lady Henry Ponsonby Smythe of Whitstable in Kent and was hard at work in his attempts to become a Member of Parliament like his father. He had served in the Great War and on his return in 1918 had married his childhood sweetheart, Felicity. Now her nineteen year old sister, aware that Jeremy’s mother the Lady Victoria tended to some of the most exclusive stables in England, had expressed a desire to learn how to ride a horse.
“I shall do as you ask, but remember I am strict in my way of doing things and demand the utmost attention and will not tolerate contradiction. Relate my wishes to young Cynthia and we shall commence forthwith.”
Cynthia drive up to the magnificent Manor house in her second hand Rover 8 motor car, a gift from her parents on her eighteenth birthday. The sky was pristine and clear on this day of May as the open top twin cylinder engine vehicle trundled up the driveway and the young woman waved from the drivers seat to her aunt who stood waiting. Once parked she hoped over the low door and greeted her aunt with a beaming smile
“Auntie Victoria, sooo lovely to see you again, yah!”
Lady Victoria did not smile back as she looked at her watch pin on the laptop of her smartly tailored top coat. She wore the customary riding gear of jodhpurs which tucked into her knee high black paddock boots. A tall five feet eight her Ladyship was full figured, wide of hip, narrow of waist and blessed with a massive bust. Well groomed, her light hair medium length, she came across as rather imposing and cold.
“You are one hour and five minutes late. This is not a good start, young woman. I am very busy and have not the time for this frivolous nonsense.”
“So sorry, Auntie. Dashed car broke down halfway here.”
Dressed in the height of fashion the cheery girl had on a broad hat with tiny flowers on either side of the crown. Her blouse fell in deep scallops over her plained crepe skirt that came down to her calves.
“We shall have two cups of tea each in the study and then you shall change and we will commence with lesson one.”
“Gosh, thanks! I’m so excited. I so need to work on my riding skills.”
Victoria turned on her heels and Cynthia noted how long and slender the woman’s legs were. She grabbed her valise from the passenger seat and tottered after her. When they were refreshed they reconvened at the rear of the house where the exclusive stables were.
The afternoon sunlight shone through the cracks of the stable where the three mares were frisky and animated. Cynthia had changed into her brand new trim breeches and highly polished, tightfitting boots. A silk derby hat sat atop her head and her grey top coat was unbuttonedand loose. Victoria looked at the smiling young woman with the strawberry blonde hair, just over five feet in height, with the baby blue eyes and high cheesebones. Fair of complexion she had a natural beauty and a pleasant demeanour. She had just finished her education at Cheltenham Ladies’ College and was eager to get ahead in life.
“Ah, there is Jones.” Said Victoria still in her outfit from earlier.
Norman Jones approached the two women with Teabag, the two year old mare. The local young man had established himself as a stable help on the Manor and regard himself fortunate, despite the rather heavy handed manner of her Ladyship.
“Oh, Auntie! I’d love to ride her!”
Victoria looked at her young niece closely as she hoped up and down excitedly and lowered her eyes to the pert bottom in the close fit jodhpurs. The forty year old lingered on the ripe cheeses under the tight pants and her penchant for corporate punishment bubbled to the surface. How very much didshe hanker to give those perfect peaks a sound spanking.
“How is she, Jones?”
“Splendid, my Lady. She just needs a rubdown before I saddle her up.”
“Very well. This gives me an opportunity to teach young Cynthia a thing or two about my methods.”
Cynthia pouted in disappointment as she was led from the stable to a hay barn next door.
“Don’t blub girl. First I must determine that you have a good ‘seat.’ This is important for your control and the security of the horse.”
Victoria fetched a three legged wooden stool and sat by a small bale of hay upon which sat a leather training saddle.
“Hop on and let me look at you.”
Cynthia sat and assumed a straight backed posture with both hands on the reins and boots bent at the knee, pointing back. Victoria stood and ran her hand over the nicely rounded rump and squeezed gently.
“Bend at the wait, my dear.”
Cynthia did so and her backside lifted up further into the air and Victoria usedThe opportunity to cares the displayed derriere.
“Come on, head up, backside out, arch inwards, hands tight on the reins, and…”
“Oh, this is silly! I want to get in the saddle of a horse, not a pretend mount.”
“Excuse me. Self discipline is everything you hear? I’m the one teaching you, not you I.”
