Toilet Training

This tells of the developing relationship with my wife/Mistress.


From the moment when I moved in with my Mistress to become Her full time live in slave She made it clear that She would train me to be Her toilet slave. So one of my first tasks was to find and purchase a fully equipped slave’s toilet box.

After some searching on the internet I found a small selection and asked Mistress to choose which one I should buy. She selected one with a full toilet seat and with a plastic bowl into which fitted a funnel arrangement which led down to a mouthpiece inside the box.

The box itself was fully enclosed with a head hole at front and back so that the slave’s head could be entered to be positioned facing either way under the bowl. There were straps to secure the slave’s head if so desired and a number of fixings for restraints around the outside of the box.

The floor of the box was lined with a plastic tray to catch any straight materials which may escape the slave.

As soon as the box was delivered Mistress announced that from that day onwards I would drink every last drop of Her urine day or night. She placed a bell beside the box and instructed me that the instant that I heard the bell, regardless of the time of day or night and regardless of what other tasks I may be doing I was to immediately lie down with my head in the box and with the mouthpiece in place. She would then decide whether to restrain me and would then proceed to use the toilet.

It was then of course my duty to clean the toilet seat, bowl and funnel ready for the next use.

If I had let any of my Mistress’s precise liquid spill into the tray I was to clean this but only after I had shown Her as any waste would be severely punished.

From that day to this I have swallowed every drop of Mistress’s nectar and realise what an honour that is.

I have read in some internet blogs that some slaves do not like the first offering in the morningas it can be very strong but even if I had the choice I would not want to waste any of my Mistress’ gift.

The day after we were married (see My Wedding) Mistress told me that She intended to extend my training to make me a full toilet slave and She would teach me to love eating Her faeces.

She explained that She had a training schedule which She had used for paying clients when She was a professional dominatrix and we would start straight away.

She explained that I would have to learn to eat my own shit before I could have the honour of tasting Hers. For week one of my training I was every day to pass my excretions into my food bowl and then swirl it around the bowl a number of times before tipping it away. I then had to lick the bowl clean. This is how I was gently introduced to the taste of my faeces.

For my second week of training I again had to catch everything in my food bowl but then had to lick it into a smooth flat mound before I tipped it away and licked the bowl clean.

So it progressed each week as after smoothing it into a mound I had to take a bite of a small mouthful which I chewed and swallowed before cleaning my bowl.

Each week I learned to take bigger bites and then more mouthfuls until many weeks later I had nothing to tip away and could just lick my bowl clean.

Three times in the early stages I had a very upset stomach After my eating but Mistress explained that my body would soon get used to it and there were no germs in it which weren’t already in my system. She of course proved to be absolutely right.

When I had cleared my dish each day for three weeks Mistress announced that She considered that I had earned the honour of eating Her caviar which she would present to me in my bowl for Sunday lunch.

This She did on the following Sunday so whilst she ate the meal I had cooked for Her I feasted on the meal She donated to me. It was very exciting and I felt very honoured as I knelt over mybowl on the kitchen floor where I always ate. Her faeces certainly tasted different from mine and I am sure were much better.

It is now my routine and that is my Sunday lunchtime treatment as I am now a fully trained toilet slave.

Mistress tells me She would like me to amend the toilet box so that She could, if She chose feed me directly into my mouth so that is a task I have to accomplish.

Mistress has also told me that She is considering lending me to some of Her friends for them to use me in the toilet box and maybe, with friends She is very sure of, to allow some of them to feed me.


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