He was in his mid-40s, trim and worked as a manager in an office. He had been in a vanilla marriage for years that just didn’t ever seem fulfilling. Finally, he realized that life was not getting any shorter and decided to end the marriage. By then they were just going through the motions so it was a relief for both parties. He tried unsuccessfully to meet women for months but just couldn’t seem to find them. Mostly it was because he didn’t meet that many people outside of work. You know how it is, you work all day and when you finally get home, you are stressed out from the commute. So you get some exercise and then run some errands. Before you know it, the evening is gone. Usually, he just got a chance to get some dinner and watch a little TV before heading off for bed to start the cycle all over again the next day. He had heard about online dating from a friend and thought he would give that a try.
He put up a profile on a couple of vanilla dating websites. Chatted with some women via email, got a couple of dates but just didn’t feel the chemistry he was looking for. He laid off the online scene and just contented himself with surfing the web. He found some BDSM sites, read some stories and realized what he was missing, the sense of control and dominance over a woman. He put his profile up on Alt.com and got a wink from a submissive. He emailed her and they started chatting. It didn’t take long for them to get together, a relationship which lasted for a couple of months. But she was just interested in occasional role playing, not really submitting. So he broke it off.
He found some other profiles that seemed interesting but when he emailed them, he realized that their backgrounds were too different. He was intelligent and well educated. He wanted a sub who could keep up an intelligent conversation during their vanilla times. He wanted a woman who submitted, not because of low self esteem, but because of a desire for control, to be cherished for her submission.
Then he found a profile that he liked and emailed her. She responded and that began a couple of months of emails and calls. He knew she was a little larger than he liked but he liked her intelligence, submissiveness and desire to please. He asked for her picture and liked what he saw. Later, when they finally met, he found that the pictures were 10 years old and definitely did not match her Current looks. In those missing 10 years, she had let herself go and thought he wouldn’t mind. Well, the new look didn’t both him nearly as much as the dishonesty did. A true D/s relationship is based on trust and communication. Needless to say, he was not willing to begin a relationship based on dishonesty.
So he went looking again and found the profile of a woman that truly excited him. Her profile showed that she was 37, divided, with an average body, and worked in a sales job. Further, she had a good education, wrote well, and seemed to desire those things he offered. So he emailed her and his journey to fulfillment began.
She was a woman who felt some uncertain desires, she sometimes felt that she would only be alive, who she really truly is, if she had the freedom that comes with complete submission. The thought both scared and inflamed her. She had fantasized about it for a while, but only recently had she considered acting on her fansies. She had recently lost her husband and needed a man. She had always had strong sexual desires but not always with her husband. Not that she had cheated, just that she had wanted to. He just had not controlled her as she needed to be controlled. But now she was free. Freedom was scary, or at least very uncomfortable. She needed to be cared for, her actions controlled. The world is uncertain, she needed something very certain in her life, she needed a Master.
She put her profile up on Alt.com, kind of on the spur of the moment, not sure what to expect or how much she was integerrested in pursuing her fantasy of submitting to a man. She was a self assured educated, professional woman. So what was she thinking of, submitting to a man?
She knew if she did go through with this, she needed to find the right Master. She was giving her self, body and soul, to a man. She wanted a man to care for her and control her. She would do whatever he wanted with and to her. But that would show how much he cares for her. She would feel cherished and cared for. She would take care of her Master in all ways including sexually, emotionally, and intellectually. Sexually, she would be available for whatever He desired. Emotionally, she would be available for whatever he desired. Intellectually, she would not let him down when he needed a foil for his intelligence.
One day she read a story that speak to her, to her very core. It talked about submission, Masters, and the responsibilities of both in a relationship. She could not help herself. She thought about this Man for days, watching to see if he wrote anything more. He did! What he wrote just confirmed what she felt. Now what to do?!
Then, amidst the fluurry of responses she had gotten to her profile, she received one that stood out. It was from the Man who had spoken to her in his stories. She read his profile; he was what she wanted emotionally but was a little older than she had wanted. But he spoke to her soul the way no man her age had ever done. Now what to do? She was torn, should she pursue her fantasy or should she play it safe. Her very soul told her to pursue her fantasy, but it was so hard. She re-read all his stories, but then, he posted a new one! Oh, god! It spoke to her directly.
She logged on to Alt.com. He wasn’t on but she decided to email him. She told him of her desires, what she was interested in, wishing he would contact her. Then she waited. It was the longest wait she had ever had. She was afraid both that he would respond and that he wouldn’t because he didn’t findher worthy. She started checking her email almost hourly. Then, it happened! An email from Him! He talked about himself, his interests, both vanilla and as a Dom. He discussed her desires and how he reflected them in his desires. She was hooked.
His response was everything she could have asked for. He didn’t assume she was his slave already. He talked to her as a person who would be a sub, a person with Feelings and interests. He talked about the road he would take her on and how it would lead to her final submission. She felt warmed by his interest in her and knew this was a Man she would happily submit to. So she emailed him back and thus began her journey to submission, freedom, and happiness.
