Torrid Lady Victoria

Note from author- For the last two years I have exclusively written in the celebration section which is my password. But Mrs. 123z has expressed a desire to see other stories. Taking aboard some of her fansies and ideas I have written this. There might be more to come depending on reader’s interest.


Kent, England 1920.

Lady Victoria Ponsonby Smythe was, plain and simple, a rich and spoilt bitch. Bored and dissolute at age forty she had married into money at the tender age of twenty and had become a Lady of the Manor in Whitstable. Her husband, Liberal Party member of Parliament Lord Henry Ponsonby Smythe, was fifteen years her senior and had long lost any sexual appeal he had, if indeed he ever had any. Victoria had been born into poverty in the small village in rural Kent, where most of the community knew terrible hardship. Blessed with stunning good looks Victoria Richmond, as she was, had been determined to get ahead in society and had seduced his Lordshipwith embarrassing ease. Soon after her hasty marriage she had given the Lord a son who had ended up serving King and Country in the Great War. Jeremy had returned a hero and got married himself and settled down. So now Victoria, left in a loveless and sex starved marriage, had time on her hands and plenty of opportunity to fulfill her depraved and wanton sexual desires.


Yes, Victoria was now very much a dignified woman but was also a mature dominatrix who loved nothing more than dominating men and women alike. Everything from spanking, bondage, whipping and the use of sex toys. Her love of discipline and domination were now the only way she achieved sexual satisfaction and she made sure of that every chance she got. Henry owned some of the richest stables in England and the war had not seen his substantial fortune dwindle like so many others. Victoria had learned to ride and she had been enrusted with the day to day running of the stables which boosted several prize studs.

“Be seated. Her Ladyship will be with you momentarily.”

The valet retired from the room and Norman Jones was alone. The humble young labourer had graciously been given an audience with Lady Victoria for a job. He knew that she went through hired hands like water through a sieve but he knew about horses and desperately needed work after returning to his home from France and the army. After lunch he had arrived at the eighteenth century country house for his interview with her Ladyship for a position as stable boy. It occurred a beautiful position just outside the village and was surrounded by gardens and grounds and at the rear the stables. He had been ushered into the study and he awaited his prospective employee who had ventured out for a brisk morning canter.

“Ah, there you are.”

Lady Victoria breezed into the room in her fashionable riding attire. She appeared astonishingly chic in trim black and white check jodhpurs and well tailored top coat. On her head she wore a perky little flat hat drawn over her forehead which she disclosed immediately. She fluffed up her medium cut blonde hair and then removed her coat.

“So, you are Jones. Son of the local blacksmith.”

The young dark haired man stood and nodded as he considered her Lombard middy blouse that was struggling to keep her huge 34F breasts in check. He did not fail to notice either the Malacca riding crop in her long gauntlet glove that she tapped against her high and tight fitting black boot with a resounding crack. Rumours around in hushed tones about her indecorous behavior behind closed doors.

“Yes, your Ladyship.”

He fiddled with his flat cap in his hands as he got his first close up look at the striking woman. Adjusted to be a demanding and harsh employee, with a short temperature to boot, she had fired no less than five stable hands in the previous four months.

“Sit.” She told him abruptly.

Norman sat down again in the large leather armchairbut noted she did not. At a tall five feet eight she now seemed to tower over him as she grew nearer. She had an athletic body with slender legs, tiny wait and a firm backside that believed her forty years. Her skin was quite pale and her eyes a piercing blue that seemed to bore into his head. As she began to pace the room he could see she had a notable air of self confidence about her. She stole a sideways glance at the nervous man who crossed and uncrossed his legs constantly.

“Do I make you nervous?” She asked with a raised browser.

Jones looked into her made up face, the features of which were symmetrical and proportional. Her only flaw that he could see was her thin lips that made her look angry all the time.

“Well, I…”

“Speak up man! I cannot abide mumbling!”

