Tony Meets Nan

Nanette (Nan to her friends) was calmly enjoying being shackled to the tree… until she heard the snap of a twig neary. Her heart rate accelerated as she peered this way and that into the darkened forest. The first quarter moon shed a little light downward from the night sky, but the leaves of the trees blocked most of it. Since Nan’s eyes weren’t doing much in her search for the source and location of the sound, she shut Her eyes and focused on her hearing. Her breathing rate had accelerated to keep pace with her heart, and even though the rise and fall of her chest made her bare breasts bounce, she tried to keep her inhalations and exercises as silent as possible.

Earlier that evening, as dust was turning into night, she’d emerged from her house and walked naked towards the woods behind it, carrying only a backpack with the equipment she’d need for this planned evening of self-bondage. First, as was her habit, she proceeded to the meadow. There, she set down the backpackand began dancing ‘sky clad’ — that feeling was always marvelous! She was training to be a dancer, and loved the feeling of the muscles of her lithe body working as she abandoned herself to movement.

The dancing was a good warm-up and release of tension. She knew that she was going to shackle herself in place for several hours, so her muscles needed this activity before they’d be rather still after the shadeling took place. She’d already selected the tree where she’d do it. Days ago, during the daylight, she’d scouted the neary woods and found a venerable beech tree which had three benefits. The tree’s bark was still very smooth, so if she had to lean against it, her bare skin wouldn’t be outraged. It also had a circuitference that the shades chains would fit easily around — ever cautious, she’d measured it carefully. And Finally, on one side there was a branch that was low enough that she could hang a string that held the key to the shadows. The setup was perfect.

When she felt she’d danced enough, she pulled a towel out of the backpack and rubbed the sweat off her body. Truth be told, she might have danced longer, but she was too excited to begin her ‘ordeal’ of self-imposed confinement. The night was milk, so she wasn’t worried about catching a chill. The path from her house to the meadow was a well-worn, grassy meandering animal trail, so she’d walked barefoot along that. But Now she was going to pick her way through the woods to her chosen tree, so she put on shoes to protect her feet for this part of the evening. Very few people wandered through these woods, but she still moved as quietly as possible.

She’d memorized the tree’s location, so she didn’t need to use any lights as she made her way into the forest. Reaching the tree, she pulled from her backpack the string that held the key to the handscuffs that were located on either end of the chains of the shadows. She was going to leave her ankles free this time, and only handcuff her wrists. She tied the string to the tree branch, making sure she could reach it easily. Nan also had a backup key for emergencies located in her backpack, but it was in a small jar of motor oil. Getting it out of there would be a messy task, so she’d only consider using it in a crisis.

With the key in place, she grabbed the chain of the shadows and drew them out of her backpack. She found the center, and placed it on the ground, Under the key, against the base of the tree. Placing her backpack and shoes there beneath the key, she then put the free ends of the chain around the tree base, one on either side. Walking around to the point farthest from the key, she positioned the right handcuff on a small fork in a twig, with its open side upward. Next she carefully closed the left handcuff around her left wrist. Kneeling with her shoulder against the tree, she stretched out her right hand to the still open handcuff. This was the moment. Once she settled her wrist into the embrace of that handcuff and made its open jaw ratchet close by pressing it against the ground, she’d be bound. This moment always thrilled her, and she saved it, before finally securing the right handcuff. She then pressed her body more firmly against the tree, awkwardly levering herself up to a standing position. Satisfied, she lowered herself back down to kneeing.

If anyone could have seen her at this moment, they’d Observe a petite woman, perhaps five feet tall, with green eyes and shoulder length sandy blond hair, shackled to the tree as if embracing it. Naked as the day she was born, her bare breasts were pressed against the smooth bark. As much as she loved her breasts, they were a bit of a worry to her, since they still seemed to be growing. They’d been 34B only a year ago, but those bras were straining, and soon she’d have to try 36C bras. Very large breasts were not convenient in the dance moves she enjoyed so much. If she got too endowed, dancing would have to become a pasttime, andNot a profession. But she was smart, and she knew she could succeed at whatever she tried.

