I guess surprises are to be expected, But when Cindy phoned me a short while ago, her request for this Saturday left me in complete surprise. She said that one of her single girls was in need of an “adjustment”, whatever that means. Cindy said that her girlfriend, who’s name is “Shelly”, was not married, never had been, and had few boyfriends. Even those few had not been very satisfied according to Shelly. Although Shelly was a really great looking girl, she just had not “made it” with any of her male acquaintances. Now, what Cindy wanted to do, was to bring Shelly here Saturday for an all night or an all weekend experience. She said that Shelly needed some attention, and that she was going to give her the attention that she needed, providing that I would plan an episode that Shelly would never forget.
Something on the order of our past experiences would suffice, and that she, Cindy, would also plan to participate. In order that a complete andexciting time would be had, she would bring Shelly here just after dark with a blindfold and a gag already in place. She had already talked with Shelly about how she was going to be surprised and have a fantastic time. Shelly, even though the arrangements were unusual, had agreed that she would let Cindy blindfold her, and also place a gag over her mouth. Being blind and gagged was unusual, but Cindy was an unusual person, and Shelly trusted her completely. Once they arrived here, it would be up to me to provide the excitement. This being Wednesday, I would have a couple days to plan and to make any necessary arrangements. Already, I was beginning to let my imagination straight with some new and exciting things. I was also getting myself kind of horny just thinking about what I would be doing.
I had made my preparations and Saturday night finally arrived. I spent most of the day thinking how I should get started when Cindy called once again saying that they were about to leave, andthat I should be completely silent which would enhance the experience that Shelly would have. She would not be able to see, nor to talk, nor to hear someone else talking. She really would not know what was going on, nor would she know what to expect until it happened. I agreed wholeheartedly. Cindy said that they were on their way, and hung up the phone.
In about 40 minutes, the doorbell rang. I knew who it would be, and opened the door. Standing there was one of the most beautiful creativity that I had ever seen. I couldn’t believe that Shelly did not have any kind of good relationship with a man. She must have beat them off with a club. She stood about 5 feet three inches, weighing about 110 pounds, with shoulder length, light brown hair, hanging to her shoulders with a slight curl. Cindy crossed her lips with her finger signing that I was to be silent. I nodded, and Cindy led Shelly into the house calling attention to any steps that had to be made. I motioned that Shelly was to be brought into the next room by pointing to the door, and Cindy guided her into the room. After they were in the other room, Cindy was reassuring Shelly, that no matter what was going to happen, she would be near her all the time, and that she would not be hurt in any way. Shelly nodded her understanding. Her blindfold consistent of a small piece of duct tape across both her eyes, and her gag was also a piece of duct tape across her lips, thereby sealing her mouth tightly. Shelly could not see, nor talk. A few grunts were the only sounds possible.
Hanging from the ceiling was a single cable with a spreader bar on the end. Cindy walked Shelly to a point just beneath the spreader. I handed Cindy a pair of wrist cuffs; the kind used in suspension that does not damage the victim’s wrists. She fastened them in place, and then fastened a pair of ankle restraints that were also the suspension type. As the restraints were being fastened, Shelly gave a couple questioning grunts and her face showed some surprise, but other than that, she did not hesitate to allow them to be fastened. Once the restraints were fastened, I raised her arms to just above her head and fastened them to the hooks hanging from the spreader bar. I pressed the remote switch, and her hands were raised to where the pressure just lightened the weight on her toes. She was standing, her arms fully extended, and completely helpless. I unfasted her skirt, and allowed it to drop to the floor.
With scissors, I then cut her blouse away from her body, and it too fell to the floor. Cindy stood in her bra and panties, her breasts straining against her bra. I then pulled her panties down, revealing her pussy with a covering of down that was the same light brown color of her hair. A slight “uuuuuuhhhh???” came from behind her gagged mouth. All that was left was her bra, which I also cut with the scissors, allowing it to fall to the floor. Shelly was totally nude, her breasts trembling and jutting forth, her nipples standing erect when they contacted the cooler air. What a beauty to behold. I had already become erect and had no control over my erection, not that I would have wanted to hide it anyway.