First Meeting: His View
I had emailed her a couple of times a week for a while. Then started daily, Sometimes almost hourly emails. My first emails were about myself, my vanilla likes and interests. She told me that her job required her to be a little aggressive but that shelong for the security and warmth that would come with submitting to a Man. We began to discuss her submissive fans and the extent she was interested in submitting. We did some cyber role playing, with her getting used to being submissive. As we played, she clearly was getting more and more excited about total submission. A month ago we began to talk on the telephone. I was intrigued with her voice; it was soft and unsure but at the same time, sexy. She gradually became used to calling me “Sire” and soon became excited about it. I would not let her call me Master until she fully submitted. We continued our role playing, but now it was over the phone. She would frequently cum during these sessions and always screamed “Sire!” when she came.
Now it was time for us to actually meet. I picked a nice restaurant where we could have a private conversation but where she could feel comfortable due to its public nature. I was confident about my role but knew this was a big step for her. So far we had been playing their roles at a safe distance, now reality was coming closer. Also, I was curious to see what she actually looked like. We had exchanged pictures but reality does not always match, as I well knew.
I arrived at the restaurant about 15 minutes before our date. I wanted to see her before she saw me to see how she acted in public. In a few minutes, I saw a woman Come in and peer around the room. I was very pleased; she looked very much like her pictures. She wore her age well and had a degree of uncertainty that can be so appealing in a sub. I like a sub who is old enough to fully appreciate what submission means but not so old that she doesn’t desire frequently sex. She has enough experience to understand what she wants and can know what it really means to submit. She approaches the hostess and is led to my table.
I rise to greet her, taking her hand and bent over to kiss it. Old fashioned, I know, but I was seeking the kind of relationship that goes way back in human history. She seemed both pleased and surprised by my greeting. I pulled her chair out so she could sit. She was obviously nervous and started a smooth pattern of talk that seemed to come from her professional life. I let her talk until she ran out of things to say. She realized what she had done and then looked sheepishly at her hands laying in her lap. I just smiled and told her how nice it was to watch her talk; she had such a lively face and it was made even prettier by the ease with which she laughed. Her face lit up at this compliment.
Then I took up a thread from our last phone conversation about her desire to get away sometimes and go camping. We started discussing camping and this led to other topics. Soon she settled down and became comfortable. As the evening wore on, we started touching on why she was Interested in submitting and what she wanted out of a relationship. I told her of my desire to take on a sub, what I felt were my responsibility ina D/s relationship, how I would take care of a sub, cherish her, and how much I appreciated what she would be giving me.
We talked for hours and suddenly the waiter was standing at my side with the check. The restaurant was closing for the night. How the time had flown! I paid the check and got up to pull her chair out for her. As she rose, she leaned into my and whispered that she had had a good time. I told her that I had enjoyed it also. As we walked out of the restaurant, I took her hand in mine. She looked at me shyly and gave my hand a quick squeeze. I walked her to her car and waited while she unlocked the door. As she stood back up, I gently turned her around and we shared our first kiss. I told her I would call her later to be sure she got home all right and to set up our next meeting.
I warned her that not all nights would be like tonight. Sometimes soon she would knee in front of me but that I would give her time to understand her place. She whispered “Thank youSire” and got into her car. I closed the door and watched her drive away, sure that I had found my sub. As I walked to my car, I hummed a little tune and felt happy; my world would soon be complete. It would take time and patience to properly train her, but she would make it all worthwhile. I looked forward to the adventure.
First Meeting: Her View
We emailed back and forth every few days for the first week or two. Then we started emailing each other every day. The tone of his emails gradually became more dominant, but that was what I was looking for. It excited me. We started exchanged fansies and discussing our desires. I was amazed how much our fansies and desires were alike, almost mirror images. It got so that I couldn’t wait for his emails and, I guess he couldn’t either. We started exchanging almost hourly emails. I started reliving our fansies before going to sleep each night and having the most intense orgasms I have ever had. This, without even being touchedby the man.
Finally, I decided to take the next step and give him my phone number. I knew he wanted it, but he was so patient and understanding with me. He had waited until I was ready. I was so nervous driving home that night from work. I couldn’t believe it, I spent all day dealing with men, selling them computer services and products and here I was, nervous over a single call.
I spent the evening anxiously waiting for the phone to ring. Finally, it did and I answered it. He was on the line. I almost came when I heard his voice for the first time, it was so sexy. He was so confident and sure. I just stammered and finally managed to get out “Hello.” He told me how glad he was to finally hear my voice and started talking about little things until I calmed down. We talked for almost three hours before he said I should get to bed, he remembered how early I had to get up for work. It felt so good to know he listened to what I had told him in our emails and he CARED about ME.He asked me if he could call me the next night, and, of course, I said “Yes.”
Well, we started talking every night and sometimes before work in morning. We talked about our fansies. He would start describing different things to me, it was incredible. I had never cum from phone sex before, but he could make me cum two or three times in a single call.
