Third Time's A Charm

“Good afternoon, Ms. Chippendale, it’s nice to have you back as our guest again.”

“Hello, I’m glad to be back.”

“Would you prefer your usual room down at the far end of the first floor?”

“Yes, if it’s available, I forget to make reservations this time.”

“It is, and there’s no need to go through the hassle of checking in; if you like, we can just use the card that you have on file here.”

“Great! Thanks. That’s very kind of you.”

“Not a problem for you, Ms. Chippendale. I see on your file that you like maid service every other day before lunchtime?”

“O yes, please, and thanks for asking.”

“We like to make our guests as comfortable as possible, Ms. Chippendale.”

“Well, you certainly do a good job of it.”

“Thank you. And we’ll have a bottle of Posser’s Dark Rum delivered as soon as possible, here are your two keycards. Oh, would you like some coke with that rum?”

“O yes, thanks, what would I do without you, Tom?”

“Hsupraly, you’ll never have to find out,

Ms. Chippendale.”

“I do like this place…Oh, I wont be needing two keys, Mr. Holbrook will be picking up the other one.”

“Very good, Ms. Chippendale, it’ll be here at the front desk waiting for him.”

“Jason, please go to the bar and pick up a bottle of Posser’s Dark Rum and deliver it to Ms. Chippendale’s room.”

Jason is an errand boy at the hotel, and has worked there for close to five years, I’ve been told.

He’s not exactly mentally retarded, but has a learning disability, and is slow, but a hard worker and he happens to be gorgeous. He resembles a young Sidney Poitier and looks to be about 25 years old.

“Yessir, Posser’s Dark…er..Coke?”

“No, Jason. Posser’s Dark Rum and a 2 litre bottle of Coke.”

“Oh. Ok.”

“Posser’s dark, bottle of Coke, Posser’s Dark, bottle of Coke…” Steve repeats the order as he shuffles down the hall towards the bar.

Upon entering my room, I quickly check under the two queen size beds, confirming that there are regular metal frames, not those silly boxes that they use under the king size beds. The sight of those frames release a bouquet of butterflies free

in my belly.

After swiftly unpacking, hanging my dresses and setting out my toiletries, I pick up the phone, eager to hear His voice.

Damn! No outside line! I dial 0.

“Front desk, how may I help you?”

“Could you please turn my phone on?”

“Ms. Chippendale! I apologise, I should have had it turned on, I’ll do that right away.”

“Thank you.”

“The rum will be delivered shortly, and it’s on the house for the phone trouble.”

“Why, thank you, Tom. That’s very kind of you.”

“We aim to please.”

And please they do, they’re fantastic.

Dialing again, I impatiently wait for Him to pick up.


God, that voice! I squirm just hearing it.

“I’m here.”

“Same room.”

“Yes, Sir.” OOoo…I’m getting wet.

“The key is at the front desk?”


“Get ready. I’ll be there in a little while.”

I race down the hall to get ice, race back to my room and strip while the tub fills with warm water. I grab my creame and razor, set it on the edge of the tub, cram my dirty clothes in a bag in the closet, and step into the water, sinking down and singing deeply. My body is electrified, I can Actually see ripples in the water as I try to relax, unsuccessfully. I’m way too excited. I need this so badly; I need Him so badly. When we first hooked up online, I had no idea how submissive I actually I was until He coated it out of me, bit by bit, day by day. I ate it up, and it melted inside me like cotton candy in the sun. He recognized what I needed, and offered it to me on a silver platter. It was getting harder and harder to keep my feelings in check. I had no idea how He felt about me, but sometimes, when he looks at me, I see tenderness, I see His needs. I see desire and a little bit of trepidation. Sometimes, when I’m on my knees before Him, or simply saying “Yes, Sir” to Him, I see deep satisfaction. He is pleased, and that pleases me. He pleases me.

Reluctantly, pulling myself out of my reverie, I hold my legs, twice, later up and rinse, twice, run my exfoliating sponge all over my body, twice.

I stand, let the water out of the tub and turn on the shower to do my hair and rinse off again. After patting myself lightly with one of the hotels oversized soft fluffy towels, I hang it up to dry and scrub my face at the sink until it’s shining and brush my teeth, apply deodorant, then a spritz of perfume in all the important places.

As I run a comb through my hair, I hear a noise.

OHMYGOD! He’s here, and I’m not ready! Shit shit shit!

I’m just skidding to my knees a few feet in front of the door as I hear a soft knock and the door opening. My eyes are lowered and I’m shaking, terrified that I’m not ready for Him yet.Not that he’d get angle. He’s a kind Man, which just makes me want to please Him more.

