Tomorrow's Reality Show

Linda sailed through the preliminaries, the first round of the Ten Million Dollar Challenge. It was cable’s most popular reality show. Each week the fans had voted and wonnowed down the seven factors to Linda. It had been fun for her but not especially challenging. Linda had gotten lots of exposure in her bikini and had awed with her bubble personality. The producers of the show had pitched this phase of the show as a sort of national beauty content. There had been three men and four women at the start.

Contestants were judged on how photogenic they were, how nimble and athletic they were and who had the best personality. The ratings had Steadily built as the challenges escalated over the four week preliminary round. The tag line of the show was ‘get to be intimate with the person next door.’ Linda was the girl next door, only prettier. For winning this round she had received a relatively small 100,000 dollars. And she only got that if she completed the second phase of thechallenge. It would be part of the ten million she would be awarded. Linda had withstood the truth or dare portion by answering truthfully every question put to her. Now the whole world knew about her first sexual experience (at fifteen with her music tutor) whether she waxed or shavled (neither she went natural) Whether she swallowed or spat out cum after oral (swallowed) Her bus size, shoe size, what she liked in a man, (height and muscles) whether she had any lesbian fans (sometimes). No question was off limits. The world was bowled over by her honesty.

At the end of the first four weeks the world felt that it knew Ms. Linda Sipple as well as they knew their own family members . The five football six 110 pound 23 year old woman with curly long brown hair, long lovely legs, flawless creamy skin, stunning blue eyes with spectacular cheese bones and a dazzling white smile and size D breasts was every man’s and quite a few woman’s fantasy. The world wanted more of her.

Themost intriguing part of the Ten Million Dollar challenge is that the second part of the conversation was a closely guarded secret. No one aside from three producers know what the second phase would consist of, only that it would be more intimate and daring and would last twelve weeks. All of the contestants had agreed to the second challenge without having a clue as to what it would be. To guard against cold feet the producers had them sign contracts styping that is they turned down the second challenge the refusing contestant would be responsible for reimbursing the network and the producers for the advertising dollars and production costs the network would lose. A sum far in excess of the ten million dollar price.

The day of the second phase of the conversation Linda was dressed in a fetching outfit, A skin tight yellow blouse and a short maroon skirt with open toes shoes, Her long hair cascaded down her back with a lovely copper ornamental clip in her hair that only accentuated theloveliness of he locks. The cameras captured every inch of he long legs and beautiful face. She was obviously very proud of herself for making it this far.

The host, less unctuous than most of his ilk, led Linda to the big couch for the introduction of the next challenge.

“Now Linda. We have seen you blossom and excel through all of the challenges. Are you ready for the final mystery to be revealed?”

“Oh I sure am Jeff.” Gushed Linda.

“Well Linda the world has seen so much of you and have leaned so many intimate details of your life that it is only to be expected that the viewing audience wants more of you in every way. Check out this video of Patrick and Emily Hartshorn.”

The monitor in the studio and on the television sets at home were filled with the image of an attractive couple in their late thirties. Patrick was tall and imposing. He was heavily muscled and was wearing a tight leather outfit. His wife was about Linda’s height and weight, her long hair was dirty blonde and she seemed to be in excellent shape. She wore a collar around her neck that said “slave” and a brief garment. The cameras toured he Hartshorn’s house. There were cages and hooks. There was a huge bathroom as well as a hot tub and a sauna. Linda was getting a queasy feeling in her stomach that only got worse when the host Jeff announced.

“For the next four months you will be enslaved by the Hartshorn’s they will have full authority over you and you will obey them without question. You may not refuse them at any time during your enslavement. I can’t tell you all that they have in store for you but it will involve A LOT of nudity and sex. Our cameras will be following you twenty four seven with internet access between episodes. At the end of your twelve week enslavement you will be given a check for ten million dollars. A fantasy come true, and all of the fans you have built up these last four weeks will have many of their fans come true a well.”

Nothing had phased Linda before but this caught her off guard. She contemplated the full effect of the host’s words and the implications in the Hartshorn’s home and attire. The smile disappeared from her face.

