Rita had been abused by nuns during her last term at her school. She was now in her mid twentyties and was finding it impossible to fully enjoy her physical relationship with her boyfriend of two years. It was upsetting them so she decided to seek professional help
Rita knocked at the door of a normal looking residential house only a mile from where she lived. She was surprised to see an attractive lady maybe in her early thirties open the door.
“You must be Rita, so pleased to see you. Dr. Stanford has briefed me all about you. Hopefully she has told you a bit about me, and my work. Please come in and we will get started. Would you like a drink? I have a nice white wine open if you like. It may help to relax you.”
“That would be lovely, thanks.”
The First ten minutes was a very relaxed chat about Rita generally with no discussion about her abuse. She was becoming very comfortable with the older woman who put her at ease.
‘What I would like to do is to gointo great detail with you about the particular events that upset you during your last term at the catholic school. If you struggle to talk about the events then we could consider hypnosis”
“I think it would be difficult but I am prepared to give it a go.”
“If you need to stop, you must tell me otherwise I will presume you are OK even if it is distressing. Let’s start with the treatment you had by the nuns which led up to the events of the final evening.”
“It is hard to believe how naive us girls were back then. There were around twenty of us in my class. We were the oldest class in the school at 18 years old. We were all boarders staying during the school holidays as well as term time. The nuns were very harsh with us, punishing us for everything and anything they deemed to be wrong. It was rare for any girl to go a week without punishment. Punishment was usually physical and applied to hands, bottom, chest or genitalia.
We were set to compete against each oTher to be awarded the honor of being ‘novice of the year’. It was never suggested what benefits would be bestowed on the winner. It was just something to struggle for. There were rumors that the winner attended a special dinner with the nuns and the local bishop at the end of term. We all competed to get the votes of the nuns who would announce the winner a week before the end of term.
If only I had realized how the award would be a curse not a blessing. I did everything I could to get in the nun’s good books. I even elaborated the wrongdoings of some of my fellow pupils when ratting them out.
Even with my behavior being as saint like as I could manage I was still incurring punishments at least once a week. This seemed to get even harsher, changing as the last term progressed. I seemed to be punished almost every time by the two senior nuns. This was not the case for most of the girls. Reference was made during the punishment sessions about how I was their preferred choice for the honor of being ‘girl of the year’. I had to be better than all the others, take my punishment better than the others and give no details of my punishment sessions to either other girls or the other nuns.
I hated the punishment sessions but loved the feeling of being special. Each session was more severe than the last. I was being brainwashed into asking them to punishment me more and harder each time. This was seen as being in Some way virtual. It sounds ridiculous now but it seemed real at the time. I would be told to strip naked and sit on the punishment chair. I would then be asked what my punishment should be. I had to detail the parts of my body to be punished, the implementation to be used, the severity and the number strokes to be applied.
I was criticized for requesting more punishment than the previous time and admonished if I asked for less. I do not remember when or how, during that last term, punishment directly of my pussy (sorry vagina) was introduced. They seemedto suggest that it was my idea and always encouraged this to be part of the session. Implements included, hands, a thick strap, a small two-proged strap, a lightish whip and an association of canes. Little or no justification for any of the punishment was given on most occasions.
In a most peculiar way I kind of looked forward to the sessions. It was the only time I ever received any prayer from the nuns. The pain seemed to be forgotten when anticipating the punishment, but very real during it.
The nuns were always very clear in their teachings that it was a sin to touch yourself. They referred to self-gratification and how we must not succumb to it, but we were not sure what it means.
My punishment sessions were strange. On reflections the nuns set out to arouse me during the sessions. They humiliated me, they embarrassed me and they punished my body. All of this aroused me greatly. I always became very wet and my obvious arousal was noted and criticized. It sounds crazy now but they said that they were beating the devil out of me and that my response was evidence that they were succeeding. At the end of every session they pushed what they called a peccary into my vagina saying it would help me to be a good girl. I always felt very aroused after this had time to melt.
