Therapist Trains her Dom

Dr. Tyrolea Kasparian “Hedy” Hedwig smiled at Stanislaus Smutts encouragingly. Here in the therapist’s office, Hedy was still professional and fully dressed.

Thick auburn hair tied back primly in a bun, knee length skirt and heels, and Hedy had been the best kind of shrink you can be.

Hedy had a curious job as a counselor, to ease hopeful but hesitating men and women into a role as a dominant. First through talk therapy and then a little hands on.

“Things are changing, Stan. Didn’t you tell me your girlfriend wanted you to keep her in check? That she couldn’t marry you unless you could be an authority figure?”

Stan nodded, but he was still in some shock.

Just last week, Hedy had taken Stanislaus to a wooden area in Buttermilk Falls park, and then, in front of the shy man…

There, the conservatively dressed psychologicaltherapist had stripped bare, displaying a glorious peach colored body with full, pink breasts and a “landing strip” vagina.

Hedy had smiled at Stanislaus, who was a bit spellbound. Beautiful as he’d thought Dr. Hedwig was, Stanislaus had had the ultimate respect for her, as they’d gone through his childhood and adult issues, and here she was, naked as a jaybird.

“What do you think, Master?” Hedy cocked her head. “Do you like the merchandise?”

“Oh, my God, yes Doctor He-“

“I Really think you can call me Hedy now, Stanislaus.” As Hedy had spoken, she bent and took a small penknife from her pursuit and then standing, went to a hickory tree and cut off a switch, trimming the edges.

As Hedy had gone to the tree, Stanislaus had watched her full buttocks move, and had almost gone out of his mind with desire. To be a Master to this little cupcake!

Hedy waved the switch a few times in the air, swinging it back and forth experimentally.

Stanislaus looked down at the pink breasts, and had licked his lips.

“I also have a thick leather strap in my bag, and next time I’ll bring a Spencerpaddle which has holes in it for full swing.”


“Now I want you to whip me, Master Stanislaus. Don’t be shy, this is what you want, and what your girlfriend Arianna, wants, as she’s a submissive. Discipline me.””

Yes, Stanislaus’s girlfriend Arianna was paying for this course, Ari had some serious coin, and Stanislaus was eager to become a Master. Still, Ari was cute, but Dr. Hedy was something from the movies.

“Arianna appreciates your masculine gentleness, and your kindness, but she has a need for a fearsome dominant. a strict, cruel man.”

The good doctor saw a bulge in the shy man’s pants. She came up and stroked it a bit, and smiled. “I’ve been a bad girl. Don’t let me get away with it.”

Then, Hedy had stepped back. Naked but for her silettos, she carefully knelt in front of Stanislaus. The ground in the wood was littered with broken glass, cigarette butts, and other detritus, but the elegant therapist seemed right at home.

Stanislaus had had a great time. He’d broken four or five switches on Hedy’s raised buttocks, and then she’d stood up and asked if he wanted to whip her beautiful full breasts.

“I-I don’t know. I’d give anything to kiss them, actually.”

“You can do that too, Master. You can kiss and suck on my nipples to make them more sensitive-“

And indeed Stanislaus had done this, sucking and Then lashing Hedy’s tits with appreciated vigor. Hedy had taken the whole thing in silence, one lone tear coming down her cheek.

“Am I hurting you too much?”

“Remember, Stanislaus, I have a safe word. You are a wimp compared to some of the dominant men and women I’ve served.”

This had irritated Stanislaus slightly, and he’d lashed Hedy’s breasts harder.

Stan had been in shock, watching Hedy show almost no reaction to the swinging, cruel branch, except to say “Thank you Master Stan. May I have another?”

Finally Stanislaus’s arm had gotten tired, and Hedy had dropped toher knees, unzipped her student Master’s pants and given him a loving, slurping blowjob.

Stanislaus had thrust his cock in the full lips and exploited, and then had the nice sensing of Hedy cleaning his semen off his penis and swallowing the entire thing.

“Arianna goes and spits it out.” Stanislaus moaned.

“Yes, you have to train her to swallow it, and to clean you up. And if you have another girlfriend and you’re fucking her, you should train Ari to knee beside you and clean you both out, licking all the juices…”

“I don’t know if Ari would go for that, Hedy. She’s real jealous.”

“Whose fantasy do you think this was, Arianna wants you to force her into it, even after you two get married.”

Now, a week later, they were back in the office, and Stanislaus found himself some uncomfortable. How could the doc just sit there after what he’d done to her?

“So did you enjoy the session out in the forest last week, Stanislaus? I remember you were so horny afterwards that I gave you a second bee-jay in the parking lot in the front seat of my Prius.”

“Yes, it was wonderful. You have an intense pain threshold. I went home and finally had the nervous to take Arianna over my knee. It went real well.”

Stanislaus was lying on the couch, looking up at Hedy from her chair.

“But you know, it was quite a transition, first you being in charge, and then stripping down like that.”

Hedy shook her lovely head, curls dancing on her shoulders.

“Stanislaus, I had a safe word, and although I’m five two and I only weigh a hundred and ten, I’m a fourth degree mixed Martial artist, and a kick boxer as well. I could have easily disarmed you.”


