This Cock Tastes Like My Wife Ch. 04

This is part 6 and 7 of the series. Parts 1-3 were contained in chapter one. Part 4 in chapter 2. Part 5 in chapter 3.

Part 6 – The Battle Against Reality

“Honey? Honey? Are you awake?”

I cracked my eyes slightly, but prepared to still be sleep. DD was wearing red thong panties and a matching bra, checking herself in the mirror atop the dresser. She looked over her shoulder one more time to make sure I was still sleeping, then picked up and pointed her cell phone at the mirror to snap a picture. I knew exactly who she was sending it to.

I had morning wood, typical. The sight of her scantily clad body only made it worse. Knowing that Ron would soon be enjoying the sight of my wife’s body heightened my arousal. And knowing that a stranger named Kane would be fucking her in a few hours stiffened my erection to a painful state.

But knowing she might have feelings for Kane made my stomach turn. And knowing what I’d done with Ron the night before made my face flush. Then I was suddenly mortified to realize that under the covers, I was still wearing her panties!

When I’d returned home from the meet up with Ron, I’d laid there a long a time watching her sleep beside me, the battle between my fantasy and my conflicted emotions raging on through the night. Somehow I’d did off and forgetten what I was wearing.

I clutched the covers tightly in case she tried to yank them off of me as she sometimes did when she woke me in the mornings.

“Honey? It’s time to get up,” DD said, pulling a sweater over her head. She stepped into her grey, below-the-knee length skirt and came to my side of the bed. “Wake up, Tony. You’re going to be late,” she said, shaking me.

“I’m, uh, I’m taking a sick day. I don’t feel good,” I said, holding onto the covers for dear life.

DD put her hands on her hips and gave me a concerned look. “Well I hope it’s apaidsick day. We can’t afford for you to miss work! What’s wrongwith you anyway?”

“Nothing, my stomach. I’ll be ok, just need to rest.”

DD sent. “I bet it’s that flu going around.” She paused for a long time as if pondering something. “Maybe I’ll stay at my mothers tonight. I don’t wanna get sick too. I don’t have any sick days left. What do you think?”

I think you want to spend the night with Kane,I thought to myself. Her parents hated me, mainly because I wasn’t Cambodian. Snubbing her first marriage that they’d arranged was a slap in the face to them, and they saw me as the culprit, as if I’d corrupted her in some way. She knew I’d never call over there to check on her story. “Yeah, better not get you sick too.”

DD smiled big then quickly wiped it off her face. “Awww, my poor baby. Get some rest. I’ll call you later to check on you.”

“DD,” I grabbed her hand, “I love you. More than anything. You know that right?”

My wife stared at me blankly a moment, then her eyes began to water. “I love you too,”Her voice cracked when she spoke. She quickly turned away from me and rubbed her sleepe across her face. “Call you later,” she said, making a quick exit from the room.

I rolled onto my stomach and tried to think of anything else than DD. My urge to masturbate at that moment was an overwhelming, shivering, shaking, feverish feeling, like an addict in withdrawal. I hadn’t done it since the previous day before she’d come home, and I was deliberately avoiding it.

It was those blasted moments of clarity that came after an orgasm that scared me. I didn’t want to face those feelings. Now more than ever, I imagined the guilt and shade that would come over me once my mind was unclouded by my perversions. Only now I’d have to face the fact that I couldn’t turn the reality back into just a fantasy. I wasn’t sure I could handle that.

I thought of disgusting things like steaming piles of horse manure, and senior citizens in the nude, anything repulsive enough to shrink my erection. It worked.

Too distracted by my problems to be productive, I called in sick to work anyway. I spent the next few hours searching for distractions, TV, cooking, cleaning up the house, anything to avoid the lucid mental pictures of DD with another man’s cock in her mouth, or of Ron’s in mine. Somehow, everything I did found a way to remind me. It was no use.

I logged on to the computer, preparing to rub out an orgasm and face the music, when I got a text message from Ron on my cell phone.

U r not really sick r u?

“DD already told him,” I thought out loud.No, I replied.

Well Kane will be happy. Now he gets to spend the night fucking DD’s brains out.Ron returned my text.

I know. I know what she planning when she said she was going to her mothers.

Trying to make it easy for him? U r a fool. A lot could happen and I don’t mean sex.

Don’t remind me. I fucked up,I replied.

I’ll find a way to fix it. U owe me.

Thank you.

Thank you, SIR?Ron reminded me of his dominance.

Thank you sir.

Are you wearing panties like a good little sissy?

Yes,I lied. I’d long since taken them off.

