Tied Up & Teased – Threesome

I was tied tightly to a chair, completely naked, finally blindfold free and allowed to open my eyes – which took a second to adjust to the softly lit room. You were standing in front of me, facing away, still looking distractedly good even from behind, in your lingerie and heels. She stood in front of you, mostly obscured from my view, but clearly not wearing much more than you were. I saw her arms wrap around you, running her hands over your neck and shoulders, down the inconceivably sexy curve of your back, before dropping down to run her hands over your round ass, highlighted perfectly by the cut of your silky pants.

My cock was hard and sticking out in front of me, me imagining your hands doing the same to her just out of sight. I imagined her bra and her pants, her soft skin and your hands running all over it. I hadn’t seen her properly yet and my mind was filling in the blanks as you touched and hugged and kissed each other in front of me.

Soft sights filled the air and I became somewhat entered by this beautiful scene in front of me. As you kissed and explored each other’s bodies, you slowly turned to the side. My breath quickly as more of her was unintentionally revealed to me…her long legs, pert ass covered by delicate black lace, her breasts showedcased by a matching bra. My eyes drank everything in, your bodies pressed together, sensitively discovering each other, seemingly oblivious to my presence. My cock grew harder still.

After what seemed like forever to me in my reverie, your hands snaked between the two of you, resting on the outside of her pants. A moan escaped her lips and her eyes closed as you stopped tracing your fingers over her underwear and slipped your fingers inside her pants and directly between her lips. I imagined the rush of blood she would be experiencing, You expertly teasing her clip without overpowering it, I could almost hear her growing wetter. I thought about that silky wetness on your fingers. I ached to be able to feel, taste, see… to be close and touch you both.

For the first time, you looked at me as you withdraw your hand from her. You walked over and held out your fingers near my mouth, teasing me. I could smell her intotoxicating scent and wanted to lick your fingers more than anything in the world. I imagined how she would taste and how it would feel to lick between her legs. I looked back behind you, and she had her eyes closed, hands between her legs, feeling the wetness for herself. I longed for the chance to taste her, even if only from your fingers. You roughly wiped your fingers across my mouth and laughed before walking back to her. Before I’d even processed what I was doing my tongue had darted out, licking my lips, trying to taste her as much as I could while you had your back turned, it was sweet torture only getting the fearest hint.

With your back still turned I stole a glance at her firm breasts in her bra, and watched as you slowly pulled down her pants. You walked back over to me with a glint in your eye. You could see I was hoping beyond hope that you would put the pants in my mouth. I begged you with my eyes, unconsciously licked my lips, longing to be able to taste more of her.

You slowly but forcedly placed the pants over my head, letting me breathe in her scent but not able to taste properly at all. I feel self-conscious and didn’t dare look up in case I met her eyes which I feared would be full of mocking judgment. And yet, tied naked to the chair, I could do nothing to hide my dick, throbbing as I inhaled her sweet and musky aroma. Before turning away you shifted her pants so that my vision was partially obscured by the lacy material. I was furious but didn’t dare risk trying to shake them aside in case they fell off and denied me the one sided but thrilling intimacy I was experiencing with her. I took in another deep breath, God I wanted so much to have my head between her legs, I wanted to break free from the chair and run to the bed where you both now lay.

You stretched out on your back one hand behind your head, one seemingly lazily caresing one of your own breasts. It was hard to see you clearly as she had positioned herself on all fours between your legs, giving me a heart stopping view, even if I could only see it through lace covering my eyes. She len forward and began exploring you with her mouth. I watched her as her lips moved over your thighs, stomach and slowly, slowly, closer to where you wanted her to go. As she licked for the first time your head seemed to roll back even further into the bed as you let out a low groan. She was clearly talented. I stole a glance as you got lost in the sensings from her tongue. Her ass swwayed slightly from side to side as she got more into tasting you and there seemed to be glimpses of her breasts hanging down seductively, but my eyes were glued between her legs, convincing myself that even with my compromised vision I could see her slickwetness.

I fantasised about getting free, striding over and sliding my tongue inside her whilst she licked you, forming a chain of pleasure. I felt ashamed as I briefly entered the idea of ​​getting free and using the restraints to quickly tie you up so that I could fuck her without you stopping us. I shook my head in an attempt to dismiss such a bad thought, her pants fell down around my neck. I didn’t have a chance to feel disappointed however as with a newly clear view, I watched as she shifted her weight onto one side and brought her other hand between her legs. I stared transfixed as started playing with herself right in front of me.