Cynthia nodded.
“And also, before we mount Our rides we must ensure a buffed and clean saddle and bridle.”
“But isn’t that what Jones is here for?”
“Do not question me. I am an expert equestrian and know all the correct methods of training. If you persist in this untoward manner I shall have to hand out a strict authority. Now, boots in stirrups if you please and bounce your bottom on the saddle.”
In fact Victoria was banking on the girl to play up. In her warped fansies she so wanted to hand out some admonishment on her hot ass. Cynthia began a simulated ride and her Ladyship watched closely with the palm of her hand just beneath the bobbing bum. Each time the rider settled back on the saddle Victoria grabbed a fistful of ass and used her middle finger to prod at the protruding Mons.
“Is that entirely appropriate, Auntie?”
“It’s just my way. Now, horseback riding is a lot like dancing, or fucking for that matter. Are you sexually active?”
Cynthia blushed crisis at the question.
“And grind on my hand. Grind on it I say.”
“I will not!”
Cynthia dismounted the training saddle and fumed at Victoria. Simply NOT the done thing.
“I don’t believe you actually know what you are doing, Auntie.”
“Your arrest is quite out of order. I warned your father about this last week. Come here! Come…here!”
Her Ladyship bandied a dressage whip and Cynthia gulped at the sight of it. Victoria again sat on the stool, amused at the dubious expression on her student. Instinctively Cynthia closed her thighs although the nipples of her apple sized breasts believed her curiosity. She licked her red lips and Victoria tool it as a sign of submission on the young girls part.
“Lower your breeches.”
“You must learn. Lower your breeches. I’ve no wish to swat your behind through the seat of your riding attire.”
“You mean to…give me a spanking? Why I haven’t been punished that way in years.”
“That would explain your Insolence. Come along, chop chop.”
Resigned to her fate she undid her belt and unbuttoned her tight breeches and peeled them down to the top of her boots. The smell of the woman’s freshly scrubbed face filled the nostrils of an aroused Victoria who hoisted Cynthia across her knees. Her tits and stomach rested against Victoria’s knees as her silk underwear was drawn back over her round rump.
“Oh dear!”
The underwear slide down to her ankles as her bum recovered up from Victoria’s lap. Victoria took in a sharp intake of breath as the girl’s pubic bush was fully exposed for her to see. The fair fuzz testament to the fact that she was a true blonde. Her Ladyship let her fingers straight to the very entrance of the plump vagina and Cynthia sucked in air through flared nostrils.
“Ready yourself.”
Cynthia did so, tensed her body and dug the points of her boots into the stiff hay by their feet. Then the spanking began in earnest as Victoria laid into the soft flesh with the palm of her right hand. The sound of her hand on soft skin filled their ears as the young blonde felt blows in quick succession, first the left and then her right chef. In a trice her bottom turned into a singing heat and tiny sobs emanated from her face which was buried in her assistants lap.
“Hurts Auntie!”
“I should jolly well hope so!”
Her Ladyship continued to mete out retribution and tell tale criminal hand prints emerged from lily white buttocks. Victoria acknowledged her own cunt began to tingle between her upper thighs and her undergarments start to moisten. Cynthia squirmed on her lap like an eelas her scorched orbs grew raw.
“Enough now, Auntie Victoria!”
“Will you comply with my strict instructions now?”
Cynthia jerked her head so that her hat became dislodged and she uttered meaningless noises. Her legs involuntarily kicked back and her hips wriggled at the surprise fact that her quim was becoming distinctly wet! Victoria noted the fact with delight and applied several more smacks dead centre of the two globes of flesh, targeted at that sensitive divide of cunt and anus.
“Heavens! Gushed Cynthia between gasps and gulps as her thighs quivered and her toes in her boots bunched.
The humiliation had now turned to a guilty elongation for the novel rider as Victoria stopped her chatisement and rubbed the blazing buttons. Cynthia pursued like a kitten as her rump was soothed and her love juices dribbled out. She lifted her head when her damp pussy was probed and her very slit was teased open and a slender finger inserted.
“Oh, Auntie!”
Within a matter of seconds Cynthia had her orgasm, shrieked and Lady Victoria sucked on her wet finger, relishing the girl’s fluids. Cynthia stood up, naked from the waist down, her downy covered cunt glistening and her bottom aflame.
