Tom's Journey into Submission Pt. 02

Tom’s cage is finally removed and Andrea has some fun.

It rained for a week. Typical English summer. However, this gave everyone time and space to mull over what the previous weeks had uncovered. Tom had no chance to spy on his neighbor’s pool as he now had a new bedroom and his mother had locked the door to the previous one. She had also arranged for him to work in a local supermarket during the week. They had held a frank conversation about his general behavior and more specifically about spying on the neighbor.

“I had coffee with our new neighbor the other day, Tom. Mist .. uh, Evelyn. She told me you were watching her from your window and I was pleased to report that you were now in a new room and won’t be able to do that any more. No watching over the wall either!”

She made no mention of the consequences they had both suffered as a result of Tom’s spying. Andrea was still unaware of the wanking through the window business and Tom was probably relieved thatshe didn’t know about his caged cock. He didn’t want his mother to know that he had submitted naked to the goddess next door and begged her for a caning. He didn’t want her to know that he had seen her doing the same thing exactly.

Andrea, in turn, didn’t want Tom to know that she knew about his submission to a caning. Nor did she want him to know that she was perfectly aware of his caged cock, although she Only know of this from her own spying. She also didn’t want him to know she had also willingly submitted to their neighbor to be able by her. He may by now have his suspicions about her lesbian tendencies but so far it was an untouched topic. There were many secrets in the house.

And of course, the rain and Tom’s absence from his room ensured his conforming with the new rules, quite apart from not being able to do anything with his cock other than pee through it and wash it in the shower. He was following Evelyn’s advice on hygiene and care and was suffering no skin rashes or irritations from the cage. In fact, he was becoming quite used to it, but his balls were bursting.

Evelyn carried on with her life much as usual, slowly reeling in her two new recruits with the occasional phone chat with Andrea and asking Tom to bring her some supplies from the supermarket when he finished work. Nobody mentioned the Punishment Room.

However, it doesn’t rain forever and the Following weekend brought glorious blue skies and bright sunshine. Tom had a day off from his work and Andrea went to her tennis club for a game with Kay and their friends.

Kay stripped off after the game and went to the shower room. Andrea followed, wrapping herself in a towel to cover the marks that were still evident from her caning the previous week. Evelyn had not been so harsh on Andrea as she had on Tom, but it had still been a sound punishment session.

Removing her towel and walking into the shower with her friend, Kay noticed at once that the carefully shapedpubes were now completely gone. Andrea’s cunt was bald.

“Oh, hello baldie. That’s new!” she said admiringly as she reached forward to stroke the sad area.

“I have another surprise for you, Kay.” Andrea turned around and showed her the stripes on her ass. Old, dark lines, but unmistakably lines that had been caused by a cane.

“I took eighteen strokes from my neighbor, Kay. You told me to reach out to her and this is what’s happened. She’s turned me into her slave to be punished, and I have to obey her whenever I go round to her house.”

“Oh my! You got these marks a week or more ago? It must have hurt like hell. Was this the first time you submitted to her?”

“No. I confess it was the second. I only got six strokes the first time, but then I deliberately got caught spying on her through the window when she was spanking a boy beside her pool. I could easily have avoided it, but I wanted to be caught. She’s beautiful, Kay, and I love having to submit to her. I had to strip naked, she only ever canes slaves when they are naked, and she commanded me to shake all my pubes off, so I obeyed her. Disobedience carries consequences. But, Kay, do you know something crazy.? I plan to go back for more, and when I say more, I mean another caning of more than eighteen strokes!”

“Wow! Pain slut! You aren’t the only one though. I got caned quite often at school and it hurt a lot. I haven’t told you about that, have I? Miss Scott was a demon lady! Like your lady, she caned us naked too, sometimes just one of us, sometimes she made us watch as she caned our friends. We never got less than six strokes and the maximum was twenty-four. If we got twenty-four, we always critic. I always tried to rile her enough to give me twenty-four.”

Andrea took the bull by the horns and revealed one of the thoughts that had been developing in her mind.

“It sounds like you really did enjoy it, for all the tears I guess you shed, Kay. Maybe you’d enjoy reviseiting those days sometimes, and I’d love to be there to see that, but here’s another silly thought. I remember you saying you were at your wits’ end with your daughter and I wonder if she too would benefit from a visit to my neighbor. Maybe next time she oversteps the mark you could tell me and I’ll arrange an afternoon tea. Bring her to my house and I’ll invite Evelyn to join us. She is the expert. She’ll persuade Amelia to behave more nicely if anyone can.”

