Too Far! Ch. 01

I’m a person that can get along with almost anybody, well as long as they’re male. I find girls extremely agitating. They tend to be, annoying, arrogant, and ignorant, back stalling, manipulative, vindictive, etc… I can say that because, I’m not like most girls. I don’t bitch and whine, if something is bothering me then yes I’ll say something, but I won’t do that, “O my god! Why are you being this way? You must be cheating on me because she’s a girl and you’re a guy. You didn’t wash the spoon you just used, you’re a pig.” Sound familiar? The one thing though that drives me nuts is the girls who ask, “Does this ______ make me look fat?” Any woman, who asks this question, never seems to want the truth except for me. I would rather here the truth from someone I know than listen to stranger snickering.

That is how this entire mess started. I have a friend, and he had a friend who was the type of girl listed above. I put my best foot forward to try and be civil to this girl. Why?He was a good friend of mine and he begged me to be nice. Literally, on his knees, begging me to be nice to her. Well one day she wanted to go shopping and invited me along. It was my friend’s idea, neither of ours. She asked that stupid question and I said yes. Now don’t get me wrong, she isn’t fat by any stretch of the imagination. She’s the same height as me 5’4″, she weighs 135 lbs. doesn’t have muscle tone though so her skin is a little loose. I don’t sugar coat the truth, and it is a yes or no question. Long story short she was pissed.

At first she started trying to get me back by calling me names and making fun of me. She got even more pissed when I cooed at her by saying, “Aren’t children so adorable sometimes,” in front of all our friends. Then she tried stealing my boyfriend, which is even funnier because she didn’t know the dark spell I have over him. Then when we were over at our friend’s house after playing football, I took a shower. I don’t ever lock the door when I’m over there because I didn’t have to worry about my friends. What I didn’t account for was her. She walked in and stole my clothes thinking I would hide in the bathroom, embarrassed. I didn’t even dry off, I just walked into the living room and gave her boyfriend the biggest most password kiss of his life. His response was wide eyes, open mouth, heavy breathing, and an erection that made a huge bulge in his basketball shorts. From what I heard, he dumped her that night, and the next day tried getting together with me. It was this last thing however that really invoked my wrath.

I’m pretty well off in my life. I own a big house. It has five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a parlor, dining room, kitchen, living room, and a game room. The basement though, is the best part of the house. I had it expanded and deepened. It holds ten cells, a huge “torture” room, and a play room. I’ll describe those a little later.

I was getting ready for bed. I sleep naked so all I had to dowas strip and turn off the lights. As I was taking of my shorts I heard the door gently gliding across the carpet. I pretended like I was none the wiser and started slowly lifting my shirt. As soon as his hand touched my shoulder I grabbed it spun around and gave him a nice upper cut to his diaphragm, knocking him to his knees. As he was trying to regain his breath, I slowly circled him and said, “This is the wrong house to be breaking into, especially with the intent to rape me.” He tried standing up but I kicked his legs out from under him, his face landing on the floor. “Look how your little plan turned out, you came in here, expecting to see a small helpless girl, you were going to over power her, have your way with her, and leave never seeing her again, but now look at you. You are on the ground, cowering to this girl half your size, with the wind knocked out of you. Sit back on your heels bitch.”

He did as told, too scared to look at me. I heard him mutter under his breath,”She didn’t say anything about this.”

I tilted his chin up, he hesitantly looked me in the eyes and I kissed him deeply, dominating his mouth with my tongue. He moaned at the power I had over him. He moved his arms in front of him to try and hide his growing erection. I pulled away and ordered his hands behind his back. He did so and whimpered and quivered when I lightly stroked his rock hard cock Through his pants.

I ordered him to strip. I took off my shirt and as sexy and dirty as I possibly could I said, “I need to punish you for being such a naughty boy, bend over the foot of the bed and I’ll give you a spanking.” He grinned and blushed. He bent over the bed, ass in the air and I secured his wrists to the head bored, then his feet to the legs of the bed, leaving him nice and stretched.

“What Did you mean when you said, ‘SHE didn’t say anything about this.’”? His eyes went wide. He didn’t realize I heard him. He started to squirm and gave up when there was no hope of getting away. He just laid in silence. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK He cried as I gave the fast blows to his ass with my cane. “All you have to do is tell me, and this spanking could be over.” I delivered a series of fast hard blows that made him cry and scream, and I watched as the welts grew from his skin. He still spoke not a word. I gave him three taps on his balls just hard enough to hurt him. I listened to him squeal as he tried to close his legs. Then I got a wicked idea. I walked over to a drawer and pulled a couple things out. I sat in front of him, and through his tears, he saw a monster of a butt plug. It’s 4″ in diameter, and about 6″ long. His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his skull.

“Please no, ANYTHING but that please!” He pleased to deaf ears. I just spread the lube all over it.

“Answer MY QUESTION.” I commanded. I touched to tip to his ass hole.


The anger deep inside of me filled to the brim. She pushed me too far this time. I slowly started sliding it in, and he was crying and screaming from the pain, I continued until his sphincter stretched over the widest part and closed back over the dip, leaving it in there nice and tight. His screams and cries slowly faded.

“I usually use this on my more experienced slaves, you should feel honored. Thank me.”

He shook his head no and I scratched his ass Even harder than before five times. I made sure the plug moved inside of him with each blow.

“Thank you.” He cried.

“Thank you… what?” I responded.

“Mistress,” he whispered lightly.

“You will learn little boy, but until then, stay put.” I turned on the vibrator. He moaned deeply as his prostrate was getting massaged. I walked out of the room closing the door. I had all night to plan what I was going to do to her when I got my hands on her. She will pay! She has no idea the type of person I am.


I’m new to the writing thingso I would greatly appreciate any feed back you have.

Yours truly,



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