She felt awkward, way more than anything else, that was what went through her. Although all the talk, being with him made her nervous, and her nervousness made her awkward. She was ultra aware of everything thought that went through her head, wondering, was he judging her, did he find her too fat, what might happen now, just anything. Things had been quiet and nobody had said anything for a couple of minutes, apart From conversation that had seemed forced. She held a glass Vodka Cruiser bottle in her hand and looking down at it, she lifted it, taking a swig, she couldn’t look at him, everything seemed so damn uncomfortable. When the bottle was empty, she glanced at him. She didn’t know how long he’d been watching her, but it made her look away very quickly. She waved her empty bottle at him and smiled hesitantly before standing and heading towards the garbage bin. She moved slowly, lifting the lid and dropping the bottle in.
When she turned, he was there, inches away from her. She froze, her eyes locked on his. She felt a sudden thrill of fear, or… something, pulse through her body. She let out a slow, hesitant breath, suddenly wishing she hadn’t, as she was sure and certain her breath must smell something awful. Her dad was always telling her that her breathe tank.
He still hadn’t moved an inch, and she was starting to feel a bit afraid. Her senses were telling her to move, before something happened, but she couldn’t. She stood, locked into staring at his face.
When it came, she wasn’t expecting it, his hand moved up, his fingers against the skin at the base of her throat, moving up around her neck. He held her for a second, before he crushed his lips against hers. For a very long moment, she cringed away from the touch, attempting to pull away, but his hand was firm on her shoulder and neck and his body warm against hers, and after a moment of brain whirling, freaking out, she allowed herself to fall into the kiss and kiss him back. Their lips merged together, blending and moving as the intensity grow within each of them.
Finally, she parted her lips, and his tongue slipped against them gently. She flicked her tongue against his, wanting more, and without knowing what she wanted, he obliged, sliding his tongue into her mouth. She suckled it gently, her arms sliding around his waist. He took his tongue away, and she slide hers after it, allowing her tongue to slip into his mouth, where he flicked his against it, and suckled on it, the way she had to his.
His grip on her was hard now, as the kissing grow more intense. He slide his tongue into her mouth, and she put her lips around it, sucking it as she one day would suck his cock, and he made a noise inside his throat, smoking his lips back over hers. The feelings running through her were heady and making her feel faith. She tucked Her fingers into the belt holes of his jeans, pulling his body hard against hers. Her back was up against the wall, the garbage can now knocked to the ground by her feet. She could feel him actually becoming hard under his pants, and she pushed her hips towards him, enjoying the feeling of the hardness underneath his pants.
He pushed her back into the wall hard, his mouth devouring hers, one hand around her throat, the other she had no idea where it was, it was somewhere! But by God, she was getting horny. The feel of his hard cock through his pants was making Her crazy. Without thinking about it, she slide one hand around to the front of his pants and down over the denim, feeling it under her hands. Oh how she wanted it, so very very much. Her hand rubbed up and down the crotch of his pants, firm, but gentle at the same time, and he removed his lips from hers to moan just a little. She wasn’t going to allow it, and she pressed her lips back against his, wanton and stupid. Her hand was firm against his cock as she massaged it through his pants, and she was kissing him hard, uncaring of anything else but feeling.
He stopped her then, breathing heavily, and his hands moved down to her wrists, locking them tightly.
“No, no” he said, his eyes on hers.
Her eyes were heavy with lust. “I-“
“No! I didn’t say you could do that!”
Her eyes searched his for a moment, and she smiled, a coy smile, “Yeah? Simple solution, tell me I can do it!” she strained her head forward for another kiss, but he merely raised an eyebrow at her and she squirmed, feeling a little silly. She didn’t honestly care that she felt silly, but she was more than a little drink at this point, and all she cared about was feeling. She strained to move her hands and he allowed her a little bit, until her fingers began to touch the crotch of his pants again.
“No!” he told her, firmly.
