There You Will Have Me

“Where would you have me sir?”

“I would have you before me. I want to admit you in the fading light, before the servants come by to light the first candles.”

“Do you like what you see, sir?”

“Very much so”

“I’m glad to be suited to your regard, sir.”

“Hush. Let us enjoy the peace of the evening together as the first candles are lit.”

“They seem slow today, sir.”

“Who do?”

“Those who come to light the candles”

“They take their time and do the job asscribed to them properly. You could learn from them. So hold your peace and drink your wine, woman.”

“Yes sir. I just that I wish we could be alone more often sometimes.”

“You will get your moments in my spotlight.”

“What do you have planned for the show tonight sir?”

“I thought a little divesture might be in order.”

“What would you have me divest?”

“You have permission to stand up and remove that rather fetching frock.”

“You would have me inmy underwear before the candles are lit?”

“I will have you out of your underwear once they are lit.”

“That is to be expected.”

“Your denudation is frequently my aspiration, damn it.”

“Does that make us the naked and the damned?”

“I will appreciate your naked beauty and I will use it without regard to the niceties.”

“No tea and petit fours Then?”

“No — thee on all fours, I think.”

“You are witty, sir.”

“Be careful lest your irony is deemed sarcasm, girl, and you suffer the consequences.”

“I think you appreciate my irony, sir.”

“Sometimes there can be too much of a good thing.”

“Even the excitement you arouse in me?”

“You know how to side track me with the tell-tale signs of your arousal.”

“I was aroused from the moment I heard you walk into the room.”

“Even so you looked as if you wished you were far away.”

“A girl may daydream as much as a Master.”

“Provided she is given the time to do it, of course.”

“Of course; have you ever sat and day-dreamed for a good long while not realising that time is rushing by and before you know it the day is gone and dust is with you?”

“It’s one way of spending the time while you wait for my arrival.”

“I always look forward to dust, sir.”

“And why would that be?”

“Dusk heralds your arrival sir.”

“And yet today you choose to daydream rather than look forward?”

“Perhaps the two are one and the same, sir.”

“I am the fulfillment of your day dreams?”

“Would you have me think of you in any other way sir?”

“That might make me seem immodest to the important bystander.”

“But I am not important sir — I am very partial.”

“How partial are you to obeying at the earliest opportunity that presents itself to you to satisfy my whims?”

“What is your whim right now sir?”

“It is, as previously stated, for you to remove the dress.”

“What will the servants say?”

“What will the servants say?”

“What is your whim right now sir?”

“It is, as previously stated, for you to remove the dress.”

“What will the servants say?”

“They will say nothing since it is you and not any one of them who is instructed to disrobe. You are out-with their duties so to speak.”

“Then I will disrobe for you, sir, without my maid present.”

“Your present maid is still recovering from my intercourse with her after luncheon.”

“I do wish you wouldn’t despoil the servants without consulting me sir. It is merry hell trying to find substitutes with the report you are building up.”

“You are being consulted now, pet.”

“That’s hardly the point, sir.”

“Do you need the maid right now?”

“I daresay I can manage.”

“Strip then. You make me impatient to see you.”

“Then that works for both of us sir.”

“Clever girl”

“I do try my best, sir.”

“You best is almost impressive.”

“When I’m not all fingers and thumbs sir…”

“You know very well you are more and less than that.”

“I am your cunt, sir.”

“Exactly: and that’s a very good beginning.”

“Would you help with this zipper, sir?”

“Turn round and I’ll do what I can. You will reciprocate later, I trust?”

“Your trust is well founded, sir.”

“You love your hand against the nape of my neck….my shoulders…the small of my back.”

“You are deliciously tactile. I’ve never known anyone respond so well to the touch of a finger on her flesh.”

“I respond well to your touch, sir.”

“It’s nice that you can distinguish one touch from another.”

“You have that particular way about you sir. It would be difficult for anyone to emulate it.”

