I think I mentioned that I have a friend who is into the BDSM scene and that’s how I know about ticle parties. Don’t understand the attention, but hey, to each his or her own kink!
Tickle on!
It was a stupid bet in the first place. Easy to say now, but at the time I didn’t think Leesa had a chance. I know now that it was a setup. We were hanging out at McCain’s with a bunch of folks I played softball with, and she was there with her latest girlfriend who played for the Ball Breakers, the team we had just beat. My team was the Riverdawgs, and we were consistently near the top of the rankings. Leesa’s girlfriend Heather actually was the pitcher for the BallBreakers and they had won the league championship last year.
I’m Dennis, your typical red blooded American male that likes to play sports, drink beer and chase women. Not that I’m great at the sports or chasing women, but I have had my successes. I play 3rd base for the for the Dawgsand sometimes shortstop.
Anyway, we were celebrating and talking smack, as ball players do when I got into a game of darts with Leesa. She and I go way back, like to our high school days, when I had the hots for her, and she consistently turned me down when I would ask her out. I couldn’t understand why, because in school we were really friendly, and everyone sort of thought we should be a couple.
Then one day she sat me down and explained that she just wasn’t attracted to me, or any guys for that matter. I still didn’t get it and said, “Well, maybe when you go off to college, you’ll find some guy you’re interested in.”
Leesa took a deep breath and said, “No, it’s not that, I’m gay.” And looked at me with appreciation. This was back when being gay was NOT cool. We had always been friends, so I’m sure she feared how I would react.
“Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say. “So, it’s not me. Or it is, but not me personally.”
She nodded. “Actually, I would like tohang out with you and do things with you, because I like you, just not as your girlfriend.”
“Okay.” Somehow, I just didn’t care that Leesa was gay, and I wasn’t going to care what people thought; we were friends and that’s how friends should be.
But back to McCain’s. Heather came over to watch as I crushed Leesa at darts. I asked her if she throw darts. “Not very often, and not very well.”
We played a game, and I beat her handily. “Looks like you owe me a beer!”
That’s when Leesa said, “why don’t you play double or nothing, but you have to play left-handed to even things out.”
I thought I could still kick ass, so I said, “sure. Are we playing for another round?”
Leesa looked at me for a second and said, “I’ll tell you what, you win, I’ll give you a hand job.”
Whoa! Maybe it was the beer, but I thought, hmmmm. “Make it a Blow Job and you have a bet!”
Then she said, “But if Heather wins, you must come with me to the ticket party. And you must wear a cock cage!”
An aside here. Leesa was into milk BDSM and had told me about this ticle party she would go to every month. The main attention was people would strip and lay down on a bed or cot and get ticckled for the intense sensings. I guess some people got off on that, but I couldn’t see what the attention was. There was a dungeon where you could go ‘play’ with someone and get your kink on, and Sometimes people would go to one of the bedrooms to do whatever. She had told me about it and even asked me to go, but I just wasn’t interested.
Again, it must have been the beer because I agreed. And then Heather stepped up to throw and throw left-handed.
“Hey, you don’t have to throw lefty, that was just me so it would be fairer for you.”
“Oh sweety, that’s okay, because not only am I Bi, but I’m also ambi-dextrous!”
You can see where this is going. Yes, Heather kicked my butt, turn out she’s naturally left-handed, but was pitching softball right-handed. I never knew…
So, there we were Saturday, a few weeks later and Leesa, Heather and I were going to the ticket party. She had bought a cock cage and handed me the brown paper bag.
I looked in and was surprised at how small it looked.
“Don’t worry, it will fit. I’ll even cut you some slack, you can put it on when we get there, even though I should make you put it on now.”
“Gee, don’t do me any favors.”
We walked in the door and the party was already hoping. There was at least a dozen or more people there, and from the sounds of splashing in the pool out back, another dozen.
What caught my attention, however, was the cot in the middle of the living room. Already some brunette chick was lying there, her wrists and ankles bound, as this middle-aged guy was gently running his fingers over her body and an older woman was tickling her ribs. Another woman was tickling her with a feather on her feet. The brunette was filthing and twitching, but did not seems like it was unpleasant.
A woman came up to us and greeted Leesa. “Hey, glad you could make it. Who’s the cutey you brought?”
