See the first installment, ‘Theirs- The Beginning’ to see how we got here…
As I crawled into Their home, I tried to take a few, deep calming breaths and take stock of my newfound but long desired situation. I was actually here, crawling naked and cuffed behind my Master! Although I had my suspicions of what was about to happen to me, I didn’t really know what was next. For a moment, I was almost overcome by a panicked desire to flee but I pushed it away, falling further down, further into and out of myself. I was slowly becoming something new, something less and more than I’d been just an hour before. I was suddenly eager for whatever might be next.
Reaching the center of what I took to be Their living room, Master said “Stand up for us, Shy. Legs apart and clap your hands behind your neck. Keep your head up but your eyes focused on the far wall, where it meets the ceilinging”. Drawing myself up, I stood before Them. I could feel my cock bobbing beforeme, betraying exactly how erotic I found my current prediction. Standing before Them, I was suddenly terribly self-conscious. I so hoped They found me attractive, desirable. I could see Them both, sitting on the couch next to one another, their eyes on me. Objectively, I knew what They saw – a man, 40ish, 5 8, 150 pounds, close cropped hair since most of it had long left, body entirely hide at Their request. Not exactly fit, but not entirely gone to pot either. A circularized cock, maybe 7 inches long and thick. I knew I was no Adonis but I hoped They could see to what lay just beneath, the thing I could feel taking life and shining through my flesh. The desire. The need.
After what felt to be an eternity of the two of Them simply looking at me, my Mistress broke the silence.
“He’s kinda cute, don’t you think? I like the way he blushes and, if you look very close, you can see he’s trembling. Almost vibrating.”
I hadn’t realized it but She was right – it was as if my body had begun to sing, a low hum permeating my flesh.
And then, from my Master:
“He’s a little flabby ’round the middle but I suppose we can work on that. His cock looks nice. Not the biggest we’ve had but certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Look how tight his balls are – if we’re not careful I think he might cum before we even lay a hand on him.”
Unbidden, a soft moan escaped my lips. Their frank and casual evaluation of me was, strangely, not humiliating. I should have been embarrassed, and I was, a bit, but I was also ecstatic. She thought I was cute and He liked my cock! I may not be Brad Pitt but, maybe, my body was actually pleasing to these two, my new Master and Mistress.
“Slave, turn around, we want to see your backside.”
Turning about, I couldn’t help but stand a bit taller, pulling my shoulders back, hoping to continue to, if not exactly impression, at least not disappoint.
“Nice enough tush I think, could be a bit… meatier I suppose butI it will suffice, don’t you think John?”
“Probably so, honey, though… Slave, spread your legs a bit further, bend at your waist and pull the cheeses of your ass apart – I’d like to see your little slut hole.”
Closing my eyes, and without hesitation I did exactly as Master instructed. I could feel the cool air on my hole as I held myself open for Their gaze. Despite the events of the last hour or so I’d never felt so exposed. I could not believe how incredible it felt to be seen this way. There was no concept, nowhere to hide and certainly nothing at all hidden anymore. Before these two, my Master and Mistress, I stood exposed as the slutty whore of my innermost desires. I’d never felt so alive!
“Stand and turn around boy, face Us”
Pulling myself upright I turned and faced Them. My Mistress. My Master. Sitting next to one another on the couch, They were dressed casually for a night in. Mistress in shorts and a black tank, her long legs tucked beneath her asShe sat cuddled next to Him, hands casually roaming along His chest, down his body to cup His cock. And Master, dressed in black jeans and a white beater, His hand cupping Her breast, toying with Her nipple. They looked wonderful together, sexy and most definitely in control.
Leaving His side, Mistress stood and approached me. Somehow, maybe because till now I’d always been on my knees or sitting, I hadn’t realized how tall She was, She seemed to tower over me, making me feel even smaller. Standing in front of Me, Her hands reached forward to cares my face, Her thumbs tracing my lips. Circling behind me, Her hands seemed to be everywhere at once, trailing softly over my body, pinching a nipple, squeezing my ass, and, for just a moment, holding my cock. Taking possession of me, claiming me as Hers. All while He watched quietly from the couch, saying nothing. Coming to a stop behind me, pressing Herself against my back, I could feel her breath in my ear.
