
She paced the hotel room nervously, glancing every few minutes at the clock on the nightstand. Any minute now she thought, as the time slowly ticked by. Absently she twisted her fingers as she paced. She knew this was going to be different than anything she’d ever experienced, she didn’t know how, she just inherently knew. What could she expect? She didn’t know. She paused in front of the mirror, checking her hair and slight touch of makeup. She knew he didn’t like much makeup, but she felt she had to put some on to cover the weariness the day’s toll had taken on her. Satisfied, she then dabbed a bit more perfume behind her ears, on the curve of her neck, trailing the applicant down between her breasts, all the way down to her navel.

She readjusted her negligee, pulling the lacy tube top across her breasts, pulling it taut enough for her nipples to be apparent through the semi sheer white material. She turned to view her backside and noticed the g string was twisted, and moved the harem style skirt back to make her final adjustments. Facing her reflection once again, she noted how the white lace sparkled against her tanned skin; smiling softly to herself, she knew he’d be pleased.

Quietly she slipped into her mules, and walked to her computer to find some music to soothe her nerves. Soft, sultry blues filled the room; closing her eyes, she swayed to the music, getting lost in the rhythm. She imagined his body up behind hers- pressed tight, pelvis grinding against her ass. Her hands became his- trailing across her stomach, teasingly light and sensitive. Her reverie was rudely and abruptly interrupted by the scrill of the phone from across the room. She flew to the phone; her fingers shook as she reached to pick up the receiver. Consciously, she remembered to breathe as she whispered a soft hello.

“I am here little one, and I am thirsty.” His voice quiet and low, his drawl almost nonexistent as his words were clipped and distinct. She could only stare at the receiver, now dead in her hands. She stood frozen, her mind spiraled momentarily as the realization hit her. He was here! Now!

Suddenly she snapped back to the present as his words filled her brain. Quickly she moved the chair at the small desk to the center of the room, and leaned over the desk resting her cheek against the wood, facing the wall opposite the door. She moved her hands to rest above her head, palms flat, fingertips barely touching. Her pulse raced, and a flush spread quickly throughout her body as she realized too late that the skirt portion of her lingerie may not be appropriate. There wasn’t enough time to remove it and put it away. She gnawed on her bottom lip, listening to the soothing music, but only hearing the thumbing of her heart.

The seconds seemed like minutes, her mouth dry, her breaths already ragged. She could feel herself growing moist, the ache for him already becoming unbearable. Her mind continued to race, trying to imagine thepleasures that were yet to become. Her hips rocked instinctively, slowly gyrating…anticipating…longing. She heard the doorknob turn and held her breath. This was the moment she’d been waiting for…lived her life for. She closed her eyes, willing her body to settle down, relax. However as the door opened, her body was in no mood for listening. The energy from his presence filling the room, she felt her skin tingle in Response. The waiting was about, why didn’t he says anything? She struggled not to squirm, she knew without words that he wanted her to remain still and quiet, until he told her otherwise.

She held her breath as she heard him move about the room, straining to hear every subtle nuance of his movements. In the distance she heard the clunk of what she could only imagine as his overnight bag. Next she Heard the sound of a zipper, it sounded different from the kind one would find on clothing. It was louder, stronger, and longer, than a conventional zipper. SilentlyShe cursed not being able to see what he was doing, and double cursed him for being so quiet, giving her no indication of his actions. She heard some rustling and scrambled to try and make sense of the sounds, her anxiety quickly forgotten. Her body began to relax as she became accustomed to his presence in the room.

She heard something being pulled across the carpet, then silence again. She showed softly, fighting the urge to drum her fingernails on the desk, just to be sassy, ​​but quickly dismissed the idea. She knew he approached before she felt his touch. She felt heat emanating from him as he stood over her. His hand brushed the hair gently back from her face, remaining just beyond her line of sight. Reflex had her leaning into his touch, moaning softly, instinct had her heat throbbing, and intuition had her trembling. His hand wound in her hair, gripping it tightly, causing her to catch her breath and tension. He wound his hand tighter yet, reminding her that she was there for him. The thought sent currents flowing through her like a raging river, finally pooling within her silent folds. She heard him take a deep breath, and exhaust with a deep satisfied growl. For a moment she felt embarrassed when she realized that her musky scent was permeating the room, evidence of her arousal filling his lungs.