While they were talking, they were also soaping each other and at this suggestion, Kay suddenly went weak at the knees.

“That’s a brilliant idea, Andrea. Let’s try that. But, knowing what a submissive slut you are, I am now going to order you to get down on your knees and let me piss on your face. It will mix with the shower water and you can drink some if you like.”

Andrea had never even thought of such an act but as soon as she heard the command, she obeyed it and Kay let a long, controlled stream of pee wash all over her friend’s face. Eyes, nose, mouth. Andrea reached up and parted Kay’s outer lips with her fingers to aim the stream at her mouth. Fortunately, the tennis had not been too exerting so the taste wasn’t very strong, and mixed with the shower, she decided she actually rather liked being told to do this. She used her tongue to lick the final drops from Kay’s pee hole and placed her mouth over the hole, trying to suck Any final liquid out. This sparked a last jet which half filled her waiting mouth. She swallowed it down.

“Wow! You sure took to that in a hurry!” Kay stammered, amazing at the sensing it had given her to piss on her friend who so willingly played the game. “Maybe you should offer to suck your new mistress empty too. She might add extra strokes if you spill any.”

Andrea pictured the scene and found it to her liking. I will do that, she determined. But maybe I can turn it into a game that I can’t win. Have to think about how to do that.

* * *

Tom had a dream. He was in bondage and naked women were whipping his body. Evelyn appeared and raised her cane, thrashing him with it, but he couldn’t feel it. It was made of some material he didn’t know which didn’t hurt, like being caned with an ostrich feather. His mother arrived and she too was naked, but she had pubic hair growing down to her knees. She became Evelyn, and he munched at the hair, like candy floss and when he had eaten it all he could see her cunt. At the sight of it, he came in waves of cum, spurt after spurt after spurt. It seemed to last forever and he filled a bowl with it, which his mother then poured over his cock and balls and all the women went away, leaving him soaking in his own cum.

He women up, and discovered it was true. He was lying in a huge pool of his cum. His cock cage had escaped the hole in the front of his pyjamas and the sheets were soaked. Truly the wettest dream he had ever had. He opened the sheets up and lay on the bed, gasping at theWonder of it when his mother burst in.

He couldn’t find the sheet to cover himself, and she stopped on the spot, staring at his cage.

“I heard you calling out, Tom. Thought you were having a nightmare. But now I can see you are living the nightmare. How long has that thing been there?” She pointed at his groin.

Tom was humiliated. “More than a week.” He confessed, no longer trying to cover his shade. Mistress Evelyn put it on me and it’s been there ever since.”

Andrea could see the large wet pool of spunk on the bed beside him.

“And you just had an erotic dream? Bad luck, son. How long will you have to keep it on?” Easy acceptance, and unquestioning belief in what he told her he noted. “Are you her slave now?” she asked.

“Yes, mum. She canes me sometimes and now I have to wait till the marks are gone before she will unlock this thing.”

Of course, she knew this already but she was glad he was being honest with her.

He continued, “The marksare almost gone, just like yours should be, mum. Oh? You didn’t know I know about you too? ‘Please give me eighteen strokes of the cane mistress.’ I heard you begging her. Yes, I guess we both know everything. Are we going to be okay with it?”

Young Tom is growing in confidence every day, thought Andrea. There he lies, shamelessly exposing himself to me, as much as he can behind that cage, whilst lying in a huge pool of cum, which is about to soak into the mattress!

“Quick, get the sheets off the bed!” she called out urgently. We’ll wash them and hope to save the mattress from staining. Maybe we’re going to need a plastic undersheet if you don’t get the key to your problem soon!”

She looked at him, a mixture of love, concern and amusement on her face. “Yes, Tom. We’re going to be fine. Too many secrets, except we both know everything all the time. It’s a bit crazy. Anyway, if you’re okay, I’m OK. Let’s just enjoy ourselves; that’s what life is about.” She didn’t tell him she was the secret witness to his caning though.