“All of You is OursNow. Your body is Our toy to play with as we choose.” Pressing her fingers into my mouth, my lips wrapped around them instinctively as She drew them slowly in and out. “You will pleasure Us. You will learn to eat My pussy for hours and You will suck His cock. You will lick and suck others as well, all for Our amusement.”
Taking Her fingers put of my mouth, Her hand moved down to twist and tease my nipples. “These too We will use. Clamps, bells, lips. We will use these to drive you mad with list for Us.”. I couldn’t quite suppress a low moan. My nipples have always been extraordinarily sensitive and Her touch, a combination of soft swirling fingertips and hard pinches was indeed diving me crazy. Laughing a bit She said, “You respond to this just like a woman. See, Shy, you are a whore. Our whore.”
Trailing Her hand down my body, She wrapped Her hand around my cock and balls, holding me tightly, squeezing me at the root.
“Ours. Our cock. This probably won’t getMuch use this weekend. Unless we lend you out I suppose. But this.” Her hand left my cock, Her cock, and came down hard on my ass, spanking me. “This will. We will both fuck you this very night. You will take both Our cocks. You will learn to please Us both with Your slutty, hungry little ass.”
As She spoke those words, Her voice took on a harder tone, less amused, more commanding and certainly not one to be trifled with.
“On your knees slut, it seems you’ve been dripping on My clean floor”. As I dropped to my knees, I could see it. A long stream of precum from the tip of my, Her, cock connecting me to a large puddle of the stuff on the floor. Without hesitation, I bent quickly to my task, my tongue coming out, cat-like to lick up my mess.
Sitting back on my heels, I felt Mistress’s hand on top my head.
“You are a promising one, aren’t you? Quite the little pleaser. Let’s see how that mouth of Ours does on something else. Hmmmm..what sort of things do little whoes like yourself want in their mouth all the time? What is it that they just can’t ever seem to get enough of? Don’t be afraid little one. Don’t be embarrassed. Say it out loud and you can have it, all you want!”
I wanted to say Her. That I wanted, needed to taste Her. To feel Her tremble, to fill my senses with the taste and smell and warmth of Her. But I know what She wanted from me. What He wanted. And, I wanted it too, terrifying as it was to admit. Maybe not quite as much as I wanted Her, nothing ever quite satisfied me like cunnilingus, but I was Theirs, my pleasure would only be had in the giving this weekend. And I was His just as much as Hers. So, daring to look Him straight in the eye, I said in as clear a voice as I could manage.
“Cock! Cock, Mistress. I want my Master’s cock. I want, need, to suck Master’s cock. To give Him pleasure and feel Him, taste Him and swallow all of His cum. But… I’m not sure I know how…”
Suddenly, and out of nowhere at all II was, on my knees, naked and more sexually charged than ever in my life. Ready and eager for just about anything at all but this, tears? I was crying like a nervous teenage virgin girl on Prom night, overcome by feelings of inadequacy and shame, fear that I would suddenly be rejected by these Two. That I would disappoint.
I felt Mistress’s arms wrap themselves around me, holding me close as the storm, like a brief summer shower, passed as suddenly as it had arrived.
Tilting my face up, wiping the tears from my eyes and peering into me, my Mistress, this amazing, sexy, compassionate, dominant woman said,
“It’s going to be alright little one. I promise. We promise. All girls cry a bit when they lose their virginity, when they first learn how to use their bodies to please a man. Until tonight, I suspect you’ve only ever had sex as a man. As the recipient, the taker, the penetrator. Tonight We will teach you to give without taking, to use your body, this wonderfully sexy little body you’ve given to Us as an instrument of Our pleasure and, in the giving you will find your own satisfaction. Are you ready now my little whore? Ready to learn to please Us?”
Nodding my head, I went to all fours and crawled to Him, my Master sitting on the couch. I tried to sway my hips, hoping to please Him. I wondered what He really Thought of me, was He aroused? Amused?