He tugged on her hair, pulling her head back to him, growing at her ear, “Are you getting excited pet? I can smell your lust from here. It pleases me.”

He lowered her head back down to the desk, the cool surface soothing on her enflamed skin. His free hand curled around her neck; causing her to stiffen that much more. Her biggest fear immediately assumed her psyche. Her fingers scratched at the desk, instinctively she pushed back against him, her mind fighting with the thought of using her safe word so early, knowing it would break the spell already cast upon them. As her internal struggle mounted, her body prepared to flee, his fingers gently massaged her flesh, lingering on her neck, but slowly moving to her shoulder. She closed her eyes and said a silent thank you to whatever power that held her steadfast in that brief moment. Slowly the realization hit her that she was right to place her trust in him, he would not hurt her. Without words his touch alone reassure her that she was safe; little by little her body once again relaxed beneath his loving touch.

“Very good pet, very good,” his voice hisssed in her ear. His hand continued down her back, taking in every inch of her tingling flesh. Her eyes closed as she lost herself in his comforting hand. She could feel her juices escaping from her pussy lips, her hips wriggled involuntarily, innocently seeking some- any type of relief. She bit her bottom lip, hoping the movement went unnoticed. When she heard a soft chuckle, she knew it had not. She tensed yet again, waiting for the sting that she was sure would follow- but it didn’t. Surprisingly, she felt a loss, a void. Thatvoid was slowly turning to a yearning, which surprised her even more. She felt sure that a hard swat on her backside would sit the need, the ache that was slowly consuming her. In her mind she could feel the sting reverberating throughout her body.

His hand circled her waist, his fingers spanning her side, almost measuring the fit of his hand against her curve. She heard him utter a long slow moan, she could only interpret as satisfaction, and it made her smile, knowing he appreciated her shape. Her eyes closed again, this time anticipating where his hand would roam next, where he would tease her with a simple touch. Once again he tugged on her hair, bringing her out of her reverie. It was almost that he could sense exactly when she was losing herself, and he was determined to keep her right on the edge, mentally gripping at every motion, every touch.

“Lift your head pet, and look straight ahead. Don’t move. Next time you may not be so lucky.” He whispered lovingly.

Without hesitation, she turned and lifted her head, wondering what he was going to do next. His hand left her hair and followed the same path as its predecessor, eventually stopping at her waist. She knew he was still at her side, she didn’t feel or hear him move. Each of his hands gripped her waist, digging into her flesh, once again gauging the fit. ~~~

He moved behind her, his hand grazing her stomach, his fingertips lightly pinching her skin, eliciting a pthora of soft moans from her. Unbeknownst to her, his smile was soft and knowing, as he watched her try and maintain her composition. He knew how difficult this was for her, how nervous she was. He also had confidence in her, for he knew her innate desire to please. He would draw out that desire and then some, feeding both their hungers.

He watched her closely, His eyes never leaving her form, watching her subtle reactions to his capable hands. He was learning her body, learning more about her than she knew herself. Comitting to memory where she was most sensitive, where his touch seemed to have no visible reaction; but he knew deep down, deep in his heart that not a single touch, tug, pinch or cares was going unnoticed. He knew he was just staking the fires within her, awakening her to pleasures she never knew existed. Just as he knew all of this, he also knew she was holding back, still unsure of fully letting herself go, becoming the wanton slut he knew she wanted to be. He knew before this night was done, she would be his, and only his, fulfilling a fire within him that had for too long been smoldering. She had awakened the beast that had lain dormant for years, rekindled a hope that he’d long since thought was dead. His one. He looked at her, her body responding to the lightest of touches. Yes, she would be his. He needed to show her everything she was capable of giving- and more. He knew her sex was dripping with desire, and he fought his own internal demonstrations not giving into the temptation todrink from her well. He wanted, no he needed to draw her out of her own self- bring her to that place where she realized their joining would be the cumulation of her submission to him, it would be complete. They would be complete.