“Not even when you are blindfolded and the lights are extinguished?”

“I think I know you well enough even in those circumstances.”

“I will have to try that before you are too much older.”

“A little sensing deprivation never did anyone too much harm sir.”

“I would not wish to be deprived of your wide-eyed look of surprise too often.”

“Then you mustcontinue to let me turn my head when you take me from behind.”

“You turn too many heads, pet.”

“I would sacrifice their regard for your undivided attention, sir.”

“Sorry — I was just wondering about whether to purchase a new property.”

“Would that be woman or estate sir?”

“Estate — building and surrounding park to be precise; with two pools apparently.

“His and hers pools — my how swish!”

“And don’t let your hackles rise so easily. Or do you really want to be swished until you scream for mercy?”

“Forgive me sir.”

“You’ll get your forgiveness when your arse is criss-crossed with the marks of my displeasure.”

“You only intend to despoil my backside sir?”

“Do you want the backs of your tights and your tits whipped too?”

“No sir. I was just trying to work out what swimsuit I would be able to wear after you have wreaked your vengeance for my faux pas.”

“Sometimes your profligacy knowledge no end.”

“I didn’t say a new swimsuit sir.”

“Nor did I. I was thinking of a Caribbean mansion.”

“That would be your profligacy then.”

“It would be your day dream fulfilled.”

“Only if you are there sir: it’s not so much fun drinking pina-coladas on your own.”

“You could invite your envious friends pet.”

“I fear for their safety in your proximity, given your unpredictable demands for intercourse.”

“Are any of your friends fit to fuck?”

“That’s not very nice.”

“Sometimes you need me to be not very nice. Now come here. I wish you bare now.”

“Yes sir.”

“The days are yours to do as you will, pet. You know full well I only come for you at dusk.”

“I can have hopes that you might want me during the day, can I not?”

“You can hope that I continue to love separating your dress and pulling you from it.”

“That seems to be a given at this juncture, sir.”

“It’s like a ripe fruit being extracted from its protective sheath.”

“Ithink that I’m rather fond of being extracted, sir.”

“Wriggle your hips.”

“Like this?”

“Yes — I want to see the shimmy supporting your striptease.”

“What else do you want to see, sir?”

“The dress pooled around your ankles.”

“And anything else?”

“Your arse nicely displayed when you bend to pick it up – excellent — Just stay there for a moment.”

“Yes sir.”

“Panties down.”

“Yes sir.”

“Splendid. Exhibit yourself.”

“Is this spread enough for you?”

“No — show off your arse too.”

“You have a rosebud fetish sir.”

“You have a rosebud worthy of appreciation. I love the pinkness — the freshness — the untried look of it.”

“It’s hardly virgin territory, sir.”

“It was once.”

“Do you regret not being the first?”

“No. It has served me well enough. Play with your cunt, pet.”

“Yes sir.”

“Spread the lips. Show me your inner secrets.”

“You know all my secrets.”

“Ihave some idea of ​​them, but I’m more interested in your secretions right now.”

“You know the thought of you make me moist.”

“Well make sure your fingers make you wet. I intend to thrust into you without any preliminaries today.”

“Yes sir.”

“Please unhook your bra. I should like to see and then make use of your tits. Good girl…now squeeze them together — I will want to fuck them later- a nice nest for a saliva covered cock to roost in.”

“And you have permission to look down and open your mouth, with your lips pursued and tongue, lining the bottom lip, just so you can feel the penetration when I reach behind the back of your head and push you down onto my member. Ah candles.”

“Yes sir.”

“We have illumination.”

“The voyeurs’ club in the servants’ quarters will be extremely pleased.”

“It was getting rather dark in here and downstairs too no doubt.”

“I like the shadows.”

“Can you imagine them pouring over monographs of your partially clad form.”

“I’d rather not sir.”

“What would you like to imagine then?”

“I’d like to imagine that we have reached the point where I render you reciprocal service zipper-wise?”

