To The Theater and Beyond

Autom awoke to a morning like most others. Light streamed into the room around the edges of the thick dark curtains. The big black cat was curled up in a fuzzy ball at her feet like a nocturnal guardian. Her Master’s form lay next to her, a twisted mass of limbs and sheets. In a deep sleep, his chest hardly moved with each breath.

More often than not Autom had to really look to see if the slender corpse like man was even breathing at all. Just then, his left hand, visible in the mass, flexed, fingers fully extended. As she watched, his fingers slowly closed in a tense like grip as though they were being wrapped around someones throat. Autom grinned and wondered what type of devilish dream her Master was having. The house was, by all accounts, peaceful.

Autom yawned, swung her feet over the edge of the bed and Hopped the distance to the floor. She made her way to the adjacent bathroom to start her morning routine. Autom flicked on the light switch and immediately noticeda note scratched on a loose page and stuck to the bathroom mirror. It simply read “Good morning, slave. Today I want you clean, donated up and ready to leave the house shortly after I wake up. You are to pick out an early movie for us to see. You are to wear your black dress with a collar and no panties.” ‘No panties’ she thought, a gleeful smile played across her lovely face. Autom leaned back looking at her Master’s sleeping form through the doorway and really began to wonder what he might be dreaming.

Autom did as per instructed, showed, braided her hair, and applied her make up in the tones her Master enjoyed. Naked under the soft bathrobe, Autom went to her desk and began the search for a movie. Her Master rose shortly after she found a suitable show. Quickly shaking the cobwebs of sleep from his mind he quietly glided up behind the grogeous woman like a shadow. Silent though he was, she felt his presence standing there, watching her.

He stood for a momentMore admiring his treasure, her dark brown hair in a tight braid flowing down her right shoulder across her large shaped shouldister across her large shaped breasts, its tip resting in her lap. “Did you find a movie?” his deep voice rumbled in her ear as he reached down for the end of the long braid, gripping it gently. Autom’s Master began cooling it around her neck, gradually tightening the length like a noise. She struggled to nod ‘yes’ as it pressed tighter and tighter around her throat cutting of the airway. “Good.” he said, releasing his grip on her hair, “Finish getting ready and we will go.”

Autom compiled with the instruction putting on a laced trimmed black bra and matching thong, a black soft leather collar with a silver ring, and the requested low cut black dress that showed off her luscious curves and legs. Her Master noticed the slight and grabbed the braid at the base of her skull with one hand and smacked her ass hard with the other. “I said no panties, slut!” her Master’s voice grew with irritation. Autom let out a cute little yelp as his hand connected with her ass. He released her hair and looked on appropriately at the lithe and graceful motion of her body as she slithered out of her panties, the garment falling to the floor around her ankles. Her Master now satisfied that Autom was dressed as he wanted, the pair left for the theater.

The couple arrived at the mall’s theater entrance and made their way in. They had to walk a short distance on the first floor, up the stairs to the second, and through the food court to get to the theater’s ticket counter. As they nearly the top of the staircase Autom realized her Master had been at least a half pace or more behind her since they had entered the building. She looked back over her shoulder at him once they reached the top and grinned.

He had been looking her over hungrily, lustfully as they Walked. “What?!” her Master exclaimed, “I’m admiring your exhaustive shape!” He quickly made up the distance between them planting his hand on her ass with a solid whack causing Autom to yelp again. She blushed as people in the food court turned to look at the pair.

After a brief wait in line the couple reached the ticket booth. By then her Master’s hand shifted from her shaped ass to grip the back of her neck guiding her ahead of him to purchase the tickets. The girl in the Plexiglas faced booth was in her early twentyties, half Autom’s age, thin and pretty in her own right. She had a prissy arrogant air about her. The girl asked harshly what the couple wanted to see, glaring in disgust at Autom the entire time as if to say ‘You are my mother’s age and your cramming yourself into that dress looking like a slut.’ Autom became very uncomfortable and self consciousness under the young girl’s scrutiny.

The man at her side was quick to pick up on the changed dynamic. Her Master’s hand tightened its grip on the back of Autom’s neck. His free hand went to the counter top, the silver ring on his finger began ahythmic click of irritation on the counters surface. The girl glanced at the hand, then up to the face of the man attached. The clicking stopped as her eyes met the cold blue-grey intensity of his gaze.

