Toilet Ex Ch. 02 – My New Heels & a Pee

During our previous “making-up” dirty little rendezvous: It had become apparent to me that my Ex had given up resisting my mind domination over him? And what made it even more exhaustively erotic for me… is that from our several years of intimate marriage, I know how much he deplores the fact that I continue owning such real power over who he is as a man?

When I slapped his face in the toilet… it hurt him Deeply inside his soul, hanging his head shamefully kneeing naked below me on the public toilet floor he stopped wanking. Staring down at my feet utterly defeated – it made me wet.

Rob would never bully me again. Our budding new relationship was very different, with an entirely new power dynamic between us. If he really wanted to continue licking my lovely ass he would have to submit himself entirely to me.

My mind was in delicious turmoil: All I could think about was Rob offering himself so basely to me through the past several weeks… Letting me kick his balls and wanking himself-off on the floor of a public toilet while affectionately tongue-begging my asshole?? It was patently apparent my Ex husband had resigned himself into his new role of serving me properly as my permanent slave.

Rob knew. Sadly for him, he also knew what really turned me on… but came begging back to me anyway?? I felt worried about Jen. We’d been living together as a couple for several months and had been friends for years. Through the end of my dying marriage she’d been my bastion of support, tears on her shoulder, telling her what an arsehole Rob had been to me? If I told Jen I had him licking my ass – she’d go absolutely bananas.

The following week on Tuesday afternoon I didn’t go back to the mall. Late that afternoon I had a shower to clear my head. I thought about Rob in the shopping mall with his metal rings tightly around his balls sitting alone waiting for me for several hours. In the shower, I came thinking about him wanking himself-off ontothe floor of the toilet wishing he could lick my ass again?

He somehow got my new phone number and began texting messages to me saying how much he desperately missed me etc. On the morning of the following Tuesday I teasingly messaged him )*( from work. He sent several grovelling messages and tried to call me.

In the mall I saw him waiting near the unisex toilet looking lost. Inside he urgently removed all his clothes and kneeled naked on the floor submissively in front of me? I was wearing the “nice” dress he’d made me wear to the party, and some beautiful new heels I’d purchased online with pointy metal studs on top. I told Rob to kiss them. He hesitated for a moment – suddenly aware what was coming…

Kissing my studied shoes he began frantically rubbing himself hard. My girly dress had a pink vinyl belt which I slipped off and looped around his neck. I’d been thinking about this all week and felt totally in control. Rob stopped kissing my shoes but kept rubbing his cock. I lifted his head with the pink belt and slapped his face several times until he stopped wanking himself?

I think we both enjoyed it deeply… but I was desperately worried he might cum which would perhaps be the end of the game? I really wanted to kick his balls with my expensive new shoes.

His throbbing cock was pulsing but thankfully didn’t cum. His face was red from being slapped, I loosened the belt around his neck and told him to take his rings off his balls because I wanted to kick them properly without rupturing them. My pathetic Ex husband looked up at me? I told him “if I rupture your balls here we’ll have to call an Ambulance, Police will come and it won’t be pretty. Take those rings off and you can put them back on when your balls have healed in a few days.

Kneeling on the floor of the toilet Rob squeezed his balls out of the stainless steel rings one by one, which was always quite painful for him, I yanked his pink shouter and told him to anxious up. Once his balls were free I got him to lean over the open toilet bowl placing his hands on the seat. Letting go his lean, I invited him to spread his legs wide open and present his balls properly to me.

After 4 years of wearing my metal rings it seemed his scrotum had stretched quite delightfully! His testicles were dangling deliciously low in their little sack, and I asked if he now feel sorry for treating me so badly while we were married? I saw him nod, looking down into the toilet bowl…

Reaching between his legs from behind, grabbling his worthless little tests in my hand I squeezed them, and asked if he wanted his balls kicked?

Rob nodded. I squeezed harder: “Beg me.”

“Please kick my balls Em?”

I stood back… enjoying the moment intensely. I had fantasised About this from the moment my new shoes arrived. I giggled: “You’re very vulnerable now aren’t you Rob?”

He didn’t move. Looking into the toilet bowl with his legs spread presenting hislow-hanging balls invitingly for me: I felt supremely powerful and began rubbing my wet pussy & clip. Removing my frilly cotton panties I stuffed them into his mouth: “From now on you can call me Emily.” He nodded subserviently.

Kicking my Ex husband’s balls with my new spiked heels was intensely erotic! Each time he dropped to his knees brought me deliciously to the edge…

“Who’s the stupid slut now?” I asked standing over him on the floor.

He repeatedly stood back up coolly presenting himself to me?? it was hard not feeling sorry for him leaning forward over the toilet bowl with his erect cock dangling usefully between his legs hornily dribbling pre-cum, while openly offering me his manhood for my erotic fans…

I was achingly wet and asked if he’d like to begin licking my asshole again? Leaning over the toilet Rob nodded, suddenly taking cock-in-hand and began eagerly wanking himself spreading his legs bravely further apart… presenting his low-hanging balls for my pleasure. From behind I kicked him satisfied and he dropped to the floor.

Standing over him I let him openly see my powerful wet pussy beneath my cute dress probing into it with my fingers. Removing my panties from his mouth I told him he could kiss my beautiful shoes & lick them clean.

When he was finished, I walked over and put my panties on the edge of the washbasin. In the mirror I watched my Ex husband crawling naked across the toilet floor to me… opening my legs invitingly as he kneeled obediently behind me. I allowed him lift the back of my dress to begin affectionately kissing my bare ass.

Watching him in the mirror wanking himself-off while warmly kissing & licking my asshole humiliatingly from behind – uninhibited I began wetly masturbating my engaged clip & pussy and came powerfully shuddering!

It took Rob a while to cum behind me. Turning around feeling sorry for his balls, I took hold of his pink leash and helped my Ex husband spurt his cum out onto the toilet floor.

Unfortunately for Rob I really needed to pee, but there was no way I was going to diminish myself now by sitting on the public toilet in front of him. With his pink shouter I pulled his head back down onto the white tiles squatting above his face, and told him to open his mouth & drink it. He slightly opened his mouth… clearly enjoying the view??

I slapped his face and told him to close his eyes… I tried to carefully aim and control myself but I’d never done this before, Rob began gulping it down obediently until he began drowning in my pee? Humiliatingly I had to finish off on the toilet. Luckily for him he remained submissively on his back on the floor but undignified started wanking again while looking at me… When I finished peeing I stood up and kicked between his legs to help him stop. His big cock was fully erect for me.

Removing my pink vinyl belt from around his neck I put it back on… straightening my dress & hair in the mirror. My frilly cotton panties were still hanging cleanly over the edge of the porcelain washbasin so I wiped between my wet legs & pussy lips with them. Bending tantalizingly over, I also wiped off the pee which had splashed onto my beautiful new shoes. On the way out the door I tossed my pungent wet panties at Rob and told him to clean up all his mess…

I left him on the toilet floor cock-in-hand hopelessly wanking himself, feeling terribly guilty about Jen waiting for me at home?


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