After thinking about it for days, I decided to Ask him if I could call him “Master.” So one evening, I just did it. It was both the most difficult thing and the most liberating thing I have ever done. He paused, then said “No, little sub. Not yet. Only when you have truly submitted may you call me Master. For now you may call me Sire.” I couldn’t believe it, I actually came when he said that. I mean, I was disappointed on one level that he would not let me call him Master but his reason means so much to me. After that the tone of our nightly conversations was definitely that of a Master and his sub.
I started yelling “Sire” whenever I came. I became so used to asking him for permission for anything, it just felt right. I loved it when he would give me permission to cum in the mornings before work. I loved having this man control me, I felt so warm and secure.
After a couple of weeks, he asked if I was ready to finally meet. I had been dreaming of that for a while by then, so I immediately said yes, before I had a chance to think. We discussed when to meet and agreed to meet that Saturday. He said he would make reservations at a restaurant and send me the address. He apologized for not picking me up, but he said that he didn’t want me to feel concerned about giving out my address to a person I had not even met. Again, I was warmed by his understanding and concern for me.
Saturday finally came. I spent the day nervously trying on different outfits and getting ready. Sometimes I would stop and think “I am an educated professional, what am I doing? I meet people every day and am often in control of the meeting. Why am I so nervous? What am I doing, meeting some man to see if he wants to take control of me? To own me, body and soul?” But then, my heart and soul would answer, “Because it is right, he should be in control. I am meant to serve.”
Finally, it was time to leave. I didn’t want to be late. I knew how he liked people to be prompt (I was late calling him one night and he scolded me. I felt so bad, but at the same time, so good when he did that). When I got to the restaurant, I took a minute to check my hair and makeup. I didn’t have much makeup on. He doesn’t like a lot. He says that a woman is beautiful as she is, make up should enhance that beauty not hide it. Then I got out of the car. I stood there, nervously, for a minute before taking a deep breath and starting for the restaurant entrance.
I looked around the dining room when I went in, but didn’t see him. So I asked the hostess and she led me to his table. I was glad she didn’t look at my knees, they were shaking, I was so nervous. When I got to his table, he stood and kissed my hand. As he did that, I felt a shiver run up my spine. I looked at him there in front of me, so confident and sure, while I was so nervous. He looked just like his picture, the picture I had stared at for hours while masturbating, but even better because I could see the calmness and warmth in his eyes. He pulled out my chair for me, me, a woman would be his sub. He pulled out my chair! I sat and all of a sudden, words were coming out of my mouth. I knew it was just habit to talk like this, it was how I started all my sales calls, but I couldn’t stop. Throughout my babbling, he just sat there and smiled, nodding at appropriate times. Finally, I ran out of steam and stopped. I was embarrassed but he just said how much he liked hearing me talk and loved the way my face looked as I laughed. I felt so much better, I had not displeased him.
He started to ask me some questions about where I had gone camping, something we had talked about a little before. It was so nice to be able to talk about something safe. Well, I don’t know what all we talked about that evening; I just wished it would never end. I do know we talked about submission and what I wanted. He told me about his values, his sense of responsibility, and how he viewed a D/s relationship. I had heard some it before, but it was so nice to hear it while looking into his eyes. I could tell he felt strongly about these things and I felt so much better. He would take care of me, he would value me. From that moment, I knew I wanted to be his.
Unfortunately, the evening came to an end. The waiter arrived to tell him the restaurant was closing. I couldn’t believe it, where had the time gone? He paid the check. It was funny; I didn’t even offer to pay my part like I would any other time. It just felt right for him to take care of it and of me. He stood and pulled out my chair for me to rise. As we started walking out of the restaurant, he took my hand in his. It felt so very good. Then he walked me to my car. I felt so safe and protected with him. I unlocked my car door and, as I stood up, I felt his hands turn me around. Then, he kissed me. I almost melted right then. If he had told me to knee in front of him right then, I would have. I would have given him a blowjob right there in the parking lot if he had told me to. I was his.
He told me he would call me later to be sure I got home all right. He cared! I knew he was starting to take responsibility for me; he was taking the first step to being my owner. It felt so good and so right. Then I called him “Sire” for the first time in His presence. I got into my car and He shut the door. As I drove away, I could see Him watching my car, being sure I was all right. I felt so complete, I was sure this was the Man I would gladly submit to. I hoped I would be His forever. I knew I would serve Him and do anything to please Him. Please God, let Him want me and take me for His own.
Training: His View
I watched her walk away, sobbing quietly. Her back had five red stripes and her ass was an even red. She had displeased me this evening and I had administrator the first of what would be a series of discipline sessions. This one was actually more severe than I would normally give for that particular error. But I wanted her to fully understand what she was in for if she fully submitted to me. Over the next few weeks, I would teach her to understand the pain and joy that are a part of submission. I knew that she would understand that these marks were also a sign of my ownership. When she fully understood that, she would not just endure her discipline; she would embrace it and take joy in being my property. One day she would ask for it, be reminded of her status.
I went to get some cream for her back and a small glass of wine for her. She needed to understand in her soul the two sides of submission, being distributed and being cherwashered. Through this she will come to understand the rightness of her surrender and completely trust me.
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