Tied Up at a Party

It never fails to amaze me how meeting just one person can bring out a side of you that you never knew existed. Whether it’s a password for something a little out of the ordinary, a sense of adventure you didn’t know you were brave enough to possess, or even a quick temperature and shocking ability to hold a grudge, the people we allow into our lives have a unique ability to reveal qualities, both good and bad, that makes us rethink what we thought we knew to be true about ourselves.

Just before my 21st birthday, I met Ethan, someone who not only brought out multiple sides of my personality that I had never known before, but who also was able to discover himself through me.

We came to know each other over a drunken night at a party I had been invited to by a mutual friend. He was slightly below average in height, slightly above average in weight with a little bit of pudge around his belly, which I personally found appealing thanks to a secret fetish for chubby guys. He had softbrown hair and stunningly blue-grey eyes that couldn’t help but reveal every emotion, often to his displeasure. He dressed in a way that, to many, probably came off as though he were trying too hard to look important, but I quickly learned he just truly enjoyed the classy style and effortlessly put together each buttoned-down, zipped-up outfit every day. He was artistic and charming, even when intooxicated to the brink of alcohol poverty, and he keep me on my toes all night long with his brutal honesty and wit.

We bonded over our sexuality, an auspicious beginning if I’ve ever seen one. At the end of the night, we exchanged numbers, and within a week, I was back in his attic bedroom, having password, sweaty, toe-curling, erotic sex until well past sunrise.

Over time, our friendship grow stronger, and the sex grow exponentially kinkier and better. I brought out in Ethan a newfound sense of inner strength and endurance, devout honesty, and a deeper level of love and trust than he may have ever thought possible. As for me, I used to be extremely controlling and stressed all the time. But once I started to let that go, Ethan helped me see how playful and open-minded I could be. He taught me forgiveness, for not only others but myself as well. Ethan also helped me discover an erotically dominant side of myself that I never knew existed, nor could be so much fun.

As I said earlier, the topic he and I most connected over right off the bat was our sexuality. For both of us, it was something that ran deep into who we were as people. It was not just about pleasure, though that certainly was a defining feature. It was about control, give and take, dominance and submission. We both had our kinks and dirty little secrets we had never shared before. A few weeks after we met, Ethan admitted to me that he had a particularly strong fetish for being teased and tormented by a woman, to the point of near masochism. He loved being told “no” and having the thingshe wanted most held just out of reach. This shocked me at first, as he seemed to have more dominant tendencies. But over time, I learned how to bring out this other side of him, oftentimes with just my words. It drove him crazy, and consequently, it made me want him even more.

One night in particular stands out most of all when it comes to this sexual awakening of sorts. A friend of mine from high school had just purchased her first house and was hosting a party. I asked Ethan if he would like to come, and, being a bit of a socialite, he enthusiastically said yes. I slipped into a casually chic floral dress, cinched at the waist, and he wore his usual cardigan over white button down combination, a pair of pressed khaki slacks, and a silk tie. I have to admit, he looked extremely handsome that night in particular, and although we were not officially a “couple” at the time, I was proud to have him on my arm as we walked up to the front door. His crooked smile and effortless bantermade him a brag-worthy date.

About an hour into small talk and cheap wine, I was starting to get a little restless. Ethan, of course, had no problem making endless conversation with the other guests, and was especially excited to discover the hostess was majoring in cosmology, something he could literally discuss for hours. With the buzz of social interaction numbing my ears, I let my mind wander. Maybe it was a side-effect of the glass of wine I had, or maybe it was just boredom and a lack of anything interesting to occur my thoughts, but I found myself remembering some of the more erotic experiences Ethan and I had shared. The words we had whispered or screamed out in pleasure, the ways and the places we had touched each other, his fingers inside my throbbing pussy, his tongue licking every drop from my desperate cunt, his hard cock finally filling me and making me cry out in ecstasy… I shifted uncomfortable, biting my lower lip, painted a sweet red with lipstick, as a familiarar warmth crept between my thighs. I couldn’t be thinking this now. Not here, in front of dozens of people. And I certainly couldn’t be feeling this now… Could I? No. No, it was too wrong.