Tap, tap, tap on the calendar of her boot came the crop and Norman squirmed on his sweaty butt. She moved to her left and fell into a stuffed leather armchair and crossed her lithe pins.


“My Lady?”

“Good grief, deaf as well as stupid. Are…you…married.”

“No,” he snapped back.

“Good. If successful I may need your attendance at odd hours. Pay is three pounds and ten shillings a week. Take it or leave it.”

Victoria stood up without awaiting his reply knowing he would say yes to the generous offer.

“Be here at six in the morning. Any tardness will result in instant dismissal. As will sickness, insubordination, refusal to comply and fraternisation with female members of staff. Dismissed.”

Norman stood up as she left the study, her peach of an ass rolling most severely in her tight jodhpurs. His Lorship was one lucky fellow. A decent wage at last. He must do his utmost to keep in her Ladyship’s good books.


A week passed and Lady Victoria paid him little attention but on the sly Norman had seen her more than once checking out his physique as he mucked out the stables or saddled up the horses. Unseasonably warm for the time of the year in England the strapping worker had toileted bare chested and his torso was becoming bronzed. One particular morning had seen one of the mars being especially irritable and the six foot man lost patience as he attempted to rub Starlight down.

“Stay still, damn your eyes!”

Jones lashed out and brought a crop down on the rear end of the mare. Just at the very moment Victoria arrived on the scene. In her usual riding gear she glared at him with those cold blue eyes of hers.

“What the devil do you mean by this! Only I am allowed to lay the whip down around here.”

Victoria ripped the crop from his hand in a furious rage as the horse whinnied in the background.

“Now look my Lady, I know a thing or two about horses and now again the crop is needed. Starlight has been cranky all morning.”

Victoria was all too aware of the importance of the crop and its many uses, and for a split second very nearly administrator her own unique retribution as she bandied the crop in her glove.

“Spare the rod and spoil the horse, or something like that.” Said Jones.

“This I find to be intolerable,” said she gruffly as she examined her mare for physical harm.

“I think it best that you leave, Jones. I have no need for such behavior from a mere stable boy. Go into the study and I will pay you off.”

Jones followed the furious woman meekly inside the manor and stood to attention as Victoria sat in the deep seated armchair in the very same study he had been rewarded. As she counted out a handful of coins she looked at him sternly.

“Please, don’t discharge me. I am in need of the money.” Jones implemented.

“The horse could have bleed, you leave me no choice.”

“My Lady, I’ll do anything that you ask to make it up.”

This was music to her ears as she crossed her long legs and leaned forward in the chair. She put a finger under her chin as she appeared to contemplate on the matter. Little did he knowthat wheels had been set in motion long before and he had played right into her hands.

“So you want to stay on. Then, you must put yourself at my disposal, completely and utterly. What do you say?”

“I accept.” His answer came without pause, and, very likely quite rashly.

“Be aware Jones, that I shall give you some of the same treatment that you so readily showed my horse. Now attend to your duties, and come to my private boudoir in one hour. Dismissed.”

Jones left anxiously and did not see the wicked grin on the woman’ face as she steering her fingers in her beige gloves. Just saved at keeping his position Norman did not think too long and hard on his appointment.


Precisely an hour later Norman Jones found himself knocking on the door of Victoria’s stylish room, totally unaware of what was expected of him.


He heard her loud and clear, opened the door and stepped into the most expensively furnished bedroom he had ever seen.A sheepskin rug was under his feet that covered the dark wooden floor. Somewhat smaller than he had expected the walnut four poster bed dominated the room. Either side were walnut veneers, a triple wardrobe, linen press and dressing table. A cheval mirror and stool were in the corner. Daylight streamed through the one window that was lightly covered in white lace net curtains, although a couple of table lamps were illuminated. Then, Victoria appeared from her bathroom and his jaw dropped at the sight of her.

“I hope that you are fit and healthy, Jones. I have no need for weak spiritual fellows.”