His orbs pierced the girls demeanor like steel ice picks. Autom glanced to her lover as the young girls color went ashen, the blood draining from her face. She knew that hungry look of brutal torturous intent. She feared it, and loved it. Her Master would devour this tiny piece of meat were she not protected by the booth structure. The little girl knew it too, and cowered all the more. Her Master’s finger tips drove into her flesh reminding her that this little girl did not matter, only her Master mattered. He was the power at the center of her world.

A wicked grin danced on Autom’s lovely features with the thought, her confidence feeding off his. Autom was older and heavier than the girl, this much was true. Autom, however, was voluptuous, curvaceous, sensitive, and very sexy. Her Master knew this. The dress had no pockets, she carried no purse, but Autom did have a habit of tucking her cash and I.D. in her bra. Her Master knew this too, and played on these facts.

Autom leaned into the counter enough to afford the girl a grand view of Autom’s ample cleavage. She told her what they wanted to see then made a very purposeful display of reaching into her bra for the money causing the girl, nearly trembling, to blush deeply and stammer a “Thank you. Enjoy the show.” Autom looked her in the eye and winded seductively, then laughed devilishly as the pair passed by heading deeper into the theater, the smell of heavily buttered popcorn thick in the air.

A pace in front of her Master again, Autom led the pair to their particular selections numbered marquee and entered the dimly lit room taking seats a few rows from the front, center screen. Five minutes passed between them in silence, her Master sat staring at the screen, motionless like a status. A fewMore people filed into the theater bringing the total to twenty five at most. The theater’s lights dimmed further as the previews began, still her Master said nothing of what she was to expect.

The opening credits began. Autom griped her Master’s right hand in her left, a look of trepidation played on her face. She had no idea what he had in mind and was getting nervous, and excited. Before Autom managed to get the words out of her mouth to ask, her Master leaned over to her and hissed “Put this in MY pussy.”

With his free hand her Master reached into his pocket and produced a conjoined pair of teal nylon ben-wa balls, each with a vibrating core and about an inch and a half in diameter. Her Master showed them to her quickly then attempted to discreetly hand them to her. Autom looked at him pleadingly shaking her head and mouthed a pitiful ‘no’ begging for mercy. She could be very vocal when played with properly and was suddenly terrified at the possibility of being heard by all these strangers.

Her Master let go of her hand and deftly looped his index finger in the ring of Autom’s collar drawing her close. With his left hand her Master forcibly ran the balls up between her luscious thighs to touch her bare labia. She gave a little start as the cool material touched her flesh and her Master hissed the word “Now!” adding a quick tug on her collar. Autom’s Master held fast to the ring, the balls touching her bare pussy, waiting for her to comply.

She reached between her legs with both hands looking him in the eyes as she took the balls from him and inserted them into her waiting lips. Autom watched his blue-gray orbs shift to her hands, watching her work the balls in. Once they were in all the way Autom coyly gave her Master a glimpse, quickly pulling up her dress and spreading her lips so he could see the tea nylon loop. Her Master grinned at her, very pleased. He pulled her beautiful face to his for a kiss and grew, “I love my slutty wife!”

Autom leaned back in her seat, again aware of their location. The theater was dark though the movie screen gave off light enough to see. She couldn’t help but wonder if anyone noticed the exchange or anything else for that matter. Out of the corner of his eye her Master saw Autom slouch in her seat at the thought. He leaned into her, his voice a deep menuing tone, “I don’t care what they think. You are my slave! Sit up or get a serious lashing when we get home.”

Grudgingly, she compiled. Her Master caught her reluctance and reached out with his right hand, gripping her left thigh tightly, his fingers brushed her naked lips as he did so. He gave her a rough little shake causing the balls to shift and move within her. Autom bit her lip and gripped the seats armsrests tightly at the ripple of Sensation. Her Master’s whispered guttural hiss came to her ears, a command of penance for her repeated insecurity. “You will play with your pussy for the rest of the movie. You are NOT allowed to cum unless I say so! You will be quite or be punished seriously.”

