To Write She Needs Experience Ch. 02

“The research for my book the other week was invaluable but there is another scene in the book that I have no experience of. We have enjoyed spanking each other in the past but the scene involves both spanking and quite a severe caning. I am very nervous of receiving a caning but given what I learned the other week I am prepared to try and learn from experiencing real pain. I can talk through the scene in more detail if you are happy to consider it.”

“It is not something that I have ever considered but if you are sure and if we agree the ground rules I am game to give it a go. The difficulty will be to give you the experience you want without over stepping the mark. To be effective it would need to hurt and you would react. I would need to know that the reaction is not a request to stop but just you living the scene.”

“That is simple. We can use a safe word to ensure that you don’t go too far. What may be trickier is ensuring that you are severe enough. I do not wish tobe asking you to hit me harder as this would not fit what I am trying to experience. You will need to take complete control and only amend that if I use the safe word. In the scene the character has no control over events and I need to try and feel the same. In summary anything I say to you other than the safe word is me being in character.”

Judy was amazed at herself when she went over her husband’s knee. She had not expected to be nervous but in fact was really worried. During the spankings she had received from her husband before she had become sexually aroused and it had always led to good sex. Right now all she could focus on was the potential pain from the cane.

Ben was forced from the start. He flicked her skirt up but told her that she was to remove her panties. When she hesitated he told her that any further delay would add to the severity and duration of the caning. Reluctant as she was she quickly obeyed taking them right off her feet.

“You will receive aminimum of 36 spanks in groups of six that will get stronger and stronger. I will stop between each six and you will thank me and ask me to start the next six. If you follow instructions I will stop after 36. After a short break, to allow the full heat to radiate, you will receive a minimum of eighteen with the cane. I intend to deliver these with a gap between each. I will give you instructions at different times. I suggest that you follow these to the letter. Additional caning will otherwise be administratored. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir I understand fully.”

“During the first six you will keep completely still. Do not even tend your bottom and keep you mouth shut.”

The first six were similar to those they had given each other previously. At the time they had seemed quite hard but Judy was able to comply with the instructions. At the end of the six Ben used both hands, one from above and one from below, to explore her pussy. He was far less surprised than her to find it moist and very receptive. By the time he prepared for the next half dozen her clip had put in an appearance and motivation had developed into wet in patches.

“This six will be firmer and I want your bottom to be tense and hard throughout. Again no moving but you may make noises if you wish.”

Judy wasn’t sure whether it was the tension in her bottom or the fact that the next six were delivered on top of the first. Either way the sensing was different. She hoped his hands would visit her pussy when he paused again. She was not disappointed.

For each six he gave slightly different instructions and increased the severity until Judy was sobbing quietly. Before the final set he produced some baby oil and spread it all across the spanked area. Initially this soothed the area as it was cold. He then poured Some between the cheeses of her bottom. While his one hand found her pussy and clip his other found her anus and using the oil as lubricant penetrated deep with a single finger.

Judy struggled to keep her bottom completely relaxed as instructed during the last six. The oil seemed to make the now super-sensitive skin hold in the heat even more than previously. She felt overwhelmed with relief as the final spank landed having managed to blot out the thought of the caning completely. What she said now was said without any thought.

“Fuck my bottom feels huge red raw and about to exploit. I need to be fu…..”

Judy wasn’t sure who had got half way through the sentence. Was it the character or was it Judy. It didn’t matter too much as Judy realized that either way the spanking, that had seemed almost brutal, had not only hurt her ass like hell but had threatened to over stimulate her. Should she abandon the planned caning due to the arousal or should she see what effect it would have.

“That little outburst has earned you some additional punishment. This first time I will not increase the caning but instead will now administrator it to your naked body. Strip to the waist and put your hands on your head. There you go that looks better. Are your nipples always so prominent or have they been aroused like your uncontrollable pussy?”

“They are always rather large Sir.”