Looking back now I can see they were preparing me for the dinner with the bishop. It was not mentioned until it was announced that I was to be ‘girl of the year’. I was delighted, little did I know. The dinner was to be a week later and I was to be presented to the bishop.
My punishment that week was different with no marks left on my body. The whip was used lightly on my breasts and finally on my vagina. The gentleness surprised me and I became wetter than usual as the whip caresed my pussy. I was criticized and told that I would have a special punishment each night of the week leading up to the dinner. This was so I could prepare myself to have the bishop finally cast the devil from my body so he could introduce the holy spirit in its place.”
“How did you feel about this prospect?”
“It sounds ridiculous now but I was elated. I had been chosen for this, I was the only one; I was getting this great opportunity. Each evening the two nuns aroused me gently with the whip and the light stick. I became extremely aroused each time and by the end of the week I was soaking the tower they placed under me. We were always to keep our vagina shabby but for the first time ever the two nuns shabby me on the afternoon of the dinner. They also gave me two enemyas. Enemas were often used by the nuns, to punish us. These two were a simple soapy enama, which was large but not punishingly large and a plain water rinse.
The evening finally came and I was so excited. I was a little Disappointed that I was dressed the same way as I was every other day. The group was smaller than I had expected. Four nuns, two of whom were my daily tormentors, two priests, the bishop and a young male novele (Ben). He was beautiful, 18 like me. I was seated between the two priests opposite the bishop. The bishop had greying hair and seemed really old to me at the time. He was probably not even sixty. All four nuns and the two priests were probably between thirty and forty.
The adults drank wine and us two novices were given different strange tasting fruit drinks. We were told that these would help us banish the devil and welcome the holy spirit. We were to drink the whole glass with our foods. I drank mine straight away and very quickly found myself more relaxed with a slightly detached feeling. I had been decidedly aroused for hours but this feeling seemed to increase as the meal progressed.
By the time the bishop stood up and announced that it was time to prepare the novels for the Curemony I was feeling euphoric. Ben and I were encouraged to stand in an area between the comfortable chairs that the others had sat in. The younger of the priestsstood behind me and one of the nuns behind Ben. The bishop signed and the priest removed my headwear first. He untied my habit at the neck but held it in place before receiving a further node. He then lowered it very slowly over my small breasts and down past my substantial underpants.
The bishop smiled and turning to the nuns said that they had made an exceptional choice this year. I had turned bright red at being seen nearly naked by a man for the first time. I tried to cover my breasts and my underpants with my hand, only to have them placed firmly at my side. The whole room was looking at me and I wanted to curl up into a little ball.
My heart was pounding and my mouth had turned very dry. The wetness that always occurred during my punishments and had been building for hours became very evident to me. I was afraid that the drink, which had made my bladder feel full, had actually made me wet myself. For once in my life I was pleased to be wearing the baggy pants which did seem to offer me some protection.
Another nod by the bishop and the nun behind Ben stripped him of his outer clothes leaving him in just underpants. I realized I was very likely to see what was between a males legs for the first time. I had never seen what I knew some of the girls called a penis in real life or even in a book.
Ben and I were half facing each other. He was clearly trying to get a good look at my body, as I was his. From the angle I was I could see his pants were pushed out a long way in front of him. We did eventually make eye contact and we shared an embarrassed little smile. What happened next I will never forget. The nun behind Ben reached round him and pulled his pants down releasing his penis. It was bigger than I expected and looked hard as rock with a shiny red head. I could not look away it was fascinating and beautiful.
Ben was led over to the bishop’s chair. He was told to put his elbows and hands along the arm of the bishop’s chair being bent at the wait with his bottom sticking towards me. I could not see his head, which was close to the bishop’s wait. In this position the nun applied a cane to his bottom six times with a gap of about thirty seconds between each. I heard no noise from Ben but saw long red stripes appear across his bottom. When he stood up Ben’s penis looked much softer and smaller.