“Dennis, this is Pam, she’s our hostess with the moistest! HA, ha.”
“Hi Pam.”
“Well, welcome, have fun and enjoy.” Pam walked off to greet someone else just coming in.
Leesa saw me watching the tickling and pointed down the hall. “There’s a bathroom, go there and get caged, now!”
Shit, now my cock was betraying me and starting to get hard, how the hell am I going to get this on? I fumbled around with the parts of the cock cage and finally got it in place. I put the little brass lock on and clicked it shut. Walking back out to Leesa, she held out her hand.
“Key!” She snickered and said, “There, that’s Not so bad, is it?”
I handed her the key, and she dropped it in her pursuit.
I just turned and looked at what was going on with the rest of the party. Truthfully, other than the tickling scene in the livingroom, it was pretty much like any other party I’d ever been to. Eating, drinking, conversation, and it looked like everyone was having fun in the pool.
I started to relax and mingle. Wandering downstairs was the family room and a couple of people were snuggled up getting a little amorous, but nothing you wouldn’t see on a park benchmark.
One couple stopped making out and the guy said, “Hi, I’m Travis, this your first party?”
“Yeah, I, um, I’m here with Leesa, she’s an old friend.”
“Well, this is Tanja.”
“And if you want to play in the dungeon, it’s just down that hallway there, but I think Britany’s there now with her sub. You’ll have to see if the door is closed.”
“Um, okay, thanks, nice to meet you.”
I walked down the hallway and saw the door was closed and then I heard what sounded like a loud crack, followed by a grunt. And another, and another… What the hell?
Well, Leesa did say there were some folks into pain.
I wentback upstairs and found Leesa. She was talking with Heather who had just arrived.
“Well, look who’s here, got your cage on?” said Heather as she reached down and patted my crotch.
I flinched and sort of bent over a little.
“Oooo, I’ll bet you can’t wait to get that off.
“Okay, I came to the party, when can we leave?”
Leesa chuckled, “Oh honey, the night is young and there is so much fun to be had!”
We walked around and mingled, talking to some folks here and I realized that everyone was pretty normal looking. I mean sure, there were some folks with gauged ears and streaks of color in their hair, but nothing more than what you’d see in any suburban neighborhood.
I relaxed, and started having a good time, and then I heard a communication in the living room, and someone yelled, “Tish is here!”
Evidently Tish was the life of the party or something like that. I didn’t seeWhat the big deal was. She was the epitome of average; five foot four, dirty brown hair in a loose ponytail, light brown eyes. Not skinny, not overweight, just nicely curved. She was wearing a blouse that could have been work approved, jeans that fit nicely, and 3-inch black heels. Okay, now that’s sexy. I’ve always been a sucker for heels.
That’s when this woman came up to Leesa and hugged her. “You came, and…” she bent her head down and looked over her glasses at Leesa with the unspoken question mark look and glanced at me.
“Yes.” Said Leesa. “Here, let me introduce you. Dennis, this is Tish, one of my dearest friends in the ‘scene’. Tish, Dennis.”
“Well, Leesa wasn’t kidding when she said you’d be here. I had my doubts. These parties aren’t everyone’s cup of… ‘tea’.”
We mingled for a few more minutes, and then Leesa came up and said, “You’re next on the cot. Strip down now!”
“Uh, I don’t think I want to. Can we just watch?”
Leesa glared at me.What was this? She’s pissed at me now?
“Look, you won the bet, I’m wearing the stupid cock cage. There was nothing that said I had to be on display for everyone.”
Leesa took me by the arm and said, “Come with me.” She pulled me around the corner away from the crowded living room.
“Okay, I’ll admit I sort of set you up with the bet, but I also remember one night when you got, let’s say, a little drink and talkative and spilled some of your inner desires.”
I thought back to several months earlier and knew exactly what she was referring to. I had wondered what it was like for a woman to be gang-banged, and what would women do to a guy if he was the bangee.
“Yeah, that night, that convo.” She looked at me and smiled.
“I had to find some way to get you to come to one of these parties and if you just follow my lead, I think you’ll be glad.”
“Okay, I’m curious. Now what? NO, I’m not saying I’ll go along with anything, but what are you propositing?”
“Well, yes, you’re going to strip and get on that cot and a few women are going to ticket and tease you. After that, well, it will be up to them. But I suspect that will just be the beginning.”
