Their Fantasies Come to Life Pt. 02

CW: this story focuses on a woman exploring her dominant side and include cock and ball torture among other things that might be intense to read. This is NOT a description of a healthy, communicative BDSM relationship so don’t look for that here!

If you preferred my writing about women enjoying submission, don’t worry, we’ll get back there 😉

Thanks for reading xo


A few weeks after my night in the viewing room it all started to seem like a dream.

When I first came back to real life I had been filled with a warm feeling of satisfaction. For a few days I had basked in the glow of how great that night had been.

But in the weeks since, a gnawing desire for more had crept into my mind and body. I had called up a couple of the guys I sometimes saw and they had come over as requested and fucked me well. They’d be courteous before hand while we caught up, dominant in bed, and sweet to me after, just like I always used to like. And although I could still get off, and although their nice bodies and sexual stamina still drive me wild, those nights weren’t quite satiating me anymore.

That night in the viewing room while playing with the other man, my pathetic toy, I had discovered a new desire in myself. And although I still loved submitting to powerful cocks and hungry men that fucked me senseless, I was starting to spend a lot more time day dreaming about making men submit to me.

While laying in bed at night new visions started to fill my mind. I imagined squeeze cocks till they bulged but never letting them come. I pictured needy faces contained with pain, shame, and desire. Alone in my room, touching myself, I could almost hear the sounds of whimpering men begging for me.

At first I tried to ignore these new fans. I had a busy schedule and a regular enough sex life that I had been satisfied with. I didn’t want to have to go out of my way to explore something new. But afterTwo straight weeks of falling asleep to visions of men tied up and submitting to me it was time to admit that this was something I wanted.

The question then became how to go about pursuing these new sexual experiences. Before, I’d always had a type and had known how to find sexual partners I was compatible with. I preferred to meet people in real life instead of dating on the internet. Now, the thought of posting something like “femdom looking to play with you,” on a kink app made my skin crawl.

I decided I would just have to adjust the men I was scoping for in public. I had always ignored and brushed off submissive seeming types that I caught pining over me. Before now it had never seemed attractive. For the first time, I resolved to look at the men around me differently.

A couple days after setting on my decision I stepped out of my apartment door and nearly ran into someone in the hallway. It was my neighbor from a few doors down. We’d lived next to each other for a couple years and I’d often caught him gawking at me in the elevator or when we passed each other in the hall. I’d never given him any thought before.

That day in the hall though, something changed. He jumped away from me coming out of the door like I was a fire that might burn him. Flushing bright red he looked down at his feet muttering, “Sorry, excuse me,” before turning and quickly walking back towards his apartment.

He was taller than I’d ever noticed before. And it occurred to me then that if I was looking for someone malleable, someone who might be willing to submit to anything I asked while almost begging for it to continue, it could be him.

That night as I cooked dinner I thought back to my brief run in with the neighbor. I remembered all the times that I’d caught him staring at my chest through my pajama t-shirt or gazing at my legs in a pair of shorts. It was easy to imagine him submitting to me. I could picture him getting down on his knees and crawlingto me if I told him to.

I started to wonder what sort of body he might be hiding behind his lanky limbs and messy haircuts. What was his cock like? And what would it look like covered in spit and straining for me? I had to turn the heat down on dinner and go to my room to touch myself at the thought.


Night One

I hadn’t exactly made a plan for how to proceed with the neighbor. When I looked at the situation too directly I felt a bit hot and embarrassed at the thought of propositioning him. After ignoring the poor man for a couple of years it felt strange to now find myself thinking so much about him.

One Saturday evening I was running to catch the elevator and found that he was already inside, holding the door for me. Again I was struck by how tall he was. His eyes roved over my body quickly, before adjusting to stare squarely at the floor.

“Hi,” he said, barely audible, with his eyes trained down.

All at once, my conflicted feelings from the week melted away. I was assured and in control. This pitiful man would be lucky to have my attention.

I turned to him. “Hi. How are you?” I asked.

With that the door opened on our floor and he bolted from the elevator tossing a muddled “fine thanks” over his shoulder as he left.