Everything else in the room fell away as I watched her slide her fingers up and down her clip and inside of herself, I even stopped being aware of the hot noises you were making in that moment. I wondered if she knew what she was doing, how she was teasing me. Your increasing loud moans snapped me out of my stimulator and I tried to tearMy eyes away to watch you as your orgasm came loudly and powerfully – my eyes constantly moving back and forth between the two of you.

She touched herself more fervently as you came – writing around, panting, gripping the sheets. Finally you went still, sinking into the bed, breathing heavily, one arm slung over your face.

She stopped what she was doing, left you to recover and got up and came over to me. I tensed up. She was looking straight into my eyes with an imperceptible expression on her slightly flushed face as she lean forward, so close to my face I could smell your unmistakable scent on her breath. I braced myself for a kiss? A slap? But instead she placed two hands either side of my neck and gently lifted her pants up and over my head with a self-satisfied “I believe these are mine”. My face flushed but my cock twitched almost violently. Standing up straight in front of me now, my eyes were naturally drawn to her beautiful lace clad breasts. I caught myself andwas about to look away when she, still staring intently at my face, reached up to a clasp in the middle of her cleavage, there was a quiet click and in one swift motion she was deftly dropping her bra and newly re-acquired pants to the floor.

My mouth fell open as hers curled up into a smug smile. She slowly and deliberately ran her hands over her breasts, taking their weight, pinching her nipples…my tongue inadvertently slipped out, desperate to swirl around those perfect buds. She lean forward once again so that her breasts were almost within reach…before laughing and turning away. I groaned, a little too loudly, nervously I looked over at you, having momentarily forgotten you even existed. I was relieved you were still seemingly too distracted from your come-down to be aware of the exchange.

She cheekily sauntered back over to the bed and lay down next to you on her side, swinging her top leg over you giving me an amazing view as she began to touch herself. After her little provocation I was starting to believe all of her actions were deliberate and intended to drive me crazy. She moaned as you caressed her face and then breasts, arm, ass and she seemed disappointed when you stopped and got up but quickly smiled again as you gave her a little wink. Without saying anything you came and finally released me from my chair after attaching a lean around my neck. Bringing me on top of the bed You tied my leash and my hands to the headboard, leaving me flat on my back, unable to turn my head very much either side without the collar of the leash becoming restrictively tight.

Lying either side of me you both began to trace your hands all over my body, everywhere but my cock. You saw me flinch as she touched me, watched my eyes roam over her body as much as possible, lingering on her breasts, nipples still tantalisingly erect. You noticed this and pinched my nipple hard in response, my attention returned to you, but not for long as soft moans beganto escape her lips as she began to touch herself once more, as did you, and you both moaned in my ear before bringing both your hands close to my mouth. You both teased me, bringing your slippery fingers near to my parted lips, laughing at the destination and frustration in my eyes. She gave in first and slide her finger into my mouth, closely followed by you. It was uncomfortable but I was in heaven as your tastes mixed and mingled. Desperately licking them clean, my eyes closed as I savoured the taste.

I could feel her lightly grinding into my leg as she lay beside me, seemingly turned on by my enthusiasm. The heat and the friction, even on my hip, was so intense. I saw you look down and notice, watching me clearly fixed on her rubbing herself against me. You moved down to my cock and straddled me, perhaps hoping to steal my focus. You took my aching cock in your hands and slide me in so slowly, teasing me little by little. Not content with just watching she got up and straddled my stomach, facing opposite you. Even though I was actually inside of you I was incredibly turned on from merely the sensing of her wet pussy on my skin.

You closed your eyes, using me to get you off, fucking me slowly and forcefully while she stroked you all over. I could feel the heat as she ground into my stomach, increasing the intensity as she got more and more turned on, I felt her grind harder, and then began inching back towards me as you understood around in pleasure on my cock. I was beginning and willing her in my head to keep moving towards my face, to give me a closer view and even maybe a taste.