Kneeling between His legs, I looked into His eyes. Like Mistress’s they seemed to draw me deeper in, further down into my submissive self. Taking His slight nod as permission, I reached out to His knees, slowly pulling them apart. Leaning in, drawing my hands further up His legs to rest on His hips I bent forward and pressed my lips against His jean-clad cock. My Master’s hard, thick cock. I moaned, partly from desire, partly just to please Him. To demonstrate that I was His willing and needy whore. Turning my head, I rubbed my cheek and face across Him, feeling Him pulse with desire. Drawing back, my hands came up of their own according and opened His jeans, drawing the zipper down. Reaching along His side, I pulled His jeans down and away to pool at His feet, freeing His cock.
I’d never been so close to another man’s penis, never seen one from this side. It stood upright before me, not to be ignored. I couldn’t look away, it seemed to draw all of my attention so that, for a moment at least, it was only me and the cock in the room. Master’s cock. It was beautiful and alive. It moved with His every heartbeat, a single drop of pre-cum glistening at the crown of Him. Running my hands up His legs, feeling a man’s naked flesh for the first time, I knew yet another singular moment had arrived.
I was about to become, forever, a cocksucker. Would I still be me after? Holding His cock in my right, my left idly stroking the rise of His hip I placed a soft kiss on His cock, flicking my tongue out to catch the single drop of cum perched at thehead. Moaning once more, this time solely from need, I opened my lips and drew Him in, wrapping my tongue against the bottom of Him, tightening my lips against Him. Moving my head back and forth, I tried to time the motion of my hand to match that of my mouth, hoping I was pleasing Him. The taste of Him filled my senses, His skin, His pre-cum, the gentle undulations of His hips as He moved in response to me. The world fell away and there was only me, my mouth, His cock and the pleasure, seeming to move like electricity from me to Him and back again. I was stunned to find this place was just like the one I’d always enjoyed between a woman’s legs. The specific bits of flesh were certainly different but the feeling of it, the joy I felt at bringing another such wicked pleasure was the same.
I saved it all, giving myself entirely over to my worship of Him, of my Master. Whatever came next, however many cocks They might make me service I knew there would only ever be this first time and I wanted both of us to remember. Taking Him from inside my mouth, I drew my tongue down the underside of Him, feeling the veins and ridges of Him, breathing in the scent of Him. Holding Him at the base I bathed Him with my tongue, placing little kisses along His shaft.
At the sound of a moan I couldn’t help but look over to see my Mistress, Her hand at play between Her legs. Locking my eyes on to Hers, I continued my service to Him, alternatively licking and kissing and sucking. I never wanted this moment to end though I soon felt His hands on the back of my head, holding me, gently but inevitably guiding me further down His cock. I tried not to panic and breathed in, trying to relax and swallow Him down, wanting so desperately to please Him.
“Oh, you dirty little fuck…here it comes… I’m going to cum in your mouth slave.” It was the first thing Master had really said to me since I’d crossed into His house.
“Do NOT swallow His cum, I want to see it on your tonguess” commanded my Mistress. Moaning around His cock, my Master began to fuck my mouth, not deep, but I was definitely no longer in control of the action as He held my face in place. My vision narrowed to just the shake I could see just below my nose, His stomach moving back and forth in time with His cock thrusting past my lips and over my tongue. Pulling back until the head was just past the ring of my lips, I felt the first pulse as my mouth was flooded with His cum. Twice. Three, four, five times His cock spent itself in my mouth. He tasted salty and a bit bit bitter but not overly so. Feeling the thick, gooey load sit on my tongue I knew I was indeed a cocksucker. Letting Him slip from my mouth, I licked up the last of His cum from the tip, and sitting back on my heels, opened my mouth, strangely satisfied and proud to show Mistress the load I’d earned.
Reaching out a finger, She dipped it in the cum pooled on my tongue and slowly brought it to Her mouth. For a moment, a long silky string connected us, Mistress and slave, until, suddenly, She kissed me. Her tongue forcing its way into my mouth, lapping up His cum. Pulling my head back, She sucked all of Him from me, only to slowly push the cum back into my mouth. Over and over we passed Him back and forth, like a sacrament between Mistress, Master and slave until, finally, She said,
“Swallow slut.”
And I did, feeling it slide down my throat and into me. I knew I’d only just began and I couldn’t wait for what was next. I’d truly become Their eager little whore.
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