Tom In Trouble – slave girl sara

Tom In Trouble

An old true story from before Covid, re written in the absence of much real time play, in 4 parts, this is part 3

Tom had been to 5 different university’s and almost at the end of his stay.

Got to say he now he had now fucked me in every room in the house whenever he could, and my tummy was bloated from his cum.

All that said he was 100% the perfect gentleman.

I got home from work one day and went to shower, when I came down Sir called me into the family room.

As you may know after my shower I am either naked or wearing a thin dressing gown, all night till my morning shower.

Daisy was reading a magazine and Sir Tom was on his iPad.

“You called Sir?”

Sir stood and unbuckled his belt, I removed my dressing gown and Tom`s eyes almost popped out of his head as I bent double, I shook my body to get settled so my tits would swing, to please Tom.

“Ready sara?”

“Yes Sir, thank you.”

I saw him raise his arm and I got around 40 cracks across my bare bottom, I was soon crying, soon screaming.

Sir finished and rubbed my bottom, “Your bedroom sara.”

I flew up the stairs and knelt in reading.

Sir arrived and I unzipped him, he liked to take his time stiffening and letting his cock gently meander down my throat.

Sir was in full charge, I gagged, I spit, I had saliva and I choked but had more trust than anything in the world in my Sir.

He took me to the wall at the side of my bedroom door and fucked me stood up with my sore bottom constantly rubbing on the wall.

I had a cum as he pushed into me, one on the first lift off the ground, and another then a huge shudder as my Sir cum, so much so had he not been supporting me with his cock I would have fallen.

Sir took me to the bed and cuddled me a while before we both showed as I knelt he pulled me back up and cuddled me again.

He was dressed first and went downstairs, I put some cream on my bottom and followed, naked of course. I made sure I had a little make up on and my hair was neat for Tom.

I have not said why I got the belting, the reason is, there was not a reason, a Sir and particularly my Sir, does not need a reason to whip his slave.

We had dinner and Sir passed me my dressing gown.

Tom helped me with the dishes and Sir took Daisy upstairs for a fucking.

Tom opened my dressing gown and pushed my shoulders down, so I knelt.

I took him in my hand and wanked him gentle to start then faster and faster till he cum over my tits.

I went to the downstairs cloakroom to clean up, after I had cleaned him up.

We all sat and chatted again over coffee and Sir bathed me at 9.00 and I went to wait in Sir Tom`s bed.

I must have been sleep when he came up I woke around 2.00 and he was sleep next to me, I did off again.

6.50 my phone bleeped and I crept out and into Sir and Daisy`s bed.

Sir was already semi hard, and I stiffed him and fingered Daisy.

Sir rolled over, as did Daisy and I put him in and Sir dismissed me.

Sir Tom was still asleep, so I repeated my last bed call and soon had him hard, he laid me next to him on my side and we spooned, got to say it was very loving, as was he.

I was a little mixed up at work about my feelings, especially my feelings for Tom, I think I loved him.

I was soon on the train home and got a text from Sir, to anxious home and come straight into the locke.

It sounded serious and I was sure I had not been naughty.

I went straight into the locke, “Good afternoon all.”

“Good afternoon sara, I`m afraid there is going to be a large punishment handed out.

I gulped, I began to remove my jumper.

“Stop sara, it`s Not you, Tom, get naked boy.

He looked so surprised but knew better that to argue, as he stripped, I got wetter, when he was naked my nipples were stood on end.

“Bring me your iPad boy.

He gave itto Sir, and Sir put it on the counter.

sara, our house guest has been recording your spankings and posting them to his friends. See this comment, `The slapper gets what she deserves, then fucked by the whole street` then this, `I`ll be up all her holes tonight, see how tight her bum is.` and….”

“Please Sir I have seen enough may I be excused?”

“After you have witnessed his whipping.”

Sir put him over the counter and whipped his bottom and back to a criminal hue.

