This is my first effort so all comments are welcome. Perhaps the first of a trial. A special thanks to Aisie Lynn, my sage.
Third Mistake A Charm?
Her scarlet nail poison showed in glossy grandeur through the white ultra-sheer toe stocking as Ann slowly pulled it up to the white lace garter belt, fasting it snuggly. Of course, the country club was no place for an inappropriately fastened stocking. The second stocking was completed with equal care and the shimmering nylon adornment was complete. A slip was followed by the front hook bra, which restrained her well-endowed chest. Trimmed in satin and lace, it matched the garter belt that fit tightly across Ann’s slender hips. An A line skirt with general slip was added, complimenting her figure. Finished with a satin blouse and blazer, Ann looked ready for the boardroom instead of the dining room.
As usual, Cal was ready much earlier but found a reason to be in their bedroom when Ann dressed, especially in stockings. And tonight, white…his favorite.
Cal was dressed in the conservative manner that followed his standing in the business community. Blue blazer, white shirt, red power tie and gray cuffed pants. As executive vice president of the largest construction company in Phoenix, Cal was a pillar of the moves and shakers. Well liked, partly due to his tall frame and graying blond hair, but mainly because he was honest and fair in all of his dealings, which were many.
Ann slipped on her open toed, high heels that measured four inches in height. In them, she was still a half a head shorter than her husband. The heels tightened her calves and caused her hips to shift slightly forward, her shoulders back, thus further enhancing her best feature…her never ending legs.
Ann walked over to the bench at the end of their bed and sat down in a regular manner. She looked at her husband and pondered where to begin. She began slowly. “Once again you have put meand our marriage second to your work. We have talked about it time and time again and all I get is lip service,” she continued in a firm tone. Cal had heard this speech before and, while almost being able to recite it word for word, paid attention courteously. Ann continued, “You have been getting home after seven almost every night, worked every Saturday for as long as I can remember, and have played golf the last four Sundays.”
Cal knew it was true but dismissed her opinion…his first mistake of the evening.
Cal did not know what to say. He reverted to his ‘take charge’ attitude that always worked in the office and piped up, “Oh, come on honey. Let’s enjoy this evening. We do not get many without the kids.”
Ann knew this was true but had her own plan how she would enjoy this evening. “NO!” She barked, cutting right through Cal’s defense. “I will not let this continue. You know I am right and you know what I intend to do about it!”
Cal knew she was upset butThought her complaint was excusable. After all, his work had moved him from the bottom of the company to one step from the top in 21 years. For those efforts, they lived in the most desirable area in town, had a house bigger than either of their parents, and belonged to the country club, with obvious privileges. He had done well and she clearly enjoyed the perks.
Nevertheless, Cal knew Ann was upset, had the knowledge of and skill to do something about it.
Cal had pushed Ann to expand her comfort level in the art of lovemaking. This included introducing the ‘less than comfortable’ undergarments she currently wore. Further, Cal purchased numerous amenities that Ann frequently employed to heighten his satisfaction.
For the last several years, Cal encouraged Ann to experiment with erotic discipline as a prelude to their lovemaking. This had started slowly. Ann was initially appreciated, but her tentativeness wanted with her experience, and her enjoyment soon matched Cal’s. Ann was now far from vanilla. She truly enjoyed the dominance. She revealed in the control and retired the actual act of swinging the various implementations Cal provided. Her enjoyment had grown to a point where she was now ready to use her sexual power to change his behavior. Domestic Discipline. And tonight was her start.
She looked Cal squarely in the eye and motioned towards her lap. Ann had been working with Cal to assume the positions she enjoyed, and her favorite was over her knee. Cal, still somewhat dumb founded at the reason for her anger, missed his queue. Ann’s patience shortened and she patted her right hand on her right thigh, which now exposed a hint of her stocking. This time Cal understands and moved to his wife’s right side. Ann instructed her husband to remove his jacket and place it on the bed. He reluctantly compiled and upon accomplishing this simple task, Cal looked into her green eyes. He had earlier failed to see the heavy midnight blue shadowthat highlighted her eyes and the exhaustively applied liner that was finally as heavy as he had long encouraged her to apply. She reached up and unbuckled his belt, undid the two inner buttons that held his pants, which repeatedly fell open and dropped to his knees. Ann gently encouraged his pants to his ankles and ran her hand up his left tigh as she moved to his underpants. With the adeptness of her acquired talent, Ann slipped her red nails under the elastic and slowly lowered Cal’s remaining discretion.