Show me. Send me a picture.

“Fuck!” I jumped out of my seat and raced into the bedroom to dig through DD’s panty drawer.

As I slid into a pair of my wife’s lacy, white panties, I became keenly aware of the fact that there was no way out of doing it on a daily basis. There was no telling if Ron was going to check for proof at any given time.

I sent him the requested picture and got a response of,Good girl. Talk 2 u later.

I tried to resume my masturbation session but now I was too Distracted. How was I going to explain it if DD caught me wearing her underwear? How humiliating would that be? She already thought I was a dud in the bedroom, what would she think of me then?

Part of me wanted to tell Ron to fuck off, but I feared he had too much influence with DD. He might decide to take on a personal vendorta against me and completely destroy my marriage if I disrespected him. Besides, this Kane character had to go, and Ron had me convinced that I needed his help for that. And on top of that, my fantasy still ruled my thoughts.

Who was this man named Kane who was about to spend the night with my wife? I decided to find out. I throw some clothes on, hoped in my car and headed to DD’s job.

I arrived fifteen minutes before DD’s scheduled lunch hour. I parked across the street from her building where I could see the employee entrance. If they really were fucking on their lunch breaks, surely they’d have to go somewhere else to do it.

Sure enough, fifteen minutes later I caught sight of my wife exiting the building with a large group of people. She seemed to be sticking close to one man in particular, a tall, mid thirties looking guy with dark hair.

“Huh,” I muttered, remembering what Ron had said about her being attracted to men who were similar in appearance to me. I found it flattering, at least I knew she found me attractive if nothing else.

She stood talking to him for a while in front of her grey Chevy Malibu, shivering in the cold. Then he got into another vehicle and she got into hers. I expected her to follow him when he pulled away, but she didn’t. She pulled up in front of the employee entrance and stopped.

Suddenly a tall, black man emerged from the building. He swung his head around every which way as if watching out for something, and then quickly hoped into DD’s car and she sped away urgently.

“You have to be shitting me!” I waited. I peeled out of the parking lot and gave chase, making sure I stayed far enough back not to be spotted by her. DD was really flying down the road in an incredible worry. She never drive like that, especially on the slippery winter roads.

You didn’t tell me Kane was black!I sent a text to Ron.

DD pulled into the parking lot of the Extended Stay hotel down the street from her job. I pulled into the parking lot of the Greek restaurant adjacent to it and watched them get out of the car together. Kane’s hand planted firmly on my wife’s as they walked into the hotel.

Ron’s reply finally came through.Why does that matter? And why r u spying on your wife? Think about what happens if she catches u.

“What happens if she catchesme?” I gasped. “She’s the one in a hotel room with a black guy!” But I knew what he’d mean. She wasn’t supposed to know I know about this.

I sat in the car contemplating my next move. Sitting outside was pointless. Why had I even come, just to see what he looked like? Did it really matter? I supposed it didn’t. The supposed myth of the big black cockwasever present in my mind though.

My cock stretched DD’s panties as I sat there imagine her taking Kane’s big cock in her furry cunt, making her scream and moan. This was my fantasy after all, my wife being a slut for another man, a black guy no less. It just wasn’t happening how I imagined it…I wasn’t there enjoying it.

Without thinking, I exited the car and walked towards the hotel. It was like my penis was leading the way, silencing the pleasures of my brain to turn around.

I asked the twenty something kid working the front desk what room the black and Asian couple had checked into, setting a twenty-dollar bill on the counter at the same time. He looked at it and told me he couldn’t relinquish that information. I pulled out another twenty.

“Three nineteen. I always give them three nineteen,” he replied with a grin. “Damn, that little Asian chick really gets around. Any chance I can get in on it?”

“She’s a real whore, ain’t she?” I said, smiling as if I wasn’t bothered at all by his comment.

“That’s why I always give her a corner room, less noise complaints that way,” he chuckled. “Man, I’d like to get a piece of that. I didn’t know the black dude was into passing her around.”

“She always comes here with him? Has she ever come here with someone else? How often do they come here?” I couldn’t express my need to know.

“Every single…oh, shit!” he cracked a big smile as he stared at my wedding band. “You’re the husband, aren’t you?”

I didn’t respond.

“Man, I knew she wasn’t married to him. I noticed she had a ring the first time she came in, but he never wore one. Aw, man, sorry dude. I’d kick a guys ass too if that was my girlfriend. I’d fuckin’ kick her ass too! Man, it’s cool. Do what you gotta do. I won’t call the cops, I swear man!”