She stood with her chin up and hands on jutting hips, proudly provocative and absolutely drop dead grogeous. Jones stared at her in silence in her long black stockings with the frilly red garter belts. A figure hugging black corset that ended at her navel girlsted her already small wait and cinched it in another degree. This only had the desired effect of course of emphasizing the enormous and bared boobs that quivered on her chest. On her feet were the highest black leather pumps he had ever seen which gave her an extra three inches in height. She wore black kid gloves, the colour matching her mascara painted lashes. But it was the sight of her exposed shaft of Venus at the juncture of her thighs that he stared at unblinking. Fair of public hair her vulva was quite plain to see through the very fine, Very blonde downy fluff. With her upper legs slightly parted he was given an excellent view of her plump labia.

“I think that I should withdraw.”

Victoria’s eyes blazed at him and she picked up a small riding crop and swished it through the air. Her nipples thrust out hard and pointed, a result of her instant arousal at the sight of the barrel chested male in a state of disbelief and confusion.

“You shall do no such thing! Remain where you are! Now, take a look at the table there.”

Norman turned his head reluctantly and saw a pile of shillingsgleaming in the light.

“There is an extra five shillings for you just so long as you play along. Go on. Stuff your pockets. And then, kindly remove your breeches.”

“I beg your pardon my Lady! That would be most humiliating.”

“I do not give a bloody good damn of your humiliation! Either take the wages and take your pants off, or take a walk.”

Norman eyed the money again. Damn the woman for her temperity! He would do it. He dropped his breeches and stood naked from the waist down, his floppy over shirt just hiding his modesty.

“Lift it up, I haven’t got all day,” she said with a sight.

Norman did as he was told and Victoria took a long, hard look at his tanned chest and washboard stomach as he disclosed his shirt. A two inch scar on his left hip the only blemish.

“German barb wire my Lady.”

“Was it awfully horrid over there?”

“Don’t rightly care to think about it. Best forgetten now.”

She traced a path from the scar, across his flat belly to his sternum and then to his groin where his dick stuck out at ninety degrees. The light touch of her fingertips had the effect of giving him an instant erection that protruded from his wiry pubes. The woman gave him a sly smile as she suddenly gripped his knob and stroked him to full hardness.

“Not a bad specimen Jones.” She said as she wanked him fast, her enormous tits bouncing. “I choose you well. Now I want you to bend forwards over that struggle table.”

Speechless Norman slung his frame over said table and Victoria took each wrist and quickly tied them with leather cuffs which she then secured to the legs of the table. In this position, bent forward on his belly, head down, hands at the base of the table, his bottom was thrust up behind him and his erect todger dangled in mid air.

“My my. I am SO good at this now.”

Beaming Victoria cupped his big scrotum and jiggled the balls and his hard cock swung from side to side under his body. She examined his posterior and was highly delighted that he was completely hairless there. Then she came in front of him and bent low to his started vision.

“This. This is the very crop you struck poor Starlight with, see?”

Victoria displayed the sixteen inch object with the wrapped leather handle and two inch wide keeper. Acutely aware of his vulnerable state Norman perspired freely in the warm room. She came back behind him and prodded his displayed testicles with the keeper.

“Shall we began?”

Not waiting for his answer she touched his right buttock and then brought the crop down with a sharp crack. The blow sounded like a pistol shot as Jones grunted and shuddered and tugged on his cuffs.

“Oh, come on! It wasn’t THAT hard now was it?”

She struck again on the left cheek and he jerked in his binds.


Lady Victoria gave him rapid smacks on his raised rump in quick succession and Jones reacted by moving back and forth into thewooden table. His bobbing cock fucked air as he shifted with the strikes. Her big tits shook from her ministers as she chatised his sorry ass and a delightful tingling assailed her loins. As expected and welcomed!

“I imagine you think of me as depraved and sadistic. And you would be right.”


“It was two years ago that my stupid scullery maid dropped and ruined an entire tea service made of bone china.”


