To Tame a Desert Fox Pt. 01

Once Upon a Time….

Sultan was bored. He, the absolute ruler of his land, could have any woman that he wanted, yet he was bored. All of his subjects would be more than willing to throw themselves at him, but that didn’t excite him. He was looking for a companion, but he was also demanding.

He was hoping for a special one, the one that he can accept as his equal. Doubting that he will have to find one in his land, he surprised He will have to tame a one and make her submit, not through force, but through her own will. To be sure of that, she would need to past strict tests that will prove her willingness to serve her master without the force.

Today, he was given a new slave girl, captured by slaves deep in the desert. Sultan heard of her tribe – they are rumoured to be beautiful, intelligent, strong and fierce. Would she live to her tribe’s reputation? Or.. could she be the one? He dared not to hope – he was disappointed so many times in past. Well,we will see. She will have to end some harsh treatment before he even considers her worthy….

“Bring her in!” – Sultan announced to his ever-attentive guards.

And there she was. “What a magnificent animal” – she really lived to her tribe’s reputation – at least in terms of beauty. Sultan was taken back! Slave was naked, except the shadows on her wrists and ankles. And yet! She was supposed to be vulnerable in her nakedness, but she stood straight – almost defiant in her posture.

She was giving the aura of predator, rather than a prey. Cunning too.

“What is your name slave?” Sultan demanded – just to be met with silence and unwavering look straight into his eyes.

“I know you understand my language – and I will give you a name, ad you are not offering one. From now on, Your name is Thaelab Alsahar’ – Desert Fox” – Sultan said – “We will start with a basic obedience, if you straight refund – I will get guards to take you to the whipping post and punishmentyou, all three of them. However, I do not want to damage your delicate skin yet – do we have understanding?”

A barely noticeable nod, but he could see hesitation in her gaze. “Do you UNDERSTAND?” – Sultan more assertively demanded.

“Yes” – slave girl named Desert Fox replied.

“Good, Tahelab Alsahar’” – Sultan acknowledged. If there is any whipping, he would like to do it himself. But, not yet. He could see her shaped and lithe body mistake and dance under the kiss of a whip. He could almost anticipate her concentration to process the onslaught on her senses, as he would also bring the pleasure to the punishment – thus making it difficult to separate pain and pleasure.

During her training, there will be many occasions like that – if she has it in her. He will uish Her to that edge that she craves both – the pain and the pleasure. To the point that she accepts pain willingly to please him. That is the key, the key that can unlock her freedom and maybe his heart.

He snapped out of his thoughts -back to business at hand. He looked her in eyes. She didn’t avert his in intense gaze. He allowed himself a little smile. He will enjoy taming this fox.

“How dare you stare at your master!” he pretended that he was offended. Desert Fox flinched and glimpse of fear crossed her face – after a pause, which was just hinting of defiance, she looked down.

“Good, you are quick learner” said the Sultan “but insurance can not be easily forgiven – you have earned yourself ten lashes, Tahelab…”

“But..” she started and Sultan interrupted her harshly “Fifteen!”. Desert Fox was quiet. She was a fast learner, another trait of her tribe confirmed.

The Deal

“Now, we will start with basic slave training” – Sultan was pleased – “the basic kneeing slave position while waiting for her master is kneeing, knees wide apart, feet together, hands behind your back. Do it!”

Desert Fox swallowed her pride and assumed theposition. Praise the lord, she was gorgeous – Sultan thought… “Spread your legs wider” – he demanded.

Desert Fox obeyed. To tell the truth, she was not really rebelling. In fact, despite her prediction, she was getting aroused. Damn, she can not let her body betray her defiance posture. Her captor’s appearance and attitude didn’t help at all. Her captor was good looking and despite being in his Early fifties, he was in pretty good shape. And she liked the strong men, strong as she is.

Sultan, meantime, was admiring his latest gift. She was truly beautiful. Breast firm, just the right size. Legs and thighs full and shapedly. Tahelab Alsahar’ was kneeing in front of him in all her glory.

“Breast out – offer yourself to your Lord” – it was immediately obeyed. She pushed her chest out and perky nipples stood out, proud and erect. He pinched them lightly. This caused a slight shiver in proud slave girl. He pinched them a bit harder – this time he could see that she is sTruggling to stay silent. Desert Fox has very sensitive nipples, he thought to himself. That will limit how hard he can push her. What a goal, he already imagined her nipples pierced with gold rings…..

“Tahelab Alsahar’, I will make a deal with you. I know you year for your freedom and there is a way. If you endure a series of tests and tribulations – I will give you two choices: you can either be freed or you can stay and choose whatever you want”

This got Desert Fox’s attention. Is Sultan just being cruel and just teasing her? However, despite her position, she felt that she can trust this man.

“But, little slave girl, the tests will not be easy to pass. Some of them will look and will be painful, but you have to find a way how to deal with it and accept it. Who knows, you might discover that you actually like it” – Sultan allowed a mischievous smile. He know the secret alchemist spiritual teachings that translates any sensing (pain especially) into a pleasure.In fact, if this slave girl passes his tests, he will demonstrate it by allowing him to dominate and inflict a physical pain on him.

“What kind of tests?” Desert Fox spoke for the first time.

“That is up to me to decide, but they will include bondage, discipline and if you are lucky, you may even get your tail back” Sultan tried to sound stern but inside he giggled. Duke of Bohemia have given him a beautiful anal plug with a tail of a midnight fox. Sultan was looking forward inserting it into her tight hole. He was certain that she was not experienced in anal sex and he was already savouring her squirming while swallowing the plug into her anus. “And I might take you using any orifice of you body in the process. Do we have a deal?”

