Their Sex Slave for 17 Hours Ch. 04

“I’m going.” I said as I turned and walked to the door. Every step I took, the weights would click against each other and cause a deep victory between my legs. I opened the door and looked around. I listened for any traffic that would be coming. It was beautiful outside. The temperature had to be seventy-five degrees. I felt the heat of the sun as I stepped off the deck. I felt the dew still on the grass as I Walked along the driveway to the mailbox. Rick had a long driveway. If I had to guess, about the length of a football field.

I looked back at the house to see Jen and Rick looking on. There was something about this that was exciting. I’m not sure what it was, but the gentle breeze made me well aware of how wet I was getting. Almost at the end of the driveway, I still had to cross the gravel road to get to the mailbox. My feet weren’t very tough. I stepped on to the road gingerly making sure that I wasn’t going to step on anything really sharp. I was sure that I was going ing to run out of time. This was taking forever to get there and I still had to get back.

I wan’t quite back to the grass when I heard a vehicle speeding my way. I tried to walk faster, but the weights limited me. The sound of the tires against the gravel increased dramatically in what seemed like just a few seconds. There was no place to hide. I knew Rick was serious about tying me up in the front yard.

The car was just below the hill and I still had a long way to go. If I couldn’t make, I just said fuck it and just walked my sexiest walk. I might as well give them a show, Right?

As the car when by, I turned around and waved. I’m not sure what all he saw at fifty miles an hour, but I didn’t care. I felt free. For the first time in a long time, I was happy, uninhibited, and loved being naked.

Rick opened up the screen door as I stood on the deck.

“I’m proud of you. Very good job,” He said as he gave me a hug.

“Time to go to town. Go upstairs and Jen will find something that will fit you. Go…, get dressed. Oh, did I mention,… absolutely no panties of bra.”

Jen was already upstairs getting ready. She had put on this printed pullover sleepless lace sundress with the length just above mid thigh. It fit her beautifully. She reached in the closet and handed me a dress to put on. It was an all over lace, almost sheer white sundress with a mini hem line and zipper in the back.

Jen zipped me up as I stood in front of the mirror. I couldn’t believe how well it fit me. The hemline was a lot shorter than I would of liked but it made my legs and ass look great.

After a few minutes, Rick came upstairs to change. “Damn, ladies, you both look hot. Let me take a look at you. Turn around.”

We both turned around and modeled for him. For the first time in a long time, I feel sexy. After some quick hair and make up, we headed downstairs.

Rick had already made it downstairs and was watching TV. “Brittnay, come here.”

I walked over to him and stood in front of him. He reached up my dress and tapped the weights on my labia clamps. “Would you like these removed?”

“Oooh, yes please.”

“I’ll make a deal with you. I will remove both of these if you put on this little nipple necklace.”

He held up a golded braided little thing that looked like a necklass but had a loop on each end. Anything had to be better than these weighed clamps. “I’ll trade.”

Without notice, Jen unzipped my dress. It slipped off my shoulders only to be caught by my arms and exposing my breasts. Rick teased my nipples until each were hard. He put the loop around the nipples and pulled them tight. The loops acted like slipknots and keep my nipples hard. The necklace hung between the two. He licked and kissed Both nipples before raising my dress back over my shoulders for Jen to zip me up.

“Raise your dress,”

I picked up my hem line enough for Rick to get access to those clamps. I was real surpriseJust how little that I had to raise it. This dress was short.

“Spread your legs for me.”

As I spread my legs, I could feel Rick’s both hand between my legs as he loosened the adjusting screws that held the clamps. Rick gently rubbed my lips as my knees buckled. I never realized just how sensitive my labia were.

“C’mon ladies, let’s go have some fun.” Rick said as he rose from the chair and slapped me playfully on the ass.

As we walked outside, I still felt naked. The breeze instantly found the moisture between my legs as my hard nipples rubbed on the dress as I moved.

We took Rick’s Ford F-250 four door 4WD truck without any running boards. My dress had to slip all the way up to my wait before I could climb all the way up in it. Jen’s car was still at he bar, so that’s where we were heading.