“I was naturally living and consumed by a mania and I bent that young girl double, pulled down her knickers and spanked her bare bum with the palm of my hand.”


“As I rained down hard smokes I experienced an unexpected but thrilling shiver that went right through me. The sight of her bare flesh plus my corporate punishment lit a fire in my loins, so delicious that I have sought to recapture that excisite moment ever since.


Jones listened in shame as his whole rear end became red hot and painful. As the wanton bitch continued the sadistic beating he strangely felt a deep sense of sexual arousal, just as the woman herself described. His swollen manhood ached to be touched, fondled, sucked, any physical contact would have been most welcome.

“Spread your legs a bit more. And thrust your ass up. That’s better.”

Victoria took the opportunity of a pause in proceedings and put her left glove to her cunt and examined her wetness. Sweet ripples of her dominant role playing made her squirm on the spot as she cared the fleshy lips of her damp pussy. Her nipples were now fully hard and poked out from the pink areolas.


Jones now had a wonderful target of a smooth and tight butt and Lady Victoria stroked his reddened flesh over the crack down the middle of his buttons. Then he felt her glove replaced by the crop which rested on top of his rump.


He shrieked like an animal as the whip came crashing down hard.


The needle of pain left a thin stripe across both cheats as Victoria auditably panted.


She brought the tool down quickly on each chef alternatively as Jones gasped under his breath, a victim of her amoral and erotic gratification. His cock throbbed and the gland protruded through the foreskin in purple anger. He compromised in his vulnerable position, shamed in subjected submission, his bottom in a state of burning and singing turmoil.


The intense blows echoed in the boudoir of the lady and Jones clenched his fists as his pulse raced and his hard on twitched. Victoria ceased the degradation once more and studied her handiwork. A number of criss cross red stripes on both cheeses, with an added bonus of whip marks on the backs of his upper thighs.

“Lick my cunt, Jones. Do it!”

The deviant hussy lifted his head up by his thick hair and thrust her crotch into his face. The strange embrace was something new to the stable hand as he felt thesoft and wet cunt of a woman rubbed on his mouth. Victoria groaned in cute bliss and wiggled her wide hips as she literally bathed his mouth in her pussy juices. His head remained fixed in place as he licked and slobbered into her slit.


Jones had heard tales in the trenches in France of the French women and their novel ways of pleasure men and being pleasured and imagined it must be like this. He felt the woman pushed her hips into his face and he inhaled her musky scent as his tongue poked at her cliporis.

“Good boy! Keep it up!”

Victoria moaned louder as she became lost in sheer delight and rode on a crest of an orgasm. Her own butt chefs clenched as her helpless slave slathered her cunt up and down with the occasional swipe of the skin of her anus.

“Yes. You naughty boy! Yes!”

Her Ladyship surrendered to her own yearning in an acknowledgment of a sublime climax. Waves of pleasure reverberated through her nether region as she pressed her loins against the face of a stifled Jones.

“Superb! She announced as she pulled back and scrutinised the bewilderment on the mans sightsee.

“You must be about to cum yourself. Let me oblige.”

Victoria came behind the doubled up form of the man and gripped his thick staff in her right glove. He grunted in sheer relief and closed his eyes in gratitude as his cock was pumped and pumped. The pace quickened and his lower body jerked as he was brought to orgasm and explored his seed in large spurts into her glove. She continued to wank him until he was reduced to a dribble.

“And we’re done.”

She looked on his limp frame as she removed the leather cuffs. Norman Jones lifted his wear body up and soothed his raw ass tenderly. He looked at the radiant and sated woman, her massive tits heaving and her inner tighs and cunt dampened.

“You may go Jones. And don’t forget your wages.”

“Thank you my Lady.”

“And Jones. Have a care in the future my man.”

“Yes, my Lady.”

As he turned on his heels the last thing she saw was the swollen and bruised bum, the result of her admonishment. I am such an uncaring and spiteful bitch! Victoria collapsed onto her bed in a fit of giggles.



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