“Remember Linda if you refuse this challenge you will owe our network a minimum of forty million dollars. The producers like to think of this as the ultimate way of “‘getting intimate with the person next door!’”

The studio audience exploded with the sound of applause. There were cheers, and whistles and howls as well. Linda struggled for composition. On the one hand she doubted that she could go through with a public enslavement, on the other hand she would be on the hook for forty million dollars. Still she thought, how bad could it be? She certainly liked sex. She just never thought that she would have an audience. Ten million dollars would let her build a very nice private life after the twelve weeks were over. All of her life she had been raised to believe that she could handle anything. Why should this be any different?

“So what do you say Linda?”

Linda plastered a smile on her face and said. “I’ll do it, Jeff!”

The audience clapped even louder. Jeff the host then announced.

“You will be transported immediately to the Hartshorn’s place of residence to begin your four months of enslavement. Our cameras will be there! The audience knows that you have cleared your schedule for the next twelve weeks so there is no reason that your adventure can not begin tonight. The Hartshorn’s informed us that you won’t need any luggage as they will supply everything you need.”

The host led Linda out to the parking lot, cameras in tow where a limo was waiting. A camera followed her to the passenger seat and the car headed off to its destination. The limo had a stocked bar so Linda helped herself to some Vodka mixed with cranberry juice. She thought that if she had a slight buzz what ever was in store for her would go down easier.

Her mind was full of all sorts of images and thoughts as the car headed for its destination. From what she could tell from the videotape she saw Patrick Hartshorn was the sort of man she liked. He was ruggedly handsome and certainly was in shape. Emily was pretty. Linda supposed that she was as good as any other woman to be naked around and probably have sex with. Linda had messed around with a few girls in College but she had never had a full on lesbian experience. She loved kissing and hugging her girlfriends but had never really gotten into eating pussy. Linda was convinced that Emily would expect a lot more from her than her girlfriends had.

After a drive of several hours the limousine pulled up before a large house in a rural area. With a great deal of trepidation Linda stepped out of the car and made her way up the pathway to the front door. A camera truck was already there and the cameraman and crew who had ridden with her followed from behind.

The door swungopen as she reached the top step of the porch. Patrick Hartshorn filled the doorframe. Shirtless and wearing leather pants he cut an imposing figure. Next to him, barely visible in the doorway stand Emily. She was wearing a black leather bikini and a leash was fastened to her collar, Patrick held the other end.

“Welcome Linda.” They said together. Patrick then spoke and said, “Won’t you come into my home, we will go over the rules and get you processed.”

Linda tried to focus on positive thoughts as she stepped into the vestibule. Patrick led her to a seat in the well adopted living room. Patrick sat in the couch opposite her, Emily knelt on the floor. Patrick began to speak.

“The rules are very simple, Linda. You will be permitted to own nothing and you will follow all of my orders and all of Emily’s orders. We will provide for all of your needs. You will do nothing unsupervised and you may not decline any orders given to you. You must ask permission to use the bathroom. We will clean up after you there. Your status is essentially that of a pet. Like a pet your only adornment will be a collar. We will begin processing you in a few moments. You will surrender all of your property. This will be audited off by the producers to cover some of your expenses. You will be stripped, bathed, and held every inch from your neck down. All of this will be televised. Once Your processing is completed you will submit yourself sexually to myself and Emily. This also will be televised. From this moment on the word no can not cross your lips. Is all of that clear to you?”

Linda had been paying close attention. “Yes I understand, but what will I wear home?”

“The producers will buy you a new outfit when your time with us is over. Now you Need to follow us to the bathroom so we can processes you.”

Linda bit her lip. This was going to be very hard to do. On the other hand now that she had seen Patrick and Emily up close She realized that Patrickwas very handsome indeed. During their talk in the living room her eyes had strayed from his piercing gray eyes to his rippling muscles. The pants were tight enough that she could tell that Patrick was well endowed. Emily was more attractive in person than she was on camera. There was a sparkle to her eyes and her skin was smoother than it appeared. She really was very pretty, almost beautiful. She followed the couple to the large tiled bathroom. Patrick informed her that cameras had been hidden in all areas of the bathroom.