Nan planned this to be a three hour experience. She didn’t need a watch since the first quarter moon was highest in the sky when she’d set out for the meadow, and she planned to stay chained until the moon set at midnight. During self bondage a person can quickly become ‘in the moment’ rather than thinking about things that needed to be done like dishes, laundry or shopping. All that business of life was set aside since it could not be dealt with in the near future. Therefore, once she’d secured herself in place, her imagination went into overdrive. This was, after all, the chief thrill of self-bondage.

She was truly restrained, chained to that tree, and her body reacted viscerally. It was easy to imagine being grabbed by some captor or captors, stripped naked and bound. She could not help but imagine the things they might do to her body, helpless and vulnerable as she was. Maybe it wasn’t ruffians that did this. Maybe a powerful wizard or witch conjured these chains on her and was about to launch a horde of imps to torque her. On the other hand, perhaps a group of people was assembling for an auction to bid on her — the highest bidder winning and hauling her away. Since she was in charge of these imaginations, the scenarios were always exciting, even if they involved milk humiliation and chatisement. These were her fansies, After all.

The shadowle chain had enough slack that she could work the far side up or down the tree. So she’d started out kneeing, but had also lowered the chains and sat sideways on the soft ground to rest her legs. She could also raise the chains up and stand up fully when she wished. She’d been enjoying herself for quite a while when she’d suddenly heard that shocking sound of a twig snapping, seemingly very loud in the relatively silent forest. At that moment she was kneeling, and, as has been said, first stared into the darkness futilely, then closed her eyes to focus on her hearing. That effort was not futile. She could make out the sound of leaves being almost silently disturbed as something brushed against them. The weight of feet, paws, or hooves apparently compressed brush or debris against the ground — not continuously, but in a stealthy start and stop fashion. There were no dangerous animals in these woods, but Nan had heard or sensed enough that she decided she’d better act.

Slowly, carefully, and with minimal sound she began easing the shadowle chains up the tree, bracing her body against the smooth trunk for leverage to assist her to her feet. She’d have to stand up fully, and go at least a quarter of the way around the tree to be able to grap the shadowle key. She broke into a slight sweat, caused by a combination of her muscle exercises and the onset of nervousness. After a seeming eternity she was on her feet and easy her way around the tree. At the same time she was lifting her leading hand upward, feeling blindly for the key, hanging on its string. She breathed a sight of relief when her questing fingers touched the string. She trailed her hand down the string to grab the key… and encountered… the end of the string! She gasped! There was no key!

After a moment, a deep voice said, “Are you looking for this?” And a hand snaked its way around the tree, until, right in front of her face it stopped, displaying in the dim light that it held her key. The owner of that hand was still out of sight around the curve of the tree’s trunk. But Nan recognized that voice. It was Anthony, her next door neighbor! And he’d not only caught her in a very compromise position — he also held the key to her freedom — literally! Yes, she had the backup key in her backpack, so she felt for that with her bare toes. She was not completely surprised to learn that her backpack had been moved somewhere unknown. She was completely at his mercy!

Anthony (Tony to his friends) stoodThere, holding that key, and savoring this moment that he’d planned for and waited weeks to see it come to fruition. It had started back when he’d installed a couple of trail cams in the woods. He wasn’t sure if he’d actually hunt any of the animals, but he enjoyed being able to sit in his home and monitor their movements. The one on the game trail was motion activated, as was the one that faced the meadow. But Tony could switch either one on remotely, and watch either on his smartphone, or on his computer’s large screen. He’d seen mainly deer at night, along with an occasional owl, and in one rare moment, a bat frozen in flight. In the daytime, he’d seen dogs, cats, woodchucks and squirrels. Monitoring was seductively addictive, since the animals behaved normally, not knowing they were being observed.

Still, Tony was rather shocked the first time he spotted Nan walking along the game trail at night. His smartphone had vibrated in his pocket, alerting him to the activation of thetrail cam. Expecting to see a deer walking the trail, Tony was flatberggasted to see a nude blonde woman instead. It was only a still image of her backside, but it was just possible she was heading for the meadow. Rushing to his computer, he activated the trail cam at the meadow, and stared at the view. In a few minutes, his efforts were rewarded when the woman stepped into view. It was his neighbor, Nanette! He only knew her vaguely — they might politely say hello or wave if they saw one another on the street.

