***All sexually active characters are of age, 18 years old at least, and all sexual activities are consensual. Enjoy!***
Lillie Pratchet, 19, lockes on her bed in her room at her parents’ house, with her sheets scrunched up around her, and laundry, wound and washed, littering everywhere. She clutches her video game controller, with her headset slung around her neck, idly fingering the buttons as she loses herself in an online shooter, not particularly interested, but barely better than boredom.
Effortlessly, she glides around the game arena, gunning down her competition, getting taken out, and waiting to respawn, in an endless monotonous loop. She doesn’t have to think. She doesn’t have to feel. She gets on with the grind, coming easily to her. The teen’s eyes hardly stare at the screen, more like staring into space, but it’s comfortable, cosying up in the corner of her little box.
Her phone pings with messages from her friends, ignoring it as she soldiers on withher mindless massacre of middle-aged adolescents. The incessant ringing from her phone bounces around the room, but off her ears, not taking in the apparent urgency from the frequency of the tone replaying time and time and time again in blips and trills.
Game over, she tosses her controller aside, scooping up her smartphone, looking back through the log of messages:
Carrie Harper (10 minutes ago): Hey, did any of you watch that show last night?
Tracey Garret (10 minutes ago): What show was that?
Carrie Harper (10 minutes ago): Desert Island Dates
Cariad Byrne (9 minutes ago): I saw it
Stacey Flynn (9 minutes ago): Yeah watched it
Tracey Garret (9 minutes ago): No didn’t see
Carrie Harper (9 minutes ago): Sisquo can take me any day
Stacey Flynn (9 minutes ago): Monique looks like she’s getting him. She’s stunning though
Cariad Byrne (9 minutes ago): Julio got me going I have to say
Carrie Harper (9 minutes ago): Julio was cute yeah. Didn’t look like he had his eye on anyone special yet
Tracey Garret (8 minutes ago): What did Mia think about this?
Cariad Byrne (8 minutes ago): Portia and Lucrezia looked amazing. Seemed more flirty with each other than the guys
Stacey Flynn (8 minutes ago): Umberto was sweet but he isn’t the type they normally have bless him
Carrie Harper (8 minutes ago): Mia was watching with me. We had a good time watching it. Very good time
Cariad Byrne (7 minutes ago): Oh I felt sorry for Umberto. They just put him on their to body shade him and pass it off as inclusion. I tell you what. I love a belly, and the glasses, and he would be my ideal man
Carrie Harper (7 minutes ago): So the six-packs and the fake tans do nothing for you, Cariad?
Stacey Flynn (7 minutes ago): Yeah, everyone was ripping into him
Cariad Byrne (6 minutes ago): I’m open to six-packs and fake tans. Just don’t find them as interesting
Carrie Harper (6 minutes agotes ago): You’re a chubby chater, Cariad?
Stacey Flynn (6 minutes ago): You do you, girl. Go get yours
Cariad Byrne (5 minutes ago): I am a chubby chater and proud
Tracey Garret (5 minutes ago): I was busy last night. And this morning
Cariad Byrne (5 minutes ago): It was so peaceful and quiet in the flat last night. I got to do anything I like
Carrie Harper (5 minutes ago): What you get up to?
Stacey Flynn (5 minutes ago): I can imagine it wasn’t so peaceful at Tracey’s with Shane
Tracey Garret (5 minutes ago): What did you do, Cariad?
Cariad Byrne (5 minutes ago): I’m not telling
Tracey Garret (4 minutes ago): Things were quiet because of my folks being in but it was fucking hot
Carrie Harper (4 minutes ago): Come on, Cariad
Carrie Harper (4 minutes ago): Tell all, Tracey
Stacey Flynn (4 minutes ago): Wish it was quieter here. Actually it was without Carrie
Carrie Byrne (3 minutes ago): I don’t want to know,Tracey, if you don’t mind
Carrie Harper (3 minutes ago): Hey, you’re making me sound like a slut
Stacey Flynn (3 minutes ago): You are a slut, Carrie
Tracey Garret (2 minutes ago): Takes one to know one
Carrie Harper (2 minutes ago): Mean lol
Stacey Flynn (2 minutes ago): Okay
Tracey Garret (2 minutes ago): Slut shaming myself there btw. Didn’t know I had it in me
Cariad Byrne (1 minute ago): You guys are weird lol but I like that
Lillie Pratchet (now): Tip of the iceberg, Cariad
Carrie Harper: There she is
Tracey Garret: Sleepy head
Stacey Flynn: Hey, Lillie
Cariad Byrne: Hi
Lillie Pratchet: Just playing a game. Nothing to see here
Cariad Byrne: Did you watch the show, Lillie?