Emboldened, I stroke calmly from the elevator and back to my apartment. Commitment to my loose plan blossomed inside me. I decided then: I would proposition him that night before my resolved faded.

When I got back to the apartment I poured a glass of wine and ran a bath. As I locked in the hot water I pictured my neighbor’s flustered face contained in pain and grimacing with pleasure. I imagined making him look me in the eyes instead of staring at the floor.

I ran my hands along my body in the soapy water and revealed in the warm feelings of arousal and anticipation I had stabilized up. How fun, I mused, to turn a quiet Saturday night into something tolook forward to!

After getting out of the bath I put on my short, silky bathrobe and considered what to wear. After a moment, I decided that the robe was perfect on its own. I didn’t want to spend too long trying to look any particular way for him and I figured a shock would be a good place to start.

Just before leaving I decided to slip on the black heels I’d wound on the night in the viewing room. It wouldn’t hurt to bring some of the good luck from that night with me. After looking myself over in the mirror, I took one last gulp of wine and set out down the hallway.

When I knocked on his door I heard movement inside, as if someone was coming up to check the peephole, and then silence. After a minute I steeled myself and knocked again. I’d already come this far.

Finally he opened the door and looked at me like he’d seen a ghost.

I stepped past him into the room without bothering to ask to come in. For years I’d lived down the hallway from this man and I’d never seen the inside of his place. It was tidy and sparsely furnished in gray and navy blue. A bachelor pad.

After looking around for a moment I turned back to him.

“Can we talk?” I asked. “I have a proposition for you.”

He was fidgeting with his hands then, looking nervous. He took a deep breath before responding. Heaven even looked up at me as he said, “sure, we can talk.”

I looked back at him, a bit impressed, as he fought to hold my gaze for a moment before darting his eyes back down along my body to the floor.

Now it was my chance to be a bit nervous, although I was determined not to show it. I hadn’t come here to hedge, I’d come here to be direct.

Without knowing quite where I was going I opened my mouth and started talking. “You’re attracted to me and no matter how you’ve tried to hide it I know. So, I’m here to offer you a chance to get fucked by me. Maybe in an ongoing way if I decide that I like it. I’m going to give you a choice right now. Would you like to learn more or would you like me to leave? This is the only chance you’re going to get.”

As I’d spoken his eyes had darted around the room, flicking between my body, the floor, and the door. Again he took a deep breath and met my gaze as he said,

“I would like to know more.”

I hadn’t been sure what to expect but I figured this was the moment to dive in and see where things could go. I didn’t just want to talk, I wanted to know for sure whether he was up for what I really wanted. And if he laughed and rejected me, fine, my ego would survive.

I stepped close to him so that our chests were nearly touching. Up close I noticed that his eyes were sort of pretty. With all the confidence I could muster I looked up at him and said,

“Then get down on your knees.”

My heart was racing as I waited to see how he would respond. With a nervous laugh he dropped down to his knees and leaned forward a bit, as if woozy. His head was almost resting on my thigh.

A flush of power washed over me. I resolved to savor the moment.

“Look at me,” I ordered.

To my surprise, when he looked up at me this time his eyes were steady. His expression was neutral, almost unreadable, but the energy in his eyes was charged.

Let’s let him look then, I thought to myself, my body tingling with power and Anticipation.

Standing above him I reached up to untie the sash on my silky black robe. I was completely naked underneath. He inhaled sharply with surprise and his gaze began to rove again, more slowly now, drinking me in. After teasing the robe open I let it slide down off my shoulders and arms to pool around my heels on the floor.

My neighbor flushed a bit red as he watched me but he didn’t splutter or panic as I might have expected. His eyes still held an intense spark that I couldn’t quite read. It occurred to me that there might be more to him, and to this, than I would have expected.

After watching his eyes exploring my body for a moment, I picked up one leg and dragged it over his shoulder. The feeling of opening my quickly wettening pussy to him gave me such a head rush.

He let out a low breath as he watched me, but to my surprise he didn’t hesitate. He reached up immediately and grabbed my hips to pull me into him. Like a starved man he devoured my pussy with his tongue. He was sloppy and unfocused, his obvious craving for me overriding anything else.