Silence. Then I hear a soft intake of breath as my mouth curves into a small smile. He’s pleased. Good. Muffled footsteps approach me…no, wait. Those are not even footsteps, it’s more like a…SHUFFLE! Oh, no! It’s Jason! I look up at him and the whites of his eyes are glowing like Phosphorous on the ocean late at midnight. Dammit! Attempting to resemble a semblance of dignity, I usually say, “Oh, hello Jason. I…I was just looking for a…an earning I lost.” Vaguely, I allow my eyes to scan the carpet in search of the phantom earning. Slowly, I do a kind of back-crawl towards the bathroom while Jason just stands there gaping, holding the rum and a bottle of Coke. I back into the bathroom and Close the door halfway, snatching the wet towel and wrapping myself in it.

“Let me help you look, Missy.” He places the bottles on the side table and starts to get on his knees.

“NO! Er…no,Thanks, Jason. I just found it in the bathroom,” I tell him, exiting the bathroom as though it were the most natural thing in the world to be standing there in a wet towel.

“Yes, Ma’am. Will you be needing anything else?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Why is he not leaving? Why won’t he quit staring?

Oh shit! Edging past him, I reach into my purse and grab a couple of one dollar bills and hold them out to him and His large hand slowly reach out, his eyes boring into mine the entire time. He receives the tip and stands there, his inky eyes travelling down my body, taking in my wet curling hair, my cleavage, the wet towel, my smooth legs.

My voice, a couple octaves higher now masking my impatience, breaks the silence.

“Here you go. That’ll be all, bye now.”

“Yes, Missy.” And after what seems like an eternity, he turns and shuffles to the door, closing it softly behind him.

I have to get in gear, Jason wasted a lot of precise time.

I apply a small amount of make up, and finger curl my almost dry hair. Feeling presentable, I pad to my suitcase and pull out the small silver tray I brought with me. After mixing a drink for Him, sans ice for now, I roll a doobie, and place both on the tray which is on the table near the door.

Looking around the room, checking to see if there’s anything I forgot, my knees begin to wobble. That episode with Jason Shook me up. I quickly down the warm drink, shudder, and replace it with a fresh one in a clean glass.

God, I need a cigarette. Rushing to the dresser, I whip out a few small richly scented candles, place them strategically around the room, light them and pad to the bathroom reaching for the switch to the exhaust fan as I light my smoke. Ahhh, that tastes good, I really need to quit. Later, I tell myself…later for sure. My eyes close for a moment as I lean against the vanity, my body trying to relax, which is impossible at this point. My towel falls off so I go ahead and hang it up to dry and nervously begin to rearrange my toiletries on the vanity. As I peer into the mirror I remember that I wanted to have music this time.

Moving to the CD player, I insert a nice soft Chopin. Piano wafts through the air mingling with the jasmine cented candles and begins to soothe my nerves. Music touches my soul and it always relaxes me. This is nice, He’ll be Pleased. After I add ice to His drink, I knee, assume the position, and suddenly remember. THE MASK! Where is it? Wildly, I look around the room. Where did I put it, damp? The suitcase, I left it in the suitcase! Quickly retrieving it, I knee for the third time three feet from the door and tie it on, making sure I can’t see.

Perfect timing, I hear His key in the slot outside the door. My heart begins to pound as I hear the door open, then close softly. Trembling, I feel my juices begin to flow as I feel His presence in the room. I smile to myself as my hands on my knees, palms up, begin to sweat. My lowered head and eyes remain fixed. He’s here. My Master is here.

I am so excited, so very horny, that my wetness trickles down the inside of my thighs. My blood is a tornado of hot and cold in my veins as I feel His body heat permeate the air.

A soft swoosh of air wafts past me, muffled heavy footfalls on the carpet move past me and not a word is exchanged.

I wait…and wait. A hand grabs my hair from behind and my head is yanked back as soft full lips cover mine. I can’t help it, a soft moan escapes my open mouth as I receive this long awaited kiss. Offering my entire being to Him, I kiss Him back never wanting it to end and as He pulls away my head involuntarily moves closer, silently begging Him not to stop. His hand twists my hair tightly righting my head, then lingers a moment, smoothing my hair. Darkness. Stillness. Anticipation. More wetness trickles down my thighs. The door opens again and I hear a kind of quick muffled sound nearthe bathroom and it’s door is firmly closed, along with the door to the room. What’s going on?

The music is turned up louder now and the air cools noticeably. He must’ve turned down the AC. Now all I can hear is Chopin and a few rustling sounds.

My legs begin to ache and pressure begins to build up in my lower back in anticipation of….OWWWW!

Hard fingers squeeze the sides of my jawline, forcing my mouth open and a ball of some sort is placed in my mouth, and attached at the back of my head by straps. Next, He fastens my collar around my neck and I smile as best as I can around the gag. The collar means a lot to me, and He knows it, He knows me very well. Probably better than I do myself.

A huge scar escapes through my nose and the body breezes stop beside me as He grabs my left arm to help me stand. My legs are almost sleep and I’m happy that He’s got my right arm as well. Two hands on each arm pull me up. Wait. TWO SETS???

Oh my God! Someone is with him. He’s brought someone else. Oh, no…oh, no. My head drops to my chin in humiliation.

To Be Continued…


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