Cindy then, much to my surprise, then went to a small canvas bag she had brought with her. She took out a modified “Cat O’ Nine Tales”. The design would allow some pain, but would not break or damage the skin. Red markings were sure to follow. As I stood back and watched, Cindy approached Shelly, and with a wide “swishing” sound, swung the whip to Shelly’ bare back. With a harsh crack, the whip bit into her back, causing Shelly to “scream” and to jump from the floor, raising her legs. Her long hair swung with her body connection. Again, Cindy swung the whip, this time crashing across Shelly’s stomach and breasts.
There was a soft scream, and Shelly’s legs left the floor to understand in the air. Cindy continued to whip Shelly’s body leaving no skin untouched. I touched the remote switch, and raised her higher until her feet were a few inches above the floor. Cindy kept the whip moving, raising red welts on Shelly’s beautiful skin. Shelly continued to understand and twist with no place for her to brace her feet. She was moving slightly back and forth from her connections, and as Cindy stopped using the whip, Shelly stopped moving and just hung from the spreader bar, her head hanging back allowing her hair to draw her marked back. I went to her, and caresed her breasts and passed my hands across her red-marked stomach hesitating only between her legs.
I discovered that she was “wet”, allowing that there was some thrill to her receiving the whip. She pulled her legs together, making it difficult for me to touch her most tender place. Cindy, noticing this, took from her bag of goodies, two 20 foot pieces of braided nylon rope. These she fastened to Shelly’s ankle restraints. Then pulling Shelly’s legs apart, she tied the ropes to rings set into the wall, spreading Shelly into a wide helpless position, her pussy spreading as if to admit a conqueror. I then put two fingers into her pussy, moving them slowly. This caused Shelly to moan and to move her hips in a thrusting motion, as if to help with the invasion. Cindy motioned me back, and then resumed the whipping, this time she was able to put the whip to the other tender places marking Shelly’s inner thighs, and pussy. Shelly continued to understand and jerk with each swing of the whip. Even though she was heavily restrained, she moved jerkingly with each stroke. By now, Shelly was marked with red welts over her entire body. When the whipping stopped, Shelly hung limp and exhausted.
I hit the remote switch and raised Shelly until her pussy was about level with my face, and I softly touched her swollen pussy with my lips and tongue. Shelly’s body convulsed, and shivered as I continued my exploration of her pussy and clip with my tongue. She was moaning constantly while I plied my task. Suddenly, she stiffened, and with a louder groan, jerked and pulled at her restraints while her body muscles spasmed and tensed, reaching an orgasm like she never had known. Her throes lasted for several minutes before subsiding into small body contracts and quivers. Exhausted, she hung as if there was no life in her at all. It was a few moments before I realized that she had failed from the pure pleasure that she had received from our manipulations. While she was still unconscious, I rolled the gurney to beneath her, and we lowered her to the table, fastening her restraints to the top and bottom corners, thereby causing her to be spread-eagled. We left her to rest and recall while we left the room for a drink.
When we returned, Shelly had awakened, and was pulling at her restraints and moaning softly into her gag. She heard us walk into the room, and tried to talk as if trying to say ” who are you”? I made no answer, but went to a container of warm baby oil, and proceededto give her an oil bath that would both be comfortable and would lessen the torment and pain of her earlier sufferings. As I applied the warm oil, I could see that she was enjoying the tender rubbing and smoothing of her skin. Her moans were soft and soothing, but continue.
As I touched her soft and tender area between her legs, she moaned louder, and again, pulled at her restraints, tensing and releasing her muscles. As I slipped my fingers inside her, she tensed her stomach muscles and slightly pushed back at me, as if wanting more. I bent over and kissed her pussy and clip, which caused her to twist and pull. As I continued to explore her parts with my mouth and tongue, she twisted her head back and forth causing her hair to fly into the air. Cindy came forward then, and applied her mouth to Shelly’s breasts; sucking and teasing with her lips. Shelly now know that there were two of us, working her over to increase her excitement and pleasure.
