They Finally Were Meeting

Finally, they had agreed to meet. After weeks of feeling each other out, chatting throughout their days, and a bit of online play, they both decided it was time. He had made it clear to her that their meeting included play, and unlike their other playful practice, she had to do as she was told. He explained to her it was time to see how she reacted to real play, not some easily avoidable tasks and drills. She had to be committed to surrender at least for a few hours. They chatted for a while about the “date,” and after discussing limits (again), and comfortable levels, she agreed. She would listen, defer, and do as instructed with no questions. He explained to her carefully his expectations for the night and made sure she felt ready. She had been clear about her limits and she trusted him completely to respect them. She really liked this man.

They had been chatting for a month and he had earned her trust. She liked how he wanted to spend talking about their lives, needs, wants, and desires. He had moved slowly at first to give her time, knowing she had limited experience as a submissive. Nicole found his voice supervision, and it surprised her how warm and sensitive he appeared. She had wanted to meet him since their first phone chat.

He told her to meet him at the bar at Oasis at 6:30 for a dinner reservation at 7. He had made it clear to be there by 6:30. She had asked about dressing and he told her to wear her best fuck- me outfit with panties, thong preferred but anything sexy would suffice. He told her to check in at the hostess’ stand and tell her she was meeting Rex for dinner at 7. Rex, she thought, that’s not his name. It took a few minutes to realize the significance of the name. She laughed but also became slightly tuned on. King she thought. Funny man.

She arrived in the dress she knew would drive him insane. They both had been very careful in sharing revealing information at first, but after a few conversations their guard dropped. She had shared a couple of pics and knew he loved her look. She had not seen anything of him and wondered about him. She imagined what he had in mind and how the energy would be when they met. She felt excited, nervous, horny, and curious about him in ways surrounding her. She really liked him, and she knew he liked her. She looked forward to their time together with great anticipation as she got ready.

Arriving at 6:25 and looking around, she found the hostess’ station. The hostess looked down at, what she assumed, was the reservation book, but instead handed her an envelope and a small brown bag, smiled and asked her to follow. The hostess took her over to the bar, which was crowded as it was Wednesday night. A well-known ukulele player was performing for Happy Hour, and the restaurant was packed with music lovers. The place was bustling with energy and loud conversations. She wondered why he picked such a noisy and crowded place for their first meeting. The hostess pointed to a seat at the bar with a reserved sign on it. The hostess removed it and Nicole sat down wondering when he would show up.

She hadn’t noticed she’d already entered his gaze. He watched her interact with the hostess and look around the bar and dining area while the hostess retrieved her package. He was captured immediately by her smile. He had known her body was amazing but until that moment, he had not seen her smile. He loved her face. Her hair framed her face in a way that highlighted her beauty. He wanted her even more and watched as she took her seat. She did not know, of course, but he had ordered a drink for her and it arrived before she had chance to really get a sense of her surroundings. She looked around and right at him, but he did not really register to her, as he was with a friend who loved the music. His friend had met him for drinks and pupus and to listen to the one of the best ukulele players around. The friend had no idea he was there to provide cover and camouflageto help Sean hide from her for a while. She looked for a man by himself but there were so many people around the bar it was hard to tell who was with whom.

While she was looking around her drink arrived. “From Rex,” the bartender had said. He watched her as the drink arrived and as she leaned in to hear what the bartender had said. She leaned back and looked around for him. He watched with amusement as she scanned the room and looked past him once again.

She turned her attention to the bag and envelope. “Open me first” was written on the envelope. She opened it and read her instructions: “I will be there soon, but for now take the bag into the women’s bathroom and you will know what to do.” She felt herself get a bit excited and noticed her breathing had changed. She took the bag and went into the bathroom. She got into a stall and opened the bag. She could not believe what she saw. A butterfly vibe and what she thought was a small butt plug. She had told him she was not crazy about toys and here he was giving her two. She was a bit put off but after a few seconds her submissive nature kicked in and she took them out of the bag. She wanted to see how much they vibrated but could not locate any kind of control or button to turn them on. Great, she thought, I must wear these and I am not even sure why. There’s no way to make them vibrate.

She did as he commanded and went back out towards the bar. Her seat at the bar faced away from the ocean and into the center of the bar and back of the restaurant. The musicians were to her left and although she did not know, she had to look past him to watch the performance. As she moved towards her seat, he turned on the butterfly at low speed. He saw her hesitate as it started, could almost see in her face the second she realized he had remote control over the vibrator. She stopped and looked around again; sure, he had to be there. She felt the victory on her clip, and the combination of the victory and situation caused her instant excitement. She even felt her nipples react.

He was smiling, knowing what was happening. She made it to her seat and sat down. He watched her look around again, knowing she was looking for him and unaware he was within 10 feet of her. He increased the speed of the butterfly and turned on the butt plug on low. He saw her body twitch, and she slightly changed positions on the seat. She realized Why he had chosen this place. The noise level at the bar hid any possibility of someone hearing the low buzz of her toys.

He texted: “Get ready for a ride.”

She texted back: “Whe are you?”

No reply came.

He increased the speed of both vibrators, watching her closely as she sipped on her drink and dealt with being in public and being teased. He started altering the speeds, so she could not control how she was reacting; slow, then fast creating slow waves of victory in her ass and on her clip. The violations made her want to insert her fingers and fuck herself but knew she could not. It drove her crazy and took every bit of control she had not to scream.

He texted again “No orgasm, call the bartender over and order a glass of water.”

She did, and while he was coming towards her the speeds of both when to full force, she felt her entire body vibrate and was having trouble focusing. The combination of the music, the noise in the bar, the alcohol from her drink and His control of her body now, was more than she could easily handle. When the bartender came over, it took every bit of strength she had to order. She mumbled, “Water please.” She wanted to hump her seat. The bartender asked her where she was from, but she was beyond being able to focus on what he said, so she just looked away. It took everything she had to maintain control and not just let go and give in to her body’s Nicole thought about how this man had put her into this position and surprised her beyond anything she had considered, and she still had not met him. She wanted him so much, he was in control of her body and suddenly the visas stopped. Her breathing was heavy, and she was feeling drained but completely aroused and full of desire.

Rex texted, “In a minute or two I will come up behind you and when I do you are to look forward and follow my instructions…text me to confirm you understand.”

She responded, “Yes Rex.”

She suddenly felt a nervous excitement she had not felt in a while. She wanted to feel Rex’s touch, wanting to be taken, consumed. She wanted to be touched all over and fucked hard and be made to know that she was his.

He came up behind her and gently put his hand on her shoulder. He leaned into her, moved her long, golden hair away from her neck and kissed her. He whispered into her ear, “You are so beautiful you leave me breathless. I want you completely, all of you.” She listened, and as he said these things to her, she was ready to do anything the man wanted. He told her to turn a so she could see him. She did and looked right into his hazel eyes. She saw his face light up as he took her in. He was very masculine and looked powerful and confident, self-assured. Traits she immediately liked. He handed her another envelope. He explained it was a room key, room 325, “Go there now and you will find instructions.” He looked at her and smiled, “We are only at the beginning, Nicole. We have a long road to travel, so we should begin our journey now.” She did as he instructed, assuming he would follow along with her. He did not. She wondered what was next, waiting for her in room 325.

(To be continued)


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