Lillie Pratchet: No
Carrie Harper: Yeah she doesn’t watch anything like that
Tracey Garret: We keep her up to date whether she likes it or not
Stacey Flynn: Not her cup of tea
Lillie Pratchet: Not again it or anything
Lillie Pratchet: When’s Stephen getting his arse here?
Cariad Byrne: Fair enough. Noted
Carrie Harper: He’s in the shower. You know what he’s like
Lillie Pratchet: I’m waiting
Tracey Garret: Got your own date, Lillie?
Lillie Pratchet: If you must know, I’m introducing him to Mom and Dad
Tracey Garret: That will go well lol
Stacey Flynn: Things are getting serious then
Carrie Harper: Wish I could be there lol
Tracey Garret: You could be a third wheel. Make things awkward lol
Carrie Harper: Don’t need me to make things awkward lol
Lillie Pratchet: Thanks guys
Carrie Byrne: I hope it all goes well for you both Lillie
Stacey Flynn: Kinda wanna be a fly on the wall but best of luck
Lillie Pratchet: I have my doubts but I’m all in on this
All of a sudden, Lillie is taken by the need to take a moment to herself, groaning annoyedly at her immediate arousal. She flings her phoneaside, as if telling the girls to mind their own business whilst she sorts herself out. Sinking into the pillows at her back in the corner of her room, Lillie rubs her bare legs with her clnched fists, massaging her tights as her head flops back, whimpering and moaning in curt mumbles so her parents don’t hear from elsewhere in the house.
As with anything, Lillie loathes the manual labour of masturbation, missing in This moment the attention of her lover, with whom she has gotten used to dealing with these matters whilst she settles in and relaxes. She stars at the ceiling, squirming and lolling around on her mound of pillows and sheets, slapping her crotch, and immediately regretting it as the sound bounces around the walls of the box room loudly.
Not wanting to arouse suicide from her parents, she agonises with her hand raised above her crotch, Surrendering to the strength of her need overpowering her lazy. Reluctantly, she slips her fingers under the waistband of her panties, pressing the hairs on her crotch as she edges down to her cliporis, sucking air tensely as her fingertips find the flesh.
Upset with herself that she has such needs, Lillie whimpers with almost sobs, hating herself for not being done already as she hurries herself along, rubbing in quick bursts until her hand tires. Eyes drifting, her focus falls onto the game controller, grabbing a handle and connecting to a new game. She then hooks the other handle up into her pussy, holding the curve of the handles around her crotch as she awaits the violences from the game.
The controller rumbles in a range from soft thrums to intense blasts, whilst on the screen across from the teen, gunfire and explorations boom and rip by, creating those sensings to soothe the desperate teen’s need. Frustratingly, she has no control over the feedback from the game, sitting with moments of still calm disturbed by intermittent flurries too few and far between to be of much use to her.
Before she knows it, the game ends, and she awaits in the lobby for another round. Once in she is teased and tortured by the sounds and shocks of warfare rippling on her crotch, edge her closer but not close enough, waiting a tiring dullness swelling inside, rendering her restless.
Fucked off by the uselessness of her controller in it’s task, she discards it aside, opting to get her fingers wet. She rubs herself as hard as she can where she feels it the most, surrendering to her longing to satisfy. At last, she feels relieve, and peaceful, returning to her lonely mundanity where she is most comfortable.
After an indistinct passage of time, sprayed out on the bed with her game controller slipped from her grap, an smartphone out of hand’s reach, her mother bangs open the bedroom door, intruding on the teen’s space, shouting, “Get your arse up! He’s here.”
Lillie lays there, letting loose a sight, hearing her mother shout through the house, “Get up, now!” Not wantiting to make her mother repeat herself anymore, the teen girl rises, making herself some decent as she leaves the confine of her room.
Stephen Harper, 42, awaits Lillie at the bottom of the stairs, sweeping her up into a sweet kiss, to the disapproval of the girl’s parents.
The girl’s mother, Olivia Pratchet, 38, is fuming with disgust, “He’s old enough to be your father. Heck, he’s older than the both of us,” pointing out her partner, and Lillie’s father, Ryan Lovett, 40.
Lillie answers back, “We’re both consenting adults, so what does it matter?”
Ryan warns his daughter, “You are a child, and we’re not convinced you can make a decision on your own, about anything.”
Olivia concurs, “Right. You can barely get out of bed and dress yourself. What can you possibly bring to a relationship?”
