Tommy and Emme


The 4 most dreaded words in the wife’s vocabulary: We need to talk. And Kate texted them in all caps to Tom at nearly 1AM.

“Fuck, just what I need after this disaster of a day.” He had just spent the evening dealing with a high maintenance client that just could not understand that he would have to order the parts required to repair their machines. Tom needed the money, otherwise he would have told the little price what he could do to himself. Then on the way home from his nightly AA meeting, he got a flat tire in a torrential downpour of rain. It was one of those days that made Tom just want to drop in a six pack and jerk off to mind numbing porn.

Except he couldn’t. Tommy had stopped drinking, he was up to 87 days sober. Plus he was not even allowed to touch his cock except for hygiene while in the shower. His wife, Kate, had only allowed him to orgasm twice in nearly 6 months. Once, on his birthday andOnce on their wedding anniversary. Kate wouldn’t find out if he played with himself. He might have felt a little guilty about lying to her. But he doubted she would even ask at this point. Kate accepted a promotion to work in another city and moved out four months ago. Intellectually, he knew the marriage was probably over, but he preferred to live in denial.

Worse than if Kate found out, would have been admitting any masturbation to his special friend Emme. Emme was a gentle domme that he was lucky enough to meet. She had taken him under her wing. He would never lie to Emme. She would ask about masturbation. He thought that she really wanted to help him save his marriage and to become a better man.

And Emme was already disappointed in his behavior this week. He had been neglecting his chores, his diet, and his fitness regimen. He was making excuses about a very busy season at work. It was true, he was behind at work, but only for sleeping late and walking in bed half theday while looking at porn, instead of going out on his work calls..

Tom entered his house and called Kate. She didn’t answer his call, but she immediately FaceTimed him back.

“Tom, take your clothes off. NOW.” she demanded without even saying hello.

Tom quickly removed his clothes and angled the camera to give a sweeping view of his body. He knew she was pissed about something, but he was confused why she wanted him nude. He wanted to show off his hard work, if she wasn’t too mad to look at him.

“Wow Tom,” Kate was almost laughing and yet still so mad. “You actually appeared slightly more toned than last time I saw you naked. Are you still working out and trying that diet thing?”

“Yes, I have cut back on junk food and fast food. And I Did tell you about that workout program I was trying. Couch to 5k. I’ve been going for a walk/run every weekday. It is hard, but I want to look better for you. I think I have lost about 7 kilos this month.”

“For me? Really?”

“Yes Kate, if I look a bit better, and I develop some better habits, and a bit of stamina in bed. I thought, maybe, ummm, you might, umm, maybe, umm, want me back.” Tom stammered out his confession.

“Really Tom? Show me your penis.”

“Yes, Kate” Tom angled the phone back down. He could feel his erection start to swell from her inspection.

Tom has been Wearing a ring on his balls and cock for several months. He likes the feel of the swollen achy balls. Emme liked the way it emphasizes his heavy swollen balls. Kate did too, at least when she used to play with him.

“That ring does look very nice, I love how it holds your bits. It makes your balls look huge, especially next to that tiny penis. Too bad you aren’t wearing it for me.”

“Kate, you bought me this ring, you used to lock me in it. I found it and started wearing it again.” That’s the truth.” He pleased.

“Tom, I spoke with Emme today.” Kate stated matter of factly.

“Umm, Emme?” Tom couldn’t believe how bad this night was going.

“You know damn well who is Emme,”

“Yes, Kate,” mumbled Tom.

Kate started in. “She and I had a wonderful chat. She is so nice, I understand why you want her to train you. I really think it would be great if she was able to work a miracle and turn you into something decent.”

“Umm, I’m confused, aren’t you upset?”

“Damn right I am upset with you. You are pathetic. You cheated on me before, but I took you back because the kids still needed a dad. But let’s face it. Now the kids are grown. And

I am sick of your constant horny neediness and your messes. I was about to file for dividend. At least, until I spoke to Emme.”

“Ok, what did she tell you? Did she tell you I was training to be a better husband? She has me doing chores, fixing up things around the house, and making this more of a home for you. If you came to visit you would be impressed. We thought, I thought, maybe I could get you to move back home. I stopped drinking, I’m 87 days sober. I was waiting to tell you until I made it to 90 days, but yeah.”

“You are trying to save this marriage? Now? So you went online to find a Domme to train you? Is that what you want?”