Ann again patted her thigh. The signal was not unique, but the scenario was. Ann had never spanked him with her hand. Cal had sent several clear signs that he was open to new experiences, but Ann had never responded. Tonight was to be different. Ann would be sure of it. She now liked controlling the scene. Apprehension was still a new concept to Ann but she was quickly mastering it and manipulated him with the agility of a Dom. Consequently, Cal was not sure of the processand this left him with an unusual feeling…controlled appreciation.
Cal assumed the position and prepared for the new sensing. Again, Ann kept him off balance by beginning to talk to him, explaining what was to take place.
“You are here for the reasons I stated. I expect you to learn from my actions this evening and change your way of life. This is the start of your lesson for the evening,” Ann calmly stated with the assuredness of her newfound power. After a long pause she raised her right arm and brought it down with conviction. The sting was equally surprising for both Ann and Cal. Ann continued with a slow and measured pace, knowing what the evening would contain. Cal had no knowledge of her calculations and thought, ‘this is way short of what I need for my satisfaction’.
Ann’s contact continued over his entire bottom with the force she wanted, which pleased her. As the redness began to build in his flesh, she began to repeat…faster and harder. She didso despite the burning sensing in her hand, because she knew the feeling was even greater in her husband’s flesh.
After 3 or 4 minutes she stopped and drew a deep breath, taking a break and enjoying the fruits of her work. His skin was reddened and began to look slightly puffy. She let him lay there to save the moments he had so many times coerced her to achieve. Cal was keenly aware of his disappoint and uncomfortable in this position for such an extended period of time.
“This is meant to help you to understand what I expect of you” Ann cooed. She paused to let the effect of her lesson sink in. Cal, much to his surprise, thought it was better he listen and obey. But Ann was not yet satisfied. She breathed deeply and, in a low voice said, “In the top drawer of my nightstand, you will find a purchase I recently made. Stand up and bring it to me.”
Cal could not maneuver very well with his underpants and pants still around his ankles but, nonetheless, managed to hobble to the nightstand and open the top drawer. He felt emptiness in his stomach in what he saw. The hairbrush was nine inches long, heavily lacquered and very shinny. The brush was on its back and the bristles made projecting advances towards his eyes. He picked up the brush and was surprised at its weight…heavy. The long and deep ridges on the back of the brush took Cal aback. The brush looked like wide wale corduroy, only made from very dense, tightly grained wood. He twisted it in his hand, not knowing what to expect. Without any class, he made his way back in front of his wife. He could not look up into her eyes. The appreciation was building into geneuine fear. She extended her hand and asked, “Why have I purchased this hairbrush?”
Cal gulped. He had never experienced this trepidation towardss Something he usually craved. His tongue seemed dry and thick, preventing a clear and prompt response. With the courage he had used to gain control of the construction company, and a majority of its assets, he spoke the words that she, not he, wanted to hear.
“In order to spank me”, Cal peeped.
Ann was impressed with her control and immediately determined she wanted more. She looked into his eyes and waited. The silence between them made her grow even more. She knew this night, for the first time, was for her satisfaction.
Cal was not sure what to say. He Thought about what he wanted, which was to get to the club and in the comfortable surroundings of his environment. But he knew, with his pants around his ankles he was not about to control the outcome. Extended silence from Ann readiedi Cal’s mind for what was to come. Ann corrected him, “to discipline you”.
He swallowed heavily and spoke the words she wanted to hear. “Please spank me very hard with your new hair brush”.