“Then get over the desk and push the brochures to one side.”

“Did you say brochures, sir?”

“I did.”

“You tempt me so.”

“You will Not resist the temptation to unzip me when you are in position.”

“Yes sir.”

“And you will not be perusing said brochures until after you are well-fucked.”

“Sometimes I wish you weren’t quite so insightful sir.”

“If I were not, then you would get away with murder, dear lady.”

“Ooohing over Caribbean sands, palms and azure seas is hardly murderous sir.”

“You will ooh just as well focus on how you are filled with my member, whether it’s amid Caribbean sands or over less exotic hard wood.”

“I may just sight, thinking of the hardwood of Dominican properties.”

“You had better not,girl.”

“I am only teasing sir.”

“You know, sometimes I cannot decide whether to fuck you or spank you, but you so do so help me make up my mind with your teases.”

“What is your pleasure sir?”

“Right now — both — spread your cunt open again. I do not intend to be gentle.”

“Oh sir!”

“Take it out.”

“Yes sir.”

“Kiss it appreciatedly.”

“Mmmm — yes sir.”

“You know this is what you want.”

“I know this is what you need sir.”

“And what is this exactly?”

“A nice hard cock pressed deep into my cunt without any further preliminaries.”

“Very good: now pet, what is your arse begging for?”

“A spanking sir: a nice hard spanking.”

“And who…stay still dammit …is going…to adminis…ter…that…spank…ing.”

“I had…ouch…hoped you would sir…but…you do begin…to seem…rather engaged…in…other…areas. …And I do…like your hands…cupping my breasts…while…you… fuck …sir.”

“You were made…for me to…fuck, pet. …What other possible…purpose could…you have in life?”

“For you to…bugger sir?”

“Raise…your arse up…and we will…see about…that.”

“Yes sir.”

“No — don’t reach…behind you.”

“As…you…oh my goodness…wish!”

“Leave your arms…on the desk. I intend to spank…you…first, with my cock…hovering nice and snug in the entrance…to your sex.”

“Yes sir.”

“You present…a rather…fine target.”

“I’m not sure…how to…take that, sir.”

“With grace and…forbearance: you have…permission…to thank me…as each blow…lands…like so!”

“Ohhhh — thank you sir”

“Such a pretty palm print: have another.”

“Thank you.”

“And you backed into me most refreshingly. Another.”

“Ouchy — thank you.”

“You cunt juices look rather fetching on my exposed shake; and again.”

“Oh go…d! Thank you, sir.”

“Right now pet. I am your only god. Now fuck back on me again before I strike the other cheek.”

“Yesssss sir. Thank…you.”

“Good cunt.”

“Look back at me now.”

“Yes sir.”

“I love looking into your eyes when I take you.”

“You like…my pupils…to be dilated?”

“I like you under me, waiting to be took…when…I…want…to…take…you.”



“Yes sir?”

“Spread your cheats.”

“Tell me sir, what is it about men and anal sex?”

“I cannot speak for other men, but for me, it is empowering to have you go that one step further, looking round and offering your rear up. I like the way your eyes are open at the same time as Your backside is filled. I like to use you. It is the essence of your purpose.”

“My purpose is your essence sir.”

“Spread and shut up pet.”

“Yes sir.”

“I want to fill your bottom and grip your hair, while you lean over the desk, backside nicely lifted to give me the greatest pleasure.”


“And when I’m done…your mouth will…serve…as the next…stop in this…exposition… of your sexual…submission.”


“No pet. You meant to…say — thank you…very much…and…may I have…some more please…sir.”

“I think I… prefer the words…put in my mouth… rather than… your…soiled… cock.”

“You will have… the soiled cock…none…the…less.”

“Yes sir.”

“It will put… a stop to… your incessant… blather.”

“Yes sir.”

“Even if… your tongue… always accentuates… my… delight”


“Is this what… you were… dreaming of pet?”

