Jealously emerged as Alyssa peaked around the corner and spied into another office gathering that she wasn’t invited to. It wasn’t fair! Today was the day she was going to conquer her anxiety and finally revealed to her office crush that she’s attracted to him! She had even put together a new outfit just for the affairs. Alyssa let out a frustrated sight as she smoothed a cream out of her black mini pencil skirt, which spread tightly over her thighs and clung to her wide hips. She meekly stood in the doorway, leaning on her dominant leg and relaxing the other. The flexed muscles of her toned legs made her high arched hips more prominent, encouraging the eye to follow their curves leading to the shadow of her thigh gap.
“Congratulations!” Hooted the gathering in unison. There was a small crowd around the Vice President’s two children. Both twins received letters of acceptance to their first choice of schools. Different schools. This would be the first time that the twins would beseparate for a long time. Mason would go to University of Kentucky, while Leah would go to Kentucky State University. Alyssa couldn’t stop thinking about her erotic desires again. “Now that’s two less people that I have to sneak around to see Master. This means that Master will have more time for me!” Alyssa thought to herself. She started getting aroused as she imagined how entrancing it felt to be called a ‘good girl’ after obeying Master’s orders.
*Zzzt zzzt bi-bong* Alyssa extends an arm out into the cold and snatches her phone underneath the covers with her.
Text Message: “Good morning, my slave. I’m taking off for lunch in an hour. Confirm you got this message, slave. -Master”.
“It’s too bright…” Alyssa grieved and held the bed covers over Her face, almost tight enough to suffocate. “What is the point of waking up if you don’t have anyone to wake up with?” She thought, still holding her breathe under the covers. Her peppy, pink nipples hardened and began curving upwards, stimulated from erotic asphyxiation. Just as she could feel a tingling sensing, she yanked the bed covers off for air.
“Yes, Master.” Alyssa texted back, taking deep breaths.
Alyssa ran upstairs from the basement, grabbed her jacket, and quickly walked through the living room to the front door to avoid having an uncomfortable conversation with her mom.
“You have an appointment with your therapist right after your chapter meeting for Gamma Phi Beta,” Alyssa’s Mom called after her as she closed the door behind her. “Got it!” yelled Alyssa as she closed the door and skipped to her SUV, excitedly nervous to see Master.
“Wolftrap Vienna Motel”
Sitting in her car, Alyssa deeply inhaled the last puff of her Camel Blue 100. Her heart began to thumb as epinephrine sped throughout her body. She had always had social anxiety issues, but still got nervous and sweaty every time she was about to meet Master, even though they have been seeing each other for two months now. She tried to walk casually across the parking lot and up to their usual room overlooking a pool and courtyard that looked like only rich people could afford to look at.
At the top of the stairs, Alyssa switched into her stripper-looking black silettos that she had to carry because she couldn’t walk in heels without looking like a new-born baby deer. She checked her appearance in every room window as she passed them. Her dark blonde hair was straightened, but still looked long and thick. Her fake eyesashes were on straight and perfectly curled at the edges to give her doe-eyes a more naïve look. Underneath them, her emerald green eyes were bright and sparkled with desire and determination.
Alyssa passed another window and tugged at the new white blouse that Master had picked-out and ordered for her. It was thin enough to tell that she had remembered to wear a white bra that day, and had an old-fashioned looking collar that made her look like a child. Sheapplied her “lipstick” that Master had told her to wear, but it was just her sweet strawberry-sherbet lip gloss that she had stolen from the gas station. The gloss made her thin lips look plump and juicy enough to bite.
She stepped up to the door and knocked two times, trying to seem perky and upbeat. She waited for a second and then thought if she remembered everything. Outfit, check, make-up, check, backpack full of lingerie and sex toys, check…Wait! Alyssa forgot the most important thing! She leaned down awkwardly and raced to unzip her backpack. Her already nervous fingers fumbled with the zipper, and the fake nails didn’t help either.
Alyssa could hear heavy footsteps walking towards her from the other side of the hotel room door. She yanked the bag open, pulled out her sparkling white belted collar, and Strapped it tightly around her neck. Just as the door opens, Alyssa drops to her hands and knees, as if she was so inferior to the person she was about to face, thatshe could not even stand in their presence. Alyssa looks admiringly up at Master. The slight upturned corners of her smile made her look hungry and eager for what was about to happen to her.
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