Andrea’s marks were the first to fade, and when Kay had informed her that her buttocks were completely clear again, she anticipated Tom’s need. She found him watching TV, less interested in being in his room these days. Why? Porn and cock cages really don’t mix!

“Tom, I expect the marks from your caning will be gone soon. If you would like me to check for you, just let me know.” They were having a very open relationship now, and it seemed there was no taboo topic for them.

“Thanks mum. Maybe tomorrow morning after my shower.” He returned to his program.

* * *

Andrea called round on her neighbor the next morning.

“Oh, Andrea. What a pleasure to see you. Please come in.” Evelyn was Pleased to have her slave neighbor visit unannounced. “What would you have me do for you, kitten?” she asked.

“Well, first of all, I can report to you that you can expect a young man to be calling in the nextday or two at the most. His marks are already clear but I have told him they are not yet completely gone. He had the most copious wet dream some days ago; it was hilarian to see him almost swimming in his bed. It seemed such a shame though, to such an emission go to waste like that. I wonder if he shouldn’t be ordered to swallow his emissions?”

Evelyn’s eyesbrows shot up. “Really? Do I hear a mother suggesting her son becomes a cum drinker? Whatever brought that to mind?”

“Well, his father used to want me to do that for him, direct from the source of course. I started to enjoy it – it was part of my submissive side I suppose. It is obvious that Tom is also a submissive, so I wondered if it might amuse you to see his reaction to such a command.” Andrea was very matter of fact with her mistress.

“Hmmm. Something to consider then.” mused Evelyn.

“And what about you, Andrea? What things do you like to swallow?”

“Well, I admit that I haven’t thought this throughcompletely, but there is another request I have for myself. One I have been mulling lately and I would like to ask for your input.”

“I am intrigued. Please continue.” Evelyn shifted in her seat.

“Last week, a friend of mine and I were in the shower at the tennis club when somehow I found myself on my knees before her and she peed on my face. I enjoyed the humiliation, and even opened my mouth wide to take the full stream at one point. I quite liked the taste, and I wondered if you would allow me to serve you in the same way.” Andrea was blushing. She hoped she hadn’t gone too far. Her fears were unnecessary.

“This sounds interesting. You say that you want me to pee on your face? In the shower only or do you have other places in mind?” Andrea couldn’t read her mistress’s expression.

Heart in mouth, she squeaked out, “Anywhere, Mistress. House, garden, wherever you would like. If you pee on my body, I will wash with it. If you pee on my face I will lick it from my lips. If you were to pee straight into my mouth, I promise to drink it, under penalty of punishment if I spill any.”

“You have an interesting friend, the one who pisses on your face. I would like to meet her sometimes.”

“Well, that is a third topic I would like to raise with you. She has a very naughty eighteen-year-old daughter and she wonders if you might be able to install some badly needed discussion in her. I wondered if you would come to meet my friend Kay and her daughter Amelia one afternoon. I could invite you over for afternoon tea and you might have a talk with the girl. I think you know the right words to use to get people to agree when they have done wrong, and even to get them to wish to atone for those wrongs. I know it worked on me and now I’m hooked. Kay would be most grateful. I think you would like her – she has very similar likes to me too if you know what I mean.”

Evelyn was way ahead, but let Andrea talk. Now it was her turn.

“Andrea, it all sounds most interesting. I would be delighted to accommodate you all, given the time. If you would like to arrange a tea party sometimes, I would be pleased to meet your friend and her daughter. I will happily take the girl to one side and have a private conversation with her. Do not be surprised, nor interfere, if I invite her to my house for a while. I am sure you can imagine what will happen if I find it necessary.” She looked warmly at her slave.

“And,” she continued, “as you are doing such a wonderful job of recruiting willing devotees of discipline, I look forward to turning you into my piss slut. I have some things to do for the next couple of hours, but please return here in exactly two hours. Dress appropriately!”

Andrea was dismissed and her mistress began the fun ritual of preparing to piss on her slave. The first thing she did was to go and empty her bladder completely. She then looked out some salad items, mostly bland tasting but added two pineapple rings, kNowing that this would make her sweeter to the taste. She made a very large jug of iced peach tea and began to drink.

Two hours later, Andrea was standing at her door, dressed in a lightweight summer wraparound dress with a belt holding it closed. Other than her shoes, she wore no other items. Her nipples were aching and her heart was pounding. She was invited in and through to the poolside. The day was cooler than it had been of late, the summer on its way out and Andrea shivered.