“What a great body she has!” he muttered to himself as he enjoyed the frontal view of her assets. But his opinion of her pulchritude skyrocketed when Nan began to dance. The movements of her lithe body as she danced, leaped, and pirouetted with abandon captivated his attention. Being male, his blue eyes darted from her breasts to her pussy to her buttocks. The sight of her was so arousing that he began touching himself, but not before activating a video recording app on his computer. “I need to keep a copy of this, or in the morning I’ll feel it was a dream,” he thought.

That was the first time Tony saw Nan, but certainly not the last. Night after night he checked his camera feeds. Nan was not out there every night, but she appeared often enough to reform his need for voyeurism. One night he became even more intrigued when he spotted her dancing wearing shades connected by chains from wrist to wrist. She incorporated the chains smoothly into her dance, looking like some slave girl desperately dancing for her freedom. He ran his hands through his reddish blond hair in amazement as he watched. He’d lost several girls when he’d tried to introduce elements of kinkiness like handcuffs and being tied up into their relationship. He yearned for such activities, but had virtually given up hope of finding such a match. And here was a young woman that seemed to enjoy it — and she lived next door!

“I can’t just walk up to her and say that IKnow she enjoys kinky stuff like being shackled. I also can’t just say that I’m aware she likes dancing naked in the meadow at night. Being so direct would probably be a major turn-off and she’d stop visiting the meadow and be angry enough to never speak to me again,” he said to himself. “I’m going to need some sort of leverage. I guess the first thing I can do is record her activities. Maybe she’ll be more compliant to my wishes if I have some concrete evidence of things she’d rather not let be seen by others.” He never let the word ‘blackmail’ come into his mind, even though he was considering doing exactly that.

So he watched and recorded, and began keeping a journal of dates and times, looking for a pattern. He got so used to watching the monitor that he found himself spending more daytime hours checking the screen as well. Usually it was the animals he’d seen before, but now, since he was being more extensive in his observations, he occasionally saw Nan in the meadow duringthe daytime. Watching closely, he decided that she was clearing things from her dance area. Perhaps she’d felt a stone, or a branch in the darkness. Perhaps a prickly plant was trying to get a footballold and she was digging it out. He found he liked watching her move, even when she was fully clothed.

One day recently, he saw something quite out of the ordinary, though. Nan, wearing a backpack, came to the meadow in the daylight. But she looked around as if getting her bearings, and then began walking towards the beech grove. “Why are you going there, Nan?” he asked his monitor. Curiosity got the better of him and he went out to follow her. He could move fairly silently through the woods when he could see the forest floor and carefully place his feet. He reached the beech grove from a different direction and stopped and listened. Nan wasn’t trying to be stealthy — she was looking at the trees and focused on judging them in some manner. She looked at several, but shook her head, muttering something dismissive. Then she stopped at a large specimen which had a few low hanging branches. Tony moved to where he could watch her actions more clearly, but still stay concealed.

She set her backpack down, opened it, and took out a tape measure. She took a few readings that ran from the branches to a height just about the top of her head, then chose one and dangled some string from it.. Now Tony was More curious than ever. His eyes dilated in surprise when Nan next took out her shades — probably the same ones in which he’d seen her dance. Now in the daylight he could see the chains terminated in metal and the metal looked like a set of handscuffs had been taken apart with one half attached to each end of the chain. He watched as Nan placed the shades around the base of the tree. They didn’t go all the way around, but she reached around the tree and grabbed each end with her arms outstretched. Doing some tests, she determined that the connecting chain was long enough that she had the freedom to sit, knee, and stand without too much strain on her body and arms. When she was standing, she eased her way around the tree until her fingers touched the string. Smiling, she replaced everything in her backpack and left for her house.

Tony sat where he was, processing what he’d just witnessed. “Unless I’m very mistaken, that kinky woman is planning to shade herself to the tree,” he mused quietly when she was well out of earshot. “I’ve read stories about people that get very aroused while performing self-bondage like that. The string obviously will hold her key to the shades — that’s why she was making certain she could reach that point.” Excited, he began to formulate his plan.