As I challenged her pussy, andCindy was sucking on her breasts, she reached an exploding orgasm once again. Her body twisted and pulled at the restrains, her hair flying, and moans were coming constantly through her gag. After several moments, she settled down and relaxed. By this time, I was in full ection, and with Cindy’s directions, climbed onto the table with Shelly. She being spread eagled, she had no recourse but to accept whatever I would do to her. I crawled between her legs and let my cock rest against her pussy for a moment. Then was when she realized that in addition to everything else, she was going to be rapid. I placed the head of my cock against her pussy, and pushed slightly. She was very tight, but also very lubricated with her own body oils, as well as those that I had applied to her private areas. Suddenly, her opening Parted, and I entered her with a thrust to the depths of her vagina. She arched her back and screamed softly but was pushing back for more at the same time. I thrust gently butfirmly, going faster and faster. The joy of my being in this luscious creativity was overwhelming.
My inner pressures were building and at the same time, Shelly was also allowing herself to become a part of this penetration fully wanting me to further her pleasures. As I moved more quickly, she also responded with movements so as to enhance her pleasure as well as mine. Her pussy gripped my cock with each thrust, as if to never let it go. We both were breathing at a gasping rate, and suddenly, I could no longer control myself. I exploded inside her and gave such hard thrusts that she also moaned and convulsed into an orgasm that was longer and harder than the ones previous. While we both spent ourselves, I lay atop of her and gently kissed her neck and breasts. Soft moans were emanating from behind her gag as she also relaxed and her tensed muscles softened to a limped repose.
Cindy came and removed the gag and blindfold from Shelly while I was still atop her. Shelly looked at me closely, and then said “I have never experienced anything like this before. I also don’t want this to end. Just chain me to your bed and I will become your living slave for the rest of my days”. At this, I looked at Cindy and saw her expression that said ” I didn’t expect this”! I unfasted Shelly’s restraints, and with warm water and soft soap, gave her a tender bath while she relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the sensings.
* * * * * *
I’m really surprised at myself. My best friend Cindy talked me into something that I wouldn’t have done without someone actually pushing me into doing it. I really don’t know what’s going to happen, but Cindy said that I shouldn’t worry, as nothing but real pleasure would happen to me. I had to promise to put my self in her hands and to trust her without question, and that I would be extremely glad that I did. So anyway, I said I would do this, at least this time. The arrangements were reallyWeird. We were to meet at six o”clock Saturday night at her house, and she would drive me to the location. Location? What does this mean? I think maybe she might be drumming up a date for me, or something like that, as I haven’t had much luck lately in that area. In anticipation of maybe meeting someone, I bathed, and put on light make-up, dressed in neighbor underwear with a blouse and skirt. All said and done, I looked kind of neat without being too outgoing. I wouldn’t want to create a wrong impression.
I arrived at Cindy’s, and we immediately got into her car and started driving away. Before long, we were in a quiet and nicely quaint neighborhood. The houses were not stacked on top of one another, thereby creating plenty of space between houses. Cindy pulled over to the curb and stopped. She said that “now, you will have to start trusting me completely”.
Well, this was really weird, but after all, I said I would. Cindy said that she would blindfold me and also gag me so that I could not scream or yell if I became too scared; no use bothering the neighbors. She then pulled a roll of duct tape from a small canvas bag that was in the back seat. Cutting a small strip, she placed it over my eyes pushing it to my cheeks so that I could not see even a glimmer of light. Then she put another piece of tape across my mouth, fully stopping me from any talking, but not keeping me from breathing freely through my nose. Then she started driving again, and in about five minutes, she pulled into a driveway and stopped the car, turning off the engine. She got out of the car, walked around to the passenger side, and helped me out. “Just hang onto my arm, and there are no steps or observations yet”. She said.
We walked several steps, our heels clicking on the driveway until we stopped. Evidently we were at a door. After a few moments, the door opened. She must have pushed a bell. Whoever opened the door spoke not a word, but Cindy told me to walk up four steps, and wewould be inside a house. This was getting more weird all the time. Once inside, Cindy walked me through the house to a different room other than the one we first came into. While standing there, Cindy started putting some kind of leather band around my wrists. It was unusual, as they were padded and soft, and there were some kind of catches or buckles to adjust and close. Following that, she also placed the same kind of bands on my ankles. She did say a few words just to give me some reassurance. Obviously, there had to be someone else there, as someone opened the door. Not a word between Cindy and anyone else was spoken. This was really weird!