When he stood up, he had a huge hard on.

“Hold the towel out sara.

I stood in front of him with a towel.

I will milk you boy before I can you.

He could not answer for tears.

Sir wanked him from the side and he squirted into my towel, his face as red as his bottom.

“Touch your toes like sara does, legs wider, let your slack cock show below your balls.

Sir gave him 20 of the hardest cuts of his senior cane, I saw some blood.

Corner boy, did you recordd all that Daisy?”

Tim looked over his shoulder.

“Yes Sir, everything.”

“Good, I will have it sent it to his address list.”

“Please Uncle Don Sir, please…”

“Do you want to go over again for another 20?”

Sir started to type an email to Tom`s dad, “Hi Bill, this is the hiding I just gave Tom, he has been recording my slaves spankings and posting it to his friends.

Will you please forward this email to his mates with the heading, `Karma can be so unrewarding

He will be home tomorrow, I will put him on the 9.50 train, after I have repeated this hiding. Don.”

He showed it to me and Daisy, read it out loud, then PING it had gone.

Tom was sent to his room and told he would be on the train home tomorrow, Sir kept a hold of his iPad.

“Daisy, take sara for her bath?” I began to cry going up the stairs, in the bath, being towel dried and in my bed.

“Please Daisy may I have my light out now?” I sobbed, she came back and hugged me.

I lay awake sobbing, I heard Sir and Daisy come to bed, she got a spanking, I heard the slaps and cries, then a fucking, I heard the moans.

I lay, still awake, still sobbing, Sir opened my door, I was obviously going to be given something to cry about, I lay on my tummy for him.

Sir scooped me up like a rag doll.

“You will sleep with us tonight my special one.”

He kissed my cheek and I cried even more.

He lay me between them facing Daisy, he spooned in, his slack cock laid in between my bottom crack, by head resting on Daisy`s tits and she hugged me then latched me onto her nipple, she knew it always soothed me.

I woke in exactly the same position and rubbed against Sirs cock, he came to life and put it between my legs, it stuck out and I rubbed him as Daisy rubbed my tits.

I cum before Sir was in and had fingered Daisy to a cum too.

Sir fucked me gently and meaningfully and I cum again.

Not sure what came over me, butI unplugged, got out of bed and laid behind Daisy and guided Sir into her as I massed her tits.

I rubbed my clip on her bottom and we all cum at once.

“Go shower sara its 7.50.”

I flew out of bed and down and out by 8.15 just in time for my bus.

I cried on and off most of the day, I put it down to the time of month when asked by the girls.

Daisy was waiting in the hallway, my red eyes a given way.

“Sir said to go shower and come into the blinde, naked.”

“Am I to be spanked Daisy?”

“Yes hun, sorry.”

“Oh don`t be sorry, its just what I hoped.”

It did not take me long to be over Sir`s knee, and over Daisy`s knee, it was a loving good girl spanking, hard, effective, may me cry and Daisy massaging my nipples and tits, made me cum.

Sir knelt me ​​between Daisy`s legs on all fours as Daisy wanked him and guided him in.

We all got cleaned up and Daisy made us a cup of tea.

“Our darling sara, we are so sorry you had toExperience all you have these last few days. Being used and dare I say, falling in love?”

“Yes Sir.” I felt myself welling up again.

“I would say you learn a `life lesson` nothing I could plan or teach you.”

“Sir, I think I was in love with him, did he get a belting before he went on the train Sir?”

“Yes, a duplicate of the night before, had you been here and I asked you what punishment he should have, what would you have said?”

I paused, “Non Sir.”

Sir smiled, “You would have let him off, Daisy said that when we talked after he had gone.”

I put my hand up.

“Yes sara?”

I hugged them both together, 2thank you for last night Sir, I felt so safe and secure between you both, does that sound soft Sir?”

Daisy answered, “No sara darling, it sounds sara.”


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