Lucie looked at me from across the table, strictly. She was a tall, stunning girl with a gorgeous body and long blond hair, second only to my wife!
I had met Lucie for work, as an advertiser I had to meet her to talk about ideas over dinner as my boss had told me too. “Too much? It’s not enough!” Was my idea for her chocolate brownies, that was her business.
My wife He knew I was out with Lucie, she wasn’t too happy, but she appreciated that it was for work reasons rather than as a meet with a random girl.
I’d just about sold the idea that I had to her when I realized the time. 9:40pm. We’d been here for three and a half hours and I had no idea of the time. We left the restaurant together. I realized that she hadn’t got any transport back to her hotel that was around 4 miles away and slightly out of my way on the way home, I offered her a lift, which she accepted, I half wondered whether she’d done that on purpose.
We drive onto the main road together and suddenly we hit traffic. The whole road was stationery and there was nothing we could do about it. We turned off at the next intersection as planned and I finally dropped her off at 10:20pm. I drove home as soon as her front door had opened and drove home immediately, hoping to get my best shot at the traffic. I finally got in at 11pm. My wife had already gone to bed. I laid down and went to sleep.
7am Friday morning, the next morning, my alarm goes off and I get out of bed. Clean my teeth, have a bath, use the bathroom, get changed. All of the usual things I do. After all, it’s just a usual day. I drove to work, got to work. In walked Lucie, as expected, I showed her my ideas, the storyboards that I had made, the scripts. She left I went off for lunch. Had lunch. Got back to work. Finished work. Locked up. Approached my car. All of a sudden a black car with blue flashing lights came out of nowhere and stopped right behind my car. Out jumped a police woman and held out her gun at me. I put my hands up.
“Hands on your car!” The policewoman said. Confused I obliged.
“What have I done?” I asked. Honestly completely shocked.
“You know exactly what you have done!” The policewoman said as she cuffed my hands behind my back. “Come with me” she says. Ironically pulling me so I didn’t really have a choice on the matter! We got to the Undercover police car and she opened the door and ushered me in by pushing my head down.
In the car I looked around and there was no one inside it apart from the officer who had arrested me and her partner. Suddenly the screens moved up so I was stuck inside the cabin, completely shut off from the outside world. The vents opened and hot air blew out towards me. Before too long it started to smell hot, a damp smell, sending shivers down my spine. The hot air was getting too much for me in my suit. Sweat was dropping off my forehead. I could feel the wet patches under my arms. Sight started to go all funny. Everything Icould see had been blurred up. Then bang! Everything went black.
I woke up in a brick room, it was cold, lonely, dark and damp. There was no door in sight, partly because it was hidden from sight, in a corner was a gap that seemed even more dark than the rest of the room and around that corner were iron bars.
I took in my surroundings and then I realized my situation. I was naked, all bar my collar and my leg cuffs that were separate and attached to a latch on the bottom of the floor. Lying on the floor face down, I couldn’t move much. My head still spinning after the time when I was arrested, strange that I was arrested, then knocked out in the back seat and now in a cold room in barely anything, I knew some prisons were bad but I wasn’t expecting this.
I heard the door clunk as keys went into the lock and then the creek as the door opened. Two women walked in both wearing a leathery black tight dress that dropped no lower than the top of their thighs. One 6″3, blondhair that dropped well below her shoulder, looked around my age, about 30, the other around 5″10, she was a black busty, beautiful woman with dark Afro-like hair that raised her height at least 4 inches. I recognized the second one as the police woman who had arrested me a few hours earlier.
“Up you get” the police woman barked at me, her gigantic, gorgeous breasts almost bursting their way out of her tight outfit. I obliged and stood to attention. The tall blond lady ducked down and unlocked my cuffs before wrapping some tight rope around my balls. She kicked my legs and I opened them, then fastened the rope around the latch that my legs were attached too, the more it was fastened the more I had to lower the rest of my body forcing all the pressure on my legs, finally she fastened some more rope around each of my legs and then forced both bits of rope over the poles that were set up above my head. On the end of those ropes were buckets.