“Yes!” she responded, even more firmly. She struggled to break his grip, the whole thing making her even more horny than before. By God, she loved it rough. Nobody had ever done it the way she liked, stupid gentlemen, allof them. Too nice and sweet to even be able to make her cum. She squealed in her throat as she squirmed wildly, trying to unlock the grip on her wrists. The battle went on for a long while until suddenly, he let her go. His arms twisted around her and he kissed her, a jaw breaking his on the mouth, which she returned with just as much fervour. Her hands were back over his cock again, massaging it through the pants of his jeans.
“Shit!” he broke off quickly, grabbing her arms again.
“You know I can play this game all night!” she teased, her eyes full of nothing but the desperate lust she felt inside.
He watched her momentarily as she struggled, before once again releasing her and kissing her with another intensity, lip locking kiss. This time her hands moved to his pants, and in her desperate need, she fumbled wildly with the button before unzipping them. She pushed them down as best she could, feeling the cock jump to life in front of her. She gripped it with her hands, squeezed it and toying with it. He broke off the kiss, but didn’t stop her from touching his hard cock. His face was torn about where to go from here, she so clearly wanted to be fucked, but she was also drunk, and he didn’t know if he liked that.
“Laney…” he waited for her to look at him, so engrossed was she in watching as her hands teased his cock. She couldn’t seem to stop looking at it. “Laney!” he shook her a tiny bit and her eyes moved up to his face.
“What?” she asked, a little surprised.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
She made a purring semi laugh in her throat, “What do you think I’m doing?”
“You’re drunk,” he told her.
She laughed completely this time. “Ya think?”
“This isn’t happening.”
He grabbed her hands and holding them in one hand, he pulled up his pants and tugged the zipper back up with the other hand. He bent his head to do up his button but out of the corner of her eye, he could see her whole body visible deflate. She was disappointed. He looked at her, and she looked away, trying to keep the hurt expression from showing on her face.
“Look, its going to happen, but not now. You’re drunk.”
“So?” she challenged, “So what if I am?”
He was actually a bit disgusted. She was damn desperate, jeez. He walked away and she made a sound behind him. He turned his head sharply to look at her. “What was that?”
She laughed, a hurt, but yet bitchy laugh, “I would have thought after everything you said on the computer, that you’d be all… whatever, and just do it. But you’re not. You’re being a wimp.”
“I’m being a wimp because I don’t want to fuck you while you’re pissed?” he asked, his voice hard.
“Yes!” her answer was simple. Her eyes flicked down to the bin and she knelt down to pick up the mess they had created when knocking it over. Turning on her heel as she was still squatting on the floor, she was surprised to see that she was face to crotch with him as he stood over her.
“Stand up,” his voice was commanding, and she trembled a little as she pushed herself to her feet, being very careful not to touch him. They were eye to eye again, and the expression on his face, she suddenly felt herself feeling slightly terrified.He moved towards her and she stepped back, starting as she stepped back into the wall behind her. Her heart started to pound, and she tried to stare him down.
Only seconds later, their arms were around each other, with his hand on her neck, holding her to him as they furiously kissed once more. The violence in the kiss made her blood race, fear and trepidation course through her. She could feel, as they kissed, his cock getting harder than before in his pants, so firmly pressed against her belly was it. She wanted to speak, to ask him, to say something, but her head was pressed hard against the wall, and she couldn’t pull away from his mouth. The tongue plumdering her mouth was hard, and she fought against it with her own.
After what seemed a long time, the kiss broke for a moment, and she was free to breathe deeply. He was doing the same, his eyes on her face. He seemed to be looking for something, and she was sure whatever he was looking for, he wouldn’t find it. All he found in her eyes was lust. Her chest was heaving, and he could hear her heartbeat pounding strongly. His own feelings overwhelmed him, and he crushed his mouth onto hers once more. As he did, his hands moved down towards her stomach, crumpling her skirt into a pile in one hand. He slide his hand down, not surprised to find that the bulge of her public region was recently shaken. He could feel a gentle stubble under his fingers. He didn’t care though, he moved down farther, his fingers seeking her hole. He wanted to feel how wet she was. When his fingers found their target, he found that she was already dampamp, she wouldn’t need much before he plowed her, thats for sure.
