Third Times A Charm; Conclusion

A dog? I blink in disbelief. A DOG? ​​No…no no no no…I thought I told Him….

My head thrashes from left to right as I try to convey to Him my fear. I catch a flicker in His eyes as he removes the gag and stars at me.

“MERCY. MERCY. MERCY…” The safeword erupts none too quickly from my pared mouth. My legs tremble spontaneously. My eyes flit from Master to Mike, from Mike to the dog, back to Master so fast they’re almost spinning out of control. What have I done? I’ve got to get out of here NOW, I think to myself, tugging frantically on my restraints.

Master sights deeply, although I think I can detect a slight twitching of his lips.

“No? You sure?” His eyes move to the dog, “Dutch, look at this, boy, you want a taste?”

He allows the dog to come closer and it sniffs at my pussy, straining against the lead He’s holding tightly to.

“MERCYMERCY!! Please, please don’t do this, Master! O please! O my God! He’s gonna GET me! Master! NO! NO! Please! O mercy! Mercy!” I’m babbling out of fear, screaming out whatever comes to mind, I’m so scared.

As a child, I’d been badly bitten by a large collie on the right shoulder. Luckily, the physical scars that remained were only thin whitish lines now, but the episode had left such a brand on my mind that every time I saw a large dog, any dog ​​really, I did everything possible to avoid it. They terrified me.

Through His outwardly cavalier attitude I can see surprise at my terror. My Master is a good man with strong character and though He would never intentionally hurt me, He does like to scare me sometimes to enhance our time together.

He told me he was going to push my envelope. so to speak, but I can see that this really throw Him, as it did me.

“Mike, take Dutch to my house, I’ll call you later.”

“Is she ok?” Mike stars at me, frozen. “Are you ok?” His head thaws suddenly and swings to Master. “Is she ok?” His mouth is open.

“She’ll be fine, just get the dog out of here.” He looks at me curiously for a moment, then walks Mike and the dog to the door. They speak for a few moments and the door closes behind them.

My chest is still heaving, a sheen of perspiration shining across it. My legs have calmed some, but are still shaking a little.

Master goes straight into the bathroom and turns on the water in the tub, then approaches me, cautiously it seems, and releases my arms and legs. His warm hands uncuff my ice cold ones, and He rubs each one between His for a time to bring back circulation. His eyes are fixed on our hands, avoiding my gaze. He’s speechless, I know. So am I.

He stands, take my hand and leads me to the steaming bath water where He helps me in and I sit, take a deep quivering breath and lie back. I smile a tiny wobbly smile. He added bubbles.

I can’t believe what just happened. I can’t believe I freaked out like that. I can’t believe I didn’t tell Him of my fear considering thefact that I’ve told Him almost everything else about myself.

Breathing a bit easier now, I allow my mind to go blank, to recoup. I splash warm water on my aching muscles, my legs, my belly, my breasts. I feel like an id ten t file. An idiot. I didn’t have to go into a complete panic. He probably wouldn’t have gone through with it. But why did He go to all that trouble if He wasen’t? WAS He???

Would He have? I shake my head a little watching goose bumps appear on my skin.

I feel indignent, offended. He scared the SHIT out of me! But, really, I ask myself, isn’t that kind of why you’re here? O God. Please don’t let me answer myself. Then I’ll really be in trouble!

I answer anyway, sneering at myself. You Know why you’re here! You know you’re sub and for now, that’s it. Drop it. Shit happens. You know he’s a good, sane Man. A bit twisted, but isn’t that a good thing?

He is a good guy. I really like Him. A relationship such as ours is unlike any I have encounterered, not that there have been many others, but a phenomenon amount of trust is important. I have done things with this Man that have never even entered my mind in the past (well, not admittedly) and he has risen to the occasions with aplomb in more ways than one. He pays close attention. He provides me with what I need and want, and I hope I do the same for Him although He never really tells me if I do or not.

Once, he told me, “I told you I thought I was lucky to have found you…” But isn’t that a little bit like saying, “But, Honey, I fucked you last month. You mean you want to do it AGAIN???” Sometimes I wonder if that’s a Dom thing or a personal trait. Gonna HAVE to get hold of that TopDom manual somewhere.