The police woman started pouring water into the buckets, more pressure pulling my legs up as opposed to down as it was earlier. I now know my prediction, lower my legs and I ease the pressure on my balls, but with the cost of fatigue on my legs, push my legs up and I will rest my legs a bit, but the pulling on my balls will be tough to handle.
“Hold onto these!” The blond one told me giving me these two buckets. I held one in each hand as instructed, the buckets had string attached to them, I held them at waist height, they were as light as a feather, the string went over those poles again and dropped down in front of me. On the strings were like clothes pegs. The police woman pulled the string down raising my hands with the buckets and placed the pegs down my torso, going right down to my waist and up to my nipples. I held them up stretched out, easy, nothing to them. The more pain was in my balls and the legs, my legs were tired, my balls felt stretched.
“Now,” the police woman started “where were you betwe the hours of 9:40 and 11pm last night?” I looked at her confused.
“I dropped Lucie off at her house, then I came home?” I almost asked, that’s what I did, what else would I be doing?
“Where does she live?”
“Stannington Circle” I replied, that was the truth, there was no reason to lie about that.
“That’s only a 5 minute drive from the restaurant and 7 minutes drive from your house isn’t it?” The Police woman asked.
“Yes, but…” I started to explain, but the blond woman started pouring into the buckets, my arms wriggled and my muscles started to bulge as my arms reacted to the added weight.
“No buts, what were you doing for that extra hour and a bit?” The police woman asked.
“Perhaps this will make you remember?” The blond woman said. I felt a yank on the rope below my balls, I presumed it was her, but the instigator walked around. It was my wife. Wait?! My wife??
“I was stuck in traffic!” I explained, more water got poured. I startedto grimace as I felt the buckets get heavier and heavier. I realized I was starting to sweat, the pressure on my legs, the weight on my arms from the now heavy buckets, there wasn’t much water in them, but the fact I had held them for about 3 minutes now and that they were heavier than when I started certainly made life harder for me.
“What for over an hour?” My wife asked, aggressively before slapping my face hard, I flinched and jolted, pulling on my balls.
“Yes, love, I swear, I dropped her off and got stuck in traffic, I left straight away!” I felt another slap and the sound of running water as the weight of the buckets grow.
“Don’t you dare! Dare call me love again! You cheating swine!” This time she punched me in the nose, I nearly lost grip of one of the buckets. The sweat was Making it almost impossible to keep a hold of them, so much was going on the top half and the bottom half of my body. I started to cry. My wife sat down in the chair opposite me.
“I didn’t do anything wrong? I promise I didn’t” I said breaking through the tears.
“Fine, well I’m going to sit here anyway until you accept what you have done!” I shut my eyes and looked down, the buckets were filled and it wasn’t long before it got too difficult.
I looked at the clock 3 minutes later, 4 minutes. 5 minutes. 6 minutes. 6 minutes 20 seconds. 6 minutes 30 seconds. 6 minutes 35 seconds. Time seemed to take longer and longer the more it went on. Until. Boom! Both buckets dropped to the floor with a large crash. One foul swoop throw the clothes pegs off my body, I screamed a loud scream. From my nipple to my wait I felt a burning sensing. My legs were numb, my balls felt like they’d been carrying 250kg of weights for 3 hours. Still I had nothing to own up to. I didn’t do anything wrong. Should I admit to it, even though? No I’m far too stubborn, besides in a strange way I liked the attention and was amazed at the beauty of the 2 women she had drafted in. In aWeird way I didn’t want this to stop.
“Well?” The policewoman asked.
“What?” I asked. I felt physically sick.
“You know exactly what!” My wife shouted. Slapping me in the face. “How are you so stubborn! You know you did it! I knew I did it! I don’t care about fucking traffic! It doesn’t take that long to get there and home!” I cried from the constant shouting, my legs aching, my nipples burning, yet somehow there was something shockingly hot and slightly pleasurable about the situation, especially my wife’s seemingly burning frustration.
Finally they released me. The buckets went back over the poles and my balls were untied. I sunk to the floor, and then, just like that. Everything went black again.
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