He rubbed his fingers on her clip and she pushed herself towards him. He pushed her back, needing the space in between them to position himself properly. Her hands groped for his crotch and she began to rub him through his pants again, fumbling with the button once more. She hadn’t managed to undo it when he removed her hands and undid them himself. Her skirt had dropped down, and rather than lift it up again, he pushed it down, letting the entire thing crumple to the floor. Still kissing her, he stepped out of his pants and pushed himself against her.
His cock was hard on her belly and she massaged it with both hands, starting at the base and working up the shake before lightly rubbing her thumb over the head. He had one arm down around her own arms, massaging her clipty with two fingers. He could feel the sexual energy in her, it was becoming more and more evidence in her kissing, stronger and more urgent.
Grabbing her by the arms, he backed up suddenly, pulling her with him. She didn’t seem to care where she was being led, she just followed the cock in her hands, not willing to release it yet. When he neared the couch, he turned, pulling her down on top of him. She was straddling his legs, with his cock inches in front of her stromach. One of his hands was cupping the base of her neck, holding their lips together, the other was around her bare ass, squeezing the chubby mass under his hand. She was pulling his cock towards her, letting the head rub against her clip as she moved it and massaged it, giving herself a thrill as she touched him.
How long this went on for, neither of them, but her desire was getting strong, to the point that she slide forward, making an attempt to slide the cock inside of herself and onto it. In her awkward position however, it didn’t work, but he knew what she wanted, and flipping her over, he raised one of her legs and slide himself into her in a quick motion. Their lips had come apart as he had flipped her, and as he entered her, she let out a sharp gasp of shock and her eyes went wide.
“This is what you want?” he asked her, his eyes on hers.
“Yes,” she whispered.
“You want me to fuck you?” he asked her.
She nodded, “yes,”, still a whisper.
“You want me to cum inside you?”
Her face flushed scarlet, and he gave her ass a light slap for not answering, which made her buck her hips hard, putting her in an Even better position for him to enter.
“Tell me!” he demanded.
“I-” she started, but she seemed so embarassed. She hadn’t been ashamed of wanting it, but she was ashamed to say so. He found this notion a little odd, she was so horny, but couldn’t say it. He slapped her ass again, making her buck, which he liked.
“Tell me or I stop!” he demanded.
Her eyes widened in sudden horror and she stared at him. They looked at each other for a long time, but still she said nothing, so he shrugged slowly and began to move away from her, his cock making a wet sucking sound as it came from within her.
“No! Wait!” she held up her hand, and he stopped, the head of his cock still just inside of her.
“Well?” he asked.
“I- I-” she was flushing furiously, “I…” she paused a moment to take a breath before whispering, “I want you to fuck me and cum inside me?” But it was a question, she wasn’t telling him what she wanted.
“Thats not really good enough!” he chided her.
“I feel silly!” she blurred out.
“Then you can feel silly all by yourself!” he said, and started to move again.
“No!” she cried out. “Wait! I can… I can say it!”
He raised one eyebrow at her and she stammered for a long time before blurring out.
“I want you to fuck me!”
He waited and she looked confused.
“And?” he prompted.
“Oh!! And… I want you to cum in me!”
There was no hint of the lust from earlier in her voice, just blank statements. He figured for now, that would have to be good enough, it was her first time after all. He slide himself back inside her and she relaxed obviously. Yet another thing he found odd. He tried not to focus on it, and instead focus on giving it to her good. She wanted it, she’d get it. He’d cum so hard inside of her, it would hurt.