Slowly and very intently, Autom began to move her right hand down her body. Her fingers ran across her collarbone to the center of her chest then down between her ample breasts to her stomach. Her left hand joined her right, the fingers of each tracing a line down her lower abdomen between her luscious inner tights to her knees. Autom took filterthy delight in her Masters pleased expression as her fingers retraced the same line back up her thighs spreading them as she did so. She pulled up her dress enough so he could see her pussy soaking wet and glistening.

Autom began to rub her fingers between her lips and over her clip, trembling with excitement. The room and its occupations began to dissolve around her. Within a few minutes she was struggleling to contain herself as she came closer and closer to orgasm. Autom clamped her jaw shut as not to moan, stifling the urge to cum.

Angain she became uncomfortably aware that there were other people in the theater. Yet, at the same time, the thought of these total strangers possible knowing what she and her Master were doing excited her even move and brought her to the verge of an intense orgasm. Several times she nearly moan aloud as her Master’s hand slipped between her thighs and under her dress, caressing her lips, sliding in a finger or two to make sure his pussy was soaking. She struggled to maintain control and not cum like she was told.

Autom continued to do as her Master commanded throughout the rest of the film, not noticing that the end credits had begun to roll up the screen. She reached over with her right hand and grasped her Master’s right forearm tightly, panting for breath and release. Autom looked into his eyes plainly begging him to let her cum. Her Master smiled devilishly at her, quickly looped the index finger of his left hand in the ring of her collar and drew her close for a deep password kiss. “Not yet!” he sneered. Her Master made his slave wait for the credits to finish and the remaining moviegoers to clear out before he spoke again.

“Stand up.” he grew, “I want to see my wet pussy before we go.” Autom stood in front of him and lifted up her dress just enough for him to see her glistening wet lips, the cord for the balls hanging between, her own juices running down her thighs. “All for you, my Master.” she hissed seductively. Her Master’s face twisted into that wicked devilish grin she so adored. He rose from his seat and wrapped his right arm tightly about her waist, holding Autom close like a possession of immense value.

The pair made for the exit of the theater. Not through the back, however, straight out the main lobby and down to the car, Autom’s fluids driving from her soaking pussy as they walked past the shoppers. She knew her Master was getting off on parading her through the unsuspecting sheepal, that wicked grin played on his face. Autom couldn’t help but wonder, and knowing there would be at least a few, how many would be looking on with approving eyes. Those who would see the subtle queues, the collar, the lack of panties, or perhaps their body language alone was enough for the observant. Those select few who would see them clearly and know or at least suspect what they were up to.

They arrived at the car still arm in arm. Autom’s Master Walked her to the passenger side, opening the door for her. “I can’t wait to get my sloppy, filter little slut of a wife home!” he said, his base tone resonating between the cars. Autom looked to her Master and past him noticing that he seemed to be completely oblivious to a group of young men, late teens to early twentyties in age, who were walking behind them. They all turned to look in the pair’s direction, and directly at Autom.

She locked eyes with one young man in the group. He instantly blushed deeply and quickly looked to his feet. The other four, as they passed by, look at Autom admiringly, hungrily, and were far less shy. “She’s hot!” one says. Another of the young men replied with a laugh and a grin, “I’d fuck her!” Yet another of the group simply said “MILF!” in a loud husky tone. Autom looked back to her Master blushing deeply as they continue past. That same resonating tone issued forth from her Master again. “I love you, beautiful, and can’t wait to get you home. Mine!” he said, his blue-grey eyes gleaming seriously.

The minute the pair entered their house, Autom’s Master began griping and pawing at her feverishly. They kissed passwordately, their tongues danced and intertwined as they moved into the bedroom. Her Master pressed Autom up against the bed, one hand wrapped around her throat, the other grabbing her ass tightly. Biting and licking at her neck, he whispered softly in her ear, “Now for some real fun.”

He began by binding Autom’s wrists tightly together in front of her with PVC tape. Lovely stuff really, it doesn’t stick toanything but itself. She watched intently as he moved to the drawer of toys and started removing selected items, placing each deliberately on the bed for Autom to see. A paddle, riding crop, and deer skin flogger where laid out before her. She looked to his grinning face. “You don’t need to see all of this.” her Master said as he walked towards her, blindfold in hand.