Ann was impressed at his acceptance of the unspoken queue and jumped at the invitation. She raised her right hand and accepted the brush from her husband. She felt empowered as she rolled it into position and the handle fit her palm perfectly. Again she drew a deep breath and saved the moment. She cautiously tapped the brush on her thigh and Cal responded properly, assuming the same position. As he settled across her lap, she looked at the man she loved. He had taught, encouraged, and even chatised her for not being comfortable in taking control in this manner. Well now she was comfortable. Ann was full of the moment, and loved every minute. She liked the actual act, but was quite surprised at the heightened atmosphere between them that she had created. Her next response was calculated and rehearsed.
“I will spank you long and hard with this brush. That is why I bought it. You will learn to obey my wishes and expectations regarding your attentionlessness with me here at home!!” She paused to let this command sink in before issuing the second, “This will be a totally new experience for both of us. You will not utter a word or sound. You will not move until I tell you I am finished. Only then may you exist. This is for me to administrator and you to accept… willingly. If you fail to obey me, you will feel the consequences upon our return from dinner.” Her voice trailed off, not expecting a response. This too was unexpected since Ann had never acted as though she had planned this far in advance. “Do you understand?” Cal nodded positively.
Cal was shivering. The appreciation was more than he thought could exist. But exist it did, and he was on the receiving end.
Ann settled her legs under his weight and raised the shiny brush. The first stroke was direct and forced. The sound was clear and piercing. Ann was glad she had planned for the kids to spend the night with friends. She raised and lowered the brush in rapid fashion three more times. Four she thought. Just as the DWC website had instructed, having done her homework earlier that day. She paused, letting Cal absorbb the experience of her new purchase.
Cal was shocked! The brush was not like anything they had used in the past. The area of contact was clearly larger. The intensity of the sensing was far beyond his comfort zone. And this after only four strokes! Ann’s pause allowed him to regain his focus, just as she wanted. Cal stared at the floor and found his wife’s open toed heels…her ‘highest’ heels. He now know why she chose to wear them. Each of her toes were clearly visible and the red poison showed through the white stockings with clarity. One of his fetishes!
Ann reminded him again, “Not a word…and no movement!” She raised the brush and began again. This time with the slow and deliberate pace, the way rain falls on the roof at the beginning of a storm. And this storm was building.
At five, Cal thought he was on fire. At ten he began to loose His ability to count the strokes. Around twenty he was breathing heavily and began the increasing decline into total submission. He had never been here before.
Annwas pacing herself. She was unsure how much intensity the brush would deliver but the sound and the deeping color of his bottom told her this was severe. Yet she continued. Raising and delivering piercing strokes became routine. Almost like she was working out at the club. She too lost count after forty but thought she was around sixty when her arm began to feel the effect of the deliberately heavy strokes. It was then Cal made the second mistake of the evening…he rolled off her lap. Cal found himself in a fetal position, in tears. She was surprised but prepared to act.
Without hesitation, Ann stood up and returned the brush to the nightstand. She walked over to her husband and stood close enough to allow Cal to look up her skirt and see her womanhood framed by white stockings and garter belt. In stoping to comfort her husband, Ann took a widestance and enlarged his view up her skirt. She stroked his wet cheats and comfortablely said, “I love you.” “Let’s go to dinner, our reservations were 10 minutes ago.”
Cal rose slowly, assisted by his wife. She seemed like a different person, one in charge. And she was. Ann dried his eyes and pulled up his underwear and pants. She buttoned the two buttons unfasted not 15 minutes ago. She tucked in his shirt and straightened his tie. After helping him with his jacket, she put her arm around his waist and gently nudged him towards the hall. On the way out, she let her hand drop around his bottom. His reaction was more than she expected. He actually flinched under her touch. She smiled approved and ushered him to the door, knowing what was to come.
Dinner was excisite. The wine compared both dishes and afforded time to look into each other eyes, the focus not experienced in 21 years. She was still in control. She took his hand and stroked it with geneine compassion. Cal was returning to his normal self and gestured warmly to friends and golfing buddies across the dining room. Yet, discomfort was still with him. He began to feel proud of the endurance he used under her punishment. He voiced his bravado quietly to his wife. She looked down and held the smile as long as she could. Upon looking up, she said softly, “You moved before I finished. There are consequences for not obeying me!”
Cal was shocked but immediately aware she was right. He felt empty. Here he was with his ravishing wife, clad in a garter belt, white stockings and spike heels. Yet he was still at a disadvantage because she was still in charge.