“Don’t worry, there wont be any trouble,” I said, walking away.

“Oh, it’s like that? You’re one of those guys that likes that shit? Well, hey, man! What’s up? Can I get some too?” He shouted after me as I headed for the elevator.

Another text from Ron rang in while in the elevator.So u r sitting in the parking lot of the extended stay in Lombard right now aren’t u. why? what is that doing for u?

I replied,I’m in the hotel.

As soon as the elevator door opened on the third floor I could hear the faith moans of DD’s ecstasy. As I nervously proceeded towards the room, they grew louder. The feeling was surreal, knowing that she’d never even come close to reaching that tone with me, but now Another man’s cock was driving her wild, past the point of inhibition.

Another text from Ron distracted me,listening in? u have more balls than I thought. How does it feel to hear your wife scream in pleasure from another mans big cock?

“Oh Kane! Oh god! Fuck me Kane! Yes! Yes! Give me that big cock!” DD’s voice bellowed through the door. During the moments of silence I could hear the bed squeaking violently.

I put the phone in my pocket and ignored Ron. I was struggling myself through my jeans as I stood outside their door, listening.

“Yeah, you like this black dick baby? You don’t get this at home do you? Huh? Huh?”

“Mmmmm yes I love it! Talk dirty to me, Kane! I’m a bad girl!” DD moaned.

“Yeah, you’re a little slut for this black dick, ain’t you bitch!’

“Yes baby! I’m your slut! Fuck your little slut’s tight pussy, Kane!”

“Who’s fuckin’ pussy is this, bitch?” Kane’s voice was followed by a loud smack.

“It’s your pussy, daddy!”

I was shaking badly, a mess of emotions spinning my head, but still intently focused on the action, rubbing my dick through my jeans, praying no one entered the hallway.

“I’m gonna stretch that pussy all night long, slut! Ain’t I?”

“Yes, daddy!”

I heard another loud smack, “Ain’t I!”

“Yes, daddy!” DD hit a higher pitch. “Oh god I’m cummmmmmmmiiiiing! Don’t stop!”

“Cum on this black dick, bitch! You ain’t done! Turn over, slut!”

I was getting ready to cum in my pants in unison with her when my phone rang, causing me to jump back from the door. I hurriedly shuffled down the hallway with a stiff leg, trying frantically to dig my phone out of my pocket and silence it before they heard it.

“Hello!” I yelled in a whispery voice as I ducked around the corner by the elevator.

“Get out of there, Tony,” Ron said. “You’ll have plenty of time to hear her moan in the weeks, months, and years to come. You’re a cuckold now. Now and forever.”

“I, uh,” I fumbled my words, as I processed ‘cuckold – now and forever’. “Ok, I’ll leave.” I had no intention of leaving.

“I want you at my office in twenty minutes. I’ll text you the address. If you’re even one minute late, you’re going to regret it. Leave now.” Ron hung up.

“Damn it!” I rested my head back against the wall. I could still hear DD getting fucked. I didn’t want to, but I knew I had to leave.

I had a perpetual hard on all the way to Ron’s office. The only thing distracting me from rubbing my dick the whole way, was having to weave in and out of traffic just to getThere in time. I had no idea how he would make me regret being late, but I didn’t want to find out.

I speed walked from my car into his office looking at my watch, I had one minute. I took the stairs rather than the elevator to save time, and made it to the reception desk where she paged him, with little to spare.

I made note of how she addressed him as ‘Mr. Rossi.’ It occurred to me that the name on the marquis near the entrance was Rossi and Associates, LLC.

“Ah, Mr. Mc’ Kibben, just in time. Follow me,” Ron greeted me in a professional manner.

Dressed in what appeared to be a very expensive business suit, Ron looked every bit as powerful as he acted. I felt relieved to know that he was a successful professional and not just some perverted loser who lived in his mother’s basement. Not that I’d ever thought he’d be anything less, but now I saw the proof. Suddenly all of his promises seemed more real.

We went into his office and he locked the door behind us.

“A half hour drive, in twenty minutes,” I said, a bit irritably. “That wasn’t fair.”

“And it isn’t fair that you only have half of a dick,” Ron said, coldly, “But such is life. Strip for me. Let’s see those panties.”

I looked over my shoulder at the door.

“No one will be coming in. Now anxious up, I have things to do. Strip, bitch.”

“Yes sir,” I submitted easily, shedding my clothes until I had on only DD’s panties.

“Very good,” Ron circled around me, looking me up and down. “There’s room for improvement, but it won’t be hard at all.”