Lillie looks away shyly with shame swelling up, but hears Stephen speak up in her defence, “Actually, I enjoy looking after her. I’ve done a good job with Carrie over the years, and I appreciate the company. You both have known Carrie for years, and know she is well looked after, so trust that I can do the same for your daughter.”
Olivia reasons, “But, we’re not talking about a father raising a daughter. We’re talking about two people apparently in love, doing fuck knows what, that we don’t want to know. Anyway, you and Julie-Ann aren’t exactly a model for good parenting.”
Stephen sharply responds, “What happened between me and Julie-Ann doesn’t negate the fact that we both continued to provide love and support to Carrie, through what has been a trying period for all three of us. We might be bad as husband and wife, but we are excellent parents under the circumstances. We both put Carrie before anyone else.”
Lillie holds on to Stephen’s side, finding her voice to say to her parents, “I am loved. How is that bad?”
Olivia scoffs, “Ha, you have no idea what love is. Fucking child.”
Ryan confers with his partner, “Why agree to have him here if we don’t hear him out?”
Olivia huffs, “Fine,” saying to the couple, “You can both sit with us over dinner, and we’ll give it a shot. Why the fuck not?”
Dinner is a simple roast dinner: meat, potatoes, veg, gravy, cooked and prepared by Olivia and Ryan together, bringing it to the dining table to share this meal with Stephen and Lillie. Things are tense and awkward, leaving about as bad a taste in the mouth as the watery boiled cabbage, and limp stems of broccoli, but everyone eats gratefully anyway.
The awkwardness is finally cut by Ryan asking Stephen, “What is it you do with her anyway? What makes this thing between you so great that you have to be a thing?”
Olivia is intrigued, “Oh, good question.”
Stephen makes his case, “Well, we share some common interests with games, music, stuff like that; always good to get to know each other. And, we enjoy each other’s company. As I said earlier, I like looking after her, like I do with Carrie, but, more than that, she is very sweet, and we get along well.”
Lillie says, “Plus, he rocks my world.”
Olivia chatises her daughter, “I don’t want to know about how he rocks your world, thanks.”
Ryan politely asks Lillie, “Watch your tone, please?”
Lillie shrugs innocently, “What did I say? We have a lot of fun together. Genuinely, like, I love the time I spent with him.”
Olivia slams her cutlery on the table, and gets to her feet, pacing around as she holds her hands to her ears, “I can’t be doing with this. No fucking way. I can’t even look at the two of you together.”
Ryan leans over to Lillie, telling her, “Look what you’ve done. You’ve upset your mother. Now, apologise.”
Lillie looks bewildered, laughing a little as she says, “I’m sorry?”
Olivia barks at her daughter, “Oh, you think it’s funny, do you? I’ve had a bellyful of this shit. Now fuck off out of my sight.”
Stephen politely and calmly enquires, “What’s shedone wrong?”
Olivia becomes more and more animated as she shouts, “I’m done with the two of you. As long as this continues, you’re not welcome here; either of you!”
Lillie bargains, “Mom, come on?”
Olivia screams, “Get the fuck out of my house! Both of you!”
Ryan stars seriously at the couple across from him, reinforcing the command, “You heard her… Go…”
Stunned into silence, Stephen and Lillie get a geneine sense that they are not wanted, and they get up to leave. Looking back, Lillie shudders as she follows Stephen out of the house, becoming more and more upset with each step. Outside, Stephen promises her, “You have a home with me. I will always look after you.”
Lillie feels some comfort from her lover’s promise, but Ever-increasingly shocked at how things have gone today. Her relationship with her parents was stained anyway, but this is extreme. She feels almost lost, clinging to Stephen for some semblance of reality amidst the sense of theSurreal seeing into her mind, hoping that things will right themselves in due course.
Stephen shepherds the young teen into his car, telling her once he’s in the driver’s seat, “It’ll all work out, I’m sure.”
Lillie fastens her seatbelt, asking, “How do you know?”
Smiling at the young face staring back at him, he suggests, “I just know.”
Lillie is upset, but Feels more bitter and angry than feeling like crying, resenting the decision of her parents to ask her to leave. As she’s ferried to Stephen’s house, the focus of her bitterness turns to her lover, blaming him inside herself for what has happened.
Stephen welcomes the teen into his home, alone for the night as his daughter is staying with her girlfriend, so invites the young girl, “We have the place to ourselves.”
Lillie Likes the sound of being alone with her lover, because that allows her to be as bold as she wants, luring Stephen, “Come upstairs with me.”
Happy to oblige, Stephen follows the teen to their bedroom without question, letting her know along the way, “I love you, Lillie.”
