Theatre of Sin

BDSM comes in many forms, this is one of them.

Siobhan, called Shiv by her friends, waits quietly in the theatre foyer. Deep red décor floods the expanded lobby, a long and rich desk, hewn from a single slice of mahogany dominates the entrance, lavishly stressed with gold embellishments, tended by smartly dressed ladies, checking and confirming entrance for tonight’s performance. Ushers standing close, Ever helpful to guide the newly arrived to their seats within the theatre proper. Guests mingle about, in pairs and small groups, restrained but filled with a nervous energy that tonight would be something special. Hushed whispers fill the lobby, with an occasional laugh that makes Shiv glance towards the source, certain that the laughter was directed at her.

Self doubt, never far from Shiv’s mind is working overtime, the occasional glances towards her make her even more nervous, she can’t help but feel judged by their curious eyes. She takes a step closer to the man she hasOnly ever known as the ‘Adjudicator’.

The Adjudicator is busy talking to the theatre’s owner. Shiv is all too aware of what they are discussing and the thought all but sends her crazy with panic. As if aware of her disappoint the Adjudicator places an arm around Shiv’s shoulders.

She remembers when she first met him, a few short months back, when he introduced himself to her under this strange name and although he was many years older than her she felt in him a quiet calm, a peace that comes with those rich in life, in his confidence and his polite thoughtful manner. They talked for a long time, over several days on and off. She felt swept away in swirl of the exotic and he captured by her charming innocent. The Adjudicator in turn felt something special in Shiv and thought she would make a fine partner, if only she would accept herself more and as such he opened up about his own nature, his own particular, some would call peculiar, desires.

At first Shiv was shocked, then intrigued and questioned the Adjudicator more and more until he asked if she would like to try this particular lifestyle to see if it’s what she truly wants. Scarcely believing herself she said yes and now they were on to something at the very core of their relationship.

With a final nod and handshake the Adjudicator turns from the club owner towards Shiv.

“Ready?” he asked, his manner Stiff, as if a commander sending his forces off on a perilous mission, proud and yet concerned.

“I guess, but must I? Really? Do I have to do this?” replied Shiv.

The Adjudicator breathes in deep, pausing for a moment. “No, you don’t, we can leave right now, nothing will change between us. I, though, believe you can do this. Believe in yourself as I believe in you. This is what we have talked about, was it just fantasy? I think not, I believe it’s an ache deep in you. I see the thrill in your eyes when we talked of it. Yes, it is no small thing I ask of you, but I trustthat you can do it and I trust you will grow from it”

This is it, then, the moment when I have one last chance to turn away from this, but I also have learned so much about myself from being shown his world. And he is right. There is this ache, this deep, dark, primary ache that is forbidden by modern society that cries to be released, if I was to but allow it. Shiv nods her head, slowly, eyes cast to the floor.

The Adjudicator raises a hand to call over a nearby usher, a young man with wavy strawberry blonde hair. “I’m the Adjudicator. Take her, she is to be given priority.” The usher gives a puzzled look then Shiv is lead away, the usher’s hand gripping her arm. Shiv’s backwards glance saw the Adjudicator already turning from her, adjusting the cuffs on his Brioni suit.

Lead through a darkened passageway that in full luxury takes a select few to the theatre’s boxes, where private and honoured visitors view tonight’s performance, passed and through to a thick draw hanging down from ceiling to floor. The usher, still firmly gripping Shiv’s arm, pulls back the draw to reveal an ageing wooden door, the pealing paint at odds with theatres otherwise luxurious surrounding. A sense of foreboding descends on Shiv. Yet she trusts the Adjudicator, and allow herself to be pulled through by the usher.

Beyond lies a set of stairs down into a rough concreted sunken room, instantly she thinks of the box room as a pit. The room is filled with a dozen small cages, most empty, one with a girl, naked, sat in a corner, head down and silent. Standing beside that cage is another member of the staff, a lady this time. She looks up at seeing another enter the room. The escorting usher says “Another one for the show. A priority, a gift of the Adjudicator, whoever he is.”

The female cage attendant’s eyes widen at the mention of his name. “Take your paws off of her you idiot, if you’ve bruised her there will be hell to pay. If you have…… lets just hope he’s in a forgiving mood.”