“Cold, or scared?” asked her mistress.

“A little of both, Mistress. I don’t really know what to expect as this is new to me.”

“Well, relax. It isn’t new to me. I’ve been making myself ready since you left earlier and I hope not to disappoint. If nothing else, you will have the pleasure of submitting to me. But I do hope you are thirsty! Now, tell me again what you would like me to do to you.”

“Oh, Mistress, I have come here so that you can pee on your slave. I will try to swalloww everything you give me but if I miss, or dribble, or can’t drink fast enough, I must be paid. How I am punished will depend on you but if I displease you enough, I should expect the cane. As I’ve told you, I’ve only done this once so I’m hoping I will enjoy it as much as the first time.”

“Okay. Not too tricky. Let’s go inside and get started, as I can feel things building up for you now.”

The two women went to the Punishment Room where Evelyn has prepared an area by one wall for the impending game. She had lain down a large plastic sheet to protect the floor, on top of which lay a doubled over white sheet. On the white sheet there was drawn a circle, approximately two feet in diameter.

“I have played a variant of this game before, slave Andrea, so let me explain what will happen. You will lie on your back on the sheet, with your head positioned in the centre of the ring. I will position myself so that I can release a small stream of pee. You must attempt to catch this in your open mouth and swallow it. If I need to move, to make it easier for you to catch the pee, you will direct me. I will then start peeing a continuous stream into your mouth. I shall control the flow to ensure your obedience to my command not to spill a drop. You will keep swallowing until I stop pissing in your mouth. Easy, yes?”

“Yes, Mistress.” A highly aroused Andrea whispered.

The target depics your punishment. When I command you to move, you will roll over onto your knees and we will inspect the target area for signs of disobedience. Wetness on the white sheet will be easily seen. If you have done well, any spillage will be confined to the area around your head, inside the circle. For that you will receive just six strokes of the cane. Wetness outside the circle will earn you twenty-four strokes. Do you accept the terms?”

“Thank you, Mistress. I will do my best.”

Andrea removed her dress, revealing her naked body to her mistress who nodded herApproval of the freshly shacked cunt and the throbbing nipples. Evelyn reached forward and took both nipples between forefinger and thumb and squeezed them painfully. Andrea squealed in surprise but thrust her breasts towards her mistress rather than drawing away. Then she lay on the floor and adjusted her position until Evelyn told her that her head was now centred in the target area. Andrea knew this was going to be a demanding challenge.

Evelyn removed her own clothes and stood naked above her slave. She turned around and straddled Andrea’s head, facing towards her feet, and lowered herself onto her knees, positioning her pussy over Andrea’s mouth.

“Reach up and lick my pussy, slave.” She commanded and Andrea’s tongue found its target. She licked the outer lips which helped them to spread, hoping for a solid flow of pee. Evelyn reached down and held her pussy, aiming at her slave’s mouth and announced the sample was on its way. Sure enough, the flow began and struck Andrea in the back of the throat. She struggled not to cought and quickly swallowed the small mouthful she had received. She noticed how pleasantly sweet it tasted and was only mildly surprised at the warmth of it. Of course, she thought, direct from the body. Why wouldn’t it be hot?

“That’s perfect, Mistress. Thank you. I’m ready.”

Evelyn released her piss again, varying the strength of her flow as Andrea learned to become her mistress’s piss drinker. She couldn’t believe there was so much. Evelyn had consumed the full two litre jug of iced tea and had a large amount stored up for her slave. There was no talking, just the sound of pee hitting the already full mouth and the glugging of the slave’s swallows. The flow increased and Andrea felt a large mouthful escape down both chefs and into her hair. It kept coming, relentlessly and Andrea couldn’t manage to swallow it all, for all that she tried, often ejecting whole mouthfuls down her cheeks and into the sheet below. After what seemed like many minutes, the pissing stopped and Andrea weakly licked her mistress’s pussy lips to take in the last drops.

Evelyn stood up and warned Andrea that there was a final gust coming and to open wide. Amazingly, it was a perfect face shot and the slave spluttered as some went up her nose, making her sit up a little and coough it out, spraying it war and wide. On command she rolled over onto her knees as Evelyn bent down to admire her work.


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