This story belongs to my series “Tokyo Stories”, which is inspired by locations around this city.
Before leaving the house, you look at yourself, rather nervous. Any other evening you would be proud of yourself: your elegant long legs are enhanced by your black, laced trousers, your blond hair brush your shoulders, a soft make-up enhance your beautiful features, but tonight your Master is taking you to a party hosted by one of his wealthy Japanese friends.
“Old money – he grins – you’ll probably be the only foreign woman there.”
He has already scared you many times with stories of the unattainable refinement of the Japanese high society, the pinnacle of a world made of unwritten rules and sophistication, and warned that for a strange social Blunders are hidden at any corner.
The large mansion is almost hidden in the thick jungle of smaller buildings in a central area of the city.
When you cross the door and enter the large entrance hall,you are almost blinded by the light coming from the tall, glittering chandeliers. As you proceed, with your height you tower most of the guests, men and women, who crowd the place, and as he had announced, you are most probably the only foreigner, surely the only Caucasian woman.
You smile at everybody, but the very well-dressed Japanese men and women don’t talk to you. They barely acknowledge Your presence, while they seem to enjoy your Master’s company.
Because he speaks their language, you can’t understand what they say. You just flash your timing smile to everybody.
After a while, he turns to you and says: “They are complaining that a woman shouldn’t wear trousers.”
“What does that mean?” you ask.
“It means that you have to take them off.”
That sounds like a joke and you laugh, but he looks at you, sternly. Some guests are encircling the two of you, and you are unable to escape. Suddenly the request doesn’t sound like a joke at all.
“Take off your trousers,” your Master repeats, slightly annoyed by your disobedience.
“There’s no but,” he cuts you short.
You blush violently, but there is no escape way. The other guests have closed in around you.
While you unbutton the trousers, you look at them, hoping that someone would betray that this is just an elaborate joke at the expense of the newcomer; but in their eyes you just see curiosity, and beyond curiosity, cold and unforgiving expectation. That’s it: you take them off.
“This slut doesn’t wear panties!” blurs in perfect English a Japanese gentleman.
You look at your Master, lost. Yes, you didn’t wear panties below; it felt sexy – now that act of daring is haunting you.
You Feel ashamed, of course, and start searching for an exit.. then you quickly walk towards it, while you feel everyone’s eyes on you.. this turns you on…you would like to say that this is strange, but in truth, you know you are a hopeless slut… you keep walking, then you feel the hand of my master on my shoulder.
“Where do you think you are going?” He drags you back into the crowd…You hope he could blindfold you …you would avoid the stars of the party’s guests…but no, you are helpless… and now you know you cannot escape…
The party has just started…you move around bottomless…now everybody seems interested to talk to you…suddenly everybody speaks English…they ask how you like Japan, how you like Tokyo…if you can eat raw fish, how proficient you are with chopsticks…you try to answer, while their hands slide on your pussy…casually…like they could touch your hand or stroke your hair…somebody grabs your ass…you say in shock:” I heard Japanese are not physical people…”
They laugh at the remark and continue feeling you…occasionally they slip back to don’t know what they say, but you guess they are commenting on your would like to escape, yet you can’t…you wouldlike to shout, but you have to accept this game, where everybody is faking that is normal to have a half-naked, foreign woman being handled like she is some kind of attention…a man asks if all women in your country are like you…while he talks his hand is on your ass, circulation you anus…”Of course not!” you reply, indignant. “That’s what I thought – he replies suavely, his finger penetrating the tip of Your asshole, making you gasp – sluts like you are difficult to find, in any nation…”
While you talk, your Master is looking at you, in your eyes…seeing if you are lying in your answers, checking the signs of pleasure in your eyes, see how you blush; by now he should know that you never lie to your Master’s presence.
A gentleman whispers something to him, and he turns to you.
“The gentleman here wants to see your tits, slut!”
“Yes Sir!” you reply, and you take your shirt off.”
You feel completely exposed now… your nipples are getting harder from the excitement and your Master sees that, he nods and smiles “Touch your nipples and make them hard!” he orders firmly and of course you comply at once.
All the guests are around you, commenting. “Such a beautiful creativity!” “She seems well trained too!”
Now someone takes a wooden box to your Master, he opens it and asks you to wear the steel collar which is inside… it also contains steel studs, that he screws on your nipples…a long metal leash hangs through a hook in the collar…
You do as told.. and the cold steel on your bare neck makes you shiver, you moan out loud, you feel you are getting wetter…
“This is so fitting for the gaijin whore!” says a Japanese lady, looking at you with contempt.
“I can smell that the bitch is in heat!” says a man, immediately puts a finger inside you, and then it takes it out, a thread of juice still attaching his finger to the wet pussy.
“She likes to be handled like this..she is made to serve and please…” yOur Master says softly.
“Is she a good cocksucker?” “Answer to the nice man,” orders your Master.
You can’t stop moaning…you say yes sir… your Master makes you knee in front of the gentleman…your Master takes a firm grip of hair and says: “Now open your mouth…”
The man grinins happily and take out his cock…you swallow it and start sucking…you work hard because you want to make your Master proud; that’s what your eyes ask when you look at him, working on the other man:” I am making you proud am I…”
But he orders you to look at him, to make him feel that your all attention is on him, on his pleasure.
