Early in the evening, all alone again. The silence in the house should be soothing, instead I’m restless. The tick tocking of the alarm clock beside to my bed reminding me of how slow time moves. The shower relaxed me a bit, but I still feel as if I am lost; searching for some undefined meaning. I shake my head thinking to myself ‘This is silly, you are a grown woman, just because you haven’t spoken to Him in Two days doesn’t mean its the end of the world syndie’, I sight. My eyes fall onto His gift to me, I light it. Watching for a moment as the wick burns, the flame rising. Removing my robe, placing it on the hook on the back of the door; collapse onto my bed in absolute boredom. The aroma of eucalyptus, powerful, filling the bedroom. The light from the candle casts an odd duel shadow on my wall, like two lovers despairing to be closer; I can relate. I miss Him .
Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes for what feels like an eternity. A chill encircles me , my nipples harden;His scent overpowers the candle. I can feel Him, His fingers tracing a thin line down my smooth skin. His breath warm on my face, His eyes burning into my soul. I shiver, this can not be imagined. He moves deftly across my skin, scarcely touching me, I attempt to open my eyes, realizing I am cloaked in darkness; ‘the blindfold, but how?’ I think to myself, a unpretentious smile forms on my lips. The plus fabric of the blindfold feels so comforting over my tired eyes. I lift my arms above my head, stretching with feline elegance. His strong hands grip my delicate wrists, keeping me motionless as His lips press to mine. His tongue seeks its mate, entwining with such intensity, such reckless desire, it bewilders me.
Abruptly, he pulls away. The dresser draw slides open, listening as he rummages Through my many intimacies. Softly giggling at the hushed melody he is devilishly humming. He is close again.
Leather encircles my wrists; the familiarity of the cuffs intensifying the reality. “Master, are you really here?”, I ask delicately. The only reply is that of the summer night breeze outside the window, whispering through the trees. I listen, scanning for a sign. Nothing. My arms tug at the cuffs, almost expecting them not to be there anymore, I’m confused. My mind reels, nervously shifting on the cool sheets beneath me.
His hands on me again, holding me at rest. His fingers lightly kneading into my silky thighs, parting them so gradually its not until they are spread as wide as they can be that I even notice. His fingers drift down my calves massaging my freshly-shaven skin. Bringing both feet in His hands, elevating my long legs. Tender lips kiss my painted toes, just for a moment, each one in sequence. He lowers them. At once I feel the cuffs around my ankles, my breath quickens as they are fastened.
Once again I speak, “Master…”, a finger on my lips, so airily it chills me; I am silent, I nod once before He removes it. A single deep breathth, reassuring my mind and body, smiling to myself with the knowledge that He is all I’ve ever needed.
Without warning the first drops descend onto my protruding nipples, my back arches high, biting my lip from the singe of the wax. The tea wax flows with precision; like lava from a volcano, sweeping down my breasts. Agonizing streaks of heat collecting in my cleavage. Weeping silently, my entire form millioning against the sheets. The wax descending down my flesh, ultimately hitting my swollen clip. I shrink; the pain isn’t as bad as one might imagine,it’s strangely stimulating. My aching pussy tenses with each magnificent drop of the liquid fire until it halts.
Serenity. I can swear I hear the wax hardening. My skin encased, my nipples retained in their erect condition. My clip burning, entombed as well. The warmth of my juices dripping down towards my ass. Groaning, writing on the bed, longing for His touch.
His footsteps are nothing more than a whisper, encirclingthe bed. His fingers sharply grapp my hair, guiding my head , pressing His glorious cockhead to my lips. I capture Him eagerly; as if His pulsating shake holds the cure to my anguish. Tightly wrapping my hair around His wrist, demanding me to take all of Him. My lips locked taut , my throat muscles contracting around Him. My drenched pussy virtually screaming in envy as my ravenous mouth feasts. The throbbing in His veins quicken, feeling every beat of His heart on my lashing tongue as He glides upon it. Just when I think He will allow me His essence, His cock is ripped from my mouth; leaving me whimpering from the loss.
Agonizing moments pass, unbearable quiet. Blindly searching for Him, wishing I could see His face. He’s there; rubbing His divine cock over my soaking slit. I can Feel my wetness depositing on His head. He pushes within my folds, penetrating me just an inch; snickering as I sob in relief. What a vision I must be, dried wax layered upon my glistening skin, my limbs pulling carelessly against my restraints, my firey cunt clutching His cock; desperately striving to lead Him in further. He withdraws.
My cries pierce the air; blaring, obscene… my yearning apparent. Every orifice of my body trembles. The blindfold flowed with tears of wanton need. Steadying myself, biting down on my lower lip. Knowing He is watching every move, understanding what He expects. Gradually obtaining the tiny fragment of poise that I can, I speak very softly “Please Master, please take what is Yours, allow me to cum for you”. Tortuous silence.
The swiftness startles me; His solid cock submerges completely into my deprived pussy with such a force it elevates me from the bed. Viciously pounding, unmerciful, deeper with each thrust. My walls imprison Him, quivering. His fingers digging into my hips, dragging me fiercely onto Him as He drives back in. My head twisting from side to side, lost in His love. Ravished in the unwavering password. His words, scarcely distinguishable “Cum little one, cum for your Master”.
My indebted moan permeates the air, my hips gyrate whorishly. His fingers loosening, permitting me the movement. My pussy spasms, setting free the lust He has created. A brutal climax surpassing, any definition. A abrupt warmth fills my convulsing hole, wildly screaming as He bestows on me His release. His dripping body decorates mine; both of us panting. His strong fingers rake lovingly through my hair. His lips tenderly joined to mine, becoming as one. I’m lost in Him
My eyeselids flutter, blinking to adapt to the light of the room. Wearily turning my head to the left, to the right; He’s disappeared, gone. I bring my arms down in a panic, staring at my wrists; no marks, on either side. I sit up, gazing down at my ankles; they too are unfettered. Glancing down to my bare breasts, not a trace of wax to be found. Looking around the room, everything is how it should be with one exception; the candle has burnt down to nothing, still in the same place. My mind scanners, how can this be? He was here, I know He was.
The alarm clock jolts me from the confusion, I fumble for it, my eyes widen. Turning quickly towards the window, parting the blinds; the most beautiful sunset is visible on the horizon , It’s 6 a.m. Bringing my hands to my face running them up through my hair as I scream, it was all just a dream. I shake my head and laugh nervously, questioning my own sense of reality. I get out of bed, removing my robe from its place by the door, slipping it on. Veering to walk out of the room, I step on something peculiarly soft on the terrazzo floor. Kneeling down I’m overwhelmed. In my hands I gather it, holding it up, shaken.
I don’t own a blindfold.
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