“No, I want you.”

“You never liked it with me? I used to try to top you and you didn’t enjoy it. You begged and complained every time I started something. I thought you hated wearing that cock ring for me. It’s too late, Tom, I gave up already.”

“So what now Kate?” Tom can’t help starting to cry. “I still love you.”

“I know, and truly I never stopped loving you. I just need more from you, from life, from everything.” Kate wiped a tear from her eye. ” But There is actually a little good news. Emme is actually willing to train you. So, in 2 weeks I will fly you over to her. You will become her problem. Maybe eventually you will grow up.”

“But what about my business, the animals here… everything. I can’t just leave my life behind.”.Tom protested

“You will have 2 weeks to get your son up to speed so he can take over your business. I spoke to him, explained the whole situation, and he agreed to step into your role for the next 6 months. I expect since he actually has some motivation, he will have no problem doing both your job and his. Probably better even than you ever did. And besides you would lose everything if I divided you. I could make you sell the farm house in the settlement. This way you have at least a chance of avoiding that, if you can learn to be a decent house boy. No promises, but I will wait to file any papers in case you can become a good house boy for me.”

“Uhhh, what about…”

“Emme and I will work out any details. No worries for you. All you have to do now is EVERYTHING Emme tells you to do” Kate reassure him.

“Yes, Kate” Tom mumbles.

“By the way, Does she know that is the cock ring that I bought for you?”


Two weeks later Tom steps off the airplane. He finds his way to baggage claim, not that he has any checked baggage. He is starting his new life in a foreign country with nothing more than the contents of a carry-on.

He searches for the face of Emme in the crowd to no avail. Then he notices a huge man holding a sign with his name.

“Hello sir, I’m Tom.”

“Hi, I’m Bob, Emme’s husband. You are probably exhausted from the flight. Do you have any preference for dinner? We can stop along the way to your hotel.”

“Anything is fine.” Tom was at a loss for words, what was he supposed to say to his Domme’s husband,

“Great, I’ve had a hankering for some wings. I know a great place, it’s a little raunchy, but the food’s great.”


About 45 minutes later, they were sitting at a booth. Bob was enjoying a beer, Tom was trying to enjoy a diet soda.. The waitress was barely legal with an amazing rack wearing a tiny tank top and tiny bright orange shorts. Tom could not avoid admiring her gorgeous curves as she leaned over to take his order for wings.

“Be careful not to star if Emme ever takes you here.”.

“She knows you come here? She actually comes in here?” Tom was shocked.

“Of course. She appreciates beautiful women and enjoys good food.”

“Wow.” Gasped Tom. Kate would never go to a place like this or even approve of him being here. He could feel his cock stiffen, just imagining Emme treating him to a trip here for good behavior.

“About tomorrow, I will pick you up at the hotel lobby at 8:00a. I will check you out of the hotel. Be freshly showed and eat breakfast there.”


“First, I made an appointment to get you checked for STDs and you might as well get a sperm count, too. I don’t want Emme catching anything from you, and I definitely don’t want to be raising a kid.”

“I told her I had a vasectomy. I’m good.”

“I am not sure if she will ever even allow you cum, butit’s easy enough to be sure. Weirder things happen.” Bob paused to sip more beer. ” Then Emme made an appointment for you at the salon. Enjoy your last night of shaggy hair, scruffy bear, and well, any hair.”

“Should I shake? Kate had told me not to.”

“No, don’t shake, Cassy at the salon will take care of everything for you. Just be very clean.”

Tom would have asked more questions, but the food came. A huge pile of breaded hot wings and curly fries.

“Enjoy these, tonight, Tom. It’s on the diet for you tomorrow. I will also make sure you have a good fitness regimen so you can spend any free time pumping iron. It’s a great way to release any extra energy and, umm, pent up frustration.” Bob winks at Tom. “You will find that Emme, as sweet and kind as she is, can be very, very frustrating at times.”


“Fuck that hurts”

“Just take another deep breath and relax, we are almost done with the hard part. And breathe again.”. And another strip of wax and hair came off of Tom’s scrotum.

“Ok, now pull your knees up to your chest. This will feel very hot, but you are ok.”. And Cassy spreads the hot wax over Tom’s anus to remove those pesky hairs.

“Deep breath, again” Cassy reminded Tom as she yanked more wax and hair off. “You are being a good boy.”