You were so distracted and she seemed to be so worked up that she just needed stimulation. She pushed back and then lay her upper body across my stomach, positioning herself back and up towards my face until her glistening lips were inches from my mouth. From the sounds of your increased moans I assumed she was using her new position to reach out and stimulate your clip, I hoped this would distract you from what I was hopefully about to be allowed to do.

I strained my head as much as I could and glimpsed your eyes clamped firmly shut, teeth biting your bottom lip. I could smell her and see her, I was staring between her legs, aching to lick, willing her to come just a little closer. Eventually, she could resist no more and slide back, sitting on my face and started to grind into my nose. I couldn’t help myself, my tongue darted out immediately to taste her, and I heard her let out a long moan as she finally received the stimulation she was craving.

You were still fucking me slow and hard, moaning more as you felt me ​​get harder and inadvertently buck beneath you. My tongue slipped in and out of her, swirling all around as she began rubbing her clip into my face. I heard Her breathing quicken and she began to buck and move more. I feel you tighten around my cock and then moan loudly as you came, fucking me harder and harder, her desperatelygrinding into me. I felt her get wetter and she clamped her tighs around my head, completely enveloping me in her cent and taste as she came hard on my face.

I was in sensing overload and right on the edge, about to exploit but needing a tiny bit more stimulation to actually come. Almost sensing this you quickly got off me, appearing spent but satisfied, and lay down next to me. She had thankfully already climbed off me and wiped the majority of her juices off my face, I was hoping you would attribute the rest to sweat. You both lay next to me once again, all three of us catching our breath. I was mind-numbingly frustrated and so almost passed out when I heard her tell you that she’d love to ‘clean up’, licking her lips and nodding her head towards my rock hard cock, standing straight up and glistening with your juices.

I was certain you’d tell her no but seemingly you loved me being teased so much but were too tired to do it yourself that you allowed it. ‘No orgasm thoughh’ you instructed her with a stern voice. She settled between my legs and lent down as you loosened my restraints before rising to get dressed.

I lifted my much freer head up to be able to watch her- her hot breath on my cock as she smiled and looked deep into my eyes was almost enough to get me to the edge again. You shuffled around the room, not appearing overly interested in us or her tongue that was now snaking its way agonisingly slowly up my shake, swirling around the head before sliding back down again. I was so caught up in this delectable torture that I hadn’t noticed you left to freshen up in the bathroom. But she had.

I almost cried when she stopped pleasure me but quickly grew agitated as she swiftly popped up and over to my face, whispering in my ear -“I know it’s naughty but you gave me such a good orgasm I think you deserve one too, but you’ve got to be quick and we’ll have to hide the evidence…or at least put it where she won’t see it”. With a wink shestarted snaking herself down my body, I strained nervously to look at the bathroom door, it definitely seemed to be ajar. She followed my gaze but simply brought a finger to her lip to encourage my silence.

I gasped as she rose up, placing a hand around my dick, positioning it ready at her entrance. I wasn’t completely free but my restraints were surely loose enough that I could wriggle out of them. I looked up at one of my hands to assess the extent of my prediction when I felt an explosion between my legs. My nervous endings were on fire as she slip me inside of her and pushed down deep. I let out a strange cry and she quickly shushed me, leaning over to bring a hand over my mouth as she continued to thrust down onto me. A better idea popped into her head though as she removed her hand and instead brought her firm but weighty breasts in front of my face. My tongue darted out and sucked on her nipple, swirling, flicking, tickling – causing her to moan into the side of my face.Her pace increased and she steadied herself by grabbing each of my wrists in her hands.

Her wry smile, nipple in my mouth, soft skin, intotoxicating scent… her gloriously wet but still tight pussy sliding up and down my cock and now this move of domination – it was too much. With a force previously unknown to me I blasted my built up load inside of her. Anticipating this was coming she pressed her hands down harder into my wrists and pushed her breasts into my face, smoothing my unavoidable exercises.

I must have momentarily passed out, I was brought to by her shouting to you, asking you to turn the shower on for her. Buying more time or a bid to destroy the ‘evidence’? Maybe both, I couldn’t concern myself with such things in that moment, I probably couldn’t have even remembered my name. Instead I lay There, basking in the intensity of my orgasm and all that had just happened, rarely aware of the sound of running water and lighthearted chatting in the distance.


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