“Does that feel good pet?” He inquired softly. His drawl more pronounced as he oozed the words out slowly, his fingers now crawling up to cradle each of her breasts in his hands. His strong body now drawn over hers, his cock nestled in the crack of her ass. He groaned as he felt her body meld to his. His fingers pinched her nipples beneath the flimsy fabric. Roughly he pulled it away, letting her breasts hang freely. He cupped and squeezed them; taking in her soft mewls. He grasped the delicate rings that adorned her nipples and tugged, relishing in the feral groan that it produced.

“Tell me pet, tell me how that feels.” He softly commanded, waiting for her response that he was sure to be slow as she searched for the words she knew he required.He continued pinching, tugging and rolling her nipples between his fingers, each one a little harder than the previous one. He would continue until she said the words- the right words. The words he knew she had inside, but needed to let them flow.

“Yes, that feels so good, please don’t stop.” she murmured

He pulled harder.

She yelped, “Yes please…please, yessssssssss.” Her body trembled beneath his.

He pinched harder, yet he did not utter a sound. He knew she knew what he wanted, what he expected. She had to bring it out herself.

“YES! OH PLEASE- no more!” she cried

He pulled harder still, leaning down to bite the cream of her neck.

She pressed back against him, the heat becoming unbearable. The twins of pain spiraled through her, setting deep in her core. Never before had she felt such an exhaust blend of pleasure/pain. While the thought of enjoying pain frightened her a bit, she couldn’t help but want more of its effects on her.

She cried out as he pulled just the rings this time, “Yes Sir, that feels so good Sir!” she croaked out without thinking, her sex throbbing- aching to be filled by him.

With one last tug, he released her nipples, rubbing them against his palms, absorbing their heat, and sunk his teeth on the opposite side of her neck. She said what she knew she needed to say, what she needed to release. He was Surprised at his own body’s reaction when she acknowledged him as Sir. He pulled away, putting physical space between them, and watched her body wrong as he slowly dragged his nails down her back; smiling once again as she instinctively responded to him. He knew his resolve was slowly slipping, his cock, raging hard, encased in his clothes, pulsing and throbbing- reminding him of his own need for her. He watched as she throw her head back when his fingers grip her hips. He feels her quiver in anticipation, his hands getting closer to her heat, her scent stronger and headier.

“Put yOur head back down on the desk pet. Don’t move.” he issued calmly, and watched her comply with a slight nod and soft whisper.

“Yes Sir”

He smiled at the ease in which the word Sir came from her lips this time. He stepped back from her, dragging his fingers across her ass cheeks, aching to bury himself deep within her. He chuckled softly as he heard her whimper when he took his hands away.

He stood back, silently observing her. He could feel her excitement and anticipation a foot away.

He walked over to the light he dragged over to the desk and turned it on. It illuminated her ass and her pussy, her glistening pussy. A slow smile crept onto his face as he watched her body quiver, how she fight against moving. He knew she was aching for his touch, for him.

He stepped closer to her, his hands played across her ass. He knew she was anticipating a hard smack on the ass. He also knew she was ready; her reaction to his nipple play impressed him, her ability toabsorbb small bits of pain. He leaned down and blew softly against her nether lips, and saw her pussy clnch and relax in response. He repeated his action, this time with a long drawn out breath, once again pleased when he saw the multiple contractions of her pussy.

His hands massed her ass, his fingers pressing into her full globes. He was rewarded with soft whimpers as he drew his index finger along her crack. He He heard her nails scrape against the wood. This was only the beginning, he thought. He knew that while she had imagined him doing all the things he’d told her many times he’d do, she had no concept of how intense she was going to feel, or how much he was looking forward to making her feel.

He pressed his lips to her ass, and felt her jump. He blew softly in a wide circle, and then leaned in to nibble in the center of where he blew. He felt her body twitch, and heard her gasp. He teased her repeatedly all over each chef, blew, kissed, nipped, at times he bit. Hernails scratched the desk, her body quaked and trembled. Her gasp quickly turned to moans and mewls. As he played her ass with his mouth and tongue, he snaked his hand to her breasts, grabbing them hard in his hands, squeezing them together. He dragged his fingertips to her nipples and pinched them as his teeth sunk into her cheek. He saw her head rise off the desk, and heard her first scream of the night.

