The elevator pinged cheerfully as it dispensed Sophie in the reception of J.B. and Fox’s offices. Her heart was pounding and she felt nauseous as she forced herself to step out of the lift before the doors could close and carry her away to safety.
“Morning, Sophie,” Maddie called from behind her desk.
“Hi,” she replied, smiling weakly.
Maddie laughed as Sophie walked up to her desk. “Wow,” she said. “Someone looks like they had a busy weekend!”
Sophie wanted to tell her what she had seen. She wanted to say that she had barely slept because she had been worried sick about the future of her internship at New York’s top law firm after she had walked in on her boss fucking someone in his office, but she didn’t. It was her word against his and it was pretty obvious whose side the company would take in that situation. She clung to the hope that Mr Adams might just pretend like it had never happened, but really she suspected he was already looking for an excuse to cut her loose and with it, any future she might have had at the company.
“Nothing interesting,” she lied. “Just up late studying.”
“Well don’t forget to give yourself some time off every now and then!” Maddie said, half scolding, half teasing. “I’m taking you out for drinks later this week, alright?”
“That sounds fun,” Sophie said, not wanting to say that she probably wouldn’t be working with Maddie anymore by the end of the week.
“Do me a favour?” Maddie said, passing her a file over the desk. “Take these to Accounting would you? Oh,” she added as Sophie took the files and began to head for the offices. “Mr Adams wants to see you this morning as well. Something about a weekly review.”
Sophie’s stomach dropped, her knuckles turning white as she actually tightened her grip on her handbag. She forced a smile onto her face and nodded, not trusting herself not to burst into tears if she spoke, before anxious into the office. She dumped the file that Maddie had given her with George in the Accounts department before retreating to the relative safety of her desk. She leant on the back of her chair, taking several deep breaths as she fight to control her nerves. The office was mercifully quiet and most of the small team of paralegals that she shared the main floor with weren’t in yet whilst those that were already too engrossed in their work to notice her unease.
Her computer screen lit up, a pop up in the bottom right screen notifying her of a new email. It was from Mr Adams. The subject line read simply: Tick-tock, Miss Jones.
She swallowed. Standing up straight and smoothing down the front of her expensive grey dress. Time to face the music.
She walked out of the main office, crossing the atrium with it’s stylish waiting areas and soothing water features. Adams’ office was on the far corner of the building, boasting stunning views of Central Park and the city’s incredible skyline. The glass walls were frosted asshe approached and the door was shut. She took a moment to compose herself before raising her fist to knock once on the glass.
Adams opened the door almost immediately, his emerald eyes unreadable as he studied her expression. “Good morning, Miss Jones,” he said calmly. “Please, take a seat.”
Sophie stepped past his broad frame, catching a hint of his woody cologne as she did so. Her eyes darted to his desk, the memory of the woman bound to the legs by her ankles and wrists as Adams whipped her still fresh in her mind as he closed the door behind her. She took a seat on the leather sofa opposite the desk, looking straight ahead as Adams leaned back in the armchair beside her.
“Miss Jones…” he began.
“Please don’t fire me, Sir!” she blurted out, unable to stop herself. “I swear I wont tell Anybody what I saw! This internship means everything to me and I don’t want to lose it over something like this!”
For a moment she thought he was going to tell her toget her things and get out of the office then and there but then his lip twitched ever so slightly and she saw his shoulders relax. “I am not going to fire you, Miss Jones,” he said calmly. “You are a very capable young woman and you have already begun to earn your place here.
Relief flooded Sophie’s body as his words sank in. Her fears melted away and if she had been standing she thought she might have collapsed. “Thank you, SIr,” she managed to say.
“I called you in because I wanted to apologise to you,” he said. “Alexandria enjoys an element of risk when we are together and I did not realize that she had left the door unlocked when she arrived. Needless to say I expressed my displeasure with her actions…”
Sophie shifted, playing with the hem of her dress as she always did in uncomfortable or embarrassing situations. “I shouldn’t have walked in without permission, Sir,” she said. “I just assumed you had left for the day.”
He nodded, waving a hand dismissively. “A fair assumption,” he said, sitting back in his chair. “I will make sure that she does not repeat this stunt next time.”