“What won’t be hard?” I asked, my head hung down.

“Bend over my desk,” Ron shoved me in the back, ignoring my question. “It seems DD has her little heart set on getting stuffed with Kane’s cock all night long, so I didn’t both to try talking her out of spending the night. But I’m going to look at this as an opportunity, rather than a set back.”

“How so?” I asked, getting goose bumps as he ran his hands down my back to my ass.

“You were a bad girl following her to that hotel, Tony,” Ron said, smacking me hard on the ass. “Or should I call you Tonya? Yes, I like that better. I’ll call you Tonya.” Ron spanked me again.

“I’m…I’m sorry sir,” I sheepishly replied. I was becoming aroused as I felt his power over me, and I didn’t know why.

Ron laughed. “Not a submissive? Did you try to convince me of that last night? What a joke.” Three more strikes from his hand in quick succession stung my panty covered ass. “You are very submissive, aren’t you Tonya?”

“Yes sir,” I answered, my stiff dick poking out the top of the panties.

“You’re getting turned on by this. Are you sure you aren’t gay? That would explain why you can’t please your wife.”

“Yes sir, I’m sure.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because I’m not attracted to men. I love women,” I said, feeling my cock pulse as he slapped my ass again.

“So then it must be the act of submission that floats your boat, ey?”

“I don’t know.”

“I do. A very submissive, bi sexual.”

“I’m not…”

“Shut up, Tonya,” he slapped my reddened ass again. “You are. You sucked my cock last night. And you liked it didn’t you?”

I swallowed hard. “I, I didn’t hate it.”

“You didn’t hate it, and youhatethat you didn’t hate it, don’t you?”


“A straight man doesn’t suck cock. And if he were forced to he would be repulsed by it. He would hate it. But you didn’t hate it. That must both you. You have to admit to yourself that you are bi sexual. You like cock, sissy girl,” Ron cached. “Say it. Tell me you like my cock.”

I heard his zipper go down, then feel his thick, swollen dick being slapped against my ass. I cursed my own feelings as I became even more aroused. I didn’t want to say it. Saying it made it more real. I couldn’t be that way!

“Ashamed? Whether you admit it or not, you still liked sucking my cock. That isn’t going togo away, your thoughts will haunt you. Own up to it. Own your sexuality my little cocksucker, don’t let it own you.”

“I liked sucking your cock!” I blurted out, amazing at my own words.

“Good!” Ron jubilantly exclaimed. “That wasn’t so hard! It’s easier to deal with the things we admit to ourselves than those we deny, isn’t it? Now get on Your knees and tell me again.”

I turned around and sank to my knees where Ron’s stiff cock met me in the face. “I liked sucking your cock,” I said, easier this time, as I leaned into it, letting it touch my lips.

“Oh, you want to suck it again, bitch? Just say please.”

“Please let me suck your cock,” I pleased. I was so ready for it that I didn’t have time to feel ashamed for wanting to, I just wanted to. Ron knew every one of my dirty secrets, and I felt like he saw me for what I was better than I did. I liked the feeling of not having to hide.

“That’s a good girl, suck on my big dick, Tonya,” he said as he pushed deep into my mouth.

I eagerly opened my mouth for his huge dick. Warm, pulsing, stiff, I sucked on it hungrily, forgetting the labels and judgments that I shamed myself with. My mind was numb from the events of the past twenty-four hours and I was tired of thinking, worrying, fighting against myself. I’d discovered something new that I liked and I just wanted to enjoy myself for once, Without the guilt.

I wanted to suck his cock.

“Oh fuck, Tonya. It’s so much better when you put your heart in it. You are a natural cocksucker. Ohhhhhh yeees, keep going, just like that. I’m gonna give you a present,” Ron groaned, holding a fist full of my hair as he pushed himself in and out of my mouth.

Ron wasn’t gentle but I didn’t care. I remembered His lesson from the night before, swallow hard when you want to gag, and so I did. I let him gag me with his oversized pole and I sucked him harder.

I looked up and stared into his eyes as he fed me his meat. On my knees with his dick thrusting into my mouth I’d never felt so completely under the control of another person. Maybe he was right, maybe it was the act of submission that got me going.

I’d never looked at a man in a sexual way. I’d masturbated to gay porn, but never found myself attracted to the men in the videos. I was only turned on by the act. The same was true now. Even as I passwordately slurped on his long pole, I didn’t look at Ron the way I looked at my wife or another sexy woman. Yet here I was, hungry for his big dick. Was I bisexual, or was it something else?Stop thinking,I told myself.Suck that cock.


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