O God! What if I scared Him away? I sit up and listen closely hoping He’s not ten blocks away, running for His life, cell phone in hand, calling Bellevue or something.

Hearing the TV going and the now familiar rustle of the potato chip bag, I sink back. Howcan He eat at a time like this? Don’t answer. Mmkay. Just get out and dry off, and act as though nothing out of the ordinary happened. I need to get home anyway. Sigh.

I stretch out in the tub flat on my back, knees up, wetting my hair. Reaching for my travel size bottle of shampoo, I chuckle. He does keep things rolling, I’ll have to give Him that. Just go with it and shut up. Mmkay.

Squeezing the bottle over my palm, I wait for the shampoo to pour out. Nothing happens. I shake the bottle and look suspiciously at the clouds of bubbles growing dangerously close to the edge of the tub as the hot water (thank God for hotel sized water heaters) flows from the tap. Bringing the small bottle close to my eye, I peer into it. It’s completely empty.

“You USED all my shampoo!”

“Huh?” He looks up at me, potato chip in midair. He sets the chip down and rises.

Now I’m glaring up at Him.

“Dammit, I wanted to wash my hair! You TOOK my shampoo and used it for BUBBLES when I NEEDED it for my HAIR!”

His eyes narrow. O those blue eyes. I could swim for days in those twin oceans of color. My twitching pussy agrees wholeheartedly.

“Excuse me?”

His narrowed eyes travel lazily from my dripping tangled hair to my water beaded body drawn loosely in a towel, to the precious bubbles adorning my wrinkly waterlogged toes. “Did you say something?”

My strong resolve to let Him have it begins to both as His voice penetrates my brain.

“I said, You used ….”

“I heard what you said. Now what’s your point?”

He pulls the towel from my body effortlessly before I can grab at it, turn me around and begins to pat my back dry.

“I said…er…”


The towel is thrown over my head and He began to rub it all over, scrubbing the water from my hair vigorously as if I were a child. Now how in the hell am I supposed to talk when my head is being wiggled and wobbled all over the place? Fuming, I snatch the towel from my head and scowl up at Him towering over me. I have to move the hair out of my eyes and I know, I just KNOW I look like a fool. A strand of hair keeps falling in front of my eyes and I have to go “PFFFTTTTTT” with my breath to blow it away.

He’s never seen me like this. Fresh from the shower, no makeup, no nothing. Of course He’s seen me totally nude countless times but Somehow this is different. I can’t read His eyes as they penetrate mine. What’s He thinking?

Unable to end His scrutiny a moment longer, I turn to go back into the bathroom. Two, three, four steps away.


Immediately my muscles tense. He’s good. I freeze, my back to Him, fighting the rush of excitement that instantly occurs deep in the pit of my belly.

A warning in His voice now, “kitten.”

I turn to face Him but remains in my place, eyes lowered. Everytime I hear that it sends jolts through me. and I shiver obviously in the air conditioning.

“Do not EVER walk away from Me.”

Dammit!! Have I given Him such power that He is able to turn me into a different person with a simple word? I realize exactly how well He’s taught me. Am I really a different person or am I simply allowing my true nature to appear when He speaks?

And I walk towards Him, still unsure of where things stand between us, hoping nothing’s changed.

Taking me by the shoulders, He speaks to me. “you’re leaving in the morning. Let’s go have a nice quiet dinner.”

Walking to the closet, he peruses the two or three dresses hanging there, chooses His favorite, the denim one with snaps all the way down the front.

“Get ready. I’ll pick you up in thirty minutes out front. Be waiting.” He tosses the dress on the bed and walks out.

Preparing myself for dinner i’m guessing He’s a little pissed at me, but wants our last (forever?) night to be nice.

He pulls into the darkened parking lot of a restaurant, puts the car in park and turn off the engine, leaving the keys dangling.

“Unzip Me.”

Reaching for the door handle, I do a double take. “Huh?” Did he just says what I thought he said?

He looks straight ahead, silent, and locks the doors with the master switch. Scooching over closer to Him, I shakily unzip His pants and pull His hardening cock out as He raises the steering wheel.