Yes, you sucked the gentleman’s cock and swallowed his cum…then a second took his place, without giving you no time to object…elegant women Come near you, and barely notice you like they find all this normal…when you finish on the second, a third unzips his trousers, but complains he feels threatened by your foreign eyes, and have you blindfolded…before you could see your Master, checking on you and his look gave you strength…now you are just a naked white woman, serving these men, without even knowing their faces, just the taste of their sperm…
Now you are kneeing… your hands tied on your back, with a foot your legs are spread, you feel a pointed shoe against your pussy lips, opening like a flower’s petals
” I always dreamed to poison my shoes with the juices of a white cunt..” you hear a woman saying…” she is so wet!” another woman says.
Why do they speak in English now? They want you to hear, to feel their contempt.
Someone brings a cup of champion to your mouth, you drink it.
“Are you still hungry?” it’s the voice of your Master, gently mocking you…
“…I can feel the champione is making me more relaxed… Is it bad if I enjoy this … I feel the lust in me… I want more…” then you look at the Master and say: “Whatever you want..”
“Are you still hungry? Fromwhich mouth you want your food then?” the Master asks smiling.
You can hear other people laughing around him.
He slapse you hard and make your pretty cheek criminal.
“You didn’t answer the question!”
Still no answer… the Master slapse harder and you make a little scream while you turn the other cheek… you hear someone in the crowd says “She’s proud.”
“Maybe she is hungry in both mouths..” suggests a man, laughing.
You hear the click of the box, opening, and then a buzzing…a vibrating dildo is stuck in your mouth, and another in your pussy.
“Look at how she shakes her hips!”
“It seems she is sucking the dildo in her mouth, like a professional whore!”
You start to moan and move your hips, begging for more.
“She can’t shut up!” observes a Japanese lady in kimono, annoyed.
“Sorry about that Madam! I’ll provide immediately!” your Master says grinning: he pulls out the dildo coated in saliva and puts a ball gag in your mouth instead. Now your moaning is very soft and muffled.
“She moves like a bitch in heat!” observes another lady.
“Maybe if you cane her hips whenever she moves she’ll learn her manners!” a third one, in a Chanel suit, suggestions.
Now you feel the cane hitting the sides of your reins, where the wait starts to expand. You would like to move, but at the same time, you are afraid you’d be hit again. You wish to express your excitement, yet you can’t…it’s an exciting feeling…
“Eeh? The white slut is cumming!”
Even if your mouth is gagged and you can’t move your hips, still you can’t hide that you are reaching your climax…the party guests are around you…suddenly one starts clapping the others following…for them you are just the entertainment of the night…the tall Finnish woman who doesn’t care to show herself and her lust…the ball gag is detached, you breathe but suddenly another cup of champion of champion is brought to your mouth, you drink, then the ball gag is back, enlarging your mouth in a deformed, painful way, you feel drink, you don’t know if it is the wine or the pleasure, the vibrator on your pussy hasn’t stop buzzing, you cummed, then the teasing was almost painful, but then it turned to pleasure again.
The night is still long…you come once more…or twice…and then you are made to drink again…you fall asleep, chained and bound, gagged, the dildo vibrating in your pussy…in your sleep you dream of cumming…or maybe you are truly cumming…sometimes you are tired up…it’s a hand feeling your pussy, squeezing your boobs…are you dreaming that you are sucking a cock or is it true? your answer is a load of thick cream filling your throat…the night progresses…suddenly you feel like you are tripping…your mind tells you you can’t trip, you are tied on a floor…maybe you are dreaming of tripping…then you understand that the victory has stopped, the dildo is not filling your pussy…you understand you have become addicted to that stimulation…missing it is painful… unbearable …
“Time to leave!” your Master says. He makes you stand, you feel that a mantle is put on your shoulders. On the skin feels like silk, light and smooth. You can’t see, but you imagine it has a button or a broach at the neck.
The Master pulls you by the lean – the steel collar starts to feel heavy on your neck – and when you walk, blind, you understand from the breeze that the mantle opens and exposes your tighs, your vulva, and your boobs.
This how you leave the apartment. You can hear the Master being greeted, the other guests pat your ass – it’s their way to say good-bye. You utter a few meaningless: “Thank you!” and “Goodbye!”
You cross the corridor, you get into the elevator.
This apartment is on the thirtyth floor of a large condominium.
You imagine residents boarding the lift and looking at you, a tall white young woman, dressed only by the steel of the collar and the nipple clamps, a mantle drawn on her naked body, unable to see, her blonde hair shining under the neon light,
The lift starts moving, and after a while, it stops. You move towards the doors, but your Master holds you, pulling the leash.
“Holy shit! What’s going on?” you can’t see him, but from the voice you can guess that an American has stepped in. “Who’s she? She’s beautiful!” it’s a second voice, another young man, maybe they are two English teachers living in the condominium.
You just moan, with your gagged mouth, it’s up to your Master reply.