He felt a ripple flow through her body, from his hands past his mouth, and knew instinctively that it settled deep within her core. He felt the rush of password flow through his is own body, his cock throbbed. He waited for the feeling to ebb, but there was no ebb, just the continuous flow course through his veins. He moved a hand from her breast, and slide it down her side. He watched with satisfaction as her body understand from his touch. He pointed his tongue and ran it along the crevice between her cheeks; heard her murmur repeatedly. He pinched again while his tongue pressed further between her cheeks. Again her head rose up off the desk. The first he let pass, the second he would not.

He raised his hand high in the air. He paused only for the briefest moment, before he moved his head and landed his palm flat against her right ass cheek. He heard her scream for the second time that night.

“Don’t move woman.” he snarled.

Her voice cracked as she replied weakly, “Yes Sir.”

“I didn’t hear you.” he said slowly.

His hand came down solid on her left ass cheek. He heard her moan- a deep guttural moan. She did not scream out this time, but held back as she bit her lip. He felt her knees buckle slightly. He knew she was trying to find her voice.

“I said I didn’t hear you.” he said in a deeper voice.

His hand came down fast and hard, once on each chef. He could see the imprint of his palm on each chef. Her ass- soon to be his ass. It would be by his hand that she would experience a red ass for the first time.

Her headnearly flew up off the desk as his hand swiftly spanked each chef. Her mind reeled at how the sing spread like fire through her veins. She felt her pussy throb and her juices flow. Somewhere in her mind she knew she needed to answer him, but she was just too amazed at how good she felt to realize it.

His hand came down again and again, slapping each chef in succession. Her ass was on fire, her pussy was on fire. She wanted to yell for more, but there was still a part of her that said she wasn’t supposed to like this. This behavior was supposed to be degrading, but she had never felt so alive. She scrambled to respond as she felt his hand move, she anticipated another slap.

“Yes Sir” she said in a tone that echoed in her ears. She hoped she didn’t sound petulant.

“Very good pet.” he soothed, both of his hands now caresing her ass cheeses.

He rubbed away the sting. She moaned a string of words to the Almighty. Her body was inflamed. She needed his hands everywhere on her skin- to soothe, to caress, to enflame.

“Please.” she whispered repeatedly.

“Please what?”

“Oh God, please Sir, please” she cried out.

“Better, pet. What is it that you need?” He crooned, almost teasingly.

“Please Sir, may I cum.” she whimpered.


She groaned. Did the man know what he was doing to her? Did he know how much she needed a release, to be set free? Did he know that she couldn’t take much more?

He snarled as he pulled his hands away to ogle her ass. Her cheeks were a nice shade of pink. His hands gripped her ass cheeses and spread them wide. He exposed her completely to him and just stared for a moment, allowing her to wonder what he was going to do next. He ran his tongue around her pumpered hole, and heard her cry out, but he knew it was just the beginning. He would take her places she’d only dreamed of. With a careless flick of his tongue, he watched her pumper even tighter. Hegrinned, repeated the flick, and was rewarded with a long frustrated growl from her. He pressed his tongue against her anus; he didn’t push, although he knew she wanted him to.

“Grab your ass for me pet, and open yourself to me.”

“Yes Sir”

Her fingers clapped each chef and she held herself open, just as his hands had done. He took a step back and just took in the sight before him. He watched her shift her weight from one foot to another, and smiled- slow and easy. He knew she was uncomfortable exposing herself to his eyes.


She spread her ass cheek wider. He watched her pussy and her rosebud clnch, as if to prevent him a closer look at what mattered most. He waited for her to relax, and was greeted with a series of spasms as he watched her pussy throb.


She pulled even harder, stretching herself as wide as she could. Her anus stretched and opened involuntarily for him, just the slightest opening- inviting him. He watched her muscles relax, her ass and pussy spread and waiting. He knew how wet she was, how much wetter she would be. He pulled the desk chair behind her and sat. With his knees he pushed hers wider. What a sight before him, this beautiful woman, his woman, with her ass in the air, waiting for him to do as he pleased. His cock twitched, and he shifted in the seat to try and gain some comfort. It would take nothing right now to bury His cock deep in her pussy, or take her ass for his, but it wasn’t time.


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