I stood there, glaring at Leesa, she who had played me, and then, resignedly took off my shirt and dropped it to the floor.
She grinned in satisfaction at my capture as I unbuckled my belt and took off my pants and everything else.
I laid down on the cot and two women started tying my hands feet to the cot as a third woman beginning running her fingers up and down my legs.
I looked up at the woman above me. She was about my age (33) and had short wavy, light blond hair. She could have been any Mom next door, she was that average and normal looking.
Smiling down at me she said, “there, now you’re restrained. Are you comfortable? Not too tight, are they?”.
‘”Uh, yea. I’m fine.”
I realized while I was securely fastened to the cot, I couldmove around a bit. That became apparent the first time I was ticked under the small of my back. I jerked and thrashed a bit as that is a sensitive spot for me.
There were several people in the room, and I felt self-conscious lying there, naked, other than the cage, and then the ticking got a little more involved. There were three women touching, rubbing, tickling all over my body. One would ticke my feet, someone else would be caresing my neck and shoulders, a third was plucking at my nipples. If felt good, it hurt, it was sensuous. I was writing and twitching as the sensings built, and eventually I forgot about the crowd in the room. At one point I opened my eyes and realized they weren’t paying a lot of attention to what was being done to me.
After maybe 10 minutes, the women slowly stopped and the Mom look alike untied me.
As she did, she leaned down and whispered in my ear. “I think now you’re supposed to go upstairs to the bedroom on the right. Understand?”
“Um, okay…”
“I’ll let that slide this time, but in the future, when a woman tells you to do something, the proper response is ‘Yes Ma’am’.”
“Uh, yes ma’am.”
What the fuck?!
I looked around for my clothes and saw Leesa standing in the corner, holding my clothes with a shit-eating grin on her face.
I started towards her, and she held out her hand in the STOP position.
“Don’t even. Just do what she told you to do.”
I told and started for the stairs. At the top I turned right and walked into the bedroom. There sitting on the bed was Tish.
“Ah, there’s our boy, I mean toy. Come in and close the door behind you.”
I walked in and looked around.
“Leesa has been telling me all about you for months and I see she didn’t exaggerate. You are a fine specimen of the male perception. If I played that way, I think you’d be fun to keep around.”
“Now what I want you to do is to come over here and knee on the floor in front ofme. Back nice and straight, hands at your side.”
Okay, I’ll play along with this, and I knelt.
“Are you forgetting something? Where are your manners?”
Oh. “Yes Ma’am.”
“There, that’s better.”
Tish stared at me for a moment, quietly appraising me and I felt like I was being graduated on my appearance. I guess this is how women feel when guys check them out.
“Put your hands behind your back and leave them there.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” I compiled
Tish took her foot and reached out and gently lifted my cock cage with her shoes and its contents as if to inspect them. I could feel my dick begin to get hard and of course nothing was going to happen as it was restrained by that damned cage.
“I have had a shitty week, and my girlfriend is on the rag this week. So, here’s what’s going to happen. YOU are going to be my bitch for the next hour and I’m going to play with you. And if, IF you do a good job, you just might enjoy yourself. Capisce?”
Tish stand up and took off her blouse, then her bra and stepped out of her shoes. Unbuttoning her jeans she looked at me with a look that was almost a sneer.
Completely naked she slipped her shoes back on and stood in front of me. I could smell her womanly scent as she pulled my face to her chest and told me to suck her nipples.
Her breasts were just like her, average sized. Maybe B cup, but just barely. Firm though, and her nipples were hard and proud. I started licking her and interspersed that with small nibbles by closing my lips around her nubs. No teeth.
I heard a quick intake of breath and figured I must be doing something right. That’s when Tish pulled away and sat down on the bed.
Spreading her legs, she looked at me and nodded. I may be dense when it come to women, but it was obvious she wanted some oral action ‘down there’.
I wobbled a bit as I moved forward on my knees, my hands still behind my back.
Why is this such a turn-on, I thought, and why am I OK with being so submissive?
Oh yeah, because I was always curious, and damn, this woman is incredibly sexy even though there’s nothing about her that is overtly SEXY.