Taken aback by the admission of love, Lillie’s heart swells and squeezes tighter, awake with sentiment from Stephen’s soft voice echoing in her mind, making her feel absurdly twisted with her thoughts stewing inside her mind about what she wants to do.
Stephen strips himself off, sliding onto the bed, seductively smoothing out the sheets to suggest the teen joins him. She stands in her clothes, leaning down to pick unthread the belt from the loops of his trousers’ waistband, lifting it into view of her lover. He submits to her will in this moment, lying back to relax.
Lillie mounts the bottom of the bed, shuffling on her knees as she works her way up her lover’s side, holding the folded leather in her hand as she slapses down onto Stephen’s legs. She ascends to his hips, sparing his crotch, striting at his belly instead. She sits astride his hips, slapping the belt ontoher lover’s chest, harder, and harder, and faster, frantically unfurling all of her emotions into a flurry of frustration venting from deep within.
Stephen braces himself under the assault, keeping in mind that he loves Lillie and accepts her; no matter what. Although his skin is sore where it is struck upon, he soaks in these feelings from the teen into his own soul, sharing in her pain.
Lillie leaves scores of red marks crossing her lover’s chest, spent with her rage at Stephen, instead turning the belt on herself, folding her arm behind her, slapping the belt onto her own back. She whimpers with each strike as she strains to whip herself whilst straddling Stephen’s lap.
Stephen supportsively offers, “Want some help with that?”
Lillie stubbornly answers, “No,” intent on punishing herself, soldiering on as she slapse her back with the belt over and over.
Stephen sits up, staying the teen’s hand in his grip, hugging her arms to her side as he says, “Stop doing this to yourself. You’ve done nothing wrong to deserve doing this. It won’t make you feel better.”
Lillie looks on the verge of tears, nodding quietly, releasing the belt, setting by their side as it unfolds and flops flatly on the bed. She sucks down her upset, supposing, “This really hurt me; all of it that happened today. It wouldn’t have happened if we weren’t doing this.”
Stephen asks, “Are you breaking up with me?”
Lillie looks offended at the suggestion, “No, I’m not saying that. Just what it is.”
Stephen says, “I would end this in a heartbeat if it made you feel better.”
Lillie gasps, “Well, it wouldn’t. Don’t ever fucking say something like that again.” Pushing her lover to lay back, Lillie grinds her crotch on his, urging his arousal, purring, “Let me help you with that,” rubbing his bare cock with the soft fabric of her leggings.
Stephen stretches out his fingers to reach the rise and recline of the teen’s slim figure, with Lillie leaning into the limit of his grap, offering herself to him as his fingertips tease and touch her soft belly skin through her shirt.
Lillie feels her lover’s tickers, closing her eyes to savour the sensings as she giggles breathlessly. The tickling on her belly from the polycotton pressed by his fingertips and the stroking of her pussy riding his cock couple into a sensory swell of delight, easing the teen’s mind of her worries as her body is flooded with hormones.
Stephen is stirred by the cushiony softness crushing his cock between the teen’s crotch and his belly, exciting him enough to squirm and whimper as he gets ready to exploit, but the teen stops, rising above him, placing a finger to his lips with one hand, and resting the other on his chest, sshing him, “Shh, no you fucking don’t. I feel awful. That means you don’t get to cum.”
Stephen’s breathing is forced, riding high on his hormones, so desperately close to finishing. Almost blinded by his selfish need,he wants to curse the teen, but manages to stop himself, instead sighing, “Fair enough.”
Lillie removes her finger from her lover’s lips, slapping his cheek, and holding his chin, saying, “Too fucking right that’s fair. What I say goes, and I say, you don’t cum until I feel like it. Got it?”
Stephen stars up into the teen girl’s eyes, answering, “Yes.”
Lillie coos mockingly, “Oh, look at you… Such a sissy… Willing to give everything for me…”
Stephen simply says, “Yes.”
Lillie dismounts the bed, hearing Stephen getting up to follow, and she turns around to tell him, “You think you can do what you like around here? What I say goes,” admiring her lover’s nude body as she concedes, “You can get up, but you serve me. You do as I say, and I might even give you a nice treatment if you’re good. Start by going to the kitchen and making a cuppa,” stopping him as he reaches for his clothes, “Naked.”
Stephen accepts this. Waiting on the teen’s every whim is ajoy to him anyway, so it’s a small price to pay. The larger cost that weighs heavily on him is being denied relief when he chooses. Already, what is built up is making him ache so much, but focusing his devotion to his duty catering to Lillie’s demands provide some semblance of soothing, even if she does seem insatiable right now.
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