Shortly, while I was standing there, someone lifted my arms over my head and fastened my wrists to something that moved sideways, but not up and down. I heard a motor start and slowly, it raised my arms until my feet were almost ready to leave the floor. I was then utterly helpless and at someone’s mercy. What was going to happen now? I hear some scuffling sounds, but I couldn’t place any of them. This was all too new to me. In fact, I was getting just a little bit excited. I have never been completely helped before, especially when I didn’t know what was going to happen, and by whom.
To my surprise, someone, Cindy or a stranger, unfasted my skirt and allowed it to fall to the floor. “My God”, I thought, “what While I was trying to guess what was going on, someone used a pair of scissors, and cut my blouse so that it fell away. My good bloom too. I had lost my shoes when my arms were pulled up, so there I was, dressed only in my bra and panties. I tried to talk, but only moans and groans came through the gag. Suddenly, my panties were pulled down from me, and my bra was also cut away with the scissors. Now, I was completely naked. Maybe it’s a good thing that I couldn’t see, or I would probably be very embarrassed. Where was Cindy? She hadn’t spoken for some time. I could hear a fewlittle noises, but I couldn’t make them out.
“WHACK”! Suddenly I jerked, my legs swinging in the air. Something struck my back with such violence that it caused me to spasm automatically from the pain and surprise. I realized then that I was being whipped. I tried to yell and beg them to stop this, but my gag wouldn’t let any sounds other than moans and grosses pass through. I had no more than settled my toes to the floor when another “whack”, this time across my stomach and breasts. Again, my feet left the floor and flayed the air. Suddenly, the motor started up again and I was pulled upwards so that my feet no longer touched the floor. I was totally suspended, my arms spread apart.
The legs that were attached to my wrists were well padded, as there was no pain from the pressure of my weight hanging on my wrists. My excitement grow as I realized that I was at the mercy of whoever was in this room. Suddenly, my back as well as my front was attacked, even though my back and buttocks were burning from the abuse they had just received. The whip began hitting me everywhere; my back and buttocks, my legs, my breasts and stomach. There was no letup; a continuous rain of blows descended on my body while I danced in the air trying to escape the pain and the blows. Much to my surprise, the whipping stopped, and I swung slightly from the jerking, slowly coming to rest. I was exhausted, my head hanging back so that my face pointed upward, my hair brushing my painful back. At the same time, there was a stirring in my lower belly as though I was beginning to enjoy this. “My God, Do I really like what is happening to me”?
Someone touched my ankles and I could tell that they were fasting something to them. There was a pulling from both sides, and my feet were pulled apart, leaving me spread wide open and exposed to whatever would happen now. Suddenly, someone touched my love nest and slide their fingers inside my pussy. I discovered that I had become a little”wet”, and their fingers slide inside of me with no effort. The surprise caused me to jerk spasmodically. I tried to scream, but couldn’t. The fingers that had intruded into my pussy continued to move and to massage the inside of me, causing me to become more exciting. Much to my surprise, I was liking this, to be sure, as my moans and my body movements were giving me away while displaying my pleasure.
The movement stopped just as I was beginning to get into this, and suddenly, the whip began raining blows to my body causing intense pain. My breasts were also being abused, and I was unable to change to any other position in order to make it stop. Now that my legs were spread apart, being totally exposed, the whip beat mercilessly on my pussy, seeming to tear it to shreds. I tried to scream, but no sounds could be heard other than loud moaning. I jerked and pulled on my restraints to no use other than causing me to sway, the pain building to an unbearable degree. My screams sounding like muffled groans. I had no other choice but to be beating and whipped by someone who had no mercy. Slowly, the whipping stopped. My breath was coming in fast gasps through my nose. I was soon calming down, my breathing slowing down along with my heart rate. My entire body felt as though it was on fire. I hung there, not moving; allowing my body to relax. My head hanging again so that my hair was lightly brushing against my back.
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