I leaned forward and nuzzled her thigh, first one, then the other and brushed my lips across her lips, no tongue yet. Her legs were spread wide open, and her wetness was obviously as was a milk muscle. I hesitantly licked her, then again, a little more aggressively. Her clip was proud, and I flicked my tongue over it, and she gave a little flinch, so I must have done well.
This went on for several minutes, and at one point I glanced up to see her hands playing with her nipples. She never said a word, but I did hear a few soft moans and whimpers.
Finally, I feel her shiver and convulse, but only for a few seconds, at which point she told me to sit up and resume kneeing.
“That was very good, you are showing promise, for a guy.”
She stood up and stretched. She walked over to the corner and rummaged about in a bag. What she came up with was a very realistic looking dildo.
“What you did was a nice warm-up, but I need to feel something a little better than that, I just don’t want to have some guy on top of me. Stay there on your knees like a good little boy.”
She got back on the bed and began playing with her pussy, rubbing the dildo up and down. I could see she was getting even wetter and then she slowly inserted the dildo. Working it in and out, a little further each time, her breath started getting a little faster paced and she began twitching her legs.
Finally, she obviously came. Hard. As she did, she stuffed her hand almost into her mouth to stifle the scream she was trying to let out.
I knelt there mesmerized by this woman, who I thought was Actually pretty good looking, getting off like no woman I had ever pleasured. That was a really humbling thought.
She laid there for a moment after she composed heself, then she sat up and looked at me.
The dildo was shiny with her pussy juice, and she held it between her legs like it was a cock.
“Suck my cock.”
I hesitated just barely, but it was enough.
“I said, ‘suck my cock’!” She didn’t raise her voice, but the tone made it clear. Don’t fucking screw with me!
I opened my mouth and leaned forward as she shoved the dildo in my mouth. I was almost gagging on it and started slobbering as she worked it in and out of my mouth.
After a few minutes she stopped and handed me a small washcloth to wipe the drool and spottle off my face.
“There, that wasn’t so bad now, was it? See what most women must go through if they want to have a second date? Now, get up on the bed and lie down on your back.”
I laid down on the bed and she positioned my hands by my side and then she straddled me, scooting up towards my head.
“Now that I’m somewhat satisfied, you can find out how I taste after I’ve cum.” And with that she lowered her pussy to my face, and I started licking her. I didn’t have much choice in the matter as she ground her groin into my face and all but smoothed me.
Several minutes went by and my tongue was starting to cramp, I mean, your tongue muscle isn’t designed for this kind of a workout!
She rolled off from me and propped herself beside me on one elbow. Grazing her fingers over my own nipples she compiled me on my oral abilities.
“Not bad. You have a great future as a Trans woman, should you be so inclined! I think I’ll keep you as a boy-toy, however. Now I want you to scoot down to the edge of the bed, lying on your back with your legs bent so your feet are pulled back.”
As I compiled, she walked over to her bag and pulled out what looked like some cuffs. She came back to me and fastened one cuff on my left wrist and the other to my left ankle, separated by about 6 inches of small chain, then did the same to my right wrist and ankle. Now I waspretty much stuck there and couldn’t have gotten off the bed if I tried.
Standing back, she admired her handiwork. “My, you look so helpless. What could I possibly do to you now?” She chuckled. “Oh, I almost forgot.” She reached down to the floor and picked up her thong, balled it up and stuffed it in my mouth before I could react.
I was extremely turned on, and yet also a bit fearful. This had all been fun and playful, but I felt vulnerable and knew I couldn’t really escape what was coming next. Nor could I call for help.
I was hoping, maybe I’d get a prostate massage out of this; I knew some women liked to tease guys like this. I had even given myself an enema that morning as I had been somewhat constituted after eating too much red meat that week.
That was Not on the agenda however, as I found out when she turned around holding the dildo I had to suck on.
I squirmed a little and I’m sure I looked a little scared. This was NOT what I had in mind when I came to the party.
“Oh, don’t be such a sissy boy, I’ll use plenty of lube. You won’t even feel it slide in!”
She drizzled a bit of KY on my bare ass, and I feel the coolness of the gel. She took the dildo and started rubbing the tip of it around my rim. Squirting some more gel on the dildo and my asshole, she slowly started poking the head into my ass. I flinched a little at the first bit of entry and she pulled it back, but then pushed it in again, this time a little further.
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