What, does he want a final farewell? A last humrah? Fine. I’ll show Him just what he’s going to be missing. Somehow I still have it in my head that He’s disgusted with me about the dog.

I turn onto my stomach and stretch across the front seat, my legs bent at the knees and take His half-hard cock deep into my mouth, sucking Him to peak hardness. When he’s fully erect, I can’t take Him completely into my mouth and I back off a bit, wrapping my fingers around the base of His shaft, sucking Him, I think, into oblivion. Up and down building a nice easy rhythm, sucking on the way out, squeezing with my fingers, long and slow.

After about fifteen minutes of this, strong hands mold themselves to the back of my head, shoving my face down hard on His massive cock, forcing it to the back of my throat and beyond. A gagging sound erupts loudly, and my breathing is suddenly cut off completely. He holds my head down for almost a full minute before releasing me a bit, just enough to take another breath around His cock. My lips open wide, my teeth hold it loosely between them as I struggle for air, pushing my head up against His unrelenting hands. Two intakes later my head is again rammed down onto His cock, and breath exploits from my nostrils.

“Suck Me.” It sounds as though He’s gritting His teeth as He speaks.

He pushes my head only three-fourths of the way down on it now, and I suck on it furiously, praying he’ll let me go soon. Little sounds come from my throat as I work His cock, I am unable to control the growing excitement inside even though His hands are in total control of the situation.

I’m pissed, but I’m not; I’m scared, but excited; my feelings are hurt, but my pussy is wet.

I can feel Him growing even harder inside my mouth and I can taste His salty precum oozing freely now.

He rams my head down once more onto His throbbing erection, His legs tensing under me.

His cock is deeply embedded in my throat, and I’m afraid I’m going to throw up as I gag against it. I don’t have time to think about it, I’m just trying to breathe.

My hand reaches for Him blindly, catching the front of His shirt. Grabbing a handful of black silk, I pull frantically at it, tugging hard and His hand presses hard against mine holding it flat against His chest. His other hand releases it’s heavy hold on my head a bit, allowing me another precious breath of air. Only one this time, and my head is pushed back down once more as my eyes begin to water freely and my nose begins to run.

Just as I think I’m going to pass out, He shoots a load of creamy hot cum into the back ofmy throat and His hand lets go of my head.

I can feel His heart pounding under our hands on His chest, and my head shots up as I gasp for breath.

“Zip Me.”


This elicits a loud laugh and I star at Him, amazed at His cruelty, tears streaming down my face, several curses flowing freely through my mind at Him.

Grabbing my hand, He holds it tightly, squeezing until i can actually see it turning blue. I zip Him.

He turns to face me drawing His arm across the back of the seat. I scooch further away from Him, hugging the door.


“DON’T call me that! I AM NOT Your kitten!”

His drawn hand touches my shoulder and I draw away further, my hand feeling for the door handle.

He waits. He looks at me. His eyes soften.

“Are you finished?”

I’m so mad now I can only sputter in fury at His question. If He DOESN’T shut up soon…

Quietly, so quietly that I have to sit totally still and slow my angry bReath in order to hear Him, He speaks.

“You’ve done exceptionally well. The difference between your first visit and this one is staggering. I had no idea when we first met that you were this sub. But you also have a mind of your own. You’re a strong girl. When you need to say something, you say it at the appropriate time, for the most part.” He lowers His head and chuckles at this.

I star at Him suspiciously, not sure exactly where He’s going with this.

“If I’d wanted a doormat, I could have found one easily. And a lot closer, too!” He looks at me and smiles. I’m sniffling, listening, and He reaches across me to the glove compartment from which He removes a small box of tissues. He removes a couple from the box and leans closer to wipe my eyes and upper lip.

“I feel lucky to have found you, you’re a strong girl and I respect that. I admire it. I had to see how far you could go.”

He looks directly at me, watching as a convoluted jumble of emotions flash aross my face. I decided to let them go and see where this road takes us, and I lower my eyes in compliance.

He starts the car at the exact time I say, “I can’t go in there.” We both laugh a little at that, and He drives back to the hotel where He makes love to me, sweetly.

As I’m nodding off to sleep I hear Him whisper, “Night, MY kitten.”


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