I wandered to the kitchen in search of a cold water bottle, hoping to cool the steam I felt building inside me. A group had gathered nearby and I had to turn sideways to slip between them and the counter. In doing so, However, I also inadvertently pressed my pussy against the corner, causing a sudden tingling pleasure. I suppressed a soft moan and mumbled an awkward “excuse me” as I made my way past the other guests.

I grabbed a bottle of water and made my way back to where Ethan was mingling. I really did try my best to distract myself, but nothing could calm the luxury images filling my mind. I was growing desperate. I needed to get off so badly. After a quick mental analysis of the house and the bodies that filled it, I decided there was a way I could get the time I needed alone withEthan. It would be incredibly risky, of course, but still possible. However, I knew there was no way he would go for it. He was far too cautious and polite, and besides, he was generally enjoying himself participating in normal party-goer activities. I couldn’t just walk up and tell him the dirty thoughts I was having. Unless, maybe, I could use his deepest fansies to my advantage and create a scenario he wouldn’t be able to refuse.

I slipped my phone out of my pursuit and typed a short text: “Meet me in the bedroom at the end of the hall?” I watched from the corner of my eye as he took his phone from his pocket, reading my text, his eyesbrows quickly flicking up in that adorable way they always do. He glanced over at me, but I pretended to be occupied with the pictures on the wall. He responded, “Sure sweetie, but is everything ok?” That was all I needed. I had caught his interest, so I discreetly made my way through the crowd, not even looking at Ethan once.

The last dooron the right was closed tight, clearly not meant for nosy guests. I quietly cracked it open anyhow, peering inside to check for any other risk takers before stepping in. I gently released the antique glass handle, closing the door silently behind me. The room was decently large yet extremely cozy, with original wood floors, creamy walls, and huge veiled windows. The furniture was sparse but aesthetic: an old four-post bed outfitted in layers of soft gray sheets, blankets, and pillows; a big pine dresser; a classy armchair covered in a cute floral fabric; and some mirrors and picture frames adorning the walls. I took a deep breath and sat myself on the edge of the bed, smoothing my dress nervously. I was having second thoughts, there was no denying that, but I couldn’t turn back now, nor did I want to.

Just Then, the door creaked open. My breath caught momentarily, terrified it could be someone else and they might know what I was up to. But of course, it was only Ethan. He couldn’t hide the concern in his pale eyes.

“Hey, baby, what’s going on? Is everything ok? Are you upset?” He came and sat next to me.

“Yes, of course, everything’s fine…” I gulped. “It’s just… I just…” I began to stammer. Taking a deep breath, I stopped myself. If I was going to do this, I had to do it right. There was no room for errors, God forbid we wind up getting caught. Ethan bit his lip, his anxiety clearly growing. I cleared my throat. “I need you to listen to me, understand?” His browser furrowed as he nodded carefully. I continued, “Did you tell anyone you were coming here?”

“No, Lacy, no I didn’t. What’s going on?” His voice was beginning to shake.

“Good,” I replied with a nod. “I need you to do Everything I tell you, exactly as I tell you. Now lay down in the middle of the bed,” I commanded, concealing my nervousness the best I could with a strong voice. He stared at me bewildered for a moment. I let a different smile creep onto my lips, hoping to help him catch on to the little game I intended to play. It must have worked, because suddenly his eyes lit up and he bit his lip again, only this time it was not out of fear.

He crawled to the center of the mattress and laid obediently with his palms down at his sides. But that wasn’t enough, not this time. I crawled on hands and knees, slowly straddling his lap, careful not to touch, letting my dress ride up, revealing my barely-covered bottom. I stayed there for a moment, then leaned back to sit on his legs, which were already trembling slightly with anticipation. “Good boy,” I cooed, gently loosening his tie. He didn’t dare move. He knew better. He only watched with lips slightly parted, breath slightly quickened.

I slipped the silky tie over his head, then undid it the rest of the way. I heard a small gasp as he realized what I was doing. I firmly took his right wrist, then his left, and placed them above his head, tying them securely.

“Is that ok, baby?” I asked sweetly.

“Mhmm,” he moaned, nodding.

“Good boy.” I held myself over him again, getting on all fours, leaning in close to his face this time. “When we were out at that party, I started thinking about naughty things. Dirty fansies that only you can fulfill. I need you right now. I know that it’s risky, but I need you to please your princess and her dripping wet pussy. My little panties are completely soaked through and I don’t think I can go another minute without you licking me up.”