“Anyone thirsty?” Rick asked as he climbed from the truck. I looked around before trying to navigate the drop to the sidewalk. Rick just laughed at me as I slid down and quickly pulled my dress back down. I walked to the door that he was holding open for Jen and I. Rick ordered us all drinks and we went to the back room with the pool table. There were only a couple regulars at the bar drinking tap beer. Jen and I tried to shoot pool, but it had been years since I had played.

In between shots, Jen would tease Rick by lifting her dress a little or bend over in front of him showing off her pussy.

The pool room was adjacent to the deck that overlooked the parking lot in the back. On busy nights, the deck would be full and there would always be somebody coming and going on the back steps. Also, the bathrooms were just on the right as you entered.

Rick tipped up his beer, “Anyone else ready?”

Both Jen and I finished ours and set them on the table. Rick dug in his wallet and pulled out a twenty. “

Brittany, would you do the honors?”

“Sure,” I said as I grabbed the twenty.

“Wait, come her for a second. I have something for you. You look incredibly sexy and I believe you need a reward. Want it?”

I just giggled like a school girl. “Yes please.”

“I want you to spread your legs and raise your dress for me.”

I looked around, “Here?”

“There is nobody here but Jen and I, and I think that we both have seen you naked. Now speech your legs for me and raise that dress.”

I parted my legs a little and raised the hem in the front just enough so Rick could see my clean sad pussy.

Rick held out his right hand with what looked like a large egg with a short wire hanging out of it. I’m guessing about an inch and a half wide and three inches long.

Rick licked the end of it and looked up at me. “Spread those legs and raise that dress… to your wait!”

I looked at Jen, then outside an quickly around the room. I did what he said. I raised my dress up to my waist as I watched Rick work the toy back and forth parting my lips, then sliding in with a little pressure.

“How does that feel? Okay?”

Rick pushed it deep with his finger. “Ohhhhhh… okay, yes…”

Rick removed his finger and pulled my dress back down. “Don’t let that slip out. If you feel it starting to slip, let us know…Don’t take it out! Okay? Now go get them drinks.”

As I turned and started to walk to the bar, I was well aware of that egg inside of me. Every move that I mad seemed to get me wetter. I made it to the bar and waited for the bartender to come to my end.

I screamed out a high pitched sound as the egg that filled me started to vibrate. I caught the attention of the now four people at the other end of the bar. The bartender stuck his head out of the back room and looked around.

“I’m sorry, just checking on their food. Same thing?”

“Yes please,” I said as I tried to maintain. I had a hard time standing in one spot when the violences grow stronger. I looked for either Jen or Rick, but I couldn’t see them any longer.

I quickly paid him, grabbed our drinks and started to the back. I had to stop as the victory grow to interest for me to handle. On top of that, My hands were full and was now so wet that It felt like it was starting to slip out. I squeezed my legs together tighter which only intensified the pulsations inside of me.

As I turned the corner entering the pool room, I saw that Rick and Jen had retired outside to the deck. Jen was Now sitting on Rick’s lap.

I set down the drinks and crossed my legs, “It’s slipping…help?”

Rick and Jen both laughed. Rick grabbed the remote control for the egg and stut it off. “Come here… let me check.”

As I stood in front of them, I realized that Jen wasn’t just sitting on Rick’s lap. Her hips were moving slowly forward and back. Jen pulled up her dress to show me Rick’s hard cock deep inside of her.

“Raise your dress, spread your legs wide and Jen will check it for you.”

I looked around and raised my dress a little when I heard Rick clear his throat. “Ahem…both hands.”

I raised my dress and Rick turned on the remote to high, then grabbed both of my arms at my waist. I couldn’t move and I was completely naked from the waist down.

Jen grabbed the wire on the egg and began to push it in and out of me. I wanted to scream out loud. As Jen finger fucked me with great intensity, Rick held me firmly in one place.

I looked around for anyone coming. I could see people over the rail but I couldn’t tell if they were coming this way. Jen began rising up and down on Rick’s cock as she fingered me harder.