“It seems a shade to hide them again but go over to the desk reach across to the two further corners and spread you legs wider than your shoulders. I have decided to be lenient with you and not to increase the caning. This first strike will give you a flavor of what to expect. It will not count if you make any sound what so ever. I will give you time to prepare yourself and will not deliver it until you ask me to.”

She knew not to delay too long but had to try and work out how not to scream. When she had composed herself she almost whispered.

“Would you please start the caning Sir?”

Even with all the time to prepare, a second after she heard the crack on her bottom the breath that she was holding so carefully nearly explodedout of her. She just managed to hold herself together despite the pain. He carested her burning bottom spreading the remaining oil until his lubricated thumb found the crinkled dark skin at its heart. It pushed through the sphincter as his fingers found her pussy and clip. She was now not able to stop her breath exploding but now in pure sexual excitement.

“Between each strike of the cane I am going to stimulate you Just as I am now. You will ask me to stop the stimulation and cane you again before you orgasm. I am going to set a timer and will stop caning you when it goes off. It is therefore in your interest to allow the stimulation to last as long as possible. However if you do misjudge your arousal and orgasm I will deliver the outstanding strokes with no mercy.”

The first strike of the cane had removed all thought of arousal from Judy’s mind but the hand was beginning to ignite her again. She felt confident that as arousing as his hand was she could resist having an orgasm. The thumb now started to fuck her bottom with a worrying persistence. Each inward stroke was matched by his fingers reaching her clip. Quickly her confidence evaporated and she begged to be able. The pattern was repeated four times with her body wrapped by the vicious caning but partly neutralized by the hand masturbating her.

“You are doing well Judy. You have managed to use nearly half the time and have only have been canned five times. The gaps are getting shorter between each strike as your body threatens to betray you. What would you be prepared to promise me in return for me excusing you the remaining caning?”

“I would promise you anything. I will suck you, you can fuck me, you can fuck my ass absolutely anything you want but please no more caning.”

“That is good to hear but of course If I wanted those things then I could just take them. I don’t think you could really resist me right now. At least by having this little chat I have given your body a little break. I will consider your offer a little later.”

With this he found her very relaxed sphincter and pushed through it. He was right the masturbation was too much for her in a matter of seconds. Her request for the cane was yelled in panic as her body threatened to climax. After the next strike it suddenly hit her that she could use the safe word. She had gone through so much and the experience would be invaluable. was just about to use it when something deep inside her screamed at her that she was not going to be beaden. The character in her book would not have this option and she wanted to have the full experience.

Having made this decision she welcomed his hand as it played with her broken body. Somehow the pain and the pleasure became one and the same. She didn’t fear the next three strikes with the cane. Now each time his hand found His target between her legs it did not need to renew the arousal as the cane had done nothing to reduce it.

After the ninth strike it was seconds after his thumb penetrated her that she was unable to request the cane quickly enough. With no warning her body was at the point of no return. The loud wail was not one of pain or even one of pleasure it was one of total defeat. She wasn’t sure who her apology was aimed at but it was probably mainly to herself.

Although past the point of no return the first spasm took seconds before it Exploded right through her. He stepped up the masturbation knowing that reducing it would be both pointless and cruel. The power of the orgasm was instantly obvious to both of them, the length of it took them by surprise. It was just subsiding a little when the thumb was removed but a rock-hard cock penetrated her pussy with great force.

He fucked her while deliberately making as much contact as he could with her raw bottom. He lasted a minute before emptying himself deep inside her. She didn’t care whether it was a second orgasm or a resource of the first that rocked her further.

He was relieved that she could not see him in the immediate aftermath. He was worried about how badly he had hurt her and disturbed at how exciting he had found it. Would she forgive him or was he in deep trouble. When they eventually make eye contact he knew he was ok.

“I don’t think I could ever go through anything remotely as painful as that again but my god it was unbelievable. In the end every nerve end in my body was on fire. I didn’t know an orgasm could be that all consuming. Thank you.”

He didn’t trust himself to say anything that he would not regret.

The book was a best seller with the sex scenes getting much publicity. Judy was a little disappointed, as she had to tune them down as her publicist said that they were far to extreme to be believed.


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