“You will pay the price when we get home. Just as I will decide if I let you suck my toes and go down on me as you are thinking.”
‘How the hell did she know that?’ he thought. Again, she was right… and in control.
The drive home was quick and quite, holding hands across the leather seats of his Lexus. As they drove into the garage and the car stopped, Ann spoke up softly, “If you had followed my directions you would not be subjectedto this stage of your punishment. You will now do exactly as I say.”
Ann stepped from the car and walked into the back yard. Cal was dumbfounded, yet he followed obediently. She led him to an orange tree outside their bedroom window, turning and waiting for him to catch up. In the dark, it was difficult for Cal see where his lovely wife was going…or why. When he arrived he began to get the idea. From a large protruding branch high in the tree, hung a new cotton rope. He could tell it was new because it was hospital white, just like Ann’s sheer stockings. She stood to his side and told him to remove his blazer, which he did. She dragged it over the chain locke chair between the tree and the pool. Ann returned and stood on the opposite side of the rope.
Cal’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness, Although the almost-full moon provided a surprise amount of light. Cal recognized the slipknot at the end of the rope. The knot was an amateur one he concluded. Ann had tied it. How did she get the rope over the overlying branch? He did not have time to formulate an answer. She opened the slipknot and held it out at waist level toward his hands. “Give me your hands, wrists together.” Cal compiled and upon tightening of the knot, wondered why he had compiled. Ann stepped back and took the rope on the other side of the branch. She tugged down and Cal’s hands rose…and the slipknot tightened. Once His hands were slightly above his head, she jerked it again, this time hard. Ann secured the rope around a lower branch. She returned to her husband and stroked his cheek. “I will be right back.” She disappeared into the night.
Cal could see Ann turn on one light in their bedroom, which slightly illuminated his position through the window. He could see her move to the poolside door and after a short pause, return. She was carrying something he had never seen before. The darkness made it difficult to discern exactly what it was but Cal quickly concluded it was long,slender and by the way she was bending it, quite flexible. Ann stopped by the chair chair, placed the object on the chair and removed her jacket, laying it gently across his. She returned to her securely bound husband and, for the second time that night unbuckled his belt and undid the two buttons. The results were identified and his pants slide to his knees. This time she slipped a thumb and finger into the waistband of his underwear and lowered them quickly.
The cool spring night air washed across his legs and Cal felt a slight chill. Or was it the same shivering fear he had felt not two hours earlier. Ann positioned his pants and underwear around his ankles. She returned to his waist and began to roll his shirt and tie up. Once under his armpits, she jerked the front of the shirt up in front of Cal’s face.
“Open Your mouth”, Ann commanded. Cal compiled. Ann inserted the 1-inch diameter roll in between his teeth and instructed him to bite.
Ann looked into the frightened eyes of her husband and knew she was in control. Total control.
“This time I do not care if you move or cry out.” “I am going to whip you with a switch I cut from the plumb tree this afternoon. It is very whippy and will wrap around your bottom upon contact,” she speculated. Ann was to be correct. “I do not care where it lands or wraps. You will. So if you move, you will control where it lands,” she said with a hiss. Cal was in uncharted territory. Ann was too, but she was obviously prepared. He could not have prepared for what was to come.
Ann stepped behind the tree, pulled on the rope again, and it tightened above his head. The rope was drawn so taut Cal almost had to stand on his toes to keep the rope from cutting off circuit. Ann looked into his brown eyes one last time and said, “I love you. From now on you will obey me. Do you understand?” she asked. He had no choice but to nod. She pressed her slit skirt against his limp manhood and reached behind him. Shecould feel the ridges left by the brush. His bottom felt like corduroy! The welts were still thick and extensive. They covered both cheats and stopped slightly below the cream between his bottom and tights. This was satisfying since Ann had learned from the DWC that the tops of the thighs were of utmost sensitivity. She stepped back, intent on again attacking this most tender zone. She picked up the switch and swung lightly, as she had practiced after cutting it and removing the leaves earlier in the day. The ‘swoosh’ was distinct, and Cal heard it too.
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