The female usher smiles at Shiv, and beckons her to come down in to the pit “Hello, I’m Hanna Johnstone, I need to take your clothes and ask you to get in to the cage” says Hanna, opening the rusty cage’s door open.

Shiv hesitates, Hanna speaks again, firmly, “I’m sure you wouldn’t want the Adjudicator to know you’ve been causing us trouble, would you?”

Shiv shakes her head and embarrassed, shrugs off the elegant evening gown provided to her, brought especially for her, for this night, by the Adjudicator. Her full ripe curves enhanced by the royal purple tanga lace briefs sitting high on Shiv’s hips, her C cup breasts held to perfection by a matching racerback bra. She pauses.

“Everything sweetie, just as God intended, there are no secrets here. Don’t worry, you won’t be long, you have priority.” She taps on the filled cage, “Unlike this one, she’ll be a while, depending how popular you are”.

Slipping out of the underwear, folding them carefully and handing them to Hanna, Shiv steps in to the opened cage. When the door clangs shut the other woman in the cage turn briefly to Shiv. Shiv tries to catch her eye but she just turns away, to huddle further in to the corner.

“Is she trapped?” asks Shiv, indicating to the other in the cage.

“Oh no,” says Hanna, “No-one here is. The cage isn’t even locked.” Hanna opens the cage a touch to show that’s true. “Lets just say, she upset her Master, and now she’s trying to get back into his good books. Although, as I understand it, he’s a bit of a swine and that may take a while.”

“That’s not true!” says the quiet captive at last, “he’s lovely, he really is, it’s me, I’ve done wrong, he is right to punish me”, her head falls again. “I deserve this, I deserve this.”

“Love eh?” says Hanna, “what it’ll make you do. Mind you, I’m preaching to the choir.”

Sat in the cramped corner of the cage, long minutes pass. Finally, muffled by distance and walls, she hears the theatre’s presentation begin. Hanna’s words play on her mind, the enormity of what she is about to do. The sudden panic of it flows through her, sharpening her senses, she sees and hears everything, the faith murmur of the crowd in the theatre beyond, claps and chefs, the distorted voice of the stage presenter, the crumbling plaster in the pit, the rich currying of rat feet close by. Her heartbeat already rising even just sat Here huddled down. The chill of the damp pit pricking her skin with goosebumps.

The noise from the neary stage seems to approach a crescendo, with restrained cheering and muted applause. Hanna opens Shiv’s cage, beckoning her out and indicating a small rise of steps leading to backstage. “Time to go, be strong, remember who you are representing, everyone is looking at you, focused on you, this is all about you, this is your moment, take it.”

Shiv stumbles out the cage. Legs weak, unsteady. Moving forwards, shuffling step by step.Heartbeat thundering, walking up steps. Naked, chilled yet excited. Daring to do this, remembering Hanna’s words. Be strong. Stepping forward, closer, into the stage glare. Presenters voice. Expansive sweep of arms to Shiv. Stage lights burn bright. Naked skin warms. Ripple of applause. Hundreds of eyes staring. Shiv pauses, seeing the stocks. Open. Waiting. For her. Unseen hands take her, guide her. Bend her down. Head down, hands up, held in place. The stock close, trapping Shiv, bent over. Sweat darts on Shiv’s skin, sparkling in stage lights. Presenter asking for volunteers. Shiv can’t see who, turn her head but trapped.

Trapped, can’t escape, but doesn’t want to. Sees the seated audience. Sees the Adjudicator. Shiv bites her lip, nervous, scared. He looks back, impassive. Shiv grit’s her teeth, eyes locked on his. Hearing noises, presenters voice “One at a time, use her as you will. Don’t damage her”. Sensing people behind her. Her butt up in the air. Bent over, naked exposed, vulnerable, waiting, expecting. Hears zips undone, hears someone masturbating himself to hardness. Shiv eyes wide in fear, wide in daring to want this. Shuffle of feet behind, her legs kicked open, fully exposed, wet and ready, aching for it, aching for them all, however many there may be, wanting them all. Looking to the Adjudicator, holding his gaze as the first cock of the night is pressed against Shiv’s moist vagina. Looking to him as she is entered, breathing ragged, mouthing to him silently, “Thank you”.

This was a scene taken from a ‘game’ where you are free to make your own sexual stories such as this….. Do you want to hear more of Shiv and the Adjudicator’s adventures? Leave me a message here.


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