“That, that was…different. Aunt Victoria, we must talk. I have an admission to relate.”
“A virgin no less, how odd. And you so pretty. I lost mine at a very early age.”
The maid Mary removed the silver tea service and withdraw from the study as Lady Victoria discussed Cynthia’s revelation.
“I do want to have sex, Auntie. It’s just all the men I know are all so juvenile, or trying to grow chins. I have had no practical experience in matters of a carnal nature. I need a real man to surrender my cherry to.”
“Well, I can tell from first hand experience that you have a most desirable little cunt, which I’m sure will delight some lucky fellow sometimes. Very juicy. Maybe you need to dress more provocatively, especially in the bedroom perhaps. I have a notion to tutor you in basic sexual union. This very evening no less.”
“Oh, Auntie. You’re so naughty!”
Cynthia giggled and clapped her hands as they bounded upstairs to Victoria’s boudoir.
The clock on the mantle struck seven as Lady Victoria sat by the fireplace and downed the final swallow of brandy. A knock on the door signed the Arrival of the new stable hand she had summoned.
The dark haired ex soldier entered and nodded assent. Victoria motioned for him to come closer as she crossed her long, willowy pins.
“Tell me. Does my outrageous behavior both you, Jones?”
“Not rightly sure what you mean, my Lady.”
“Come now man. I have given you a sound beating AND tied you to a chair. And I am pretty sure you were purely to my little display in the barn with Miss Trescott.”
“Miss Cynthia Trescott?”
“Correct. I had to show her some respect. The hard way. Anyway, you are not here formatters of the stables. The fact is I am in need of your personal assistance this evening. In the bedroom no less. I will pay you well, just so long as you obey my every instruction.”
Norman Jones, back from the trenches for night on two years had known nothing but hardship since. Every vegetable of the Great War had expected a hero’s welcome which did not materialise. Now he had established himself on the Manor in Whitstable he means to stay there. The money was good and he had a way with the horses. The fact that the woman was a sadomasochist just had to be tolerated.
“So be it, my Lady.”
“Good to hear. Let us go at once.”
Victoria stood up, her figure covered entirely in a Japanese Kimono. As he followed up the stairs he wondered what on earth he might discover on this particular occasion. They went inside the stylish boudoir and Jones had a flashback to that introduction to her ladyship’s darker side. She turned to face him and stared into his face for a seemingly long time.
“Jones. You are here at my direction because I am impressed by your general manhood. You are precisely what I need.”
With no more hint the tall female shed her robe and let it fall dramatically off her shoulders in one graceful motion. Jones drank in the sight, not the first time he had been privileged to her Ladyship in sexy lingerie. Her black satin corset engulfed her voluptuous frame and pushed up her melon sized 34F tits to outstanding new levels. The hourglass wait was cinched in even further and two garters held up her thigh high black stockings. As before her finely haired public region was bared at the excite juncture of her upper thighs.
“Cynthia? Please join us.”
Jones and Victoria looked to the adjoining door and both looked on wide eyed at the sight of the young nineteen year old in her topless white satin waspy and white see through lace bloomers. Her golden that could be clearly seen through the sheer material. The nipples of hersmall but adequate tits were pointed and erect, a sure sign of the girl’s sexual excitement. Her legs were poured into white silk stockings with a tantalising tan seam running up the backs of her shaped legs. And on her dainty feet she had a pair of high heeled silk open sandals with a peep toe. Unaccustomed to the heels she tenatively tottered in.
“Miss Cynthia is a virgin, and she shall remain one while she is under my roof. Nevertheless I am obliged to tutor her in matters of the flesh.”
Jones looked the young blonde up and down and thought her to be the most beautiful female he had ever seen in the flesh.
“So, to begin with you and I are going to have oral sex followed by intercourse in front of Cynthia so that she may evaluate and learn.”
“You wish me to fuck you?”
“Is that Not what I just said? Now remove your clothes.”
Victoria impatically tapped a heel as Norman quickly shed his jacket, shirt, trousers and boots. Both women looked on unwavering and Cynthia especially fixed her attention to front of his underwear.
“Look Auntie Victoria. Mister Jones has an erection!”
“I should jolly well think so. This lingerie cost a pretty penny let me tall you. Remove the underwear man.”
Jones dropped his pants and his stiff cock stuck at ninety degrees from his dark pubes. He stood with his arms behind his back and ramrod straight, a reminder of his time in the army.