So there was going to be a next time? She blinked at his frank response, unsure what he was expecting of her now.
“You must have questions,” he said calmly. “Ask me anything and I will tell you the truth.”
She licked her lips, struggling to meet his gaze. She thought of Alexandria bound to the desk and the float that Adams had held in his hand. BDSM wasn’t something that she was particularly familiar with but the memory of the scene had stuck with her as clear as day.
“Is Alexandria your wife?” she asked.
He laughed and shook his head. “God, no,” he said. “We can barely stand each other most of the time!”
She frowned. “I don’t understand…”
“She’s a friend,” he said. “Nothing more. We both enjoy similar tastes and find each others’ company to be a suitable outlet.”
“So your friends with benefits?” Sophie said, speechking the words without thinking and almost immediately regretting them.
He laughed. “In a manner of speaking. We have an agreement between us.”
Sophie nodded, though the transactional way in which he spoke about the relationship left an odd feeling in her stomach.
“I don’t expect you to fully understand,” he said. “It is certainly not a traditional relationship.”
“Is she your sub?” Sophie asked.
He raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by her use of the term. “No. She occasionally enjoys being dominated as you saw, but she is primarily a dominatrix herself.” He steepled his fingers as he looked at her and cocked his head. “I must admit, I did not expect you to know these terms.”
Sophie shrugged, feeling her cheeks flush slightly. “There’s a girl in our dorm who’s into this kind of stuff,” she said. “I’ve never tried it myself…”
He nodded, his eyes twinkling as she caught herself before saying more. “I see,” he said. “Well, I hope that we havecleared the air between us. If you have any other questions then feel free to come to me. In the meantime, congratulations on your first week and keep up the good work, Miss Jones.”
Sophie smiled, recognizing the cue to leave. She stood and shook Mr Adams’ hand, thanking him as he opened the door for her. She walked back to her desk in a substantially better mood than when she had left it and settled down into her chair and got back to work.
The week passed uneventfully, with Sophie splitting most of her time between the office, her classes and whatever extra bar shifts she could pick up to cover the enormous dent that had been left in her savings by her new work wardrobe. As such she had very little free time but whenever she had a moment to herself she found her mind drifting to the conversation she had had with Mr Adams Earlier in the week. She still didn’t fully understand his relationship with Alexandria but she was curious to know more about how it worked. She tried to Google some information but between the seemingly endless stream of porn and dodgy looking websites that came up, she found it all too overwhelming. She considered asking Katy if she had any experience but knew that would lead to some awkward questioning so in the end decided she would see if she could speak to Natalie, the girl in their dorm who she knew had some experience of BDSM.
It was late on Thursday night and she had just got in from the night out that Maddie had promised her. She wasn’t exactly drunk but was definitely lightheaded as she stumbled down the hallway to her door when she saw a light coming from Natalie’s room. She paused before finding herself knocking on the door.
“Sophie?” Natalie said with a frown as she pulled open the door.
“Hi, Natalie,” she said with a wide smile. “Can we talk?”
“Er… Sure,” Natalie said, pulling open the door. “Come in.”
Natalie’s parents were rich but she was the kind of girl who didn’t go around shoutingAbout it. She had one of the single dorms with its own bathroom and enough space to comfortably fit a desk, wardrobe and bed whilst still having floorspace. Natalie herself was tall with short black hair and wide eyes. She was dressed in ripped jeans and a low cut black top and was obviously halfway through putting on her make-up.
“Are you going out?” Sophie asked as she took a seat on the end of her bed.
“Dan’s got a gig downtown,” she said, referring to her boyfriend who played drums in a rock band. “Jen and I are going to watch them play.”
“That sounds like fun!” Sophie said. She’d heard Dan’s band play at a couple of student parties before and they had always been really good.
“So what did you want to talk about?”
So what did you want to talk about?”
Sophie twisted the hem of the little black dress she was wearing around her index finger. “I was wondering if you could give me some advice? I’ve… Met someone, and they’re in to bondage and stuff and I’ve never done anything like that.”