“Jen… anxious… I think someone’s coming!” Rick said almost out of breath.

“Stop… Stop, Jenny, ohm, oooooo, ohhhhh…” I yelled out as I soaked Jen’s magic fingers.

Jen released the egg as her own body began to quiver. Rick released my arms as the back door to the bar opened. Jen sat up and kissed Rick as I stood up and tried to look relaxed.

I looked and waved atthe couple as they walked to the bar. After they walked through, I hit the button on the remote that was laying on the table for the egg that was still vibrating inside of me and turned it off. The hem of my dress on my left side was still almost at my wait. And both of my thighs on the inside were covered in cum. I couldn’t believe that I was just fingered in a public place!

As I looked at Jen and Rick, it was obvious that Rick hadn’t finished yet. He stood up with his cock still in Jen and bent her over the railing. He pounded her for what seemed like an eternity while I watched. I was so turned on.

Rick pulled out of her and held his cock while Jen turned around and dropped to her knees. With his free hand, He grabbed me and pulled me over to Jen. She took most of his cum in her mouth as Rick Shook with pleasure. I dropped along side her and tasted what was left on his cock. Jen also licked at his cock while Rick milked what was left of his gift to us.

“Ladies, Ithink it’s time to go…” He said laughing as he put his dick away.

I stood up in time to hear the back door slam shut. I looked over the deck rail to see the couple that had come in earlier. They had to see what we were doing!

We all went to the bathrooms to get cleaned up and I really had to pee. Rick waited for us outside of the women’s bathroom and we proceeded to the front door. Rick had his arm around both of us as we passed what was now a small crowd by the door. Rick took his arm from around me and reached for the door. As he did, the vibrating egg still inside of me turned back on. “Ahhhh…! I screamed.”

“Just checking,” Rick said laughing.

Rick stood on the sidewalk with a grin just watching and waiting for us to get into his truck from hell. As I tried to pull myself up, Rick increased the level of victory of the egg.

“Damn you,” I said laughing. Everytime I tried to get in, Rick would fuck with the remote and we would start laughing. The more we laughed, the weaker I got. Finally, he shut off the remote and helped me into his truck. Of course, he had to pull up my dress and show everyone my ass by doing so.

We laughed all the way to our next stop. Rick turned off the main road to a dirt road. He took this little path of a driveway that led to a cabin on Long lake. It was so beautiful. It turned out that the cabin belonged to Rick’s friend,Tom.

Rick stopped the truck on top of the hill overlooking the lake. It was the only place to turn around. “Who wants to go for a boat ride?” Rick asked.

“Cool,” I spoke up immediately. It had been forever since I was in a boat.

“Let’s go,” Rick said as he jumped from the truck.

The cabin wasn’t much to look at. It was quite old and needed a lot of Maintenance. Rick grabbed the key from under the lid of the LP tank and opened the door.

“I just have to grab the key for the boat.” He said as he opened the door and walked inside. “Jen, can you find us some beach towels? OH, and life preservers.”

The house smelled very musty. It must have been closed up for quite awhile. Rick found the key and we proceeded to the boathouse that was located under the deck of the cabin. Inside, the boat was tied up to docks on both sides. It wasn’t a new high speed jet boat that I had envisioned, but more of a cruiser. Rick jumped in the boat, turned the key and it fired right up. “Well, that’s a good sign,” he said laughing, then shut it off. “Let me check the gas,… Now, here is what is going to happen. Nobody is going to wear any clothes, not even me,” Rick said as he pulled down his pants revealing is semi hard cock, again!

Jen followed suit and pulled the sundress over her head. She throw her dress on the dock and jumped in the boat. Rick grabbed his cell phone from his pants, removed his shirt and tossed them on the pile with Jen’s.

“Next?” Rick asked as he looked at me. He hoped out of the boat and walked to the back of the boathouse. He unlocked the doors and opened them wide. He walked back over to me and stood there. “Well?”

“Everyone can see everything when we are out there.” I whispered.


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