“Go ahead and touch it if you like, my dear.”
Cynthia stepped closer and softly stroked the hot tool with the tips of her thumb and index finger.
“Ooh! It moved!”
“Oh here. Let me. You need not be so gentle with it. You won’t break it.”
Jones jumped on his toes as Lady Victoria massaged his shake firmly in her right hand. She had to admit she had been correct. He did most certainly have a splendid cock.
“Go and sit on that chair.”
He did as asked as both women knelt on either side of him. Their eyes were both fixed on his erection which Victoria held up for inspection.
“As you can observe, the shake, when in its aroused state becomes engaged with blood. As the blood flow increases, the two sponge like cylinders inside expand and straighten the penis. See how it twitches and throbs?”
“‘Tis most fascinating.”
Victoria peeled back the foreskin to reveal probably the best part.
“This flared head is called the glans. See how smooth and pink it is? All men are different in length and thickness. Jones here is rather exceptional.”
Victoria used her extended thumb and forefinger to judge his size.
“Looks to be about eight inches with the foreskin back. Not bad.”
The women looked into each other eyes as the mature blonde blew air on the very tip. Then she pursued her lips and kissed the head, paused, and then popped it into her mouth and hummed. Jones clenched a fist as gradually his log was slowly engulfed the top half with audible smacks of her lips. Her hefty bosom pushed against his left tigh as she rose up and down his pole a little faster.
“What is the taste of?”
Jones turned to the younger of the two and she noted the glassy eyed look on his face as his hose was slurped and slobbered on.
“You try.”
“So big. I’ll try. Oh! He came!”
The thin, watery pre cum leaked out and Victoria explained to her virgin niece.
“Hmm, a bit salty. And I can taste your spit.”
Cynthia licked all around the head and let her open mouth suck the tip like it was a plum. Not realising her tease she made little strokes over and over with just her tongue before holding it inside her mouth, not daring to move as she breathed in through her nose.
“Not bad. Like this.”
Her tutor pumped the rigid member at the base, just above the two testicles, and slowly descended on him inch by inch. Throughly slick with saliva Victoria managed to slide up and down on most of the hard cock with relative ease. Cynthia lookedon amazed as her Aunt bobbed up and down and was fascinated by the one large vein that pulsed down one side. Saliva drooled out of one corner of Victoria’s mouth as she speeded things up. Jones tilted his head back and his toes curled up from the excellent fallatio.
“I believe our man is ready.” Said Victoria with her chin wet and lips puffy.
“My cunt is sufficiently lubricated with my own juices, although at this juncture cunnilingus would be ideal. Now for penetration.”
Victoria straddled Jones on his chair in a reverse cowgirl position and paused whilst clutching the thick cock with her left hand. Her huge tits fell forwards as she maintained a balance.
“Be careful! He is awfully big!”
“No matter, the female vagina will stretch out to accommodate even the most biggest of the male organ.”
The forty year old bent slightly at the waist, both black clad legs on either side of his and lowered her pelvis directly onto the very swollen knob. Cynthia looked up close as possible to see the top half vanish from sight. The damp labia flared out and Victoria moaned and half closed her eyes. Her hips rocked as she sank down even lower and she moved back and forth, her weight on his upper thighs.
“Does it hurt?” Wonders a wide eyed Cynthia.
“Not at all, just a pressure inside which is most welcome.”
Her belly began to undulate as the wanton woman rose up and down in smooth strokes of her wet pussy. Soft and sloppy sounds emanated from the nether regions of the pair of them as Victoria gushed juices around the invading prick. Totally bewitched by the incredible sight Cynthia played with her own pussy which tingled maddeningly in her see through bloomers. Jones was thrusting up from the seat in his own increasing ardour as Victoria smacked her body down and took his entire length. Her flesh slapped loudly on his thighs and groin as she became lost in her fuck frenzy.
“So good my dear girl. I can feel every ridge of hisShaft scrape on my insides. It’s hot and hard and most distracting!”
Victoria’s melon sized boons bounced wildly with every thrust down as her hands went back onto the abdomen of her lover. Her stockings were beginning to tears at the point where they met the garters in her urgent rut and trickles of her own juices streamed down the black silk. A huge warmth built in her loins and Victoria rubbed at her clip with a blur of her fingers as Cynthia detected a different smell.
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