“Ordinarily it would be Emily’s job to prepare you, but I have decided to do it myself. I am going to strip you down to your birthday suit now.” Said Patrick in a commanding voice.

He bent and unfasted Linda’s shoes and gently took them off. A small tremor went through Linda’s body as Patrick removed the clip from her hair and gently unbuttoned her yellow blouse. It fall open revealing a pink bra brimming over with Linda’s lovely tits. Patrick removed the blouse as he had done with the shoes he handed them to Emily who folded it nicely and placed it in a plastic storage box with Linda’s shoes.

Next Patrick bought himself by removing Linda’s earrings, her bracelet, watch and class ring. He unbuckled Linda’s belt, reached behind her and unzipped her skit. It fell to the floor revealing Linda’s long tapered legs and brief pink panties. He ordered Linda to step out of them. For Linda this part really wasn’t that bad, she had appeared on television in a tinier bikini than what she was wearing now but actually nudity was something else. She new that this cable channel aired a lot of adult programs with graphic sex and nudity, somehow she had convinced herself that the channel would not ask that of her.

Linda inhaled deeply as Patrick reached behind her back and unfasted her brassier. With his opposite hand he pulled it away from her body. The entire world got a view of Linda’s spectacular breasts. Her areolas were light brown which faded to near pink on her nipples. Linda thought of covering herself but new that that just would delay the inevitable so she kept her hands at her sides.

Patrick,then bent at the waist and lowered Linda’s panties. Her thickly curled snatch came into view.

Patrick ordered her to step out of her panties and then ordered her to spin around a few times so that the cameras could capture Linda from All angles. He skin fairly glowed. During the preliminary rounds Linda had developed a deep tan, the tan lines from her bikini stand out in sharp contrast. “You are unquestionably beautiful Linda.” Said Patrick. “Now we need to shake you and we will shower together then Emily dries you off and we head for the bedroom.”

Linda watched as her panties joined the rest of her possessions in the plastic bin and Emily attached the lid to the container. It was placed upon the counter. She considered her nudity. Linda was not a prude but she was also not the kind of woman who revelled in nudity. She rarely slept in the nude and her boyfriends usually saw her clothesed when they weren’t having sex. This was going to take some getting used to.

While Linda was considering this Patrick removed Emily’s bikini and stripped off his leather pants. Linda was thunderstruck at the sight of Patrick’s uncut penis. His was the largest she had ever seen. Emily’s body was pale and hairless. Linda realized that Emily reminded her of a girlfriend she had experimented with. Their bodies were practically identical, Emily even had freckles across her bosom like Linda’s one time make out partner.

Patrick opened the glass doors to the large shower It had three shower heads and sets of controls, there was a portable plastic benchmark to sit upon. Emily asked Linda how she liked her shower temperature and set the controls of the central shower accordingly. Patrick took the hands of both Linda and Emily and stepped into the shower. After sidering Linda head to toe he had Lindasit on the benchmark while Patrick held her legs , underarms and the rest of her body at last he gathered a wet and dry razor and mowed away the hair on Linda’s pussy and nether regions. Cameras in the shower controlled by technicians back at the studio captured it all in high definition.

A half hour later the trio was outside the shower. Patrick dried off Emily who then dried off Linda. Linda ran her hands over her bare mound. Old boyfriends had wanted her to go hairless, Emily had turned them down but now she thought that doing it in private for a beau would have been preferable to a public shearing.

“Linda, you need to thank me for shaving you and for taking you on as my slave. You will also kiss me in thanks.” Said Patrick.

The words took a long time coming to Linda’s throat but at least she repeated Patrick’s words and made the move to kiss him. The kiss was incredible. It went through her like an electric charge. Linda could not ignore the attention. Patrick applied subtle pressure to Linda’s shoulders and before she realized what was happening, she was kneeling before her slave’s huge erect penis. Understanding instinctively what was expected of her Linda began kissing the balls and the shake. She worked her tongue and at last took the large phallus into her mouth. A short while later Patrick came and Linda chased down the massive load.

“You need to thank your master for his cum each time he ejaculates.” Patrick said.

For some reason the words came easier to her this time and she said, “Thank you for your cum mm…master.”

Patrick said, “You are a fast learner, that is good. Now it is time for you to don your collar.”

