I looked at My watch and realized that she had been there long enough. After taking a final sip of coffee, I added a sweatshirt to My attire and stepped outside, locking the back door behind Me.
The autumn night was cool indeed. The first snow was probably only days away, much to My delight as that W/we could go skiing once again. A nice orange glow emanated from the moon as it rose above the tree line, illuminating the neary clouds in a vision some reminiscent of a firey sunset.
I walked down the six stone steps to the patio, noting the flowers she cared for as if they were her own children. Such an ability with plants always struck Me, since virtually every plant I had tried to grow in My lifetime died within weeks… and usually sooner. her green thumb was just another of her many strengths.
her submission was another of her strengths. Selflessly, she gave complete control to Me. she allowed Me to guide her, mold her into My vision of a model slave. From the shy girl who transferred to My high school during My senior year to the shameless woman who always put Me first, her transformation had been awesome, and I still considered Myself incredibly lucky that fate had brought her into My life.
I arrived at the detached garage, the heavy black curtains making it almost impossible to see inside. Both cars were parked in the stone driveway, allowing plenty of room inside for O/our activity.
As quietly as possible, I slipped a key into the side door of the garage, and soon the door was fully open. At the center of the garage, My wife and slave sat, naked, upon a hard wooden chair. she was directly underneath a mini-spotlight I had rigged in the garage for scenes where I wanted her to feel more vulnerable. The spotlight beaming down upon her was so bright that she might have been able to just barely see the orange glow as I stepped through the door. If nothing else, she could certainly hear the door creaking softly open and My footsteps as I entered the garage, and then the door being closed and locked behind Me.
I watched from the shadows as her eyes followed the sound of My footsteps. I kept close to the wall, moving towards the back right corner of the garage where a large storage chest was kept. Clearly, she was eager yet nervous, for she had already sat here, naked, shivering slightly in the cool air of the garage, practically blinded by the spotlight for Some forty-five minutes.
“y nipples are hard.” Not a question, but a statement.
“Y-yes, Master.”
“Good.” I reached into the storage chest and felt for the battery-powered light mounted on the inside of its lid. At last able to see the contents of the chest, I gathered together several lengths of rope, then approached the stunning beauty under the spotlight. her short red hair revealed the silver earnings in the shape of a bound woman, a position in which she often found herself, especially on weekends.
I knelt beside the chairand took My time in securing her. First each ankle was lashed to a front leg of the chair. Then each forearm was lashed, both at the wrist and near the elbow – to an armrest. Clearly, she would not be moving from the chair until I released her, but I used yet another rope to secure her torso to the back of the chair, with rope both above and directly below her ample breasts, just below the base of her ribcage, and at the Waist, with virtually no slack given to the ropes around her torso, causing her to grunt softly as the rope was forced into her chilled flesh.
“i’ll probably still have rope marks in the morning, Sir.”
“That’s the plan,” I admitted. “I want you to still remember this come morning.”
Although I was kneeing behind the chair to tie the last of the ropes, I could hear her smile.
When I stood at last, I returned to the chest, and brought back two items: a blindfold, and a large vibrating egg. My bound slave smiled as I stepped into the light with these items, for she definitely enjoyed the size and the power of the egg, and she always enjoyed having her sight taken from her. Purposely teasing her, I set the egg and its attached control box on the seat of the chair, directly between her tights, with the egg itself resting temptingly against her feminine folders. she voted contentedly as I moved around the chair, out of her view, and carefully applied the blindfold to her head, plunging her into darkness despite the bright light shining down upon her.
Moving around to the front of the chair, I knelt between My slave’s bound legs and spend a moment caressing her tights. her sight was soft and sirenic, a sound I could listen to throughout the night, but I had other ideas in mind.
…other ideas with most people not currently in the cool garage would not understand.
After a brief lick of her navel which elicited a quiet giggle, I began to stroke my loving slave, and was not really surprised to find that she was alreadya little wet. With her libido, I would not have expected anything less, for simply the anticipation of anything sex- or kink-related could make her password flow like a mountain spring. Gently yet firmly, I massed her precious womanhood, spreading her nectar, inhaling her natural scent, savoring the soft sounds tumbling from her lips, enjoying how the ropes prevented her from moving much against my fingers.
When I felt that she was ready at last, I picked up the vibrating egg and worked it against her feminine folds. Because she was already bound, it took a bit of effort from U/us B/both, but at last the large metallic egg was placed inside her, a thin cord connecting it with the control box dangling off the front of the chair.
“you may not cum until I grant you permission,” I instructed her, and she nodded. I knew that she would obey, for she knew that punishments were severe indeed.
I showed her no mercy, immediately turning the power of the egg to full. Even lodge deep inside her body, I could hear the egg’s incessant song somewhat clearly. Not surprisingly, she lurched upon the chair from the initial strong vibrations, so shocked from the full-blast power that her mouth was open but no sound emerged for several seconds as her body fight its bondage. When she did finally find her voice, it was a long, relatively low groan as she fought to comply with my Instruction.