For a moment the intense contact throw me off balance. I let a wave of pleasure wash over me before I pulled myself together to finish what I’d started.

I reached down to run my fingers through his hair for a moment as he licked me before gripping him sharply and pushing his head further into me. He let out a whimper at this and his frantic licking and sucking only increased.

“Now listen,” I said. “I want to dominate you. I want to hurt to you. I don’t want to get to know you and I don’t want anything romanti. I just want to play with you when I want and fuck you when I’m feeling charitable. I want you to do the things I tell you to do and I want you to leave me alone when I’m not interested. In exchange you can have a version of what you’ve clearly always wanted. Some of my time and attention and even my body on a good day. Will you agree to these terms?”

Ignoring my question he brought his hand up to my pussy and thrust two fingers deep inside me while his tongue focused on my clip. The sensing sent a shiver through my body, but I wasn’t going to let him get away with distracting me or trying to take charge.

With my hands still in his hair I pulled his head back sharply and forced him to look up at me.

I said, will you agree to these terms?”

With a dopey look on his face, almost smiling, he said, “Yeah, light, I’ll agree to your terms.”

Annoyed with his insolence I let go of his head and kicked him off balance. I stepped the heel of my shoe lightly onto the back of the hand he had caught himself with on the floor.

“Who’s in charge?” I asked him, high with the feeling of regaining power.

“You are,” he grumbled under his breath looking down.

I leaned my full weight into the point of my high heel. He cried out in pain.

“I didn’t hear you. Who’s in charge?”

“You are! Christ! You are!”

I keep my heel pressing into him for one more second before stepping off. Turning away from him then I picked up my robe from the floor and tied it back on.

“Now, take a shower and make yourself presentable. I want to see you at my apartment in one hour. Don’t be late.”

And with that, I left his apartment feeling more turned on than I could have possible expected.


When I got back to my apartment I felt high from the intensity of what had just happened. He hadn’t hesitated at all, it was almost as if he’d be ready. Like having a degrading kink relationship with his neighbor was something he had anticipated. He had eaten my pussy fairly well, too. Not very precise in his movements but earnest. For a moment I let myself think that maybe this could be the start of something fun.

I poured a bit more wine and stood in the kitchen thinking for a moment about how I wanted to prepare. I wanted to change and arrange something I thought might be fun to play with. And, I decided that I I wanted to orgasm before he came over so that I could be refreshed, focused, and in control.

First I pulled a big bin of camping supplies out from the back of my closet and dug around until I found a length of thick paracord. I took time to cut the rope into four sections and left them on my bedside table.

Then, I changed out of my bathrobe that fit loosely and could easily come untied or get in the way. Instead, I pulled on a fitted nightgown that just covered my hips and the tops of my thighs.

Lastly, I laid down on my bed and touched my soft, wet pussy until I came, my mind swirling with thoughts of what would happen tonight.

After my orgasm I felt relaxed, though a warm feeling of anticipation still hummed at my center. I laid in bed for awhile, sipping my wine and making plans for the evening. Finally, I heard a knock on the door.


“Picadilly,” he said, as I opened the door. It throw me off of my imagined script.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“It’s a safe word.” He replied, standing in the doorway. “Our safe word. If I say Picadilly you have to stop. Alright?”

“Fair enough.” His directness impressed me a bit in spine of myself.

“Now,” he said, smiling nervously at the floor, “how do you want me?”

That made me smile. I pulled him into the apartment by his shirt. On impulse, I pushed him back, closing the door with the weight of our bodies, and kissed him. I hadn’t planned this intimate contact but had felt drawn to him in the moment. He whimpered softly into my mouth at the touch and the sound floodedme with a heady sense of power.

Stepping back from him then I settled into my role.

“Strip,” I ordered. He didn’t hesitate to obey.

With shaking hands he quickly pulled his T-shirt up off of his long lanky frame and striped out of his socks, pants, and boxes. His half hard dick flopped out as he striped. His cock was modestly sized and fit his gangly status well. His body had a certain appeal I realized. His pronounced hip bones gave a graceful angle to his frame and his long arms and legs were more athletic than I would have expected.