“It’s not about my pain, it’s about how you feel giving me the flogging. I’m a masochist, Stanislaus, and I have a need for this. Okay, you may see me as sophisticated and attractive-“

“You’re stunning, Hedy.”

“Yes, thank you, but I’m still a submissive.e woman I live with requires me to carry a paddle from room to room if she needs to give me discussion, and has actually spanked my bare buttocks in the car and in the dressing room of Macy’s.”

“Wow, really?”

“Yes. The other morning she made me suck her boyfriend’s cigarette butts out of the toilet and clean the entire commode with my tongue, even though I find cigarettes disgusting and am a committed non-smoker.”

“Damn, Hedy.”

“Yes. I’ve been beating with whips, straps, canes, an old car fan belt, a steel saucepan and a variety of other implements.”

Stanislaus was slack jawed looking up at his beautiful therapist from the couch. How could such an exotic creativity endure such things.”

“I live with my Goddess, and another submissive, Maya, who actually owns the house, but never leave her room, as she’s ordered to write lines all day…

Maya used to be a real party girl, but she’d always wanted to give it up. and with her trust fund, she could support all of us, but of course we all work as well.”

“She just sits in the room all day long? She doesn’t get bored?”

“No, Mrs. Lautenberg goes in Maya’s room to thrash her with long pieces of barbed wire and checks to see how many Latin lines have been done. Mr. Lautenberg, Mrs. L’s husband, is also known as Master Beauchamp, and he gets direct service from Maya…

Orally and anally, and sometimes take her out in the middle of the night, chasing her around the block while she’s naked, and lashing her bare butt. Sometimes Master Beau takes all of us and chases us naked. We were almost spotted by a late night cop once.”

“Wow. I don’t think Arianna is into that kind of hard core scene, though.”

“I’ve talked to Ari, and you are lucky to have a girlfriend who shares your fans. She confirmed the cuckqueen fantasy, didn’t she?”

“Oh, the thing about her watching me with another girl? Yeah. Ari told me that her ex-husband used to fuck his secretary while she watched, and then had the secretary whip Ari’s ass until she cried. “

“Yes. Ari’s been in the scene a long time.”

“Well, I’m just a blue collar guy, I don’t have secretaries, but I do have another girlfriend I fool around with. Trixie’s a real bitch. She might like kicking around a rich girl like Arianna.”

“That’s right, kiddo.”

Stanislaus was getting erect lying there, staring at Hedy’s crossed legs. He wondered if the cuts had healed from the tender spot just under her buttocks.

“It’s what we need” the analyst said cheerfully. “I am jealous of Mrs. Lautenberg’s relationship with her husband, and also with her male lover, the one who smokes. Mrs. Lautenberg has promised me if I complain again about smoking, her lover will use my open mouth as his ashtray.”

“Sweet Jesus.”

God she’s so gorgeous, I really want to-but it was just a oneiteme thing, right?

“Dr. Hedwig-“

“You really can call me Hedy now, Stanislaus. We’ve made a lotof progress and I’ve gotten naked and punished for you. I’m Hedy now.”

“H-Hedy, I have to tell you it’s really hard to just lie here after I did all that, I kind of want to do it again, like in the woods.”

Hedy gave Stanislaus a big grin. Obviously now he was feeling as if the session in the forest had been a one time thing…

And now he was wondering if therapy should be Terminated because the therapeutic doctor-patient relationship was kind of corrupted.

“That’s perfectly natural, Stanislaus. I really should be calling you Mr. Tillinghast, and you calling me Hedy, or slut, or whore…”

“You don’t have to call me Mister-“

“Or if you give me the privilege, I can call you Master for the duration of our work together. I am glad you are attracted to me, and you enjoyed whipping me, and of course my oral service…”

“Dude, that was awesome-“

“Yes, there are some rough spots we need to work on in your sessions, the constant apologies have to stop, and we definitely need to work on your self-esteem, but…”

“I know. But it’s real hard for me to do talk therapy since I’m um, aroused.”

“Mister Tillinghast, do you want to whip me again?”

Stanislaus began panting. Surely-

Dr. Hedwig stood up.

“I’ve been looking forward to this too, Master…

You have such nice big shoulders. Usually the Masters I train are wimpy pathologic little guys who just want to get a peculiar revenge on the women that misreat them in real life.”

Hedy began disrobing rapidly, finally fully naked. Putting her glasses on the table, Hedy walked over to a small umbrella stand, in which five bamboo canes and a short bullwhip were stocked.

Bringing the stand to Stanislaus, Hedy dropped to her knees and the authoritative aura vanished. She looked up at Stanislaus plaintively.

“Master Stanislaus, you never did finish giving my breasts the correction hey needed in the woods. Sir, should we do this now?”Stan was amechanic, but he was coming along so nicely…perhaps if Arianna was agreeable, Stan could work in the firm as a handyman, and occasionally discipline submissive male and female laws. He really was getting into this!

The therapist’s reverie was rudely interrupted as the short bullwhip cracked against her right breast, leaving a rude purple cruele.

“Oh shit, that left a mark.”

“Master Stan, don’t apologize. Give me my punishment.” Hedy used all her will power to keep her little hands behind her back.

She looked up at Stanislaus, who raised the whip for another shot.

“You’re making such (Ow) progress, Master.”


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