As he fucked her, he could see the expression on her face, and it was an expression of some kind of effort. It was as though, in some way, she was trying to force herself to cum. He took her hand in his as he pounded her, placing it on her own cunt. She glanced away, not looking him in the face as she quickly moved her hand away.
“Touch yourself!” he prompted.
She shook her head, and thought he could see tears in her eyes. She clearly felt humiliated, which of course was her own fault, but too late now. Instead of commanding her again, he used his own fingers on her clip and he could see her relaxing even more, her face becoming serene with pleasure. He shook his head, and was careful to keep his steady pace until he could see her body shivering, as though with cold. He was a little confused, but he didn’t stop his thrusting and touching. After awhile, he could feel her pussy squeeze on his cock, relaxing and tightening. She was shuddering now, trying not to make a sound whilst she did so.
The feelings inside her cunt were strong now, and he was finding it hard to concentrate, so nice was the feeling. His fingers continued to rub the nub of her clip, and her whole body quivered, Making her whimper and moan a little. He wanted to cum already, so good was the feeling of her exploding pussy. Very suddenly, she grabbed his hand, throwing it away from her cliporis, her eyes on his face. She looked a little dazed, and clearly didn’t want him to touch her clip, which made him grin. Moving his hand back there, he didn’t fail to see the sudden expression of alarm that crossed her face and she shook her head.
“You told me this cunt belongs to me, and its mine to do with what I will… do you remember that?” he asked.
The memory seemed evident as her face frozen.
“Mmm, I thought so!” he continued to tease the little clip, and every time he did, he could feel the inside of her cunt clnch hard on his cock, and every few touches, she would buck hard, trying to remove herself away from his touch. He couldn’t take it any more, he wanted to cum. So instead of continuing his torque of her, he began to thrust, HARD, his now slick and wet cock impaling into Her shacked pussy. He was moaning a little, as he moved deep inside of her. Her eyes were on his face, the expression on hers completely unreadable. He couldn’t tell now whether the look in her eyes was from drunkenness, lust or something else.
He couldn’t stand to see the expression on her face though, it was kind of disturbing, so he focused instead, on plowing her hard. Everytime he thumbed himself into Her, she would make a small sound, somewhat like a moan, or a whimper, or a grunt, he couldn’t decide. He did like it though, and again and again, he thrustHARD inside of her, making her open her mouth in shock and pain and surprise. As he was thrusting in and out, he felt her hand move around his, her small hand, squeezing his fingers. His eyes popped open wide and he looked at her, again disturbed by that strange expression on her face that he couldn’t figure out. She smiled, just a little smile, before leaning her head back and releasing his hand.
He had to cum, and he had to cum soon, this whole thing was getting weird. Thumping himself into her, the only sounds that either could hear were his slight grunts of exertion and the slapping of his balls on her ass, combined with the now only occasional whimper from her underneath of him. Her eyes were closed, and he couldn’t be sure she hadn’t fallen sleep, but he was wondering. He shook his head to clear the thoughts, and finally he could feel his balls pulsing, could feel his cock jerking inside of her as he began to unload inside of her.
Having cum, he was now exhausted, and without moving himself from her, he lay beside her, breathing heavily. Beside him, she leaned forward slightly, putting her head against his chest and her arm around his waist. One of her legs wrapped over his and she pressed herself closer to him.
Clearly very drunk, and very tired now, she was ready for sleep, having gotten whatever it was she had wanted. He tried to move to get up off her, but she pulled him closer. Her head tilted up to look at him, and she whispered it now, two little words, “Thank-you”. She gave him what was a gentle, tender, sweet kiss, that surprised him so completely he couldn’t move, before she pressed her head back against his chest.
Within minutes, he could tell she was sleep, and he lay still beside her, his cock still mostly inside of her. He closed his eyes Also. That last moment had surprised him, and actually moved him somewhat. She had thanked him, what for?
Pushing away the questions and thoughts, he let himself drift into sleepas well.
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