Patrick stepped over to a cabinet in the bathroom and removed an object. He held it up to the cameras

It was brown leather with the words “Linda” and “Slave” Embossed in gold upon it. There was a catch at the back and a keyhole a large diamond adorned it front and center.

“You will be able toKeep the diamond if you become a reliable slave. It will be a constant memento of this exciting and wonderful time in your life.” Said Patrick

“Turn around and raise your hair,” commanded Patrick. Linda did so and Patrick locked the collar in place. To Linda the click as the collar’s lock fastened was as loud as a thunderbolt. She let go of her hair and tugged at the collar a few times. Unsurprisingly it did not budget.

Emily then stepped forward and led the game show contemporary to the sink. She brushed Linda’s teeth and supervised her while she used the commode. Emily wiped Linda and then washed her hands. For Linda it was very awkward and embarrassing.

“Now we will retire to the bedroom,” announced Patrick. “I will be taking your pussy and then your asshole. When I am finished with you Emily will have her turn with you. She expects and I will demand that you go down on her and eat her out until she orgasms. Emily will do the same for you. After both of us are satisfiedied you will be caged for the night. It will be a while before you are permitted to share our bed.”

Linda compartmentalized what was going on she tried to envision what was going on as though she were a fly on the wall, yet Patrick’s touch thrilled her. He had the commanding status and personality that she found irresistible. Linda knew instinctively that she would enjoy sex with Patrick a great deal. She was less sure that she would enjoy Emily’s ministerings but Linda felt that she could do to her what Patrick had asked. Linda, being completely honest with herself, realized that she WANTED to obey Patrick. She WANTED to make him happy. Those desires surprised her but she could not deny them.

Patrick led the way to the bedroom. Emily took Linda’s hand and they followed in turn. In the bedroom Patrick ordered Linda to turn down the covers and sheet. Linda realized that a thrill of anticipation stabilized in her as she prepared this gesture. She noticed that she was wet. Both Emily and Patrick slid into bed and told Linda to follow suit.

Both of them embedded her and alternate in kissing Linda. It was all very heady and then Emily moved aside and Patrick took control. Linda marvelled in how easily Patrick picked her up and placed her where he wanted. Gently he kissed his way down her body to her newly shorn slit. Patrick’s tongue was supremely talented as Linda’s last reservations began to evaporate. Linda felt the first flush of orgasm.

All at once Patrick was inside of her. His huge organ filled her in a very satisfying way. Before she knew it Linda was moaning with pleasure. Linda barely noticed the “Thank you master for your cum.” that escaped her lips. She was still high when Patrick rolled her over and began lubricating her asshole. Linda had not had much experience with anal sex. It was a special favor given to boyfriends very sparingly. At first she thought that Patrick’s length and girl would tar her apart but he proceeded slowly, gEntirely, almost lovingly until his full girl was inside her rectum. Gently Patrick rocked himself to orgasm. Linda felt him come deep inside of her. Almost as naturally as breathing Linda rolled over and said “Thank you for your cum master.”

Linda was still thinking about this amazing encounter when her mouth was encircled by Emily’s lips. Emily Frenched Linda with a deep password and her body wrapped around her. Linda felt Emily’s slim sleek body in her arms and she decided that she liked the feeling. Linda kissed Emily back and did not mind in the slightest as Emily worked her way down her body to her sex. Emily’s technique was different from, but no less exclusive, than her master’s. In a short while Linda’s orgasm vocalizations filled the bedroom.

“You need to thank Emily for your orgasm.” Said Patrick.

That was not hard for Linda to do. Knowing what was expected of her, Linda embedded Emily’s pale skinned body and began kissing her. In a short while she was at theentrance of Emily’s pussy. Steeling herself, Linda’s tongue made a tenative foray into Emily’s sex. Seeking the cliporis, Emily tried to place herself in the position of the more talented boys she had slept with. To her surprise and delight Emily began responding to her ministers. Linda continued even through the pronounced unfamiliar taste of Emily’s female juices. Suddenly Emily was screaming Linda’s name. Linda continued until Emily was thoroughly spent, only then did she lift her head from Emily’s nether regions.


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