She was beautiful. But it was more than surface beauty. The inner beauty showed in her eyes… those eyes that he kept going back to. When he looked over his shoulder as if trying to spot someone, or when he gazed into the mirror behind the bar.
But, what was the point?
She was with someone… and both of them were wearing wedding rings. No way was he going to get involved with a married woman again.
Besides, he’d reached a time in his life when he was comfortable with himself… comfortable with his own quirks and habits. There just didn’t seem to be room for someone else.
Oh, who was he kidding? He gidding to the bartender.
“Can I have a piece of paper… and a pen.” He wrote his number quickly, and added, Call me… I have to know what’s behind those eyes.
While he was the folding the paper to the size of a stamp, he looked into the mirror and saw that he was in luck. Her male companion… her husband… was leaving the table. Wherever the manwas going, he had to be quick.
He stood up and walked towards her table. She wasn’t looking at him, but, as he passed, he dropped the note and grazed her shoulder with his hand. “Sorry… I must have lost my balance.”
Her eyes met his, and she laughed. “That’s alright… happens to all of us.”
When he returned five minutes later, she was gone. Oh well, she had his phone number. If she was interested, she’d call.
Two days, 8 hours and 31 minutes later, there hadn’t been a sound from her. But was he counting? Hell yes… and he would’ve gone right on counting if the phone hadn’t interrupted him.
Her voice… quietly, slightly hesitant, “Hi, it’s… uh, Beth… from the other night. You left me your number.”
“Beth?” He hesitated. “Yeah, ok. Anyway, can we meet?”
“Well, Beth is all you’re getting for now. And, yes, I’d like to see you. But I’m a little too well known around town, so it’ll have to be at your place. Is that alright?”
His heart was pounding as he gave her the address… alone with her, and in his own apartment. What could be better?
“Great… I know where that is,” she said brightly. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
After she’d hung up, his excitement turned to panic. Ten minutes! What could he do to make the place presentable within ten minutes?
The dishes. He had to wash the 2 days’ worth of dishes in the kitchen.
He was just putting the last one away, when the doorbell rang.
He answered it quickly, and there she stood. Beth… or whoever this beautiful woman was. A quiet, but confident, smile on her lips. And those eyes…
Pulling his gaze away from them, he gestured for her to come inside.
As she handed him her coat, she said, “I know I just got here, but can I use your bathroom?”
“Sure, just that way, through the bedroom,” he said nervously, and wondered what she might see lying around.
He was in the kitchen, fixing drinks for them, when he heard her clearing her throat behind him.
He turned around quickly and saw that she was holding the box of condoms, the one that had contained 250 when he bought it.
“Expecting company?” she teased and walked over to stand in front of him. “Hmm… it looks half empty, so I guess you’ve already had some.”
“Don’t worry,” she said, “I didn’t come here expecting to find a virgin.”
He smiled. “Well… I do have a few… uhh… friends.”
“What kind of friends, though?” Her voice was still teasing.
“What do you mean?”
“Well…” She brought the other hand out from behind her back. “It takes a special kind of friend to appreciate one of these.”
She was holding his favourite flogger. The one with the short, braided handle and the 20 inch cowhide tails.
His heart was pounding and his mind raced. Did she find it offensive? Would she reject him before they’d even had time to get to know each other?
“Well, a few of the women IKnow,” he said quietly, “do like the feel of the leather.”
He hesitated, as he looked into her eyes. “But I don’t suppose that kind of thing is anything for you.”
Swinging the tails back and forth slowly, she said, in a low, husky voice, “Try me.”
He paused… one heartbeat… 2… and then 3.
“You’re sure about this?” He tried to keep the excitement out of his voice. “This is something you really want to do.”
“It’s not like this is the first time or anything. I’ve… uhmm… played around with this before.” She poked his cock with the flogger. “I just want to see how far you can take me.”
He tried to take the toy away from her, but she held on to it tightly and looked him straight in the eyes.
“Before we got started, there’s one thing you should understand.” she said flatly, “This is only for the sensing… the sexual kick. There’s no way I’ll ever submit.”
He was disappointed, but hid it well. “That’s all it is for me, too. So, come on, let’s go to the bedroom.”
As they walked, she started undoing buttons, and it wasn’t long before she stood at the foot of the bed, naked.
“Ok, big man,” she taunted, “where do you want me?”
He was so busy looking at her body… the full curves, the warm, golden skin… that it took a few seconds before he answered. “On the bed. On your hands and knees.”
She moved quickly, her two round cheats giving him his first inviting target. He swung the flogger tenatively, testing her. When she wiggled her ass, he swung again… harder this time.
She looked over her shoulder. “Are you just… uhh, warming up. Or is this all you’ve got?”
The flogger came down… fast… and hard.
“Yessss… that’s more…” The tails kissed her skin again. “Oh, yess!”
The skin was reddening quickly, and she seemed to be pushing backwards, as if straining to get closer to the source of this pleasure pain. Her eagerness didn’t escape his attention, and he movedcloser. But instead of the flogger, this time it was his hand that met her skin with a slap. And another… slap.
The third time his hand came down, it didn’t connect with her ass, but with her pussy. She responded with a low moan and a slight parting of her legs… so, he struck again.
“Oh, fuck… yessss.”
But the next time he touched her there was no slap. Just three fingers pushing inside her wet pussy and moving back and forth in sync with her rapid breathing. She pushed back against him and he responded by thrusting his fingers deeper… harder… faster.
“Fuck… I swear,” she panted, “you’re going to make me cum.”
Out came his fingers.
She turned her head and almost shouted, “What the…”
“On the floor!” His voice was now commanding. “Kneel in front of me… now!”
She sent him a questioning look, but did as she was told.
“Now, take my cock out.”
She responded.
“Stroke it… while you stroke your pussy.”
Again she compiled. Her eyes closed. Her face and her neck turned a deep pink. The stroke of both hands became faster and faster. He could sense that she was very close to coming.
“Stop!” The voice was quiet, but there was no mistaken its seriousness. “You won’t come until I tell you to. Understand?”
Her eyes flared.
In the same quiet tone, but more precisely, he said, “Do… you… understand?”
The fire in her eyes was given way to acceptance. “Yes.”
“Good. Now, those drinks I made… they’re in the kitchen. Get them. Walking on your knees.”
She looked at him briefly, searching his eyes, before getting down and moving uncomfortablely across the floor.
When she returned, her disappoint was still apparent. But it was really her eyes he was interested in. And it was still there… that look of acceptance, and also a certain calmness.
He stroked her head and said, “thank you”, before sitting down with his back against the bed.
“Put the drinks down.” The words were still quiet. “Sit and lean your back into my chest.”
He cupped a full breast in each hand and then took both nipples between thumbs and forefingers and squeezed. First softly… then hard. She gasped… but there were no words of protest or a move to stop him.
“Put 2 fingers on your clip,” he said. “Don’t move them… just press down softly.”
She obeyed. He tightened his hold on her nipples and twisted. She pushed her chest out, asking for more.
“I’d like you to come over again.” He twisted.
“Next time, I’d like to take you farther.” He pulled.
“Oh, yes… please.”
“I’d like to teach you.” He squeezed as hard as he could.
“I want to learn.”
“You have to do everything I tell you.” He released her nipples, letting the blood back in and double the pain.
“I will obey.”
“Now… come.”
She did.
And, half an hour later, she left.
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