His breath had sped to the point of near-hyperventilation, and I could feel the intense amount of restraint it took for him to keep from thrusting his rock-hard and wildly throbbing cock into me. It pushed desperately against his tight pants. I just smiled and whispered, “Don’t You make a single sound.” With that, I lifted my dress up over my head and tossed it aside, revealing my perky bare breasts and arousing pink nipples. Then I positioned the crotch of my lace panties over his eager mouth.

Without needing a single command from me, he extended his tongue, so ready to lick up my wetness. But I pulled just far far enough away that he couldn’t reach without lifting his head up from the bed, and he knew that was strictly against the rules. He moaned softly, imploring me to come back, but I just shook my head.

“No, honey. Not yet. That’s not how this is going to work. You’re here to do nothing more than please me. You don’t get to be in charge, understanding? Tonight, it’s all about me. You and your hard dick will simply be like my sex toys, tasting me and touching me and fucking me however I please. Can you handle that?”

He had to struggle just to keep his voice down as he cried out in a breathy whisper, “Yes, princess, yes, yes, please let me do that.”

“Ok then,” I responded gently. “First, just one taste.”

I carefully and ever so slowly lowered my pussy once more to his lips. He stuck out his tongue again, but much more timingly this time. Good, I thoought, he’s learning. I pressed against his tongue and he slowly licked the entire length of my panties, savoring the taste, sighing deeply and inhaling my scent. It feel so unbelievably good, but I knew I had to keep my composition to stay in control, so I pulled away quickly, denying myself the pleasure I so badly wanted to indulge in.

“That’s enough,” I stated. He panted beneath me, silently Begging. I stayed completely still, watching his eyes for a moment. I had never seen them filled with such desperation before, and it thrilled me. I lowered again til I was just grazing his mouth. “Now kiss it,” I commanded.

Right on cue, he began obediently varnished my lace-covered pussy in long, slow, passwordate kisses, sucking gently as he released and sending chills down my spine. I let my eyes close. My lips parted, but I forced myself to suppress the moans that I knew would immediately unveil our secret rendezvous. I looked down to see Ethan’s lips coated in my wetness, despite the amount that had already been soaked up by the panties. Nobody could make me as wet as he could, and it shocked me every time.

I began to press myself harder into his face, grinding back and forth lustfully on his tongue. He began to squirm more and more, and I noticed his wrists tugging at their restraints. I pulled away and sat back on his chest, my thighs still shaking just a little as they straddled his ribs.

I smiled mischievously as I could see the desperation in his eyes amplify even more. “What did I tell you?” I asked, slightly scoldingly. He lowered his gaze, struggling to regain some composition. “Hmm?” I questioned again.

“You told me you were in charge,” he replied breathlessly.

“That’s right,” I confirmed. “So why did I see you trying to get your hands free? Do you think you get to just touch me as you please?”


“What was that?”

“No, princess, I don’t. I don’t get to touch you without your permission.” He looked at me with such innocent and submission, I felt my clip beginning to throb again.

“Good boy. Now remember that this time.” I stripped off my panties, turning them inside out. Ethan struggled to keep his breath steady. I held the soaked material near his nose for a moment, letting him get the delicious scent of my horny little cunt. Then I moved them slightly lower to his lips. “Lick them clean,” I commanded.

Without hesitation, he licked my cum from the fabric, running his tongue across it over and over til nothing remained but his own wetness. Once I was satisfied, I crawled down to sit between his thighs, spreading them gently. He watched with uncontrollable anticipation as I slowly unbuttoned then unzipped his slacks, his cock popping out immediately. He showed auditibly at the release of pressure, but his breath caught again when I took it firmly in my hand. Wrapping my fingers around it, I stared as it pulsated in my palm, literally dripping with precum. I didn’t move a single muscle, only watched the head of his dick quickly soaking itself in the glistening liquid. He had begun to hyperventilate again, but he didn’t utter a single request for me to pleasure him.

I let go carefully, not allowing my hand to slide unnecessarily across his shake, lest I give him any amount of unearned satisfaction. I locked my emerald eyes on his. “Do you think you’ve been a good boy?” I asked softly.