He would have expected the pain to keep his cock soft. However he learned the pain causes a raging hard-on. That embarrassment only compounded his prediction. The humiliation of being completely nude in front of a total stranger, having to get into the most revealing yoga-like positions, being called a good boy in the process, and the erotic knowledge that he was being prepared for Emme. He tried to hold back, but he came hard.

“Don’t worry, Tommy dear, that happens.”. Cassy chuckled as she got a paper towel and quickly wiped off his chest, neck, and bear. “Although I don’t normally see men get their own faces with it.”

“Thiswill feel very hot, but it won’t burn you.” Cassy coated the back of each tigh with wax and quickly applied the clothes strips and removed it. She worked efficiently, moving his legs into revealing positions, and finished removing every hair in a few minutes.

“Next, Bella will do something with your hair, bear, and browser.” As she sprinkled powder on his perfectly smooth body.

“Get dressed, have a seat in the massage chair over there, the girls will do your mani pedi, while Bella does your hair.’

Tom sat back, took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes, and attempted to enjoy the massage. He was completely unsure of what to expect when the girls finished with him. He knew he never expressed any interest in being feminized, and he tried to remember if Emme ever gave any hint that she wanted to feminize him. He was sure she never mentioned it.

The plucking of his eye browser hurt and the girls seemed to be purposely tickling his feet as they buffed off all the calls. Then Bella began the hair cut with the electric clippers. He finally began to relax. He was almost confident that this was only manscaping. Then the girls started painting his toe nails.

A moment later Bella handed him a mirror. He opened his eyes to see a very hot guy looking back at him in the mirror. He didn’t realize a haircut, color, and grooming of his eye browsers could make so much of a difference. He smelled a peek at his feet and was relieved to not see poison.

“Bob has already taken care of the charges. He left since he had a work appointment and we were going to make him late. So you will need to walk back. It’s not too far. He left directions.”


It turned out Bob’s definition of “not too far” was indeed a bit far. Especially with the hot Atlanta sun beating down. However when Tom finally arrived at the address, he was in shock. The house wasn’t a mansion, but damn it was nice.

Bob’s note said he left the door unlocked so Tom should fetch a drink from the kitchen, before going to the basement sitting room and waiting quietly.

One of the doors had a note that said, “dogs in here don’t open”. Based on the barking, the dog sounded to be a rottweiler. He wasn’t brave or stupid enough to open the door. There was also a bathroom, a laundry room, and 2 bedrooms. One was still decorated with a kid’s pictures and awards from sports, the other is obviously intended to be his.

The furniture was comfortable enough, but everything was sparse, gray and black. Except one wall completely covered with a huge mural of a galaxy. On the night stand there were a few books about NASA and the Hubble Telescope, some computer magazines and a bible.

“Oh my God,. I’m living with a fucking Jesus Nerd. That’s even worse than a computer nerd or a Jesus Freak,” Tom mutters to himself. It takes him a few minutes before he remembers all the kinky shit Emme enjoyed Skyping with him about. He was laughing maniacally,When Bob came down to check on him.

“Dude, you OK? I’ve got 90 minutes until my next appointment. Let me give you a quick tour. Then we can go up, I’ll fix you a salad for lunch.”

“Ah, yeah, sure.” Tom mumbled.

“Obviously, this is your room. You and Emme can make it more comfortable over time. Your closet is shared with the other bedroom. He’s away at school, so stay out of his room. The bathroom is across the hall, it needs some renovations, I’ll work with you on that. The laundry room is where the dogs are now. They’re scary looking, but as long as Emme is happy, they will be your best friends.”

“Do I want to know what happens when she’s not happy about something?”

“Let’s just leave it as They will protect her. For now, don’t even attempt to enter a room if she is sleep or upset. Eventually, they should be OK with you, but just in case… Be careful. It’s time for their lunch. Let’s feed them.”. Bob opened the door, Two huge dogs rushed out, running inCircles, jumping, and barking wildly. A quick command from Bob and they were sitting and waiting quietly. Bob filled the bowls with kibble and refilled the water dish.

“So what renovations were you planning to do in the bathroom?” Wondered Tom. He was impressed with the room already.