“yes” Desert Fox murmured, she wanted her freedom and she will endure.

“I didn’t hear”

“YES!” Desert Fox raised her voice and looked at him defiantly.

“That is better, now I feel like having a drink. You will fetch it forme, but first fetch one of the nipple clips, I will let you choose which one”, Sultan pointed to a divan where on a velvet cushion were several nipple clips orderly arranged.

Desert Fox swallowed hard. Her stromach was pulled into a tight know for the fear of unknown. For the fear of not being able to stand the pain, for the fear of losing her freedom forever and… for a fear of disappointing this man. “WHAT?!?” she was horrified by her train of thoughts! “Are you mad? He is your captor – you need to think how to gain your freedom, not to think about him!!” she scolded herself. Snapping out of it, she stood up and walked to the divan. And so it began…..

On the velvet cushion there were nipple clips, all kind of variety. From a simple tweezer like, to the ones with complicated mechanism (she learnt later that they are called butterfly clips – the more you tug on them, more that squeeze), the peg like ones with adjustable diameter. Some of them looked scary, some of themActually produced a slight tingling between her legs. Her body is starting to betray her again! She picked up a simple looking peg type nipple clips with a chain between them. They looked bearable. She walked back to Sultan and presented her choice to him.

Sultan was mildly disappointed, these were the beginner clips, but he understood her choice. Tahelab Alsahar’ had sensitive nipples and even these will produce satisfying result and she wanted to play it safe. Fine, he will go with her choice. “Good, now assume basic standing slave position”

This drew a blank expression on her face. Sultan forget that she is not properly trained. “Stand straight, hands locked behind your head, feet shoulder wide apart, breast out”. Desert Fox obeyed, she wanted her freedom. Sultan savoured this moment, he was lightly running a finger around her nipples. They responded perfectly, perking up and growing in size. Praise the lord, they were the most beautiful nipples he has ever seen. Now helightly pinched them. “You will stay silent, or you will fail the test. Do you understand?”

“Yes” Desert Fox steeled herself. She can do it. Without warning, from pleasure touch, Sultan has clipped on the first clip. She gasped. Pain was there, demanding attention, but it was bearable. “Good girl” Sultan commented. The second nipple was clipped, again a small exploration of pain, but still bearable. Sultan looked her into eyes – and saw the resolve. He dropped the chain that was connecting the nipple clips. Pain increased and Desert Fox nearly protected, but she caught herself in time. It was painful, but a hint of pleasure was also there. She can do this!

“Now dance for me, slave girl” Sultan was amused by her inner struggle. “Dance for your Sultan and seduce him!”

Desert Fox could not believe what she heard! She was struggling by just being still and processing pain from her nipples and he wants her to move in a sensitive dance of pleasure slaves. Surely she can’t do it and she will face the test.

Sharp pain exploded on her right bum cheese, it was a camel whip that Sultan carried with him self all the time to remind slaves of their position – “NOW!”

Well, she can try – she said to herself. She started gyrating her hips cautiously, limiting the movement of her body just to lower body, to avoid nipple chain tugging on her nipples. The years of training of sacred tribal fusion dance were finally paying off. Desert Fox had a full control of her body while dancing and she could control any muscle at her will.

Slowly, she entered the trace like state of the sacred dance. ‘I will show him” – she thought and pushed her hips and her pussy, in defiance of him. Faster and faster, in wider and wider circles. She lost the track of time.

Sultan was impressed by this girl. She certainly Know how to move. And he was pleased to see defiance in her movements, the bravery and at the same time, the mastery and control that she had over her body. Her body will be such a sweet price when he conquers her mind. Through the force or pain or pleasure, he was not sure which one. Or both. Both at the same time is always the best option, he mused silently.

Her dancing was getting wilder, more free. As if challenging him. Well, time to end this session, before she pushes too far as then he will really need to punish her harshly for defying him.

“Stop and come here” Sultan demanded and that made her snap put of her trace. She was smoking and as she was coming down to Earth. She was getting aware of nipple clips. It was so easy to ignore them when her spirit was free. Desert Fox straighten up and walk up to Sultan, looking him into eyes.

Challenge accepted, Sultan was really enjoying this game and this slave girl! He just touched the chain that were connected to nipple clips over her engaged nipples. She gasped! He let the weight of his finger rest on the chain. She was a about to break. :Praise the Allah, for creating this magnificent creation” Sultan thought “She will provide me with such pleasures and in time she will enjoy all the pleasures that she was created for…”

Without moving his eyes from hers, he reached for the nipple clip. He could see mixed emotions in her eyes, fear, pleading, defiance and…a shade of trust?

Well, this time he will earn her trust – he removed the nipple clip as gently as he could. Yet she gasped, firstly from pain of blood returning to her nipples, and then from the relief that he didn’t torque her, as he could. He has seen this in her eyes. The inner struggle to trust her torque instead of fighting him.

He reached for the second nipple clip, he was still gentle but this one was a bit more forceful removal. He needed her to up her game. And she did, she still appreciated that he was being gentle Instead of plain cruel. He looked at her and she returned the gaze. “This will be soooo much fun” – he was savouring the future encounters in hismind, but he can not let her see this.

Instead, he gave her a hard slap on her bum, called for the eunuchs to take her away and without looking at her, said “Bring her tomorrow night again!”


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