“It’s my property…she’s my Finnish puppy…”
“Can…can we borrow her?” says one of the two.
Half drink, you barely understand what they say…why borrow? what do they need? you struggle to make sense …they seem nice enough though…
“Well…another day maybe…she had a rather intense night…”
“Can I touch her at least?”
“You are welcome…”
You feel now a hand exploring roughly yOur swollen pussy, painful after the continued stimulation of the night; yet when he touches your clip pleasure and pain mix in a toxic combination.
The lift has restarted and then stops again.
“I am sorry, but we must leave…” your owner says.
“Can..we meet her again?” asks one of the two young men.
“Sure..why not? Tokyo is such a small town…” answers your Master.
You walk into damp, cold air. You have goosebumps, even if they are clamped, your nipples seem to get harder.
Your Master is pulling you by the leash, you move clumsily, unsure of the direction, the high heels you wore for the party don’t help.
You hear a double click, you realize that you are in the parking lot, you are backtracking the same route you took when you came.
However, you arrived sitting next to your Master, in your nice lacened suit, now when you climb in the car you are squatting on the floor, naked, just covered by the mantle. You can smell his polished shoes.He starts the engine and take off.
While your Master drives, the hypnotic soft noise of the hybrid car makes you fall asleep again…sometimes in the sleep you dream…the car stops, and you don’t realize it, until the Master pulls the leash and take you out of the car.
2. Shinagawa
It is even colder, it is a pungent cold that attacks your thigh when you move it forward, walking pulled by the leash.
“Stop!” orders your Master. He unhooks the mantle, you feel it sliding on your body and falling on your floor. You can smell salty water, you must be near the sea.
He unscrews the nipple clamps, the sudden rush of blood makes you moan a muffled scream behind the ball gag.
Your Master now uses cuffs on your ankles, making it difficult to move.
You wonder where you are, if people can see you. Now that you are completely naked you feel the cold air, but also sun rays singing the skin, it must be dawn.
You are drunk, you are tired, yet you areNot ready to go home. You want more…You Master takes off your ball gag…you move your jaw, in disappoint, then he removes the mask, and you can see around.
You are actually in a small park, near a canal. Around it, anonymous, windowless buildings, probably warehouses. Nobody seems to be around, but soon somebody might show up, people taking their dog for a walk, or people going to work.
“Look at me!” orders your Master, and you obey. Suddenly you realize that you are tied and naked, dirty, and he is dressed immaculately, a white shirt with a navy blue suit, like when he left the house for the party.
You are ready to do anything to please you, to try to make yourself worth to his eyes…
He sits on a benchmark, unzips his fly, and his cock springs out.
Without saying anything you knee in front of him, and take it in your mouth.
“Rise your ass higher!” your Master orders, and you stretch your buttocks up, so he can hit them lightly, with the cane, while you suck him.
“Turn now!” your Master says. You look at him unsure, after all, how can you turn with his cock in your mouth?
“Turn now!” he repeats, hitting your ass harder.
You are not sure you understand well, but you let his cock reluctantly out of your mouth and turn, still on your knees, showing your ass to him.
He forces you to straighten your knees, your hands on the tarmac, then he grabs one of your buttocks so that he can look at your dark hole.
“Tonight this was spared…” he says.
Now he puts both hands on your ass and penetrates your anus deeply and fast.
Then, while he spanks you with his palm, the other hand reachings for your clip, to make sure then when he’ll pour his warm seed into you you’ll cum too…
Then the moment comes, his seeds flow into you…you shake your ass, and soon it’s your turn to cum…he doesn’t let you enjoy the moment too much, he leaves you with the feeling that you want more.
“Clean it!” Hiscock is now in front of your face, you start licking it, but after a moment, impatient for your clumsiness, he sticks it in your mouth, and moves your head with his hands until he feels your job is done.
He takes the leash, take off the shackles from the ankles.
The day is dawning now, someone passes by with a bicycle and then comes back to have a better look. After all, it’s not every day that you can see a tall and beautiful white woman led naked by the leash, handcuffed, a heavy steel collar on her neck. You wish your Master could walk faster, but he strolls like he is walking his dog; of course, you are his dog.
“It’s time for you to pee!” he says.
The scruffy man in the bicycle has been following you, discretely.
You look at your Master, hoping you’ll be spared to make of yourself a show for him; but he is merciless, you raise your thigh, and you splash your pee on the asphalt, like the dog you are. He takes a wet towel, and cleanses you, just like owners do with their pets.
Your walk continues, the bicycle man leaves, and finally, you arrive at the car, you squat on the floor, curled, and he drives away.
From your position you can’t see outside, and nobody can see you, or at least so you think…then you realize that a bus is next to your Master’s car, people on the way to work are crowding at the window, to see the white woman, lying on the car floor mat.
It’s just a moment, then your Master drives away, but you can’t forget the shocked eyes of the young office ladies, inexperienced of life, trying to make sense of what they see.
The car enters the garage, and your Master takes you out.
There’s a pole in a corner, he hooks the lean around it, and he lays a blanket on the floor.
“You can continue sleeping here…later you’ll have your breakfast and I’ll wash you.”
You close your eyes and doze off.
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