“Just replace a few tiles, grind the floors a bit down a bit to put more texture since it gets slick, Emme hates that vanity I choose. Minor stuff.” He shrugged as he headed back down the hall and up the stairs. “Just like she wants the laundry room tiled and repainted. She will always find something to keep us busy.”

“Anything I can do today? I guess I better get working. You saw how little I brought with me.”

“Let’s get lunch ready. I’ll let you know the current plan.” Answered Bob as he led him to the kitchen.

“Tom, my understanding is that as long as you keep Emme happy she will take care of you.” Bob explained as he pulled out the salad fixings from the friedge and a couplee of mixing bowls. “She will give you a list of chores to do daily and a list of projects she wants completed. I will work with you on some of the projects like the renovations to teach you any skills needed, purchase supplies, and make sure everything is completed to her standards. Keep her happy and she might end up spoiling her new house boy.”

Bob fixed the first salad, with spinach, pecans, berries, feta cheese and a sweet vinaigrette, then covered it and put it aside for Emme to enjoy after work. Then Bob fixed a salad for him and Tom. He closed all the containers, put them away, then immediately washed the utesils and counter, before leading Tom to the kitchen table.

“Emme will be home from work before I finish work, around 4pm. I expect she will want a back rub after she eats her salad. Then the 3 of us can go into the garage where I have my exercise equipment and get a workout in. I will spot you as we determine your current max for everything. Then I’ll get a planmapped out for you.”


Emme was tired after her busy day at work, but the reception from Tommy on her arrival home energized her. She found he was waiting at the bottom of the basement steps. He was standing and dressed in his khakis and a clean shirt.

Emme whispered down to him to give her a few minutes to get changed. She changed from her scrubs into gym shorts and a sports bra. She grabbed her hair brush so Tommy could brush her hair out. “Might as well give him a task right away.” She reasoned to herself. She will be able to assess a lot about his attention and devotion by the way he brushes her hair.

Emme gathered her salad and some water. Then made her way down to see Tommy. She was nervous, she had been texting and Skyping, but to meet him in person was different.

“Hi Tommy, Are you ready to be my good house boy?” Emme asked with a smile.

“Yes ma’am, you know I’ve been fantasizing about this for so long, it just feels so right, it’s…”

“Tommy, quiet.” Emme said sternly. “This is all about serving me. What I want, what I need, what I think feels good. Don’t tell me about any of your fansies unless I ask. Understand?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“I am going to enjoy my salad. While I am, tell me how your morning went.” Emme sat back in the recliner. Since there was not another chair, Tommy stood.

“Bob took me to a clinic to get tested for STDs. They drew blood and asked for a semen sample. It was so embarrassing to be in the cold exam room trying to produce one.”

“So when was the last time you ejaculated before today?”

“Nine weeks ago on my birthday. Before that it was almost eleven weeks.”

“Aww poor Tommy. That’s a long time, I’m sure you were hoping for a better first orgasm.” Emme teased.

“Yes ma’am,”

“How was the spa treatment? “

“The ladies were very nice, but the hair removal was painful. “

“Did you enjoy the experience?”>

“It was humiliating. Cassy saw all of me. Then I made a mistake and had another orgasm. I couldn’t help it, it just came out of nowhere. I wasn’t expecting it. It was so humiliating.”

“Really, you came from getting waxed? Is my new house boy really that easy?” Emme teased reaching her foot out to stroke the inside of Tom’s thigh with her toes.

“Yes ma’am, I must be”. Tom was staring at the floor. He could feel another massive erection growing just from her attention.

“Drop your pants, come here and let me inspect this wax job that you found so pleasurable.”

Tom awkwardly shuffled a few steps nearer as Emme ran her fingernails along the base of his cock and bare balls. She was rewarded with a drop of precum which she gathered on a finger and held up for him to taste.

“Damn Tommy, you are hot and horny. You will have to be very careful not to allow any more “accidental” orgasms. I know you became careless and lost motivation in Kate’s training whenever she let you cum.”

“Yes ma’am”

“Are you ready to discuss a few rules?”

“Yes ma’am “

“First, you will do exactly as I want. You are striving to please me. Forget any preconceived expectations or fantasy you had for this training, those will only make this harder on you.

“Second, no orgasms until I decide you are ready. I will have to find a way to punish any orgasms you have without permission. But I will be nice to you baby, since you have already demonstrated you can’t control yourself. I will allow you to wear a cage on that little cock to help keep it under control.”


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