He stood for a moment starting at the floor with his arms crossed protectedly across his body.

“Stand up straight and look at me,” I ordered, wanting to see his eyes.

When he glanced up I read desire, appreciation, and something else I couldn’t place in his expression.

I stepped towards him again and reached up with one hand to grab his nipple. Without hesitating I pinched and twisted hard and he cried outwith a shocked mew. I loved the sound and his writing away from me.

“Stay still” I said as I grabbed the other nipple and pinched even harder. He held back his noises this time and stayed still, although I could see his eyes nearly watering as I hurt him.

“Who’s in charge?” I asked.

“You are,” he said.

“Good boy. Now drop and crawl behind me,” I said, turning to walk away.

I made my way through my apartment back to my bedroom and sat on the edge of my bed. I waited to watch him crawl in after me. His cock was already hanging much harder between his legs as he came in. His eyes were curious as he took in my room.

“Come here,” I said, leaning back on the edge of my bed and spreading my legs for him. Without having to be told he crawled right up to me and buried his tongue in my pussy. This time he seemed even hungrier, licking me ravenously. I struggled to maintain control as he lapped my clip and pussy lips. For a moment I let myself float in the luxurious sensing blooming between my legs before pulling myself back together to focus on my plans for the evening.

“Up on the bed,” I commanded finally. “Lie on your back.”

Tonight I wanted to start simple. To explore what turned me on and how he responded to the things I wanted to try.

Once I had him lying on the bed I stood back for a moment to look at him. His cock was jutting out from His body, fully erect and a bit bigger now. His long frame nearly reached from the head to the foot of my bed.

I walked to the nightstand and grabbed the first of my four ropes. I began to tie each of my neighbor’s limbs to the corners of my bed frame one by one. I had never done this before and wanted to explore. Occasionally I asked him to try a restraint. If I wasn’t satisfied with a knot I took my time and tied it again. As I worked to tie him down I let my skin and the fabric of my nightgown graze against his body every once and awhile. His breathing was shallow and urgentt but he stayed otherwise quiet.

Finally I stood back to admire my work. Already a tremendous satisfaction had settled in my body. This needy man was spread eagle and restrained on my bed with his cock straining into the air. He was completely at my mercy. He couldn’t move or leave if he tried. That knowledge alone made me feel wet and flushed.

Since he had already done such a good job eating me out today I decided would let him start there, with something familiar.

I climbed up onto the bed and straddled his head while I faced down towards the length of his body. For a moment I hovered my hips out of his reach and I could feel him scanning to lick me. The power of his desire was so charming that I let out a little laugh.

“Something you want?” I asked, teasing.

He whimpered then saying softly, “please.”

“Please what?” I asked, not ready to let him off the hook.

“Please let me taste you,” he whispered, and I obliged.

Settling my pussy down onto his eager mouth he began to lap at my clip again with his energetic little tongue. This time he was more focused and controlled as he massed my pussy. The warm feeling of power and pleasure flushed through me again. I sat up on my knees above him, enjoying the sensing, and occasionally massaging and tweaking my nipples. From this vantage point I could watch his limbs flexing against the ropes and his cock twitching with arousal.

After a few minutes I knew I needed to focus on something else or I’d run the risk that this man might actually make me come and that I’d lose control.

As I raised my hips away from his mouth he let out a whine.

“Be quiet,” I ordered, “or I’ll make you regret it.”

I leaned forward then to come up onto my hands and knees and started to focus on him. First I wanted to explore and study his body without pleasure him at all. So rarely had I had the chance to just look at man’s body clinically without being distracted by the desire to make him feel good. Here was my chance to observe and play without having to care at all how I made the man below me feel.

Roughly I explored his cock first, examining the length, girl, and head. In my hand he felt sizeable. His cock head was swollen and flushed a purplish red that I liked to look at. As I touched him a small drop of precum leaked out of the tip of his dick and I liked how that looked too.


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