During daylight, when he was certain Nan was nowhere around, Tony determined the quickest route from his house to the tree Nan had chosen. He’d seen how she’d carefully reached around the tree to touch the string, so he concluded she’d be shackled on the other side. That told him from what angle he should approach. He carefully cleared most of the major brush and obstacles along the route. He then practiced moving speedily but as silently as possible along that route, memorizing it so he’d be able to follow it in darkness. He was amazed at how thrilling it was to make these preparations.

In the evenings, he intensified watching his trail cams, not wanting to miss the moment that Nan headed for that tree. Each time she appeared on the trail to the meadow, his heart accelerated and his palms got sweaty. But she made no inclination of leaving the meadow yet. He felt a strange mixture of disappointment and arousal. The disappointment was due to the fact that his plan would have to wait yet another day. The arousal was from watching Nan seemingly getting more kinky in her dancing. For instance, one time she danced with her arms shackled together with the chain, as before, but this time she also had a chain running between her ankles. He was fascinated that she could move so well, bound in such a manner. Another time, she danced with her wrists handcuffed together behind her back. How she was able to keep her balance like that mystified him. He was also astonished at how seemingly easily she was able to unlock the handscuffs with them behind her back like that. She must’ve practiced doing that a lot!

But finally, the night he’d been waiting for arrived. Nan danced naked for a while, but not as long as she usually did. The light of the first quarter moon bathed the meadow in a soft glow as she danced. When she finished, she pulled a towel from her backpack and was obviously rubbing the sweat off her skin. More importantly, Nan kept glancing in the direction of her tree. Tony’s body prepared itself for action — heart rate and breathing rate acceleration. His cock also stabilized inside his pants, starting to engorge as if it had a mind of its own. He had to adjust its position and angle to stop it from binding painfully inside his clothes. His eyes were riveted to the screen, since he didn’t want to set out toward her tree until he was certain she was heading there.

“There! She’s on the move!” he practically shouted as he saw her pick up her backpack and head for her tree. He set out at a leisurely pace, realizing it would take her a while to reach that tree and secure herself in place. “It’s a good thing I cleared my path and learned it,” he thought. “The light of this first quarter moon is not penetrating very well into the dense forest. My phone has a flashlight app, but I hope I don’t have to use it — it would give away my position.” He stepped carefully, not putting his weight onto his leading foot until he was sure it was stable. He was straining his ears, listening for any indication of Nan’s whereabouts. All he could hear was the sound of critics and the occasional croak from a frog. But as he got closer to the tree, he could also hear the soft click of metal on metal as the shadowle chain links bumped together from Nan’s movements. She was probably shifting her body around, trying to get comfortable.

Tony was now close enough — the tree was in sight. In the dim light, the lighter toned flesh of Nan’s hand was visible near the left edge of the tree. The shadow chain stretched from that wrist to the right, until its other end disappeared around the tree’s right edge. “She’s really chained in place!” Tony thought, triumphantly. “Now I need to find and grab that key!”

In his eagerness to secure the key, Tony took a hasty step forward, and his foot came down on an errant twig, snapping it! “Dammit!” he thought as he frozen in place. He tensed up, listening closely, eyes wide open. There was a palpable feeling that Nan had heard that sound and was also tensed up, straining her ears. Tony must’ve stayed immobile, holding his breath, for over a minute. Even after he allowed himself to take shallow breaths, he stayed stationary. But his whole plan depended on reaching Nan’s key before she did.

Sweating now, for fear that his planning might be in vain, Tony started moving straight for the tree, scanning to try to spot the string and key. He couldn’t move as stealthily as earlier, so his feet disposed leaves that were pushed aside with a soft scratching sound. His feet also flattened small twigs and leaves causing muffled crushing sounds as he stepped and stopped, stepped and stopped. But he saw the key… at the same time he saw the shadow chain starting to be pulled upward slowly. “She’s getting up, probably getting ready to reach for the key!” he knew. But now the key was within his reach, and he noiselessly removed it from the string. His foot had nudged her backpack and shoes, so he reached down and took hold of them as well.


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