Natalie turned to her whilst applying a layer of smoke black lipstick. “Yeah?” she said. “That’s awesome, Sophie. What do you want to know?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know, that’s the problem. We haven’t done anything yet but…” But what? What was she hoping to get out of this conversation. It wasn’t as though she and Mr Adams were about to start dating.
“There’s nothing wrong with being curious,” Natalie said gently. “My advice, whatever you do, would be to start small. Everyone has a limit and whilst its good to find it, there’s no sense rushing to work out what it is.”
“I guess that makes sense,” Sophie said. “But how do you start. I mean… We aren’t together, this guy and I.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t experiment,” Natalie said, dropping her lipstick in her purse and checking her phone. “Shit… I’ve got to go,” she said as she saw the time. “Look, there’s a box under my bed. Have a look through it if you want and if you’re still curious later we can talk some more.”
Sophie nodded. “Ok… Thanks, Nat.”
Natalie smiled as she stood up and left the room. Sophie waited until her footsteps had faded before dropping onto the floor and reaching under the bed. She found the box and pulled it carefully into the light, opening the lid to reveal two sets of black leather handcuffs, a blindfold, a ball gag a vibrator and a butt plug. She felt her cheeses grow warm as she looked at the toys, despite being alone in the dorm and for a moment her embarrassment threatened to overwhelm her curiosity but she pushed through it gingerly picked up a set of handscuffs. The leather was soft against her fingers as she turned them over in her hands, testing the strength of the gold coloured clasps that secured the two cuffs together. She bit her lip before deciding to throw caution to the wind and slipped a cuff Around her wrist. The feel of the cuffs around her wrists and the pressure they ran as she slid the buckle one hole tighter was surprisinglyenjoyable and after a while of getting used to the sensing she began to awkwardly fasten her other wrist within the other cuff. She held her cuffed wrists up in front of her face, trying to pull her hands apart and finding her inability to do so strangely intotoxicating. She tried to imagine what it would be like to be tied to something and her mind immediately jumped to the thought of Alexandria tied to Mr Adams’ desk and she felt a quiver of excitement in her pussy.
She shifted her legs out from beneath her, sliding the box of toys aside as she leant back against Natalie’s bed and slowly slide her dress up over her hips. Her fingers moved to her panties, her excitement already obvious through the pair of red lace panties that she wore. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, listening to the soft rattle of the cuffs as she slide her fingers under her panties and began to slowly rub her clip. She was wet already and it didn’t take her long to bring herself close to an orgasm. Her brEathing was coming fast and heavy and as much as she wanted to cover her mouth with her hands the cuffs prevented her from doing so and keeping the pleasure going. She heard someone outside and bit down on her cheek as she continued to circle her clip until she made herself cum. The orgasm shook her body. She tossed her head as she strained against the cuffs, the feel of the leather biting into her skin only adding to the incredible sensing. She fell back against Natalie’s bed, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath. That had been incredible. She looked at her cuffed wrists, marvelling at how something so simple could make such a difference.
More movement outside of Natalie’s room drew her attention and she thought she heard Katy’s voice. She hurried to release herself from the cuffs, stashing them back in Natalie’s box of toys and sliding it under the bed before getting slowly to her feet, her legs a little wobbly from the drink and the orgasm she had just had.She washed her hands in Natalies bathroom before slipping quietly out of her room and back to her door, her mind racing with fresh questions and one or two ideas of where to go next with her explorations.
“Did you hear me, Sophie?”
She looked up to see Maddie standing over her. The receptionist had pulled her blonde hair back into a tight bun that showed off the sharp contours of her Cheeks and long lines of her neck. She really was one of the most beautiful women Sophie had ever seen.
“Sorry,” she replied. “Was miles away.”
“Well best get your head in the game! Mr Adams has a meeting this afternoon and he has said that you can sit in and observe.”
“Really?” she replied excited. “That’s amazing!”
“Yes,” Maddie replied. “Just pay attention and try not to say anything. If you’re up for it later a couple of us are going to Fosters for some drinks after work.”
She pursued her lips. “I’d love to, but I really need to get some studying doneand we did go out last night…”
“Suit yourself,” Maddie said with a shrug, though she looked a little disappointed. “Maybe next week?”
“Absolutely,” Sophie promised, feeling a little guilty at rejecting her. She had the weird impression that Maddie didn’t have many friends which seemed highly unlikely given how amazing she was.