“Whi-iiich sir?”

“Being a cock slut…for your master? Ease…your…arse…back. I want to see… your bottom… jiggling… between spanks.”


“That’s it girl — just let me… take control… of all motion — you just have… to move backwards… when your hair… is tugged… in… the… hope… of ushering… in waves ofproprietorial …pleasure.”


“I do love… fucking… your arsehole… like this: so tight… and so hot….”

“Reach between your legs.”

“Yes sir.”

“Stroke my balls: you may keep… your eyes… wide open… all the while. I like… to look… into your pupils… and see you… express yourself… without uttering… a syllable, as you look… for a context… to your submission.”

“Yes sir.”

“I am your context pet even when I withdraw from you.”

“Yes sir.”

You can daydream of tropical paradises or verdant lakeside trysts or castles in the air, but I am the commonality to all those possibilities.”

“Do I never get a night out with the girls then?”

“You have to earn those nights pet.”

“And how do I earn those?”

“You earn with your mouth, your cunt, your arse and your whole, devoted being.”

“So I will be fucked and sodomised again tonight?”

“Yes. And you will be treated as roughlyy as you know you wish to be treated.”

“Have I brought this all upon myself?”

“Bring your arse up onto my cock once more and we will see exactly what you have brought?”

“Oh my! Is that all for me sir?”

“Don’t sass me, girl.”

“Ouch! Sorry, sir”

“Just fuck it. Your sorrow is of no importance right now. That’s it — take the head and the shake into your arsehole. Good girl. No. Further. Don’t hesitate. Surrender your backside to my need. Do I have to grapp your hair to ensure you are fully impaled on it?

“No sir.”

“Evidently I do! Now look back at me. Let me see the enjoyment of obedience spreading across your face like the good cunt you are, pet.”


Obviously, now back to the bugery. I want your arse tighter than a virgin’s pussy. That’s it — squeeze your cheats together. Focus. Give your whole attention to the pleasure. That way you will be really appreciated, valued and generally made much of.”


“I look forward to your mouth and its ministers, girl.”

“Could you withdraw a little, sir — it hurts.”

“Is your pain material?”

“It is to me sir.”

“Relish it. I wish you to do more than just endure the fucking.”

“Do you …mmm …you are so hard in me…there, sir … why should you have any doubts on that score sir?”

“So you find you like the contrast then?”

“I think I like pleasure you, sir.”

“I think I will like coming over your face, spurting my need over your features.”

“I hope that you will take all the pleasure you can out of that moment sir.”

“Kindly open your mouth pet. It’s time for your palate to be soiled.”

“Yes sir.”

“I want to contrast the wetness of your lips with the dryness of your arse.”


“Good girl. Suck me clean. Then you will have the pleasure of bringing me off between those fantastic tits of yours.”

“Do I hear you thinking “How can I resist the challenge”, pet? Well, know this – you can’t and you won’t, since it affords you the opportunity to chatter while you bring me to where I need to be.”

“I like multi-tasking sir. It makes me feel more useful.”

“Push your breasts together.”

“Yes sir.”


“Yes sir.”

“Yes sir.”

“I want to press home between them as if they were a second cunt.”

“Not an arse sir?”

“No witch — pinch them — I want them hard when I spurt across them and into your face.”

“Your cunt awaits your pleasure sir.”

“That’s the girl I trained.”

“Yes sir.”

“Lick the cock head girl — I’m going to push your head down and you are going to please me as you have never pleased me before.”

“Yes sir.”

“Faster girl: I’m going to keep your head down until I am sated.”


“Purse your lips tighter girl. You are here to be used.”


“Do I have to tawse your well-fucked arse to ensure you perfect your technique? That’s it– rights of passage – My rights…your passage…ah yeesssss.”

“I will choke if you make me giggle.”

“You will lick the residue of my come from your face and be grateful.”

“And there you will have me, sir.”


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