I was then led over to take over the position Ben had been in. The priest behind slid his hands, fingers down, inside my underpants. For a second he was cupping my bottom before he pushed on downwards taking my pants down my legs and off my feet. As he did this I briefly felt his breath against my bottom and vagina. He then gently kicked my legs apart and my body forward so the bishop’s legs were between mine. In this position my head was close to the bishop’s wait. His cassock was pointing straight out towards my head and it was obvious that his penis was large and very hard.
The first strike of the cane washarder than I had ever received and I jerked violently. The bishop scolded me telling me I must remain still. He said he would help by holding me. With this he took hold of both of my nipples, pulling them down towards him. He squeezed and pulled them as I received another five from the cane. As the last one landed he released my nipples and slide a hand down passed my tummy and straight to my vagina. He prayed the nuns again saying that I was showing great promise while he spread the wetness around with his fingers.
He then added, “We shall get the devil out of you and the Holy Spirit into your lovely body this evening, be certain of that.”
I was weak at the knees and felt that it would take little more of what he was doing to make my body exploit. Was this how the devil leaving me would feel like?
Ben was moved so he was standing near the bishop facing at 90 degrees. I noticed that his penis was pointing up hard and red again. I was positioned facing Ben kneeling down. The nuns and priests seemed to surrounding us. A nun stood to Ben’s side and started to gently beat him with a stick on his bottom. Another started to apply a whip to his chest. I felt one of the priests start to hit my bottom with a light thin strap and another kneeing beside me flicking a small whip up onto my breasts.
Ben’s penis was loosing none of its boldity and the head was turning from red to purple. It was at this stage that the bishop told Ben he was to resist spilling his seed for as long as possible. The longer he could resist the more powerful the ejaculation of the devil would be. I did not understand what was going on until the priest flogging my breasts stopped long enough to lift my head and bring my mouth up high to Ben’ penis. I was shocked as it was made quite clear that I was expected to take it in my mouth.
The bishop criticized me as soon as the whole head was lodged in my mouth. He said that I would receive the seed and this would help me to banish the devil. I could not imagine that anyone had ever done what I was doing. It seemed so dirty but at the same time so excited. The flogging of both of us carried on and became a little harder. Every now and then the strap hitting my bottom was turned so the strike was up between my legs hitting my vagina instead. I was not hit hard but the effect was outstanding. I was time and time again brought to a point when I thought my body would explode. It just evaded me each time.
Ben was moaning and seemed to be fighting his body as if in more pain than the punishment should have caused. The head of his penis was silent smooth in my mouth and I was able to lick it as well as suck it. When his hips started to tremble and violently push his penis deeper into my mouth the head got even bigger. With a moan that was almost a scream Ben went weak at the knees and my mouth and throat was squirted with something hot. My first worry was that he was peeing into me but soon realized that the fluidwas a salty thick substance. He went on pushing his penis in and out of my mouth until the squirts reduced. By then I was choking on the volume, which was exploding out of my mouth and dripping off my chin.
I was surprised when his now shrunken penis slipped out of my mouth. I expected to be in trouble for what I had done but looking towards the bishop he was smiling at me. I do not know at what stage he had undressed but he was naked and the two other nuns were beside him. He told me that as a young innocent I had helped Ben explore his demonstrations. This made me feel wonderful even euphoric to have pleased the bishop.
Little did I know that I was about to be required to please the bishop in a much more demanding way. The priests stopped beating me and one of them scooped up the seed that had escaped my mouth, and fed it to me. I did not like the taste but swallowed it as if it was pretty.