She sped through her work for the day which mostly involved filing old cases and running documents to and from the firm’s associates, excited about the prospect of sitting in on a meeting with Mr Adams. She hadn’t seen much of him that week as he had been away dealing with another large case and was excited to spend some time with him. He really was the best lawyer in the city and she had meant every word of her interview when she had said she wanted to learn from him. At two o’clock he came to get her, taking her to one of the conference rooms in the middle of the atrium where he gave her a brief overview of the case. It was a simple mergerBetween two companies, a relatively small case compared to the firm’s usual deals but Mr Adams explained that the small cases could be just as important as the larger ones. A lot of what he said went over Sophie’s head but she did her best to keep up and ask questions when appropriate and he seemed pleased with her progress. When the clients arrived she took a seat in the corner of the room and watched as Mr Adams smoothly controlled the conversation. By the end of the meeting both parties seemed happy, though Sophie could tell that Mr Adams’ client had definitely come out on top.
“That’s the key,” he explained as they walked back to his office. “Anyone can win a case, but making the losses feel like they’ve won as well is where the real skill is.”
“That was impressive,” she agreed. “Thank you. I really appreciate you allowing me to sit in on that.”
He smiled as he held open the door to his office and indicated for her to take a seat at his desk. “Drink?” he asked.
“Er, no thank you, Sir,” she said, hesitating as she glanced at the desk where Alexandria had been tied up.
“Oh come on, Miss Jones,” he chided. “The interview is over and it’s four o’clock on a Friday! Have a drink with me.”
She smiled as she sat down. “Ok, you’ve convinced me!” she said.
He poured her a finger of coppery-brown liquid and handed the glass to her. “To victory,” he said, tapping his glass against hers.
She sipped the brandy, winning slightly as it burnt the back of her throat and thanking her good luck that his back had been turned. The second sip was much smoother, as was the third one after that.
“We record all our meetings,” he said calmly. “On Monday I want you to type up a copy of the transcript and give it to one of the paralegals. They will show you how to amend the relevant contracts and then you can bring them back to me to approve.”
“Yes, sir,” she said with a nod.
He took a swig of his drink before leaning back inhis chair. “So, Miss Jones. Do you have any plans this weekend?”
Her heart fluttered like a schoolgirl. “Just studying,” she replied. “And please, Sir. Call me Sophie.”
He smiled and nodded. “The work pays off,” he said. “Trust me.”
“What about you, Sir?” she asked.
He shrugged. “I’m supposed to be playing golf with the mayor on Sunday but he’s so fucking dull I’m already thinking of excuses to cancel.”
“What about seeing Alexandria?”
The words came out before she could stop them. Maybe it was the brandy or maybe it was because she couldn’t stop staring at the desk but as soon as she had said it she regretted it.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean…”
He held up his hand and shook his head. “She is out of town on one of her retreats,” he said calmly. “No doubt she’s making some poor bastard worship at her feet as we speak…”
Sophie licked her lips, taking another sip of brandy as she watched him closely. “Do you… I mean do you like to be…”
“I am a dominant,” he said bluntly.
“Oh,” she replied, running her hand over the hem of her skirt. “I thought you would be… Er, not that I… Fuck…”
His smile widened as she stumbled over herself but he did not press her any further. “Another drink?” he suggested.
She nodded, the brandy tasting a lot smoother than it had at first. She handed him her glass and as he went to pour them their drinks she got up and strolled over to the window. “This must be one of the best views in the city,” she said.
“It’s something alright.”
She looked round and saw him watching her, his emerald eyes sliding down her back to her hips and long legs. She blushed, her cheeses already pink from the warmth of the brandy. Was it her imagination or had he just been checking her ass out?
She accepted her drink with a thank you and sipped it slowly as he came and stood over her shoulder. Their reflection was just visible in the glass, him towering overher, his strong arms looking like they could scoop her up and throw her over his shoulder.
“Do you not have a girlfriend?” she asked innocently.
He shook his head. “I enjoy a certain lifestyle,” he said. “Things like girlfriends and marriage don’t really fit in with that.”
“Don’t you get lonely though?”
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