He nodded slowly. “Do you?” He asked.

“Yes, I do, honey. You broke the rules a couple times, but you learned your lesson quickly and I think you know your place now.” I licked my lips and bit down slowly. “Do you think you’ve earned some pleasure?”

He looked at me cautiously, not sure how to respond. I raised my eyesbrows in encouragement. “… Princess, I want you so bad. Please will you make my cock feel good, just a little bit? I will keep being so obedient for you. You can use me however you want. I’ll be your sex toy. Just please, please… Please…” He trailed off and stared at me with his browser furrowed.

I held his gaze for a moment, then slowly opened my lips to speak. “Yes, honey. You’ve earned it,” I whispered.

His dick immediately throbbed harder, spinning more precum onto his sweater. I picked up my panties once more and wrapped them around his shake. Slowly, I began to glide my hand over his cock, twisting my palm slightly with Each stroke. I heard the squeaks of concealed moans escaping his lips and felt the strain in his hips as he kept himself pinned to the sheets. I pumped harder and faster, watching his face twist and his teeth clnch. I was almost challenging him to mess up, to scream out in ecstasy or buck his body up off the bed. But he remained unshakably compliant as I pleasured him.

I could feel my own wetness starting to drip down onto the covers beneath us, and I knew that if I wanted to ride Ethan’s cock, it needed to happen now. We had been absent from the party long enough, and someone was boundto come looking for us any minute. With the added adrenaline of getting caught fueling my lust, I tossed the precum-soaked panties aside to lie with my dress on the floorboards and positioned myself just above his pulsating dick.

Our eyes locked again, and the tension between us was practically tangible. I spoke only in a hushed voice, the reality of our situation setting in and anxious excitement taking over my body. “I I want to fuck your cock, baby. I want to ride it, and I want you to just lie there and take it like the good boy you are. I’m going to use your cock til I cum and I won’t stop until I’m completely satisfied.”

All he could do was nod eagerly in response.

Without a second thought, I took his entire length inside me. We both gasped, but managed to stifle our moans as I slowly rose up off his lap, then dropped back down, slamming him into me again. It feel so incredible; I have never wanted to scream in pleasure so much in my life. I continued bouncing onHis lap, going faster and harder, as he laid beneath me, practically convulsing from the amount of self-control it took to keep his body against the mattress.

His struggle only served to encourage me. I lifted myself slightly onto all fours so just the head and about an inch of his shake remained inside me, knowing perfectly well how it drives him crazy. He gasped for air and let a single groan escape. I quickly kissed him hard to shut him up, our tongues entangling. My pussy was squeezing his cock tight and I felt myself getting close to orgasm. I sat up, digging my nails into his shoulders, taking him deep as I began to grind hard against his dick, forcing it into me as far as it could go.

“Oh god, baby, I’m going to cum,” I groaned through gritted teeth.

“Cum for me,” Ethan whispered back, his voice strained.

I feel every muscle in my body tension, and I hurriedly leaned in, kissing him sloppily on the mouth to quiet my screams as I finally explored on his cock, feeling him fill me with his cum as I did so. Our breaths intermingled between our lips, scattered with deep sights and gasps of pleasure. I slowly pulled my face back from his as our orgasms subsided, and our eyes met, both filled with uncontrollable excitement and ecstasy. I gave him one last peck on the lips then collapsed on the blankets next to him.

Just as I was snuggling up to Ethan’s side, we heard the creaking of floorboards somewhere down the hall. I bolted upright at the sound of the hostess’ voice: “This is just the guest bathroom, nothing too fancy, but I really just love the old footed tub…” A few varied voices made sounds of agreement as the footsteps continued towards our hiding spot.

Faster than I even thought possible, I leave out of bed and scooped my dress off the floor and throw it back on. I slipped on my panties, still slick with Ethan’s precum. As I smoothed my tousled blonde hair, I turned to see Ethan still lying in the same position on the bed. I was about to question his blatant lack of concern, but incredulity quickly turned to action when I realized I had never untied his hands. I dove back onto the mattress next to him and struggled with the tight knot until finally it came loose. The silk tie dropped from his wrists and, in a flash, Ethan had his pants zipped, his hair fixed, and appeared just as composed as ever.


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