The bishop then asked whether the girl was ready for him. The priest behind me ran his fingers from my bottom onto my vagina and up until he was rubbing right where my lips met. His reply was ‘she is like a fountain and I think she will never be more ready to receive the Holy Spirit than she is right now. ‘
This clearly pleased the bishop. I could now see that his penis was hard and swollen. It was probably a little smaller than Ben’s, which I have successively come to realize, was only average. He beckoned me to him until I was standing straddling his legs only inches from his penis. He reached forward cupping my vagina. He looked delighted as he commented
‘You ladies have excellent with this little one. I have never felt a young lady so ready to be cleansed. Come forward my dear it is time for me to help your body to explore the devil out of you. This will hurt to begin with as the devil tries to fight us. It will then turn to being a nice feeling. It is important that we show the devil that expelling him from your body is a pleasure to us. The longer we can show him this pleasure the more complete he will be explored. Please take my manhood into your body as painfully as you can.’
With this he lifted me onto his penis and allowed me to control my descent. I bore the pain as a challenge against the evil within. The bishop studied my face as I worked through the initial pain, smiling knowingly until he was buried deep inside me. As I had been associated pain with pleasure it did not surprise me when I realized my body was alive with excitement. His smile changed when I started to rise and drop on his penis. There was still pain but the arousal was the overriding sensing flowing through my body and my mind.
I was fighting my body, as I knew it was close to exploding. The bishop was well aware of my state and sat me back so I would not move much. He then took Hold of both of my nipples, squeezing and rolling them between his fingers and thumbs. I had never felt anything like this and knew he would do whatever he wanted to,to me. Soon after he started to stroke his penis again inside me. These were slow short strokes which had me gasping for breath.
I told the bishop that I would not be able to hold myself together much longer. He said that he understand but said I was to try as hard as possible. I fought my body as he carried on stroking longer and longer. He did stop again briefly. This let me continue a small amount of control. He sat back so that he was able to reach the top of my vagina, which he rubbed with his fingertips.
I almost shrieked at this contact. I knew I had no chance of delaying the inevitable for more than seconds. Apologies poured out of me along with moans and shrinks. As he started to pump inside me, while still rubbing, I exploded in what I know now was an orgasm. At the time it frightened me as I thought the devil was involved, but the sensing was electrifying. Wave after wave Shook me and I kept on and on thanking the bishop. At this stage I fell forward onto his shoulder. He congratulated me saying I was a good girl and that the Holy Spirit would find a willing recipient.
I was given no time to recover as I was placed on my knees on the floor. Again Ben was in front of me with his penis as big as ever. I did not wait to be asked as I willingly took it into my mouth. The filling of my vagina was much less gentle than previously and it was clear that the bishop was in charge. He took hold of my hips and thrust into me hard and deep time and time again.
This was completely different and I welcomed the lack of control I had. It took a few minutes before I felt pleasure. I was surprised by it but welcomed it. Ben showed no signs squirting into my mouth even though I was trying as hard as I could to pleasure him.
It was at about this time that the bishop invited the nuns and the priests to help me welcome the Holy Spirit. One of the nuns reached under me to rub my vagina and two of the priests took hold of a nipple each. My body immmediately felt electrified again. It was as if everyone in the room was working to excite my inexperienced body. The bishop then announced
‘The Holy Spirit is in me and is going to explode into you now.’
This did it and I started pushing myself back onto his thrusting. The sensing was different to the first time as it started in my head and flowed through my body from there. Even through this I Felt a penis exploding in my vagina and another painting the inside of my mouth. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through my vagina until I eventually slumped onto the floor exhausted.”
“I think I understand why you are now struggling to orgasm. What happened to you was far more to you than a sexual experience. You were convinced that you were going through a religious transformation. I Thought you needed to relive your experience under hypnosis, but I think we need a different approach.
I have a friend who runs a retreat for abused women. One of the treatments that isoffered is to re-introduce the woman to sexual arousal in a loving gentle way. Any woman wanting to try this can choose a man or woman to work with. In this way the link between abuse and violence and sexual arousal can often be broken. Would you be interested?”
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