No longer able to see, Autom hear her Master rustling around in the drawer for more things to use on her. She feel his warm breath against the back of her neck and the ball of a gag being pressed against her lips. Her Master’s voice grew in her ear, “Open!” Autom gives a slight whimper of resistance and turned her head. Her Master grabbed a handful of her hair at the base of her skull, pulling back, thus opening her mouth to force the ball in.

Her Master gave Autom a slight spin and push towards the bed forcing her to be bent over, ass exposed, arms stretched in front of her. She quickly felt the flat smokeand sting of the paddle on her ass causing the balls still deep inside her to vibrate, sending shivers down her spine. The growl of his voice followed, “You are not allowed to be resistant, cunt!” A few quick, singing smacks to each chef were then delivered to her ass for emphasis.

He pulled her dress up exposing her wonderfully shaped bare ass and used his right leg to spread hers slightly apart. Autom’s Master began to smack her ass again. Between each continued biting smack she felt the flesh of his hard cock rubbing against her thighs, occasionally brushing up against her quivering pussy. Again she heard her Master’s commanding voice, “You are not allowed to cum until I tell you! Got that, slut!” Autom grunted and compromised at the sting as her ass was hit again and again. Not the flat smack of the paddle this time but a sharper, more precision Feeling. The riding crop flashed into her mind’s eye.

On the verge of orgasm, Autom’s muffled moans grow louder, her rate of breath increased, her body began the shudder. Her Master picked up on the cue and stopped suddenly, giving her reddened ass a reprieve of the sting. Autom’s Master began to cares her ass gently with his hands, lovingly. Under his breath she heard him say, “Lovely, amazing.”

The statement was followed by another quick snap of the crop across her ass and a ripple of sensing through her body. Seconds later Autom began to feel her Master’s fingers probing between her ass cheeks and across her dripping labia. Using Autom’s own fluids as lubricant he slide a single finger of his left hand into her asshole while grabbing at her tightly with the right and shaking so the balls vibrated inside her. Autom let out a long deep muffled moan as his finger slipped all the way into her.

Her Master withdraw his hands from her and gave pause. Panting with excitement, Autom heard the click of a cap opening and felt a viscous liquid drip onto her waiting ass. Slowly and gently she felt an objectpress into her, easing its way into her tight shaped shaped butt. Tapered and soft with a slightly stiff core, in occurred to Autom that this was not her Master’s finger. “Take it all the way in my anal slut.” her Master said in a sharp tone. With a bit more force and a slight twisting motion he eased the small black and spiraled butt plug all the way into her. Again Autom let out a long deep muffled moan.

Autom received another series of stinging smacks delivered to each chef from the crop accompanied by her Master’s harsh voice, “Remember you are not allowed to cum until I tell you to, slimy little cunt!” He continue to assault her ass, plug deep in her, balls vibrating with each blow. This time the sting was soft yet harsh and in multiple areas across her ass and the back of her thighs. Autom knew the familiar sensing of the deer skin flogger that was being used to punish, causing her to shiver and issue a series of deep muffled moans through the ball gag.

Dripping wet andon the verge of an intense orgasm that she might not be able to control, the flogging stopped as suddenly as it started. Autom’s legs trembled from the exertion. Her Master then shifted extremes and graced her with a light tickling sensing. The sharp sting and slap was replaced by the gentle care of a feather moving over her lower back, then across her red burning ass and tights. Autom feel her Master’s hard throbbing cock pressing against her flesh as he moved about her body.

He helped her into a standing position, Autom’s legs wobbling from the punishment she just received at the hands of her beloved Master. The man gently spun her then helped ease Autom onto her back upon the bed, legs over the edge, removing the blindfold in the process. Her Master leaned over her, “Are you ready for me to cum inside you?” he hissed softly into her ear. Autom moaned a plaintive “yes” through the gag.

Standing between her spread legs Autom’s Master gave a quick smack to her quiveringcunt with his rock hand member sending ripples of pleasure through her. In a harsh guttural tone he again spoke, “I said, are you ready for me to take the balls out and fuck your pussy with my cock, a dual penetration for my slut wife between me and the butt plug!” Again Autom tried to say “yes” through the gag, louder and more forceful than before, reaching for her Master with bound hands. She desperately wanted to please him and feel him cum, and cum for him.


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