Standing again, I returned to the back side of the chair and began to massage her shoulders. I had previously massed her while she was in some form of bondage, but had never done so while she had an object vibrating powerfully inside her. Smiling to Myself, I wondered what she was thinking, but secretly hoped that she recognized this as an attempt to help her remain calm and fend off the impending climax.
In time, as she squirmed against the many ropes and continued to moan softly, My hands moved over her shoulders and down to her chest, massaging each breast with tender care. I tried to recall how many times her hardened nipples had been trapped between My teeth, or how many strikes of a flogger or a cane they had felt over the years.
I was hard. her presence made Me hard. her love made Me hard. her trust made Me hard. her submission made Me hard. her struggles made Me hard. her beautiful primary sounds made Me hard. her vulnerability made Me hard.
My hands at last moved up her torso, My fingertips struggling along her collarbone. she wore no collar on this particular night for one reason.
Carefully, I positioned My hands at the front of her neck, My long fingers wrapping around her throat with practical ease. Although the continuous churning inside her, My wife practically froze in place, holding her breath as I gently squeezed upon her vulnerable throat.
This was something W/we enjoyed. she liked feeling more vulnerable, giving Me complete control over something so basic and instinctive as the ability to take a single breath.I enjoyed both her eventually struggle and the sounds of her gasps as she tried to breathe normally, and the fact that she had the large vibrating egg merrily buzzing inside her would make her struggle even sooner.
Such was the case, for about twenty seconds sooner than usual, the bound woman began to pull at the ropes. her arms and legs began their struggle as My hands carefully applied more pressure around her neck. she began to gasp at last, her lungs clearly staring for fresh oxygen.
“I should’ve put some weighted clamps on your nipples,” I half-joked in a low, menuing voice, and she struggled harder. I laughed wickedly, maintaining the pressure on her dainty neck as her gasps began to grow in necessity.
Releasing her neck, I stepped back, listening keenly as she breathed quickly and heavily. she did not try to turn her head to locate Me. Instead, she inhaled as much air as she possibly could, knowing that I would be choking her again – it was simply a matter ofWhen. And through it all, as she tried to fill her lungs to capacity, her body continued its password struggle against the bonds, a struggle inspired by the vibrator working within her.
“Do you want to cum?” I asked, My voice purposely loud enough to surprise her, causing her to jump as much as the bonds would allow.
“Y-yes, Master,” she replied between breaths.
I stepped forward and placed My hands around her neck again. “Not yet,” I informed her, squeeze firmly once again. Almost immediately, she began to struggle in her bondage, her gasping voice raspy and shallow.
It was a beautiful sound.
And so it went – squeeze, release… shallow breaths, deep breaths… struggle, relatively still… Through it all, I taunted her, talking about her denied orgasm, about her growing frustration.
At last, when I was not squeezed her vulnerable neck, My loving slave was begging – not begging to breathe, but begging to climax. I smiled to Myself, knowing how much she hated begging, and knowing that her need must be incredibly desperate.
Slowly and deliberately, I stalked around the chair and straddled her thighs, not quite sitting but also not truly standing. I removed the blindfold, the bright spotlight effectively preventing her from seeing, yet her eyes grew big with surprise as she continued to beg for an orgasm…
she swallowed hard as I raised My hands once again, closing My palms and My long fingers around her dainty neck. her lips parted and her nostrils flared in an attempt to bring in as much air as possible given her prediction. Almost immediately, she began to pull at her bonds once again. her eyes were wide and full of trust and sexual need.
It was her complete trust in Me which touched My heart, and which prompted Me to whisper the permission she sought.
My grip was steady and relentless as orgasm ripped through her fragile body. she was truly breathless in more ways than one, her face clearly disccolored, her eyes wide and wild, staring directly at Me but definitely not able to see Me clearly. her struggles quickly subsided, her entire body stiff save for the quivering of her lower lip, and when she finally began to sag as the orgasm subsided, I released her neck slowly, allowing her to breathe normally once again as I turned off the power to the egg inside her.
Even as she was breathing quickly, she smiled softly. she was radiant – not because of the slowly-fading disclosure or the post-orgasmic bliss, but because of her self-satisfaction in her own submission. While she revealed in surviving each journey to the precipice of danger, she also revealed in the fact that her suffering in such a unique and dangerous way brought a unique joy to My heart, demonstrated in the kiss I placed upon her forehead.
I took My time in Releasing My wife from her bondage. she remained seated upon the chair as I put the blindfold and the ropes back in the chest, and wrapped the egg ina small towel to take into the house for cleaning. At last, when all was ready, I returned to My selfless slave and carried her into the cool winding night.
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